More Than 10.000 People Read The Tribune Every Week \ THE ONLY PULITZER Ρ R J 2 Ε WINN1 NG WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES > 7< People Shop From The Pages Of Their Hometown Newspaper VOLUME XV. N't'MBKR U "Tabor City — Τ be Town With A City Future99 JTABOE CITY. NORTH CAROLINA \ V h Ι) Ν Κ SDAY Ϋ^ϊίΓΤββΓ Jffike Rider Killed On Loris Highway .. ijny was kill»·«! instant iy by an automobile while rillin« a bicycle on U. S. Highway 701. four miles north of Loris Thursday. Larry Keith Fowler was j Ä>truck by an automobile driven by liuuer Wayne Floyd. 18. of I Ht, 4. Loris, Coroner Littlcjolu: lilunton said You η i· Fowler's 13-year-oUI companion. Joseph Daniel Scott of Tabor City, N. C., who was riding another bicycle. was un injured Floyd s.iid that as he drove 4|tnward Tailor City lie did not see the tu ο boys nil bicycles until he was on top ol them, as neither bike had a light on it. liuth boys were ruling near the center line, he said, and one veered right and the other lift. Floyd struck the Fowler boy's bicycle in the rear. Floyd inj-·' '»d .·( Sl.-'V'J bo ' I« pending a coroner's inquest for; 'vhicli the «lato has not yet been set. Funeral services for young Fowler were hi lil Saturday at. Ά ρ.ιη. from Iii mail Funeral Home in Tabor City by the Hev. Ρ 11 Layficld. Jr., with interment in Forest Lawn Cemetery. lie is survived by his par-: j|ents. Mr. and Mrs. Loman Fowler of Tabor City; two brothers. Horace and Ricky Fowler: three sisters, Jeanie, ι .leanette and Judy Gale Fow ler: and his maternal grand mother Mrs Laura Jordan, all »if Tabor City. Bike Aiders * Safety Course S.ifi· bike-riding is t«» be the siib.joc'l of :i program tu be con-ι 11 by Tabor City Jaycees and the police depart ment. The project will last through a greater part of the summer, according to Chair man F.ldon Dudney and Bryant Baker. Children, up to the ages .if 14. are urged to register for the program. They will not only , leftrn the safe way to operate j a bicycle, but will be given individual registration plates also. i The need for the program was more deeply realized by ; members of «he Junior Cham- ! faer of ('< mmerce when a locd ι youngster was killed while ι riding his bicycle last week. I Youngsters interested in be- < coming safe and skillful bicy- ι clists mnv register for the ι course with Baker at Baker's ι Red f: White, or Dudney at In- I man's Funeral Home. I Harriett Sikes ; »Retarv Speaker , ! ι M's. Harriett Sikes. local i businesswoman and tobacco ι wari'huusewoman, was the speaker at this week's meeting of the Tabor City Rotary Club ι * Mrs. Sikes discussed η part of < her round-the-world trip last; year >nd much interest wasj' shown in her topic by members 1 ^yf the Club . ρ ^ Rotnrians will hold the an- < nual installation of officers andji ladies night the last Monday 1 in June. R. C. Soles. Sr., and 1 W. A. Williams will make ar rangements for the meeting. I 14-YearOld jirl Assaulted £an At Large Λ 14-year-old Beaverdain girl was rapid lato Saturday night hi* early Sunday morning in a home in the Williams Town ship school area, according to tilt.· Sheriff's department. Gasten Cartrette about 3(1. is at la,-«e but will b<· charged 1 with ravinging and carnally a.· s:iultiü,i the j rl, according to Deputy Auty Godwin. The f ι rl reportedly was tak < n to lite Carlrette home late Saturday night by two teenage boys with whom she had been tiiiuiR that evening, the office" reported. Shortly after her ar tival Cartrette took her into aj bed room and forced his atten tions on her. She reported the incident to Sheriff Hen Dula· Sunday. He is married and the father of two children. His family was way whin the a I lodged as ,-ault occurred. One οι the boys who accom panied the piil to ("artr-tt't hi me has been identified as Grady Nea'ev. 19. a W'hiteville fac.ory empl« ye·.·. He resides with the Cart'-'-tte family. i The other young man has ι been identified only by Iho name "Duncan." and lives ·!ι Celnu nt, N. C. I Sapiisf Sei 3ib!e School < I The Va ation Bible School of , the Tabor City Baptist Church will get underway Friday at 3; p. m. announced the Rev. j James H. Johnson, church pastor, and principal of the j school . Everyone will assemble at 3 ι p. m. for Preparation which! will consist of joint worship,: registration, parade and re-: freshments. •Classes will open at 8:30 a. I m Monday on a ten day sche dule for all «roups b-'ginnin»; with the Nursery department through the Intermediates, j Bible study, character study. Tiemory work, worship, sings jaratioii and refreshments will oe on the program. Mrs. C. C. Leßgettc will serve' is assistant "nncipal and gen -1 •••Ι secretary. ^ VH - JAYCEES AND WIVES AT ZANE'S TUESDAY Jaycees Have Installation Banquet Tues. Bill Kugel:·, Tabor City at torney, was installed as presi dent of the Junior Chamber o· Commerce Tuesday night at a banquet held at Zane's restaur ; nt. Crescent Beach. John McNair, a Laurenburg resident and a Jiycee national director, also installed Clitford Gore and Roger Mills as n«v vice-presidents; Harold Ward, treasurer; Horace Cox, secret ry; Eldred Dudney, director; Lynwood Garrel), correspond ing secretary; and Joe Cole man. J-:y Biard. In his address to Tabor City Jaycees and their wives, Mc Nair spoke of the role ol mem bers in their community, stat ing that a club in a small com munity can adapt itself bi tter than in a large community. Too, he said that more services could be offered to the citizen's by Jaycees in a small town like Tabor City. Each new officer was chal lenged by McNair to make the club :i more vigorous, service rendering organi/.at i< >11. McNair cited many of the projects through which memb Li's could help the town, in cluding the bicycle safety pro gram and Junior Golf Tourna ment now being organized for youth activities during the ummer. Teacher Honored By Oak Foresters Li'Roy I.iiwrcnce. Sr. was ecently chosen teacher uf the| .•car by his fellow teachers for, 9A0-61. The criteria for the' ielection of this honor, is on! he basis of initiative, cooper ition, leadership, and honesty.] Lawrence received his form-, il education at Westside High School, Chadbourn, and was J ;raduated as salutatorian of his lass. He was later graduated rum Kayetleville, State Teach-I •rs College, Favetteville. North j Carolina, holding a Bachelor >f S. iencc Degree. He did his iraduate work at North Car:»-, ina College. Durham, receiv-j ng the Master of Education Jegree. During his educational •am·, he has been active in i music, public speaking, and Sunday School work. He serves as counselor for «»vs. and works with the 4-H "lub at Oak Forest School. He < now. one «if the instructors if Grades 5 and β. He is an outstanding memb r of St. Stephens Baptist Church, Chadbourn. During the summer of 1959, le was delegated by the Class r>om Teachers of Columbus 1 bounty Unit of the North Car line Teachers Association, to cpresent them at the National i Education Association in St. ι .ouis, Mo. I Under th· direction of L. R ι .a wrence, his students have been corresponding with the present president of the U. S. and his assistant; coneerninr; their goals in education, und Longratuluting both of them for Iheir go-forward, program in education. Mrs. Dean Long Dies At 92 Mrs. Dean Long. 92. died ;»t tier home on Routt* 3. Tabor City Saturday at 1 p. m. after, jn illness of two months. She was the daughter of the late Nancy Long Storks and Charlie Sti-cks of C· lumbus County. Funeral services Were held Sunday at 4 p. m. in the Pi re way Primitive Baptist Church jy Elder Grady Cox and Elder lartlner Mi shoe. Burial was in he Long Cemetery. She is survived by five laughters, Mrs. Luther Buck et. Mrs J. D Long. Mrs. lJ«.:i lie Canad.v. Mrs. Harvey Buck »nd Mrs. Layton Buck all of Route 3. Tabor City; two sons. Lester and Rueben Lon, of Route 3. Tabor City; 25 grand •hildren and 16 grandchildren RECITAL The Rosalynne Turbeville j School of Dance will have i!s innual aecital at the Loris High Jchool Auditorium Monday light, May 29. at 8 p. m. The mblic ia Invited to attend. 61 Graduated On Tuesday At TCH Scott Lowrimore was ac knowledged Tabor City school's outstanding! citizen Tuesday night during the continence· inent exercise and was award ed a trophy signifying the honor. More than twenty other jnieinliers of the seniors also .received awards for outstand ing efforts in classes end ex tra-curricular activities. Members of the graduating class addressed the asemblv. Bonnie Norris challenged her class to "Let's make a go of c.ur chosen lives and show our elders we have the enthusiasm and courage of red-blooded, freedom - 1 ov i η g American youth!" Said Sue Layficld. "A rich awareness of the natural world just as God has made it. is one of the marks of an educated man: and as we choose a road to follow we will do well to go forth and take with us a heart that reaches and re ceives." She added. "Then we will appreciate to the fullest the minor, as well as major, cestacics." Carrie Jean VVray in her ad dress declared, "Instead of leaning on our parents and teachers in the future, we will haw to take the things that they have taught us and choose the direction for our lives." Award Winers included the following: Latin. Dianne Harrelson; French. Sue Layfield; coin mere»·. Betsy Brutont typing, Patricia Spivey; history. Truett Mllligan and Richard^ Wright. Most outstanding st« ient *»i 3rd - year- nome economics. Kicki Jean Norris; most-im proved home-ec student during the year. Dianne Faulk. Science. Truett Milligan: out standing athlete. Jackie Small: chorus. Judith Nix; math, Ben nie Prince; creative writing. Sue Kelley <$10>; agriculture. Harold Hughes: electrification. Odis Fowler <[S100>. Harvey West Band trophy. Margaret Callihan; outstanding musician in junior band. Phil lip Lewis: student council award. Scott Lowrimore First Honor Graduate, Glenn Smith: second Honor graduate. Gwendolyn Wright. Smith has just received no tice that he is a University of North Carolina scholarship re cipient. Members of the graduating class are: Seniors Kula Mae Arnette Douglas Beck Jerry Billiard Jimmy Leon Burroughs Betsy Bruton Margaret Calllhan "Judith Corbett ♦Judy Mae Cox Larry Cribb Gera)dine Eddings »Nancy Faulk Lois Pearl Fowler Odis Fowlcr Sarah Anne Gore Frances Gore Judy Carolina Granger Betsy Lee Grlmsley Barbara Heller Ronald llerrlng Shelby Jean Housand Tex Wilson Housand ... Harold Hughes Judy Fayc Lanier •Laura Site Layfield Lynda Virginia I one Victor Scott Lowrimore Minerva Faye Milligan ♦Lana Annette Mills Kichard Mills Ted Allen Mills Judith L Nix Bonnie Fayc Norrie Kula Faye Nortis Frankle Pare Norris Harold Lee Nortis Phyllis Norrie Hicki Jenn NoirU Sue Ann Norrls David Janif« Parker Leon Prince. Jr Pearl Harbor Princc ♦Eldon Russ Jackie Small Louise Small ΗΙη··η ♦Glonn Smith ... Poris Soles .. Dottel,is Sole* Patricia Lane Splvcy Tommy Spivev ... Bessie Jeannette Stevens .... K. Wayne Stevens Wee Rene Stevens »Continued Parents ... Mr. and Mrs. Otha A. Arnette Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Beck Mr. and Mrs. John Bullard Mrs. Caiieen Burroughs Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bruton Mr. and Mrs R. A. Callihan Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Ε. Η Cox Mr. and Mrs. W C Cribb Mr. and Mrs. C. E. EddinKs Mr- and Mrs. Graver Faulk Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fowler. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Fowler Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gore Mr. and Mrs. Blease Gore Mr. and Mrs. Keifer Granger Mrs. Thelma Grimslty . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finnessey Mr. and Mrs G H. Herring Mr. and Mrs. L W. Housand Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Housand Mr. and Mrs. Ν G. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Lanier Mr and Mrs Ρ Η. Layfield. Jr Mr. and Mrs. Cortis Long Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lowrimore Mr. and Mrs. M. Milligan Mr. and Mrs Brice Mills Mr. and Mrs Leon Mills Mr. and Mrs. H. D Mills Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nix Mr. and Mrs W. G. Norris Mr. and Mrs. Archie Norrls Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Norrls Mr. and Mrs. Jettl»» L Norrls Mr. and Mr*. Hubert Norrta Mrs. C. C. Norn.* Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Norris Mrs. Ethel Parker Mr and Mrs. Leon Prince. Sr. Mr. and Mm. Earl Prince Mr. and Mrs Jesse Russ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Small Mr. and Mrs. Willie Small Mrs. Marguerite C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Soles Mr. and Mrs. 7.eb Soles Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Splvey Mr and Mrs H. Cliff Splvey .. Mr. and Mrs. Ruther V. Stevens Mr- and Mrs. H. D. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Davis A. Stevens on page two) •w ι voi ι—Λ ir.rti Big Yam Meeting Slated In Tabor Tuesday, May 30 .... in toiumuus, I Brunswick und Horry counties [ are invited t.. iittend a special ι meeting of interest to every sweet potato grower at the Tu j bor City school auditorium on May 30. at 8:00 P. M. j Businessmen from Tabor' City anu other towns arc nisi» urged to μttend the meeting. I'i bor City Vocational Agri culture Teachers Sam Jackson and Fred Lay pointed out this w«.ek that one of the reasons for decreased production of yams in this area is the fact Rare Record For Tabor Graduate I ^ ivougias Wilson Beck graduated from Tabor City High School last night with a rare distinction — he never missed a day of school! The young man, 19, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Beck, Ht. 2, Tabor City. Of this record he said, "Going to school has heefi a habit like brushing m yteeth. Automatic." ι But he added, "1 guess 1 I have been real lucky, though. \ I've never had measles, small ι pox. or any of the other dis eases that keep youngsters out ■ of school." Tooth-ache did I plague him at times, but he ! stated that "I just wouldn't ι have felt right if I missed a J «lay ot school." Of the live members of his family who have attended the Tabor City school, he is the I only one who has a pel feet record of attendance. A sister hail a perfect record, however, until her junior year. Too, no other student in his graduating class, comprised of i61 members, has a perfect re cord of attendance. Doug plans to enter the Air Force shortly, and later plans to work with his father in the, contracting business > Returning to his attendance 1 record, Beck recalled that at-1 j tendance alone will not cause, passing grades. "1 ought to! know," he said. "I had to re-1 peat the seventh grade, even though I hadn't missed a day." Thus he is the only student in Columbus County to ever at tend classes for 13 years with out missing a day. 1 Said his principal. Randall ' Burleson, "We are proud of his record. It is obvious that he enjoyed school, and that he is a line, energetic boy, co-op erative in all activities." This Year's Picture A large percent .of .Tabor City students had perfect 'it tendance records during '.h·· year. By grades, they include the following: 1ST. GRADE: Candice Bu«l-I er. Sheila Rose Milligan. Mary Jane Soles. Billy Gerald Fipps.· i Mavis Lee Watts. Toni Jo Ja ! cobs. Michael Norris. Cat y ί Eugene Duncan, Stuart Albro i Stevens. AI Wright. Velda Kay Carter, Pamela Kay Norris,; Roger Gore. Paulette Willets, Janet Turbeville. Carolyn Spi vey, Saundra Strickland, Eun ice Norris, Paula Mills. Gail Fowler. 2ND. GRADE: David Lawr ence Herring. Sheryl Edith Norris, Terry Wayne Simmons. Danny Ray Sarvis, Larry Carl Boyd. Tony Buffkin. Dwight David Beck. William Rodin-y Evans. John Hughes. Ronald Dale Nealey. Dennis Keith Norris. Randy Lane Wright. Shannon Elizabeth Dudney. Wanda Love Sarvis. Willa Love Sarvis. Sandra Gail Wad dell. John Prince, Tony Nobles. Ervin Stalvey. Louvinia Spiv ey. Dizzie Norris, Earl Boswell.; Haywood Fowler. William Wayne Gore. Mike Mills. Shel by Jean Cooke, Naomi Piver. Bonnie Ruth Miller, 3RD. GRADE: Debra Wad dell. Joyce Gore. Robert Jern igan. Dewey Bennett, Larry Duiuan. Louvinia Soles, Maur ice Spivey. Ray ford Cook. Mike Watts. Kim Grainger. Pamela Crtbb. Judv Faulk. [Gloria Gale Grainger. July Kay Norris. Jerri Lynne Ray. Jane Wright. Steven Fipps. Shirley Hardson, Carolyn King, I Sylvia Prince. Patricia Turbe I vllle. Fonda Milligan. 4TH GRADE: Larry Fowler. Dale Fowler. Tony Spivey. Rav Norris. Kathryn TurbeviTfc Michael McCumbee. James ί Todd. Donna Hughes, Katie Fipps, Reta Piver. Deborah Williamson. Roxy Witt*. Wan da Ward, Vicky Wird. Lind·j DOUGLAS BECK Prince. Nizie Norris, Ann Her ring, Gayle Duncan, Linda Barker. Jeanette Baker. Ch1.hi WillHiighby, Dale Ward. Wistev Jackson, 5TH. GRADE: Brenda Sikcs. Kitty Grainger. Gayle Boyd. Johnny Cov, Bob Juyner. Linda Fowler, Bnb Butler, Jerry Wayne Benton. Frank Lee Dameron. Richard Fowler, Timothy Blake Piver, Janet Fowler, Frances Gore, Glenda Pearl Morris, Betty Jean Fipps. Eva Nell Strickland, Janie Juanita Spivey, Sheryl Jean Wilson. Alvery LaRue Nnrris. Dianne Cart rette. Gail Cnx. Jo Ann Gore. Rebecca Herring. Brenda Sellars. Linda Faye Soles, Stevie Grainger. Bennie Nealey, Teenie Nobles, Tommy Waddell. William Wright. β'ΓΗ. GRADE: Rusty Carter. Bill Heath. Allan Hurrelsoll. Clayton Wright, Larry Piggoit. EndelI Hardison. William Jam es Norrie. Edward Gene Spiv ey, Russell David Wright Janice Reid Avant. Shelby Jean Mills. Judy Sharon Stev ens. Janice Jean Watts. 7TH. GRADE: Betty Gray Stocks. Barbara Jean Floyd. Linda Ruth Harrelson Pamela Ann Clemone—never missed. Cloteal Norrie — have never missed. Frances Elaine Russ— never missed, Ralph Louis Stri.kland, McRoy Gore, Jr.. Roger Dale Hening. James Austin Hut ham, Sandy Woody, Mitchell Fowler. Billie Wayne Lewis. Randy Norris. Smith. Michael Stephens, Mit chell Strickland, Johnnie Bill iard, Alice Cribb. Patricia Hardee. Hilda Jernigan, Ron nie Bell, Ronnie Jacobs. Jim my Soles, Mitchell Ray, R. C. Watt», Lou Jackson. Francis Sarvis. Lois Williamson. 8TH GRADE: John Brubak er, Harold Gene Hardison. Iiis Spivey. Linda Faye Waits. Lynda Nix, Jerry Stevens. Cnnrad Fecher, LiD»n Harrel son. Michael Harrelson, Ray mond Marlowe, Greg Watson, Dale Watts. Peggy Nortis. Mi chael Grainger. Paul Gore, Danny I»ng. David Sellars, Norman Norrie. Houston Watts. Truman Wright. Diana Boswell, Nellie Brigman. man. Bernice Cribb. 9TH GWADF. Richard Har dee, Theluert Todd, Merlene Fowler. Patsy Harrelson, Sarn, Jernjgan, Peggy Taylor, Mar tha Wright, Brenda Jenrette, Linda Carter, Chester Norris, Swain Piver, Judy Brown, Jeanne Gordon, Drucilla Mills, (Continued On Page 4) that many tenant fanners have left thv area for industrial em ployment. Landowners are con ceiitrating on tobacco because •>f the lack <.f adequate larm I labor to handle the sweet po tato crops. They also noted that potato ι diggers i,n now on the market that will greatly reduce the hard labor necessary for yam glutting in tin· past. These ina nities are moderatvlv priced .n«.i el torts will be made U> have one or more of these ma chines here this fall, perhaps during the Yam Festival, for demonstration. "Everyone knows what our yam problem is. It's lack of adequate yield per acre. The prhe of vams is not going to be exceptionally high. But with the right kind ol yields and minimum expense in growing, u fine profit will be made by those growers who take advantage ol the oppor tunity." Mr. „ackson and Mr. Lay said. The May 30. program is de signed to inform farmers of these possibilities in an effort to get this section back in the sweet potato market that it once dominated. The five phase program now scheduled will begin with a I few remarks by S. P. Smith, Tabor City businessman, why will discuss the vani as it re lates to the economy ol the section. Dr. Hoover, ol N. C. Stat«? College, will speak briefly on the flake potato. Henry Covington, N. C. State College sweet potato specialist, will talk of yields and their ι importance to the grower. Columbus County Farm A« j ent Charles D. Kaper will dis I cuss the current sweet potato yield contest. Ε. K. Sanderson will be on hand to tell how he and his son produced 432.6 bushels of yams per acre that grossed them SI500 per acre. Bank Opens Installment Loan Dept. Bon L. Nesmith, Sr.. Senior vico president of tho Wacca maw Bank and Trust Com pany. announced today that effective Juno 1. an installment loan department will be open at the Fifth Street office. This department will be handled by Bernice Garroll. Nosmith also announced that while banking hours cease at 1:00 P. M.. the installment loan department will remain open each clay until 5:00 I1 M.. ex cept Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Installment loans may be se cured and payments made at the Fifth Street office after this department bemns opera tions there on June 1 Graduate From Gast Carolina Thirty-three students of this rea received degrees from Ea*t Carolina College Sunday. fJoVfrnnr Terry San ford