Uncle EH I learned somethin last week 1 sure was surprised at, and from what 1 could gather it's been a gain' tin for about five years now. The funny part a bout it is I still wuulun t know about it, I don't guess. if ^ hadn't been for old Nancy, our brood sow. Bless her heart, she's brought us 43 pigs in the four litters she's farrowed since we've had her. but blame her time, she still gits out of the pasture ever once in awhile. I'd jest come in the house after runtiin her for about 3it minutes betoie gittin her back in the pen arid t'ixin the fence. 1 was so near give out that I set down to sort of catch my breath. Fannie had the radio on a tistenin while she was don sonic patchin. so while I was blow-in? I turned one of my ears to what was being said over the radio. It weren't but a minute though before 1 had both ears tuned in. Yessir. when I heard this feller Tower a sayin that ι>ι·<> ple weren't eat in as many eggs as they used to. 1 thought eith er he's a lyin or he don't know what he's a talkin about, one or the other. By the time he got done talkin though, he had pretty well made up my mind that what he was say in was the truth. He let go with a whole j string of figures about how | mans eg.*s is belli laki in thej state tach year now and how many are bt-in eat, but I can't remember none of 'em. One of 'ein tuat tuu stick with me though was one he used in tellu» about the «Inference in the number of eggs we're eatin now against what we were eatin 5 years ago. He kept talk in about sonic kind of per p*. r. apital. per captain or some thin like tiiat. Fannie said he was a sayin per capita, which she says is one person, but t don't know whether she knows any nunc about it than 1 do. Anyhow, if that's what it means, then each per capita is ■„•aim three duzen less eggs than he was a calm live yea's ago. That's what surprised n;e so. Why, I bet I'm eatin Hue. dozen more than 1 was fi\< years ago and Fannie, why she eats that many every month in egg-nog al· tu·. 11 "s funny how people's hab its change. Accordiu to Mr. Tower, and he ought to know what he's a talkin about cause he's one of them marketin fel lers with the Agriculture De partment over at Kalcigh. a lot Ί people ain't "eatin no break last a tall now. 'l'hem's bound to be people who work in a office or who don't work, one or the other. By Nod. if they spent most of their days a doin what I do. 1 promise you they'd start the day off with a good breakfast in their stomachs. V.'hv. 1 don't even jo out to feed my stock < f a mornin un til I've had least one egg to1 eat. These people who can drink a cup of coffee, eat a piece i>t toasted light-bread ιηΊ call tii.it breakI ist ought to ο lint- stick their less under .nine and FannieV table one mornin. Ever nine m awhile we'll have some oatmeal or mush, aurt maybe on .1 Sunday imirnin we'll have some pan- . cukes, but regardless of \vl)at f > Ise we have there's always ! >ime eggs on tin table. They may be boiled one mornin, scrambled the next and tried whole the next. but they're Cgs just the same and they're always ate. Just as Mr. Tower finished talkiii and they told us whit •Ii«· w< ather w.is u<>m to do for 'he its! of · r day. I turned ff the ' (ii . !· tjinie asked me what I ι t i tl at l. r and I told •τ I η ,n'. I t.. talk '.<> her ■VP. I I \v ,i- I'-till. Si>. I askod ■er \< hat she thought about »eople ι co 'in e wn on thcr » ■ «»«»tin FaiiHK«' a ri.'ht uut pok.ri .»< 11 .· pei-i-on and she upped t>d VV, II, every >i;< ·, -. 4·it a ri-ih' to thvir own •puii ι· inii -a ■· mv life I e ιη'ι .erstand why ρ -ι ρ .· \v'u> .in have a 'ood biv: k.'ast of ■igs ever mormn don't eat ■:n." Love For Living Bj If land Srgars llting«-rpiili r Thi'i · '< a utii'l in the a:r. '< 'he mi ic of he.ive:,. ( . t yur h" >rt he ir the ang ·.-' igning:" L'tito y< ιι i- born ! is · jy, A Saviour, which ("' risl the L< rd! Thi ii s!: ι ' call his n.ime Itsus. For he .'hall save his people forn th -ir sins." S.Ovation from sins: *Tis heaven's ovui gift of joy aurl j peace. ftitis: our ii'vn selti:>iuiL.s·. envy, greed and striie; I'nbelief that robs us of ail joy and peace within. L'nt.i Cam God said: "If th.>u doest nut well, "Sin civucheth at the door." ι As the prophet reminds: "All we like sheep havu gone ( astiav: We have turned every one! in his own way: And Jehovah hath laid on j him the iniquity of us all." God's Own Therapy of sin is j giving. He gave His Son that, be-1 Ii« ving ι>η Hun. we might be healed . That, having love, we might j give love: And. being forgiven, we j might forgiveness give That, "as far r«s the east is from the west" our Saviour Himsvlf mi^ht trom us re move al! sin. And forever down the a««· »•und Heaven's music of "peace gi >1 w·!! toward men." "Thank» be unto God for hi« unspeakable gilt" II Cor. 9:1ft • Fi r v" are bough with ι · ι·: therefore glorify Go.l i> r ·>>!%. and in your spin» which mi God's " I Or. ti.ZO Cancer Program Thi· Sandy Plain Coin:nun.'> Devel· icnent met TVui'scia; nieht. April 13. in the Com munity Center w:th HaiphNo. , i>. pesi cut. presiding I. •sli»'1 Row. county chairmτ 1 the Cancel Crusade, sh iwef1 • I Im en'i'led "Horizons oi Hope" and explained tt'·· can cel picgram pointing t·· grow th a· : rt seaich. A- chie Mai'.in. from the Co i t·. A »' nfs office, spoke on ! hi.. Cti κ:··.« and listed the Ii "· !· i:i u.ing them. He also rrv Electric Co-Op. (Photo by Twin City Studios, Loris and Tabor City) ΙνΤΑΒ RA# I Ο ALWAYS IN TUNE WITH YOU SAVE REPLANTING! 'INCREASEYIELDS! -··< i W ΓΤΛ KILL WIRKWORMS -» CHLORDANE IN TOBACCO TRANSPLANT WATER! Wireworm larva«» damage tobacco transplants by foodmκ on tho root* and stems. I nl«w wireworms are controllod. it may bo necos sary to replant laigo areas, or settle for greatly reduced yields. It's easy to control wireworms. though. All you have to do is add ( hlordane to your transplant water. N'oextra work is required The cost is just a few cents per acre, and increased \ lelds more than pay for it. All principal tobacco growm* states recoi imend Chlordane ^ for wireworm control. I so it this year to protect ,,,,,,τ crop! '*™ WORK / SAFE I VERSATILE / ECONOMICAL LASTINC RESIDUAL ACTION / NO OFFENSIVE OOOR! Chlordane in transplant *ater Kills w6 C hlur J.mc tobacco Transplant 1'rogr.im— V\ n*nic As Appearing In: Lenoir ( ·> News. Kiiiston. Υ ('„ A or II f; rt on ιαπι liuphii Junes. Kcnansvillc. Ν (· April H ri 211 mm i τι„Γι«™,,,„. % Apiil«. Vä. SSTi'eSi Reflector. Greenville. X. c. April β. 13. 20. 19fü News Argus. Guldiboro, N. C.. April 4. 11 1« ιακι Bladen Journal Kli/nl.ethtown. Ν {·.. April »i "ι ·ιι ι κ ι Herald. Dy.ham. VC. April 7. 14. 21 ί»βΙ ' '' Sampson Independent. Clinton. Ν ς* April 1R i \ 911 ,0,·ι T!m^^dcnvN/ C1 Λ«"·,, 7· H. W.TÄI 13 2°· 1%1 Times Wlleon. Ν ( April β. 13. 20. 19βΐ The Enterprise. VV llliamftton. N. C . April β 13 20 imi Itew· Reporter. Whltevllle. N. C.. April β 13 2~ IS} Southerner, Tarboro. N. C. April 7 14 21 lMl Tribun.,·. Tabor City. N. C.. April 5 12 ' 19 ιηκι Herald. Smitbfield. N. C„ April 4. 11, ]8 1961 Commonwealth Scotland Neck, N. C.. April 7 14 21 I'm! Evening Telegram. Pocky Mount, N. C.. April 3 10 17 mi teÄÄti.wAj "" KSrÄ. 5; Γ, äräfi "· " AUTOMATIC ΙΜ'Γ. WAY ΙΟ»», r Ο < ,υ μ, % ψ \ Μ μ . Sil YOU« LOCAL OAS DEALER COLLIER GAS CO. # Tabor City, N. C. _*-» » r ι ι is More than just a local guarantee . . . Firestone Nation-Wide ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE ■fr Hor.o.-ed by 50.QG0 Firestcne dealers and stcres Firestone's superior oualitv allows us to Rive you a guarantee against tire failure from blowouts, cuts, bruises, or breaks caused by normal road hazaiots encountered in every day driving ... I'Lrs our famous Lifetime Guarantee i&L Ϊ1iL till ilL. ilü uL \12ί AL· ^ iiL." C'i Every neu* F ι rest one tire is GUARANTEED 1. \Minsf dflitis in materials (or th«· lifo <·( ih·· «irtci t.il tr 1 Again»! normal road hn/.irds tV\ repairablt» punclurtsi rnritunipri I m e\ «lav pa^siORi-r rar use (οι flu· miml* month« aprriti«··!. Under these guarantees repaiis mail«» withiKJt ehatfte. replacements prorated on tread *ear an I l»a^ .1 on prices current at time of adjustment 1 •si Ί •a ■ai '.i 'Ά β _ v/EP 33 IT-7 T·' Vg *n" Tr *r.» ττ *nt τη* ττ · ' We carry the complete line of Firestone tires...with a tire for every driver, car and pocketbook Guarantees cover periods of from 12 up to 36 MONTHS an.I [:· τ I 'I arc [:,i 4-plv. S. F Safely-Fortified cord bodies ■"· Full width and depth treads Safety-proved non-skid tread designs ·'·■ Every tire full si/t-d. full quality ratio» ». ^ \ ν s ^ ι Just Look at These Prices 1 ~1 on Champion Tire .1 add only $1 for NYLON with 15-Month ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE add only $3 for wnitewalls NO MONEY DOWN w:th tire off your car 12-Month Road Hazard Guaianic: 1 «CS ar>· v-' ■«j' 7. >0-15 12-Month Road Hazard Gur.ranUs Ε 7.60-15 12-Month Road Hazard Guarantee •ail prices pun M« a*J t. e off jour C«r R£GA R 31CSS of CONDITION > > tu V > ^ ν X \ On The Form & Road Service, Un The Farm Service For Farm Implements Here'» our new portable Air Compressor and tools that make it possible to re· •move tractor and truck tires quickly, efficiently on the spot where the break down-occurs. This above picture shows our workman on the farm of Mr. Leon Fowler. On The load Service For Trucks All our trucks are radio dispatched (or fasler, better service ' on your farm tractors, farm implement!; and iruc'i breakdowns on the highways, ; DICUS FIRESTONE Tabor City, N. C. 11 1 1 I '■ . . -i.1 ...