marries /\rmy man Miss Mary Williams Miss Mary Gail Williams and David Warden Whitt wen married at 8 p. m. July 26, at the home of the bridegroom's parents, 151 Corbin Street, Winston Salem. Dr. Jul inn Lake, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, officiated. The bride is the daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. William Norman Williams of Tabor City. She is a graduate ot Pint-land High School and Junior College at Salemburg ind is presently employed by Jnitcd Automotive Service. Inc. The bridegroom is the son >( Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Whitt He is a graduate of Robert Β 'Jlenn High School and is with ihe Army, stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington. The bride wore a dress ·»!" )lue chiffon over Tafteta with j flared skirt, a blue veil as ieac! pi tee and carried pink carnations on a white Bible. Mrs. G. M. Thorton. sister ■•f the bride of Winston Salem, ι was matron of honor. After a wedding trip to Car | olina Bcach Mrs. Whitt is at j home with the parents of the bridegroom presently and he leturned to Fort Lewis. Rehearsal Party Given By Couple I Mr. and Mrs. Albro Stevens entertained at their home on the "Loris-Tabor City Road ' Friday evening following thf reht arsal for the wedding of I Misf Wee Rene Stevens and Marcus Sharpe Turner. Jr. whi'.h was solemnized Sunday afternoon. f Spring flowers and burning tapers graciously decorated the I homo for the occasion while musical recordings were softly 1 played throughout the evening. The refreshment table, over 'aid with a white linen cloth. , was attractive in the tradition al bridal motif where Mrs. La D< >sca S. Fecher presided at ; ht* punch bowl . i Chicken salad ami pimento rheese sandwiches. potato chips, dips, and bridal ices were also served. Attending the event wi'h members of the wedding pait> vere the out of town guests, members <»f the families of the bridal couple: Mrs. Bermey Stevens, wedding director, also Mrs. Furman J. Fowler anir Miss Judy Nix. musicians ίοι the wedding. FLORIDA VISITORS Miss Mildred Stroud of Sar asota and Otto Stroud Λ Spruce Fines. Fla. are visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Stroud. ι ATTEND FRAT PARTY Miss Martha Brooks Bell and Joe Garrell were recent week end guests in the home of Ed Smith in Lexington who is· Joe's U. N. C. roommate. They also attended the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity party. IlWiefJ if FO R iF A 11 BACK TO SCHOOL -~-*gW »IWM II HU I itk >1 SUMMER SUN AND WIND OFTEN LEAVE HAIR LIFELESS AND LUSTERLESS. LET US RESTORE YOURS TO ITS NATURAL BEAUTY . . . WITH A NEW HAIR STYLE . . . ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIALS ON COLD WAVES EVELYN' BEAUTY HOOK Evelyn Flowers Betty Grainger — Dean Shelley Lorated Vp.steirs Over Clothing , , Center Phone 74R1 Tabor City Frigidaire Brings You Best Buys! YO'JR DOHA WILL COUNT MORE R On FRIGIDAIRE ·' ">·' -ι - ν · ·■· · -,- :>'·'.·■ 1 '■Λ Μ Μ DON'T PAY A PENNY MORE ior a 2-door! I FM-W41 n*ritarwt»-fi—at, 12.»0*>.ft.M«tC«psctty don't dmloy... *00it today ' ' ·*»,*·'· ."i . * ■ ■- · >■ ... until you've μ·π this big, new FRIQIDAIRE deluxe "1J" • Hug·, ββ-lb. tero lone Γ Fretter with it» own door! s • Roomy Refrigerator Section defrosts itself! • Twin Glide-Out Hydrator» store nearly % bushel! • Storage Door holds every thing from butter to Vt gel. mtllrbottles! Liberal Trmdm ONLi ι $299.95 Who'd ever dreem Prlgidelr· guettty cevfd \ be priced m tery lew! Μ ISS WEE RENE STEVENS EXCHANGES VOWS WITH MARCUS S. TURNER, JR. iii <« η·η'πι«ην hi me ι aoor City Baptist Church Sunday, j August 20. at 4 p. m. Miss' Wee Rone Stevens and Marcus Sharpe Turner. Jr. were unit ed in marriage. The Rev. Jarnos Η. Johnson, pastor of tlio bride officiated, assisted by the Rev. Bruce Pate, brother- ! in-law of the bridegroom of j Kinsion. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Davis Albro Stevens of Tabor City and trie bridegroom is the st>n of Mrs. Marcus Sharpe Turner. Sr. of Fair Bluff and the late Mr. Turner. Cms flit"! with Fuji mums iul glads with tropual fiiii.> «ind burning tapers in seven »ranched candelabras formed the background Iro the double l ing ceremony. Mrs. Furman J. Fowler, org anist, and Mis.-. Judy Nix, voc alist, bfitb Tabor City pre sented the wedding music. She sang '"Entreat Me N