Man Killed Sunday 4 Youths Indicted Four youths wert» jailed Sat urday by the Sheriffs Depart ment after confessing their in volvement in the slaying of Robert Freeman, a 37-year-old Negro near llallsbom early Sunday morning. The Sheriff office said Houston Odell Duncan 18. ol the Negro with a pocket kniu· Wanunish. admitted stubbing Saturday nigh«, then throwing the kmlc into a canal near Lake Waccamaw. Duncan is beinu held without bond on in open charge until the in· ((liest, set for July 27 at Τ ρ .η. in the County courthouse. Bond el $>2.000 each was set for three other youths. David Ansi-n Martin, IK. of Wanan· i..!i. and Edward Mack Clause. 17. and Olin Waid. 18. both .·! Haltsborn. aft»·!" they confesse.l hey aided, according so Deputy Sheriff Charlie vmth. Martin was released on oi tui Monday night. The oth I ι· ■ vo are j-.til being h Id in I ieu of bond. Λ1Ι three face an ■ •pen eh..rue. Smith said the boys' stated :notive is that the> had foun i Freeman sitting on the back 'oorstep of an uttidcntifii ΐ white woman's home. He said .he home was near the site et the killing. Freeman's body was found at ' 30 a. m. Sutniav by a passim; motorist near Jackson's Cross ing. between Hallsboro ami Lake Waccamaw. about half ι mile ..ff of U. S. Highway 74· "β. Columbus County Coroner 1 IV l ong said the dead man h ■· bc'.-ti stabbed twice with a knife. Inquest w ill bo Item t ints day. July 27 in the court house. acc< fling u> Coroner King, ant! i- slated to begin at 7:00 P. M. I SHOP & SAVE At :Η·Η·Ι Tabor Bargain Store Non Breakable Shades ELECTRIC Table Lamps $1.59 Ladies* Cotton House Dresses Keg1. «fc Half Sizes $1.99 Ladies' Skirls Only $1.90 • Sizes Men's White Handkerchiefs 5r ea. Clip on Τ ν pe Lamp Shades Men's Undershirts Only 39c Ladies' Collon Slips KyeliM Trim I ·>ρ «Je Hot torn 88c IAssortfd Colors Γ LADIES' § Blouses '? 99c I vffiMmkvuKt. '.»ι ι »Triw Farmers Vote Saturday Oa Two-cent Assessnent The North Carolina Sweet ι Potato Association. Inc. has ! been given permission by the I Board of Agriculture to con 1 duct a sweet potato referend | urn on Saturday. Sept. 23. 1961. Polling places for Columbus County will be at llarrels6n*s Feed and Seed Store. Tabor City: Billy I'rm.e Station. S.uidx Plains: G. T. Gore's Store. Guit.eway; Taylor's I Si :i-Ser\ ice Center. Will ams School: Williamson's Store. Cherry Grove: J. W. Moonov \· Company. Chadbouru; and J. C. l.ennoti's Store. While vi lie. The referendum will assess two cents per liishcl for fresh or cured sweet potatoes and 2c per one-hundred pound for cannery stock. The money col-. Iccted. should the referendum carry, will be used to promott , North Carolina sweet potatoes | and the sweet potato industry. Sweet potato consumption I throughout the eastern area has been steadily dropping I .airing the past few years. This program is designed to assist in promoting more consump-j tion of sweet potatoes through out the eastern seaboard. All producers of commerci al .->weet pot itoes are eligible to \ote. If several members of the same family produce sweet potatoes tor sale, all of those persons who share in the own ership of the potatoes will be eligible to vote in the refer endum on Saturday. Septemb er 23. ROBKRT ΒΚΛΙΚΙ) Kobert Beaird is home fr u.i ι trip to Florida where he joined a group of Air Force friends. ,νΛ(' — Kotruit Bohbyc J. llamor. daughter of Mr. and .*lrs. Robert llumor. Chad bourn. R2. recently completed eight weeks of basic niilitar> training at the Women's Arm λ Corps Center. Fort McClclian. Ala. She is a 1!>G0 graduate of West Side High School and was employed at the Memorial Cancer Hospital in Neu York City before entering the corps. John C. Ward's Funeral Today John Carraway Ward. 7«. retired farmer of Route 1. Ta bor City, died at his hoim , Tuesday morning after an ill ness of several months. A native of Columbus Coun ty he was a son of the late Adeline Long and Calvin Ρ Ward Funeral services will b» held today (Wednesday) at 4 p. tn ui the Bethel Methodis? Church of which he vas a 1 member, by the Rev. Ed P. Armstrong, .*··. pastor. V — w 11 l· ' t'.n BctU 1 Men«· .a! Cemeter>. He is survived by his wife Mrs. D<>ra Mac Ward: two sons. J. C.. Jr. and Lupton Ward, both of Route 1. Clar endon: two daughters. Mr·. Ford Intnan of Route 3. Tab«-; City, aii'l Mrs. Burt Gillette <·> Wilson: one brother. W. l> : ' Clarendon: two sis - Mrs. J. B. Duncan of Tabor City: JO grandchildren. RCGC.1E Κ AR Γ R-.nici»· F . ρ is enteritii« James Walker Memoria! Hos pital today for eye surgery His mother Mis. linger Earn plans to be with h in during his stay there wh o1 w;ll keep them at tin- hospital until Monday or later. Local Boy Scout WiitsCampHonor 1 il i lU lluO-i' n| l»«>y Si'uiit . en· \\.is in.lucte. into the Orilcr nf tin· Arrow Xaliottal Fratein»t\ «if ert lust wt*ek at Camp Tum Upclntrch. aecordmi: to l.ed_«e Chief Mike Siiiiiimiis of While villo. Fach year in tlu Cape Fear Area Couiuil. in tin· eight ■««»uthenstem North Carolina ••unties. th»· troops hold elcc tions to choose ilu· senilis u> represent them as tin best *·* j ample- , ι «^., uuhü . principles in camping. These candidates are tapped during the camping season .,t η Summer Camp. An induc tion ceremony is held yea: I· < i the new members ana old members are further hmiotvd .«'Γ the r participation. I he following honor scout ; vere inducted into the ι.. lodge: David Bailey. Joey V. i'~ hams, and i:.niur Hi.mi scoutmaster ,,f Troop ;M)3." I» t Bl:'k nan "f Troop 20Ü. • tikyr C .tu., y of Troop 21*4 Douthwaite, Dan Shep i«rd of Troop 2:215. Hillv Si o«n of Tr.i.p 2l!i. Reid f. 'f I roup 2:i4 ail of \\ ,hn nr toll. *' George of Troop 602 1 Mi/ :bcthtow n, Billy Fo-.m y-Duval ·>»' Troop 500 of Halls ! ominy Owens of Troop 501. 1 inny Cole of Troop 013 Jt*rr>· Sheffield and Scout _' ':··· Le.· S!U ;field o| Tro u I it'!» of White\ ill, . I *' ·· > I'·-1« and Robert De > °i Tr'M Ρ 404 of Chhd 13. urn. Phil Dellinger of Troop ' "I rabor City. Willie Bar ; : 1 I'jcep .101». Troe\ Ml·. : .«*an of Tn op 0f Lu'inb. - 1 '■ My Dial and Robert ' Tr- i p 327 Λ Peir ! ·teed of Tro« ·*■> * ' •'■,· ' hasiu - .iti«l Roe - : rt Thame«:. s outmaster. o: 4.,.;. p.ail Li\ niston ι·ί ο !47. all of Laurinburg. • 1· ;!y blown .Troop 404 I 't Raeford. Μ- B. tingman f the Camp Con nut'ee. I.i«\vi> Lane ■nu 1·: »nk F. :l. ir «η of the rv ·' u"'« il.«o inducted m the ι « remonv . Scon:> lakinj; part in the v· !. .« r;> \iii-«: Lmiue Chief. ·■' '·.·· Smm: i;s . f H.,l!>.>«.·!· , Cage SfaU« cks. Biliv λν.|5. Ii e i;.. J,,|t,«.n. Mike Merrill "t W.„ton. Charles F«: s Eliz.ibethtown. Jim priscoll of I umbt · ton, John Joyner. District F.xecutiv ■ and \app Director served as Lodge \ \ :aprr «ionr« ami ruitoria·* trow roast to ro:i»t |lvr rnrouracrmcnt to rrvlvjl of thr C hri· Htm« «intlne prnfram. fhr Rfv. Dr. I».«in·-i A. Pol in«. editor of Christian ll.rald (rieht) and Bill McVr.· the Clirlstijin llrr.ilrl Mng« r (left), arr «hown η ith .« fe v of the thousand« of nr»«paprr rlippins« that ha.r deeded Or. Politic'* dmk. vt:\v κΛ»*»ι.«νκκ Miss I Vati Shelley <>f Mount (»liw has aeeopted .i position with Evelyn's Hcauty No« k anu<>tiiKvil Evclyti Flowers uwnor. „ Mix Shelley \.:-s tiritc ι ro Kl \ i's Üsjjli Stln·.' S> '"IV || l.f I'll' ill' Ouir.iie i:i Wilmington. ΜΛΚΤΙΙ \ ANN YOVNCi Martha Ann. infant (hinüb er ol' Mr. ; n>l Mrs. Krski. Vftni'j. is lu.inr l.on· Mrl.eo·-! Infii'inar· η hör· s'u n · i-it·» vcni .roatmoni. I Rain Ends Chase OfSCServcemen A cloudburst quickly halb ι speeding rtiiver wf»o was be hik pursued by. Patrolman A II. Campbell Saturday after-1 noon on Highway 410. Kaxmoiid \V. Horrell. a GiH>i'i:('ti'\vn serviceman. re- 1 ceived a slight cut «·ιι h>s nose when Iiis car ran off the ritiht side of tli«· road, struck a culv ery near the Ralph Spivey home, and turned over several times. He was prciwlint; to- , ward Tabor City. . The li»äti Kord was describe· 11 by the trooper as a total !··.->. Saitl Pic. C'atnphell. "Mr lloirell was having no troubl· with his !l uht until he rai into the rain. Once < η the w·' ' pavement h< lost control of h»r. IlorrelI who is l!n year ■·! . J vas cited for driving ltM· I nph. I fc ROTARY ASSIGNMENT » Ben L. Nesnuth. Jr., new . < . ein «'i tue Tabor City Kulary Club. pas.sefi -»nit OS iiiiiuniltit1 assignments for tl(| voir at the regular Mondty ni^hl meeting at the scln^ cafeteria. President Nesmitti named Sam Jacks«'» pi»nr.u>^ ν liairman. one of the most im p. it.'lit coiiimitt · post;. Charles Ymum. ι ;.<ι·ι ia'v editor of The Τι ihiiu · ν , . j guest at the meet 111«. DAVIS JEWELERS SÄYS: "Why pay more for a no-jewel watch— thai cannot be ι lepaired ? ? ? "when you can buy , a 7-Jewel Lever Watch for only ... $12.88 which we can repair t it' necessary. Stylos For Girls, Boys, Ladies, Men: 17-.ll-.WKl. \Y Λ TV Hl-,S . . . only » S 1 7.88 P»l i.OYA WATCH KS . . . from $24.75 KKYSTrNK 1IO.MK-MOYIK OllTlTS KKAMY TO (il) only $99.95 DAVIS JEWELERS "Tabor City Diamond Centor" Phoiu* :'· 11«» • v2 Pricc Changing Slock Completely xk Price 5 ^rni'i ·<ιΐ '> Furniture Co. of Mullins i> offering you something you h:vv-· g i u'.i'i' in·.im <.f f ' loiv. To make room for a stor · full of neu steck, thev t i»i t* ν .i; ί»!··.··.-: ι·\ιτ> Ihir.if in the store at · ·_. price plus fieitfht. You ti I ly .«· 1 |>i · ι·I!ifreijrht with the following conditions: you pay ■ « a- with <>i . r. Γ· iiio \»» nvrchandi>e from stor«· immediately, with no |j « \ ! ,!M>T»· ι · r< Tu ud ·». When thi> sale is over they will offer you ·» § i>r. :.d new ' (·. to choo.*«· from. So μο to Smithboro Furnitur»· Co. now i end : ■ tV · .·) ■ ·a.·.*· of their 1 ·_· price sale. They are leated 1 mile* Ι from Muilii..- oil the l.atta Highway and are ope η from 8 A. M. until SMITHBORO FURNITURE CO. MULLINS, S. C. per square _ fool makes your home look new! Only (ί) coat of new £}£eem outperforms (2 coats of — I ordinary { house paint! • MILDEW RESISTANT! Protects better,lasts longer! •ENAMEL-LIKE GLCil! St ays brilliant for years! • FUME & SMOG RESISTANT! Resists discoloration! ! · REALLY SUPER-WHITE! Extra-rich in titanium! f [PLUS every COLOR you 've ever wanted for both body and trim ! TÄliM 8AIMMK «0 FlERHiTSRE GO. FFFTI! STREET COMPLETE "Beaüg. |. SERVICES From tip t<» t«»*· you'll] look more beautiful ill you visit us regularly, IMiour for appiiint!iunt| or [ust conic in . .. PRE - TOBACCO SEASON SPECIAL ON ALL COLD WAVES also SEE US FOR YOU 111 HAIR TINT I) flf S Nook Evelyn Flowers ·. Betty Grainger Dean Shelley Located Up Stairs ()ver ('lot hinjr (.'enter Phone 7t>l-l Tabor City TABOR CITY Our Grand Opening In Two Big Buildings 1$ Coming Soon wfi-'nr pumiimiMI MANY GRAND OPENING PRIZES E^BIEV'C WERE EXPANDING! BIC MEBCHAHD1SE BARGAINS RUE* » To Better Serve Our Customers TAB0R C,TY