viile spent the weekend "with *er sister Mrs. Carrie Jacobs. ttoe 'j\ nope Organized Here The Ηυο 'Ν Hope Garder Club was organized March 2! at the home of Mrs. Keitl Prince. Mrs. Gene Burroughs wai named president, Mrs. V. R Burroughs, Jr., vice president Mrs. Harold Hux, secretary and Mrs. Jack Cox, treasurer. Others on the roster presen for the organizational meetinj were Mrs. Eldred Dudney, Mrs Bryan Lancaster, and Mrs. R C. Dew. Mrs. W. A. Williams, presi dent of the Tabor City Gardei 'JItib, Mrs. J. P. Belk and Mrs Eugene Grainger were also ir attendance to assist with tin organization. The Easter motif was observ ed in the decorations and re freshments. Bethel B\—Mrs. Lloyd Ilinson The \V. S. C. S. of Bethel Methodist Church will sponsor a "Benefit" Chicken Suppjt Friday April 7th. at the Fel lowship Hall of the church Serving will begin at 6:00 P. M. The public is invited. David and Milton Ward ent ertained the local Μ. Y. F. group Friday night with a sm lal at their home. IV'yra Due Hinson returned to her home irom James Walk er Memorial Hospital Thurs day. Mrs. Lucy Long returned home Fiiday and Mrs. S. P. Gore letunivil home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Jor dan. Mr. and Mis. Thomas Jordan, Pauline and Carlton Jcrdan. and Mr. and Mrs. Lay ton Ross and Sandra Ross of Burlington were weekend guests of Mi. and Mrs. Willie And«.·«· η and Mr. anil Mrs I >y<" 1 i hi n. M.. and Mrs. 15. F. Veronec 1 i'.arnard and Sht-ryl Verone« i>;' Richmond. Va . Mr. am Mrs. Wayl.tnd Currie <·!' Leo· ••non Community. Thoma. Ward ol Fort Brag.:, and Char· lcs Ward < f Fort Jackson, S C. weie weekend visitors o Mr. ;ui ι Mrs. N< rman Ward. Miss Diana CVx was a week I cpd gifst «if Mr. an I Mr: Wadt. Fairfax of Tai.or City. ι Mr. and Mrs. Jack St and Craig of Lexington ana Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stephens and sun of Chadbourn visited Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Gore dur i ing the Easter Weekend. Rev. and Mrs. Foster Reyn i olds of Suinnierton, S. C. and Mrs. Mattie Gore. Mrs. Abe . Say re. and Miss Neldia Gore of . Whitevillo were weekend visit ; ors of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Garland An derson of Whitevillo were vis t iting here Easter Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. "Bobby" Fowi . er of Montgomery, Alabama . were recent guests of relatives here. Mrs. Fowler is the form ■ er Bea Canady of this com i munity. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Hein i mingway of Durham were Sun ! Jay guests of Mr. and Mrs. : Dalton Ward. Robert Hardie of State Col lege spent the Easter Holiday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hardie. Ray Duncan of E. C. C. Greenville was a weekend 1 guest of his parents Mr. and 1 Mrs. Bonnie Duncan. I Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harris of Whitevillo, Mr. and Mis. Victor Fraley of Florence, and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Williamson , ι f Lebanon were visiting Mr. I and M\s. Sam Gore during tlvj Holidays. » Mr. and Mrs. Dohnas Din ; son <>f Whitevillo and Mr. audi Mrs. Dan Unison of Route 3.' Tabor City were luncheon and I dinner guests or Mr. and Mrs.I j.I. D. Hinsoii Easter Simdav. ι Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams! it' Guideway, Mr. and Mix.! Dohnas H nsun of Whitevillo.' Mrs. Mali olm Stephens of Clarendon and Mr. and Mrs. Shark Butfkir. of Tabor City wore visiting Mr. and Mrs. .John l ong during the Easter Holiday s. Happy Birthday to — Ada Long. Frank Ward, Ruby Ward, ' L lurie Anderson. Anne Gore. I READ SOMEWHERE — ι Thai von should always drive so that your license expires I before you do. That keeping up with the J ones Ys isn't nearly as dang I emus as trying to pass them •Ion a hill. That if vmi will give some ■ women enough rope they will put another clothes line in the ι nathrooni. NANCY FI.I.A DAVIS \ Mr. and Mrs. Eston Davis ■ nnottnee tin birth of ;i daugh ter. Nancy Ella. Sunday, Mar ch 19. weighing eight p..und« irl sewn and one-half ounces Columbus County Hospital Whitevillo. i Mrs. Da , is is the formet Maggie Millisj ·η of Chadbourn Pireway News BY EDWARD GORE Mrs. Dean Long of Pireway was admitted tu James Walker Memorial hospital in Wilming ton Monday lor surgery oi the hip. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Gore made a business trip to Wilm ington Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hobbs and family of Sneed Ferry were Wednesday night guests of her mother Mrs. Johnnie F. Puckett of Pireway. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buck made a business trip to Con way Tuesday morning . Visiting Mrs. Dean Long a patient in James Walker Mem orial hospital in Wilmington Wednesday were Mrs. Guy Bu k of Pireway, and Mrs. Norman Lovett of Cherry Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Benton made a business trip to Cherry , Grove Beach, Friday. Bill Fusion, and Mitchell Fa sion of Raleigh spent the Elast- ' er holidays with Mr. and Mrs.; Wallace F. Cribb and family, j and Mrs. Mandy Rhodes. Mrs. Babson of Freeland was the Friday guest of Mr. and! Mrs. Willie E. Jacobs. Mrs. Harvey Buck is spend ing a few days with her moth- j er Mrs. Dean Long who is ·ι j pmient in James Walker Mem-' ri.>l hospital in Wilmington. λ!ι\ :md Mrs. Willie Fasion ot Raleigh spent the Kastor holidays with Mrs. Mandy Rhodes, and Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace F. Cribb and family. CARD OF THANKS The family of Mrs. R. R Rogers. Sr. wish to express j their appreciation for the kind-j ness and many expressions of j sympathy shown during their bereavement. i FOR SAI.K — 100 Bales Pea vine h iy Good Pea vine hay. See Jimmy Rogers, Green Sea Road. Tabor City. N. C. (Itp> '•OH SALE — Clinton, rom ; c.'oiy K"» · ». ι 'ί!; Π. I*. I·or Sale for only I Si)"».00. See Jimmy Rogers Green Sea Iload. Tabor City N. C. (Up) ATTENTION LOGGERS & rCLPWOGD MEN — For Sale (2) F-200 Poulan Chain Saws. Completely Re built—Priced for quick sale See Jimmy Rogers. Green Sea Road. Tabor City, N. C (ltDI Bib Theatre TABOR CITY Relax In Comfort Thursday — Friday April 6-7 "Seven S?.»nts" with Cheyenne Walker A Real Western Saturday Only April 8 One of the never to be forgotten films. "Johnny Guitar" Plus "Desert Attack" And 3 Cartoons Sunday — Monday April 9-10 ääeO WPNSgl mam ipjgj Tuesday — Wednesday April 11-12 Stewart Grainger In "Secret Partner" Coming Soon "Gone With The Wind" Η NO MATCHES NEEDED! THE 100% AUTOMATIC FLORENCE-MAYO "295" JET OIL CURER Mm WITH EXCLUSIVE F-M AIR CONDITIONING ♦ YOU "f»NT EVEN ENTER THE BARN! Outside thermostat·« control .-'lows automatic bur-»r ad'ustmont. You cure an entrie barn wüh push button #a-.e, ♦ ENTIRE INSTALLATION IS ABOVE GROUNDI Pip« connections are easy to reach lot last, low cost mainte nance Portable heat spreaders put concentrated heat to any •art ot the barn + LONG LIFE! LOW UPKEEP! Eioht ealvantred h?at spreaders last 5 to 10 times longer man black stoveoioe Cut» replacement costs. ♦ ♦♦ECONOMICAL! CURES U FT BARN FOR AS LITTLE AS (!) TO SIS IN NO 1 FUEL OIL (for larser FOR 16' BARN ONLY $295 FOB DEALER b"r'JίiβV·^,",, Look What One User Says — April 4. 15)61 Dear Sirs: I have read in the Tabor City Tribune how much farmers line the >iayo Jet tobacco curers. I would like to say that I have been curing with May» Jet tobacco eurer* two years and I think the Mayo Jet eurer is the most advanced eurer on the market today, ι finti tne Mayo Jet simple, easy and safe to operate. 1 never have to worry about my Mayo Jet curers. Too, I have plentv of heat when I need it and the Mayo Jet is so cheap to operate. , I would recommend them to every one who wants a good tobacco eurer. Y.»uri« trulv, NORMAN LOVRTTE Rt. 2 Tabor City, N. C. Order Yours Today From I w. f. cox CO. I T-U r·:»- IU r New For Spring & Summer ΤΟΝ Τ TODE» buttons WITH sows perrli prettily on Toni Todd'» slimming »heath. Ilaid innrem« at noteworthy nrrktinr and jieg porket* add emfahout glamour loa young half-six« figure. Fa<«y-carp Merryhrook. waffle.textured Arnel* triacetate and cotton. wa»haMe ami wrinkle-shy. I.ilac, green, hliie or dark i beige, i I' i ίο 2\'i. only ihr LOOK ia expenair# »·« jpedek'&toA Whiteville, N. C. fr ye KJ 26 ^ J 'Super-Right" FRESH WHOLE ™ / Π 1 GOVERNMENT INSPECTED % ALLGOOD BRAND SMOKED FLAVORED 0 k SLICED BACON » 39c SUPER RIGHT BRAND SKINLESS 1 Lb. Pkg. 2 Lb. Pkg. Ψ FRANKS 45c gfc — ICE HALF GALLON CARTON CREAM SMALL. MEDIUM Ott LAKGI RUBBER CLOVES gs 69c Joy Liquid ci»z' 37c "(in" 63c Sail fe 2 3c & 53c Tide l'kir. 34C 1'kjr. 81C Blue Cheer i»kit. 34c rüg. 81c Dash pkg. 39c ρ%. 79c Comet 2 cK· 31c 2 & 47c Spic & Span i£i. 29c iL*. 89c NORTHERN BATHROOM TISSUE 4 Bdto 35c SCOTT PAPER • Sc«tt TInm 2 Rolls 25c I S*ft-W«r· 2 Rolls 25c W«Mnt 4 Rolls 35c I Tow·!· 250-ct. Roll 23c J'KirKS IN THIS Al> AUK KFFKOT1VE Til U( >1 "(ι II 1-8. FLORIDA FRESH JUICE FILLED — PINK MEAT GRAPEFRUIT 5^°29< FLORIDA GROWN — JUICY ORANGES'"·" 5-° 39c \v CLEAN FLORIDA RED BLISS POTATOES 4 Γϊ„ΐ' 19c FRESH TENDER ' * POLE BEANS 2 '„t 29c DIXIE GARDEN BRAND FROZEN ,4 GREEKS • TURNIP • Mustard • COLLARD FREE TOOTHBRUSH WITH PURCHASE OF AAP EXCLUSIVE BRAND TOOTH PASTE Denti-Kiss 2' m 49 Green Garden HOSE 60-Pt. CI QO Size 4>l.// ANN PAGF fuRr reach ΡΙΝΕΛΡΡΙ.Ε PRESERVES 2" 49