THE ϋΛ'ίϊ l'U LITZE Κ PRIZE WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES >1 ' ,Γ i * More Than 10.000 I'eople Rend The Tribune Every Week f Ii λ vJI.I "VIF. XV. NUMBER te Ink«* People Shop From The Pages Of Their Hometown Newspaper 46 tfTmbor City — Τ be Town With A City Future" ΤΛΒΟΚ CITY. NORTH CAROLINA WED.. JUNE 28. ISC! ersw γ 10c PER COPY—S3.M Λ YEAS CHKEN HOLLAHS— R. Frank Young* (right) is justly proud of liHil ι·π»ρ tor it has been described as one of the "prettiest patches" in the Tabor City area bv tobaccomen. L. C. Duncan, pictured left, began transplanting the White Gold plants on the Young farm in early April and cropped t'.e lugs June 12. Both Young and Duncan expect high production this year. FA Λ! I UAH SCENE — Until the deluge of tonvutial rains this week, scenes like the one alic.t' v.'i s'e typical in the area. Most farmers have removed their primings and arc currently curing their first and second croppings. Shown string the healthy weed above is Mrs. Bessie tirainger on the Floyd (iraham farm between Trbor City and I .oris. James Bennett Jr. is on her left. S4ct. Buddy Fowler Keeps Nimes Secret. I In WeeU-End Arrest.1,' Α number of persons were arrested by Horry County Po lice over the week-end .if , Smith's Place at Ba.vboro after a couple of altercations ·:ι ι which L. Buffkin was shot, ι φ· County Policeman Willi·· Ganse snid Keith Lawson and Buf'.in became e .-"iroiVd with! some other persons there an.l j Buffkin was shot. Then, hi· , said, they went to State Lin.· and came back with some bud dies, armed with pistols and 1 i'uns. When cotiAly police arrived j at Smith's Place, he said. Law son had a number of rusto * mers of the establishment ; lined up against the side of the building with their hands 11 in the air. Sut. Buddy Fowler over-! ruled («attse when the latter attefiptcd t<· tell The Loris S«'ittiii'·! t»·.· n"mrf of th<~r unvested. took the record book from finis«· /in-l placed it in · drawer lit sold ho -'H Λικ>· < h'wisc Mi make tlx· nam···; public heraus'· the men hid not b'cn tried "and they ^ave (.unities.' Hcrry Covnty Gets 9.6 Miles Of P.oads Horry county will act ft miles of grading and surfat In» of secondary road · roc n. ^ The project i> included in road and bridge projects "list. inE SI.Ä00.000 on which senle·' bid« will be ppened by the St itc Highway Department in Co lumhia on Tuesday. July 18 East Vaughn In lienor Croup I Kiii Vaughan of VVhiteville, Slate Motor C. liil> district iiuim ikit fur Coluuibiis Comity, Mined membership in the •oinpany's most ex.lusive ho» >r group, the Founders Club, luring a recent new sales con est in the state. To qualify for the club. .1 cprescnt.itive must produce a inn'inrrn of "»(» 1·· \v mas'· 1 ncmbership sales in a five vcek period. Vaughan lopped his goal with 52 and will be jresented a distinctive lapel jin and honored in special •ereinonies ;it the club's annu al meeting in January. The Founders Club was formed last mir m memory of John <'·. •"razier. Jr.. who founded the notor club in 1929 and served is its president until 1955. Vaughan's achievement drew ligh praise from Thomas B. Λ itkin . president of the mot >r citib nnd of the National Automobile Association. with which it is affiliated, and ^nm I e wis IV ScrtiflRji» state sales upcrvisor and manager of the Rocky Mount division. Vauj'han consistently places lugh in the company's annual iw nds and last year captured I' " motor club's most coveted lienor, the "Mr. Motor Club" rophy with a large cash" * ,ν.ΊΓΊ. for the most outstanding a)t around performance. nutzes bis home in Whitc i-il'e \eith his wife Beverly and five children. t'ORBF.TT FAMILY The cfiarlie Corbett's are tow at home here after a stay II Louisiana. Leaf Crop Future Is Hopeful Heavy mins have swamped Coiumbus County ii.r the p„..i week making harvesting of the area's precious money oup near to impossible; yet. County Agent Charles D. Rüper says that lie bei it· vi s "Wc are Mill soiii·.· to have a normal mm son." ile explained, "Tobacco e«*i as to have a high degree of resistance this Vear. Right alter our crop was' set, hlong came a heavy frost. "Most fields , Mood tiiis. Then more cold weather, and later a bunch of stickers. I: the crop can stand .t!l of this, it will probably recover from the wet spell ; we're now having." ! Raper said thai it will be . t .. a. t a week before a curate knowledge of damage to crops . a;i be ascertained. Although several streets in Tabor City were near to im pas. ,ble Tuesday i'.ue t<· th·· ! downpour by evening most or ' the excess water had subsided. Cluiebourn, however, was not •o fortunate. Pleas for motor ic's to stay off the town's main I (Brown) street were broadcast roughout the evening. Stor-s •it one street were flooded , -ach time an automobile p i«.·:· ' d through the water-filled streets causing cost Iy damage to merchandise. Olivers were required !; •'ord Highway 410 f· r several miles Tuesday which ap maching Cli n.bourn trom the •oiith even though a new canal » ι beer. du_; to remove excess water. One Lake Waccatnaw resi dent reported Tuesday that the level of the canal and lake ivci· the same wilh water run ning across the man-made penninsula where many siim mer cottages were damaged. Λ bridge on a rural paved load two mi'fs n· rtheast of VVannpnish. near l.ake VVac ;>m'iw. was wash·· \ ι υ1 Four Arresfed After Fracas Three men and a woman were arrested Saturday after noon by Tabor City oilicers after reports that they were annoying a resident here, Mrs. D. W Ί·.' .Jr.. whose home i< on Kif.bth street. Charged with public drunk enness wele Woldon Todd, 20; Hoy Todd, 27; Ralph Ben nett Moore, 33, all of Bladen tjoro: and Edna Johnson, 25. whose address was listed by oilirers as MuMlns. S. C. \frs. Ward told Chief Jesse Parker an I Officer Ted Watts thai the quartet came to her home and created a disturb ing and that she asked them to leave several times befo.e she summoned the law. The officers said that tin Todd* resisted arrest and had to be taken to jail forcibly. In a hearing in Mayor's cour' , Monday earn defendent enter j ed a nle/i of guilty to all of the enarges. Mayor Howard Harrelson continued judgement. merry Man Oets tideway &liosl Post \V Itunkin, 2"-year ol«l ι»;.ι. o; tii«.· Allsbrook urea near l.o. . has Lein appointed p'o.eip ! of liiaeevay school; ·. ι·ι·ι·ι.Γ·.. to Clyi.o Ii. c;. n. . iiü.iMH .·: t ic Guitu tt jv schont committee. ,· ..k 11 Ml·. V l!i W. N'. "Hill" V. 11 · iti 11 .! w:in resigned t<· aec, >1 t'u |ji'iii[;i|)ulshi|j at i'ouinport Ιί'-,'.ΐι School in Lrun.swick county. iiui.icvvav's new principal iittetic.t· I I n. is High School and was a inembei of the foot ball squad. l.utcr he attended We.-ti π· Catolina College. Cu! iowin-e. ansl received a B. C. •.'••«ιim in eleimntary ciluca ii. m. iii I·.is also spent some time working toward a :aii~-t i'.'s degree at tnc same eol i 'ego. itankin is a Navy veteran, i having s| < nt four years (19511 54) on tiu'.y in Europe, South America and Africa. During ihe Kummers he has spent most of tiie time on his par I ents' farm at Allsbrook. They j are Mi. and Mrs. Harry Kank ; in. The ιie\v principal lias spent ■ ι'-·: · %· ι - i:i s.hool adminis , t live work. Me i* married to • .he 'oriiii·:· Cnielinc Jones of j'.ori.-. T;.ey have one daught 1 RC\A! 1) HARD 1 Π. I.alt! Ward returned home w '.er.! ν from the Conway, S. i.'. il< spit ii where hi· undcr ·· < iil a skin gr ift following the ·ι:ι; iitatή of the greater tue. ϋι· re : 'es with his parents. Vir. air' Mrs. Eugene Ward, an the I.ori>-Tabor Cily Koad, ι just lvlow Howard. I JUI.Y 4TII SCIIEDt'LE AM Tabor City stores, as well ; as the bank and postaffice. are ι ärbeduli'd In lit· closed 'furs· »lay July 4. according to Hon Ltivrll, executive secretary of the merchants association. T'-ir «•rp;.it bureau ofiice will also tie i'Iiisrd in observance of In fi.·»» nf(« it·!·,·. Teds Arrest Nine In Jam Liquor Sales F1a_»HI£NCE — Federal Λ1 cohol and 'lubaccu Tax I arrested nine defendants in the Jam section oi ilurry eu unty early Friday morning as the result of undercover work i iiiu'in . the last nine weeks, i Brougni bolore U. S. Com I mis.-ioiur V.. L·. Tyson Jr., t:.c iniio «·!ύΐ·.· men were release«· on bonus totaling .ss.500 for ι their appearance in Federal couit here Dei . 4. All were charged with pos I session of non-tax paid whisk I ey lor the purpose ot salt.· and ■ lor transporting non-tax paid whiskey. Four motor vehicles and 50 I ases of empty one-half gallon i jars were also seized in the I well-planned activity. Λ total of 228 gallons of I whiskt\ had been bought from I the defendants by a Federal Agent since April 21. Released t.n $1.500 bond • were Guy and M. C. Lovett. Putting up SI.(J00 bond were |Gately Hammond, Avis Strick land, J. L). Strickland and Na inon Hulfkin. while Jesse Benttm and Douglas Ruffkin and Robert But!kin were re leased on $500 bond eacii . A 1900 pickup was seized from Avis Strickland; a 195(1 pickup from Hubert Buffkin; a 1959 car from Hammond; and ' a 1953 car Inno the Lovetts. Each of the defendants re questel a preliminary hearing which was set by Commission er Tyson for 3 P. M. July 7 in the Federal building in Flor ence. ι Special Program caet For Emmanuel Fmmanuel Holiness Church ι will host a special inisjon pro tram rhurr^ay night beginning • i«t 7:30. 1 l.e si-rvice will bo conduct ed by eight students of Holmes Bible College. Greenville. S. C. They are visiting many church es while enroute to Mexico. For the program the Holmes Frio will present special mu sic. Tries For State ! FFA Award Tonite .'\s ι mis rowier was rcady ini! himself for discharge from Uli· Navy lato in 1359. hp be c.11110 mor? and more concern ed about I he work which ho wanted to choose for Iiis post - (TVice life. j His preferences boiled down to one—the North Carolina Highway Patrol. Hut the Tabor City native was told lie was not qualified to apply because he had not finished high school. Itcturning to school was more problematic to (»«lis than it would have been to many nth < rs. for. being married, and father of a small child, he had to provide a living for Iiis fam ily. But. having been discharged from the Navy in January he enrolled in Tabor City High School to add to the two \ hours of school credit he had attained before entering ser vice. Fowler graduated in May with honors. He wns named «Inner of the ΚΓΛ Farm Elec trification prize and the oppor tunity to try to capture the State prize. While Fowler was in school he was employed in the after noons and summers by PiggW Wiggly; Mrs. Fowler worked at the Columbus Manufacturing Co., Inc. With diploma in hand Od is was finally able to send his application to the Patrol, fol lowing the schol's closing, lie hopes that he wil be notified of being accepted soon. Tonight the 24 year old man will represent the local FFA Federation at the FFA Farm and Home Electrification Awards Hanquct in Raleigh The awards event is a high light of the annual State FFA convention held In Knleigh and designed to recognize vo cational agriculture students who have made outstanding I applications of electricity in Ihe home and on (he farm If Fowler should be named the state winner, he will re ceive $123 from electric com panies sponsoring the banquet 'Including CPAL·. another $100 from thp National FFA Foun dation. He is already assured of receiving $30 for being the Waccamaw Federation winner and $100 for having been the district winner. Teachers of the state win ner will also be given an award of $125. In Fowler's ■ case, his teachers are Sam L. i Jackson and Fred Lay, Jr. Grape Growers Find Two Types Of Market For Crop Members of the Horry Co- I — uiity Grape Growers Assoc ia- I g tiun were really heartened , J Thursday night when they took a bit oi an advance look ' .it marketing conditions for J this year's Concord grape crop. Two types of outlet will be 1 open to them this year, they J learned: a market for the fresh fruit and a market lor process grapes. η Last year most of the grapes c were sold to neighbors who ύ came and picked them for t, themselves, yet grape growers ' s tin that, their first crop of the ^ then two-year-old vines, reap- j. ed enough profit to pay the j, entire cost of the vineyards, j This year, they fvere told by Ί Joe McCormick, vocational ag- ( riculture teacher of Loris High { School, a New York commis sion merchant wants to handle all the top quality grapes from s this area as fresh grapes, pack cd in two quart paper con tainers. 16 quarts to the ship- ^ ping container. And, lie said, there will also ( be a market f<;r process grapes ι . of 16 percent >ugar content , j through the Palmetto Crape 1 j Marketing Association, which ' hgfe a juicing pl^nt at Spart- ι aqburg . j j j In order to sell through the . ! Palmetto association, he said, j j a grower must tirs' become a ( member by purchasing $50 in k common stock anc! S50 in pre ferred stock per acre. . The Mew York commission : merchant has said that if the grapes are of the quality he 1 understands them to be, h.· * believes growers can get $8 ' per 24 quarts (42 pounds). The Palmetto Marketing As- ' sotiation, McCormick said, 1 will pay growers a down pay- I ment of $75 per ton when the t grapes are delivered and later «. will send them dividend | checks representing their share ν of profits made by the associ- j ation. < It was not made entirely λ clcar whether it would be j possible for growers to us · > ^ Doth the fresh and the process ^ outlets, as a member of the Palmetto Association said the \ by-laws of that organizat'on * require that a member sell j grapes only to the association, j ■Π-1 II «dour ACQUIS Attend Camp 1 Ten members of Tabor City's : Boy Scout Troop 508 will re- ( turn home Saturday after ' spending a week or more at ' Camp Tom Upchurch near { Hope Mills. With them for th·· ' camping session has been ' Scoutmaster James Co\. Attending the camp are Jim I Bos well, Phil Dellinger. Hustv * Carter. Gordon Smith. Al Brlcc, Chip Cox. Alan Thomp- * <"n. Sammv Averett, Eddie ' Gore and Eddie Wright. The · first three Scouts arrived at ' Camp Tom Upchurch a week; 1 earlier than other members oi their troop ] The camp registration this week also Includes Trop of the Methodist Church of Whlteville with Stanley Shear rin as Scoutmaster; and Troop R27 of the Bladenboro Jaycee« with C. O. Bridger as Scout master Scoutmaster Cox. who re turned briefly to Tabor City yesterday, said that local Scout* are all having a good time and working hard on their advance ment. Scouts Eddie Wright and Alan Thompson are working toward the completion of their j Second class requirement<. j while the other attending mem bers of the troop are worMnc on merit badge requirements. | Mrs Belle Bruton ig home I from the hospital after under going surgery. Soles Speaks \1 Rotary Ladies Night R. C. Soles. Jr.. local attor· L*y, spoke on the law anil tin langes that have been mad< ι its purpose and interpre ition at a ladies night and in allation of officers of the T;i t»r City Rotary Club at Mos ins Restaurant. Ocean Driv each. Monday night. Ben L. Ncsntith. Jr.. bankc nil charter member of the Ro iry, was instated as presidenl aul Rogers. Jr.. is the ne* ice-president. Randall Burk on. secretary: and R. C. Sole.· r.. treasurer. Nesmith succeeds Richar iordon as president. Spivey Passes In Gastonia > Funeral services wire hcl Saturday. Ju^e 17, <>t 2 pit t Pisgah Presbyterian Churc η Oastonia with full Masoni ites for William McKinle pivey. formerly of Tabor Cit> >fficiating ministers were th !ev. Μ. B. Grier and the Hex iobei t E- Craig. He died on June 15 in th last on Memorial Hospital of cart attack at the age of 5( Survivors include his \vif< he former Elva Clark of Chai litte: one son. Mack Spivey ο laltimore. Md.. and a daugi er Mrs. Bob Random of Pcnn ylvania; his step-mother. Mr· lelle Spivey of Tabor City; als ix brothers. Hubert and Jo ipivey of Tabor City. Doe •pivey of Del.and. Fla.· Nov ood Spive.v of Exetlcr. Calif "layd Spivey of Hampton. S.C 'laude Spivey of Miiuaukei Vise., five sisters. Mrs Brod is Turbevillo. Mrs. Bostai iarvis. Mrs. .lohn Gary McMil tan Mrs. Dayton Causey c 'ahor City and Mrs. Lind 'ayne of Milwaukee. Wise. 3utstanding Rccord cor Gore's Holstein "Ilona I'ontiae." a llolstei wned by Lacy fire of Clären on, produced IS 790 pound f milk in 305 days, aeeordin ι» the Holstein-Friesi; η iation with which the Colum his County dairyman is umber. The eow also produced 53 >ounds of butterfat du rinn th ame period. North Carolina State Collet; upervlsed the weighing am I'stinu of milk production a part of the official herd test nc prograamas of the natlotu lolstein organization 4cCumbee Joins ichilds Staff Fred McCumbee. formerly ii he insurance business in thi ire«, has joined the sales fore it Schilds in Tabor City. Λ »ort Schilds, owner, annoutx d today. McCumbee was associate yith the S liilds sales for« ome years ago and is we «now η throughout this sei lion. "We are happy to ha' Vir. McCumbee b«ick with t ind be welcomes his frien» md former customers to fire η and see him." Schilds sai MASS OBSERVED Saint Francis Catholic Chn "h In Tabor Cltv Is holdli Hai* each Sunday mornir rommencln* at 9:4). All parrlfthnero and the pal le hi Invited to participate. Road Chase Begins Here, Ends In Robeson County j Λ road chi»se which began In Tabor City early Sunday morning and ended in Itobeson 1 county icsulted in multiple chariies of traffic violations by i George Larry Cox. 18. of Luin berton. Cox. driving a i960 pickup, halted at tin· intersection of Kailroad avenue and Highway Till in front of the Tabor City police station, having conic irom tile direction of Loris. Then, according to officers, the vehicle abruptly .screamed in to motion heading toward Whitevile. Officer Ted Watts, who was parked in front of Prince Motors, noted the flee in« pickup and beiian pursu ing it. As the truck departed from the town limits Watts called ahead and requested ;< road block It was furnished by Trooper F. D. McLean.. McLean said that he blocked tlu* highway with his patrol car at the by-pass intersection south of Whiteville but to no avail as the pickup swerved around hi-; vehicle and con tinued down tiie by-pass. Mc Lean reported that the truck soon went through the red light at the Pine Log road wide open and turned left at th·.» intersection of US 74-7ti and 701 The chase was continued , through Chadbourn and then on down 74. In the meantime. McLean called ahead for a road block in Robeson county. Λ state trooper there managed to pull a running road block and the youth finally stopped. C McLean charged the youth ί ι with jp-edi'iu I Oft miles-per i. jie· :, r« driving an-' fail h ing to stop for a red light, π Oficers in Whiteville and \· ι Chadbourn mfiy later add charg j es to the list. r , McLean, after asking why the youth's haste, said he was told the boy wanted to see how ι· j fast the pickup would run "and ;i ι just never stopped.'' I The lauoi ponce tiiaig* * cd Cox with speeding Kb m.p.h. - j in a 35 m.p.h. zone, [ailing to f stop lor siren and stop light, •; .ind spinning wheels. In May - . tir's court Monday he pleaded 1.1 guilty to spinning his wheels ι j ,md lor thisTilfertse was charg ed the tost of court, ζ Chadbourn officers have on* . tered charges for the same of i tenses . In Recorder's court Tuesday :he tiefend» nt was tried for .'the violations listed by the ,1 Highway Patrol, found guilty, -i ixl required to, pay a $50 j. lim·, court c<> is. and his driv t fi-'s In cn.-c was suspended. Clayton Lewis At Seminar Clayton I^-vvis. principal of Williams Τ ο w η s h ι ρ Η i g h s School, is one of the 3li prln * cipals in the state selected tu attend the Simlnar at the Un " ivcrsitv of North Carolina, ' Chapel Hill. Classes will begin the week * I July 3 under Dr I. C. Riedie * for a period <>f six weeks. Mrs. I ewis plans to go ίο Chapel Hill July Iii for sum ■ mer school classes in business ' administration Their son. - j Hti«rh. will be with his grand 1 parents, Mr and Mrs. Η. H. Lewis at Green Sea. Several Are Hurt Several person suffered mi·· ι nor Injuries Monday night s when two automobiles were ln «■ volved In a head-on side-swipe - on the Lorls-Tabor City high - way. Highway Patrolman Eddie ! Jones said his Investigation '' showed that Benjamin Lorry Harnhill, Rt 2. Tabor City, was * driving η 1951 Ford north and ' that Robert Wayne Harrelson, Is Rt. 2. Loris. was driving a * 1056 Ford south when the side· J swipe occurred. Roth cars were practically total losses, he said, bul th^ P. ι occupants, including Ruby κ Tyler. Rt. I. Lorls, who he sold iK was a pasenger In the Barn hlll car. were treated at Loris >. Community Hospital tmergen 1 cy room and dipmlaed. 1