ίΗΕ ONLY PULITZER PRIZE WINNING WEEKLY Ν More Than 10.000 People Read The Tribune Every Week *74e EWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES People Shop From | The Pages Of Their Hometown Newspaper vol ΓΜΕ XV. NUMBER 44 City — The Town With A City Future" TABOR CITY NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14.19β1 10c PER COPY—S3 00 A YEAR rowier, bouse Exonerated; Returned To Police Force ~ , Bv—Kill» SIWKKOW and ■ ... FAREWELL — Dr. Floyd .Johnson, organizer of the ('olunil»us County Her.Ith Department 21 years ago, passes the center's key on to Iiis successor. Dr. J. R. Black. Dr. Johnson was honored at a testimonial banquet Wed nesday night during which many of his accomnlishmenis .n...: Dr Floyd Johnson honored With Testimonial banquet ιιι honor of the man who founded the Columbus County Health Department, its building will hence forth be known as the Floyd Johnson Memorial Health ("enter. The ro-η imiiig was made .'Ublicly Wednesday evening '-at φ testimonial dinner in honor of the retiring health official who organized the health de partment in 1921. Dr. Johns· η was erected by ;·η ovation from county lead i is. a state official, friends and « mployees at the banquet held in Hotel Whiteville; the best Wi.»hes ot Governor Terry Sa:i forti were also conveyed thro «njh Dr. .1. W. H. Norton, state I (I'.ealth director. I I.eamon P. Ward, chairman «•f the board of commissioners, representing the board, read tiie order requiring the center's j it-naming and added, "It is further ordered that a brass plaque with the name l>c plac id thereon" the building. Dv. Johnson, a Johnson co unty native, came to Columbus >:i 1 !·:* 1 to begin a health de partment. Prior he had pract i'·« d medicine in Benson and Ci-rro Gordo He began with mcaeer facil ity ? (one room in the court iouse», limited medicine, and ι. at ν problems. Throuch hi* leadership and Kitked bv the county's belief in hi*n the department has cx panded into a man-unit build located west of Whiteville, l ^' ntaininf modern equipment an'1 operated bv t n employees "Dr. Johnson has rune a good iob." stv'ke IV. Nort ·η during thi· t, «timoniiil sc ion. "And the <·■ nt· ;l>oti»m<: which he has made to medical progress have t een felt in an area larged tiu.n 'hi« »-»·.(,. ·· In behalf of the county's medf at se"ietv Dr A C- Floyd 'hanked the honored man. as swell as the health department, loi th<· hell) wiven the society. Miss Mary Flovd. Dr. John son's assistant for 25 years, said that the department's staff v/«« recogni 'in" M« resignation with mivj.·! ί·ηιο«('·η. and that each Η«·ρ|ν regretted his de-, part ure. Jo^n representing the Ror.rd of Health. presented Dr. Johnson with η silver olatt >r H«>which wüi fi'Pnr'v described | wi«h tho dates of his service. Dr John«on traced the high.) lights of hi« career, hut sal'' ι "I can't firri-nl all of the cred't which voi| have given to me " The on'v leav we can iiHw < ur records is bv the good that we miv have done, and the friends we have made." he said. He stated that when he felt φ'hat he was not phvsically able 'o continue as head of the de pigment he went to the com missioner. nod told them that he would offer his resignation "•hen they found a suitable re placement. The board was slow ..j .in. in· n-cuiicn. n» lJr. J. Π. Black, his successor, he .said "i am turning <>ui department < vei to you. Not the building :>!ογκ·: but also a group of very iuyal workers." VV. F. Floyd served as master <>i c/remonifs. \\ liteville's nu.yor J. Κ Powell delivered tin.· invocation. To assist Dr. Black will be Mis.- Floyd. Irene Young. Mary Fi!en Greer, and Marcella Ward, public health nurses; J. ?»1 Soils and C. C. Edwards, sanitarians: Marian Duncan, .stenographer; Frances Clifton, typist: Shirley Millican. clerk; anci Η. II. Hmson. tiog warden. Ralph Men res Joins Fowler Barber Staff Fowl, "s Barber Shop b · <>(!ι!*·)Ι f{:il|:h Μι·;"ι>. ι ii»iisti-i büt-ber, tu its »tat't. M· r<·- i.s . •lativi* of lhe Hinson ni.icls area. tin· η ο! Hol. tut M< ares, dm'.tM'd. Me i.» .1 ur:i 'uaU· !' tlit- Ιι..-ti tute of I'arbi . i.i4. Diu. am. all i -iiveil hi- -»ppii'iitR·· ship in Fajvtteville wheri Mr.- Mimiv .vas a teaeher in the public :. lioots. Mis Μ cures is the (iauuht.i < . Mr. alul Mrs. ·Ι< ·ι· Hay> - ot Chi ι rv f!|··»\·e. They vvül !v.-u:< in llirkinan ^paitmeiits on Hickman road. GOLF TOURNAMENT YVINNKRS — Mike Dorman. Russell Wri'fht anil Ku ham l)amei'«>n W(m the Jaycees first Junior (Jf»lf Tournament Friday, according to chairman Joe Coleman. Twenty-one youngster* participated in the tour ney which will hr nn annual event. Richard won the 14-lG-ycar-old clas«*; Mike the 12·!4 cIsm; and Russell the 10-12 class. slssiad ! Η ' ι. !: r:vl<on rt.iS voted . ■ .ι \ i·ti > mayors ofiic·.· I h ι' ivhi \V W. Wooe.v .!.>· > >i ; (..III. ! i.'-io : IICTO > •i' ι tut t.. ... Ii . u.fnim« ' .«ι- ·υ·. {· ■ .· lüe three «>: ν ■ n< .tin ι- h Ί π . als. « ·: 'tu· · · μ ι * ι«4.' ·1ν l.tli:.· it·;.hin ' ·· ν >ti in (hi· Tabor ' ity i'L'i'tinti, ■ ■:.iy 221 did so. • ·;i.. · 1. Krank Nesiiiitli, • ϊ^ϋ t i-ttl". ' Λ. v.· it her e:il»*il *.ite had UV ι •lu1.'< tili· Ii. tllere W.IS iitiK· ixi'itriiu'iit about Uil? election." Ne*unith ...in, : ι ι ;.>.·ΐι π:ικ tt.i.- fact, ' λ .ι u» . pretty n>■<>il turu : «.ι ι.·· Κ ii t · !-"H ι eiived 212 votes, • \V.u«!> 1 ,m and Cjarr« II 182. * !itm ;inK tu si-ivo km the i.oani In. tv.<· niole years will Wdla:·! Wright and Phil Hughes. \\ rite-m v«>te- wi'fe t ust ior ! 1« ι κν c"· \ t i). and Harold Wi:rd < 1 ι for mayor; Dock Χον.Ί.ι .Jr. <7>. Ii. Frank Ν in ι μ Μι. Jack Co\ (1». and !'.«>·.it··· ΐ'·..\ (I). for loinmis .' tier. il iini-on v. ul Ιηίιμι si-rvinj· third t. i:n as mayor, and V ■ : in- iil'th a> commissi« n What's In A Name? \'.i ni-.n Crusoe I>1 nil? Accim ιηχ ι .■ resolution in 1. »riii»·«· t to ·.!>·· !· L-i>lalure and >-«.!. ';·«■ Coliimbu.« County •::i known ii.s Cinsov Isi.iud . i' lie:ic ·!'< b·· ealit'd River V'h w t' ιΐιΐιιιιιΐιΓ · Wül'i.i.iiMiti rxjiliiincl hi. ί·:-οη for -iib.nii!: ι lit* iv .Itlt . Il ·'■; · 1·-UK aiM a W.u.· MTVl.'O i: a -.·■■:> -.ι ' * 11 t · .«· Cms ·«· ..ι ι . . . v. i.ich not a iol jn-o,>l mighty upset. T..·· ' topic η.ι'ί to think t! .· i: held ihcni up as .· b ickwa.-ti .ι ιιρ and 'he·.· ι·.·<··. led ι' " "I tl.lV.· il «III·' t · · t of J-t'l tistics showing just how up to !ι· tne pt opie al t . how pat i iol it· ilKy've be» i. m the t \\ >, Wtii'ld Wara find Koixun nm*] ;:·« t. vaii- tis olhir items i f pi··! t rit tiiey 'ii .;iu ri :hl ι ■ιρ I·· t'K minuti \. itii tin- ivst J of the n iiion." w. ιιοκλιτ: t'.\KTi;K Sjit. Gi'iirgi· O. (Buddy) I-t.uiti ami 1'ο1ίι·ι·ιη«ιιι Willi. Chum. both ot ti.c Horry Co ii"! * I'ohiv Ovpiii tint'iit. \vi*ri· i Nt.om riiti'ci ot bl.iine hist wicii i ■ · tin· ! ι:ιI shouting of Charlie'ι ■ Ι1!". Tiibui ! \«i si.;;» [ Τ .· \ j· »intii-.i η vv.uk Tu, - I I fi;i>. ί··ΙΊ· w.is hitiilly shot tint — ' in»-' 11 liitiii hast· .-;ii! Ithi moiiiinj o| Aplil 30. Tin fhiiM· ι« n;,i) sovi i) milt's nor!'· ! « ·»■·'·· "« in* ι ,rr. I I ( <>llWa\ and ciilll) til a • ashing halt minway Ijetun.tj .<•1 is ; «ul Tabor City when Iii .'•ι U lt th. hinlnv.iv alt. ι lie ' a·' >-1»· Ί. catapulted 100 IVrl i.. I·«· an and i-aiue t·· rest b·· w,r;l '·'»« highway ami rail <»acl. I stiiiuuiy at a cortnn'i'V in iu«-t was ι- th. effect that 'pps «\..s in«·«! up«.ii with 'iti (alibi, cart,in.· alter i.«. ra>h«-cl .■ r.KKlblui'k at L«-!is d lat« : ra in« 120 miles p-r ·· Tab«.ι· City, tailed " be« I a Midi and slashing rd liaht. in \ ι* no? ii .-μ >κ»ί!> court l«i>"t wci k ill;· mi'v u Uiri.v.l ii< tnit b:!l l-uwler ;tii(i G;ium District Su Iii.· '"! Ituhi.nl l>tiMiibiii\ μ <t the I11 bück !'< tili gratut jur· •'^k:ι»ü lh.it ι lint uiii j·,— iuiritd l ι·· üi'i.Mi jury tiii'n rt'tiirn c< ;■ l.i:! ι hitrgma tt».· -.Iiu>·: - with iiivi.lur.t.u \ ι,.ιι;.· l;iu>il!·. r und ftfkitfss homicide. A Jurj was then »worn Solicit r Ull-( Ilblir\ lit»] [tilts .*1 till (Nl-l. Iii CilllM' til!:- .ICtlnll \V . > taki ji ii·t«·;· tin swe.ii inj; nl tin· jury, it means that tin;, its the .'mi|:r liaducr li.ik.-r upheld 11 ·» ■ i it* ί ii. ν Mid t J ι · sulifi, "i· is. t1 . < 'i n* III an .1 i ill · t iur. ι: ι * . t d till Cl'uwd Hi; t iim<!'. rK··! tin .iiirtrooin, '» I ll'.'tl I .· · i. ;;1 ail Γ ■ ■I tlu i. ν ii - vi ry <!iü · nil i* '·> 1" I" I ' 1 ·. ! 't ··!»!> t.. ι II ■ ·ί» v. i 1.· 1< in lilt ft the Ho that often im oifiv"Γ ν : ■ . · «.·· ·. ;·.«·! ι :i tin· ; ;;..tr · ■! nth«·!· pUSO-lS •it 'i;i ii;v'iway.«, ivalizing fül· iy »>'. t !.t !ι. .ι duty in effec tual! .ill .ΙΠΙ ,.Ι ,11111 liMllU I Miy ■ι < . ι. ι t>>? :! · 1o iltfctlliiti' C^utt ··!!!!, an officcr. m e·..· :tiv; nil iiUtoniobile of 111 hiTW'tw (tiüch^rgiHg ' ·> duty« ι;;, been killed in tht line if •uty: quite ·.·11 ii tin· pursued il.i.- Inn ι killer!; too often .ill inn· «.ι lit ι »· ι «ιill mi tin high way ι.r a bysiiiiulei has Ixetl Killed. J lid ye Baker «aid In til. a>e ··: :t im<ileineaii • >i. π·· -ai !. ..ii offieei it' i-s not I . 1% I t!.· ι lullt !n I : :ι· .ι limn m hi u ; v.! \ • · t <!ll*y ! I'l'llld III <ii-eisi«.'H oil fid tthilt ii life "I. till · 'UK-> 1" -JiÜBenco ·' ' iki a human iile. y< t ho musl ■ ι t!l th. ι is within reason, ;h ι ;r... within th.it split second. Th«· urm«· -aid tli.it in Iiis opinion Ίι«·ιν was no ncijli geiici - 111 \ Ivitl in tlii.·· case. K\et\ time :m ofticer u«·«·? Oil duty, hi· poilltet * ·ιι t. t'.n. nfticei is jeopardizing his Iii« , every time tu· looks into ;i cat window he is jeopardizing his lift— and all · I tin- i·- to pi > le«.·' tin publi«. Λ «· ι ιιιηι.ΐηκ :t h;«h speed ι· in .t< ;ii!· ··: ι .Ii-· l.i th«· public than .i 1· aded mm. In· siiid, «ι ii.-titu! ι j ,i dangerous in -tium nt.'iht\ ;ίι·1 added that th«· driver of such a ear is en* dan^erinL human Iii«? and shi·! . ; i»· *· ppi μ Ρ ι the rlif— ίκ·«.'ι ' i. !. >·. aw eniorct inent officers t· make . split-se onü decision as to what means >' .: 1)«· 11 s< ·. i t·■ <t«.p tili .spei'il ,'t'hirli* Ικ·ίο!ΐ· it injures a by-<!:ii.-iei· or oth< τ innocent member "· fa public, hi· said. V .)· !Viv:> was t<«rem >n • ι' th«· jury vv rn to hear the Other m·'tubers were F. r, Hugh«-. Euvteiie \V Evans, '■} cai I* McNeill. Claude Smith. ί> I Πιιηιι. II. λ! Gra ins· r. W Γ .I.imi iM'n. Mack 1, \1ont joinery. Keith lb>us ii \ li .l| h I. Bellamy and Et bei t Cause\ Tu«>sda\ th« Horrv County !' lie«· (.'oniniis; um ri stored Fowl··!- an i (· itise to the equi - ty Ι'ιιΙire Fore«·. NO .Π»TICE "H> rertahily (IUI 110t ι·«·Ι •ny justier ii. the so-called triul ι.Ι Γ.ικ'.ιΛ Fowler and λ\ is .ι> (.aiiM. 11«»rr> county riir.il iiii.ircmpii, in t nnu.it last neck. Thev wire rliart'il of tin* sh* ntiiiK <■( ni> ln»> in tin* slrancest court «I law that I ι vcr saw." Μ ·.. .lot' Spivcv •ii'itlur u( « harlii I ip|)\ told In Tribüne thi w ι- k. "solU'itor I-ii'k Wtisrnbur.v ι · vcr tint any one «in tin· stand an.' ηρν;·Γ '..ι·..· .ι sinslc «η!· of Ιι· *» ΐIf.f —" ■ - .1 r 'la?»<··· to testi . \\ 'ι η tli·' <.ra),! Jury did ι t return a tru■ · hill. In- sent I >·μλ nr>rd t'i ι !'<· η anted :i II b· !. So t'vy ν ; I out the Ι·· ! ,·ι 1 ; e imni 'i.'.tclv ·. ill·· «is· 'tri·;!' without '· ιι '·ι m \* :ti:'*ssi s ami \yiih M!t ihr j'i \ ■ ' fin- >ny ι hance > ι u'e either iMillly or not ■ ■ ·ι I ' Mr«., -tity ey sai 1. "Iii χ·Ίιι .{ r i.i I not make . ny ι i ι rt to i.·-1 ι eor\ iction ! ·■ is I i:i .1 shoddy tiros«· « «it'oii I ever s/w and there -s «ertiinly no .iust:r«· in the llor ty Comity eiHtrl'Oiis«." she *aH. « eevfa n|\ \·. an*, .'d t«i '<ri·· «*iU f r!·. tint h..ve not h >n TviMiii/c i The ■ II'Icitk. ·.ft-··· »'t· .'tin 'iiv son. i'iatie no imt'tion of hivini; fit··«! any Iii!« a? ill until after 'loctor* «. 'Iscot ercl a hüllet in the ho» '> hca I. ff-doit.>r* had not found Mils I uMrt. evervnne uould pmh'tih -.'ill hellove that lie • is UMIe.t in the ear wreck.*' h" all. "Th'Tr's also the nnpuhlish eil faet that the n'f'«v>·. ν ·►« «' Isstfd these flieh powered Hie* liy the eounty or the st'fe. Th"y procured these •:nns thetnselvr« and actually •vi»! no rlrhl t«i he on polier ufy with them." Mr*. Spivey mM. "I kntiw «e ean't lirlns Char* lie hark Hit If doe* not eradi cate Ihe In.luntlff. Offleer» should nof have any more rUhl to commit murder than anyone el*»," »he »aid. Horry Jury Indicts Youth Involuntary Manslaughter Tilt* Horry County grand i.- v ivtuincd a triii' bill of in i ci ti'u iii Tuesday against Rog •r W.iync Floyd. charging him u'lli involuntary nianslaughtei'1 •»ml wreekle.·. homicide. Kl..yd, 1H. was operating an : nil »mobile m highway 701 in 'Si'tith Carolina south of Tabor ic'ii.v May -j;$ when Larry K<ithj ! I'owler was struck down from li. bicycle and killed. Λ coionci 's jury *.atei· round ι t tli«· accident was unavoid able. 1 Vim.; Fl ■>·(!, son oi Mr. and lit ι Floyd. Loris. told in vestigators that he di<l not see iit IowIci youth nor another 1 .cy. lisi. Joseph Daniel Scott, until hi· w-» ι-inht at them anil as the> had mi lights on their bkycles. lu· had not observed t'lcin earlier. The accident oc curred in the early part <>t the tiigllt. He .dso reported that the boys were riding down the middle of the highway and when he was right up on them, oni went toward th<· left and oiu· to the right. Scott told officers that both bicycles had reflectors on them and that he was riding on the, si oulder "f the road with Lar ry behind him. He said that ho he;:rd a crash and saw hi c •mpanion% body hurling thr ough the air. Floyd is a well-liked and popular student in the Loris >\hool. and employed by a gro cery store in Loris Riegel Bill Is Defeated A hill by which the valuation »I Kiegel Paper Corporation'» valuation would have been liik eu to SI 0.000.000 was killed Tuesday in the Senate Com mittee on the Judiciary Numb er Two. The hill was submitted by Kep. Arthur \\illiam>on and earlier passed h> the House ol Kepresenta lives. II' the hill had been passed b> the current legislature. Rie xal would have had no right to appeal, and according to Itep. Williamson "Kiene! would only be suhjett to the future wishes ol the legislature." *W*e School Is Announced A ρ log Till 11 ailTlf«" it; IlllKll.U bicycle riding saliT ft τ Tabm ' City's youug cyclists will .n ir.augin ..ted soon Tin pi i>nr..::i will be conducted under Ihe üivcüon . ι the Jtir.i··! Cliauib ι·Γ of Col UiuTCe. Til«· police «ϊ· - I»;ir1ini nt .mil Maurice Co\ u.^ ton. license t \aimiuT. In announcing tiu* program. Kiyaiit Baki r. chaii in.in ot the layct-f's bit"clc program. said, "Tin.· steady lis«· in uiotor ir;r lic on till! . trcils and higliw.. .-· making the iim· of l>i yd. s incioasiniii ν hazardous ior ι'ι nt imii il On Pag»» 3) 3 Percent Food Tax Begins Next Month By a vote of !?«-33 the |jrg . budget ill the history of North Carolina became law Ii.» day to satisfy Gov· Terry • ii 1 re. s l ,■(jlit. t for money wtM iitate to (lii tin· job for Ι* : it> education." i ■ ■· okayed legislation would .*· ii>v $6.1.5 million. A loud t..x of three precent vi. bet-in July I. Newspapers are To i»e taxed the r:it«· ol three percent on i«t;.il sales. Μ tor vehi.les and airplanes : > !>«· taxed at a rate of <·ικ· percent with a >120 limit ti l" tin· first yeai of tilt bieil muni .nid at one and a half· IK ι cent with tili· sain»· rnaxi muin thereafter. lillt lee<l>. seeil.s, fl'l'ti1: is iiisccticidcs .iiid ice arc· c - mpt . Irani the thiee percent sales tax. And a system tor refund Hi- '.ax paiil by charitable in-' Mutions and political subdiv isions was set up Crutches, artificial limbs and < ther such items art· left ex empt. i r*T!»ree of a Kitul" kcboiis Attend Ag Teachers Meet Sum · "Λ \ · : ·« ic'iinu 1 "·■ · Mr lit 111 ί>» 1 SUIIS <>f Siim I.. .liirks. ii : ι . . in :i,i \. ι ι O. ,K »·?;> :i who ;it Unir. li.e .tl.iui ii col»!« ret» ι >ί 'i' r Π · I >;'* lt. ■ t: "In «·' l .ι ·1:. ι'.«· ·. 1> 1:<>! '·'. '"ι k ι -4-If · t .eli · in ill·' Tili) r City schiHrlii while n»>, nil !- in in· faculty of Π<Ί>Ι> i: !' sc · ·. ί ;h S ι. ·| ■··1 ίΐ ι (Hint ν \vi«t11 .ι > th- WiMiiitu- Τ<·λ i. ip st r: ΛΊ thr«..v .ι.<·, vi ν ·. f.iii . 1 - c.iltiirt· u· ν! «·γ>. :.γο λ: ι···:μ> com-tkknck "Α ί'·. ·\ < : ν ιΐι ·. "Γ Iitui ·Ι IJ'I I Iii".μ .·" ν « Ί · tiu llll· til!· 4-'- ιν vsm ·.. >ρ<·»>·«. ' Ii, (tu· Ν »rth C in ' η.Ί V< c it ion ι. V'.i ico'iur·· Ί· ;ΐ"' ι· · A · ν'"' ■•ii .ιηΊ i.f which Κγ;·«Ι 1 «ιν, ι» . Tu or is tin.· prosi «•n1. v. '■ hops un ttiperv Isw* Irin ·ι;;. ι 'i ■11 ι .·!< tli ι· 1 ··- ' v duration wert· in· *ϊ·γ ii'i ι ·;ι iiv w.is ι ι·»!» ! fli-'Cti- -ion "ii whit tili ii · ii , .^ririi.tiiic toachi i·· c ' ι. I '·" vf.il,·. Ami·η« II -· Γ»Γ0 |···»ΜΊΐ at i · '' ι ; tl'« <·■ ι .η ιΐ'·<· v.ι·:ι ! .<s <i i! ri- s Γ ί In 'inn i! I " Ι Ρ ilrtn't. ' ' ·Γ5ο< r'if»r· <■ ■■·.· τ coneiessin.in Graham n* ii i f NYw Hern. Floyd :· 'ίι ι ii of York. S C.. presi I ι t f < \:m Ιι ·Ι Ai.il ll!- | Ί.'·.· Ti ;if·'··· ■■ AtfUCiOlllllt W 'S iilsu prt-srnt. TMF. ΙΑΓΚΜΟΝ!» Th·· .In kson family storv b«· ii in Anderson county. South Carolina on ii faun where six I o!<s· η bmthrt* wore roared Four of the brothers majored in {l^ricnlfurnl education at Clt-mson College and two ot ' them have stayed with ν oca i!"i) ar.ruiiliiirt- ;is toai-hcrs. Λ" I tui.s bll'OllIC .1 llill'I'V ί«ι η» V- lul ••SlniifW.il!" S;itn J.ick ><·ιι was a .Student at Clomson >1« lit tour years <»n Mi«· ! "tin!! uarr. As a fi.shm..ii I· '.v.l. ..Ill· of SOVTII tu Ik- β|\ :ι ' '· .*s ί M>i»hi muri· unci junior ht· made aM-i-onur t'lico. Too. tin- Santrancisco Herald ii.mied him out· «u the "In uu.irt.s »ii Anurru-a." Alt ·ι Ki'uiiuation In 1!Ι2Λ t<i< tirxt four year* of teaohinu weir spent teaching scirnc·· and athletic coach in the \ν....,ί Ulf «SC» M-hoot His 0.ιι·<*«·γ .ι- '< eh« ι bfK.ii» al tin· Olanta (S Γ · mm<mi| in 1 Ulli# where hi' '· - mamcd until κ ι ι·;>'ιπ^ .ι ρ· ι :ίι·ιι Hi it «· (»r* i ll S«-ii s.-ii« ■ I fV II > I il!'.- l.ltl Γ Hl IM !Γ t« Γ.·:ι«·ι City in 1 !»;!!> ·!·.<' π >t ■< ·ι ι ι Ί II·«· · 11 · t: 11 > «·■·· :ί·νι Ilis'v >!hrc. With Ml·» 1 ι thiee-ycai hitch 111 th· \ >.·... He is pleased witti tin I > tlliii <1* . .1· tu (>l III- ! ' ' pupils ' « t'< .·' ülf I.· . '.1:11 · ι tciioln-r.- iihIihIiiih l·.· 1..Λ Ji Wi>!«T .Il K>"ll Wils Uli th« 'lciiitu-n Jiiotb.ilt ti-ani f«>r hree vi .il·.·-, and played in tt i li t l'nitnii [$«·» 1 u;iim i·. . In school «·\«·ι enured |{. .ui'i'iiu: mil his athletic attributeas a Η lllil: I I i IIa . I.ski tha I ' IM "'(••»ι «Ii » . il th«· coli!· ; ι η··«· championship in 1!»::!» Iiis vi in · · ι vwhin« ην 'n i«· Iii« al Boys High seh«ml. Vi(t •rsuii; and 21 al Will:: -is r«>wnship. wit η the ι> ·ι I tin«·«· aiifl a hall veal · ι It·.«·· Αι ni\ Sam tacks«"!! .Ir nr idiuited "r«»m Tahnr City Hiijh in 1SM8 ( '.vhi'n· Ii« had served ι< t>i■ i-j «•tit nl thr Flit uro Farmer.·· of rft« ι i« a. mid was in the IM;· •luh Hi' enrollment a' I "l.'l'i Μ» vas interrupt«»«-* by -<·«■', ι ··■ in h«· Army with graduation «'«· ived until 19">β Η«· th·.·!! jinii (I th«· Hebbton faculty and ha. »ein there ?ln«'. Another unusual fad about ih«· Jackson«— Sam Sr. and Sam Jr are both narried to math teachers, .vhile Mrs. Wister Jackson is en elementary teacher. TEACHING JACKSONS — Thret· J Adenom*, ail vocational ajfriculture teachers in different HooIh met at C«rn*«nf> ·*»»»' ^ du·*'*1«* th«* ' conference of North Carolina taacb·!·« They are (1-r) Sam I., .lacnsun Sr., Pabor «.. » '« »on S'»m tr.. Hot'Hton: and hi* brother, VV. O. Jackson Jr., of Williame Township school, ι eU bav jr., labor City, preaided at the four day conference.

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