THE ONLY PULITZER PRIZE WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE V NIT ED STATES \ More Than 10.000 People Read The Tribune Every Week 74e 7< People Shop J ■ The Pages Of Th. Hometown New«i>ai>· VOLUME XVI, NUMBER t JK% ■ mm i«mvrsn.»v. AUGUST 30. 1S61 "Tabor City — The Town With A City Future" TABOR CITY, VORTH CAROLINA 10c PER COPY—S3.00 A YEA· : ruroiee 1 Tells All A night prowler made more than seven calls on Tabor City residents August 22, collecting u hundred or more items with fwhich local police say "He had enough merchandise to open a variety store." Linda Adolph Wort ham, a 30-year-old parolee, was ar rested Sunday afternoon at a Vinegar Hill store and charged with breaking and entering several automobiles and build ings in the town, and also charged with larceny and re , ««reiving stolen goods. v> Wort ham has served time be fore fur identical charges an. was only recently released from prison from serving time on a five to seven year term. Places entered and items stolen included the following: W. A. Williams garage, east 5th street—electric iron, tow , els, laundry bag, heating pad, ι bed lamp, sheets, rugm elect ♦ ric cooking pot; total value $68.00. Car, Mrs. Lizzie Sellers' res idence, 6th street—pair boy's loafers; $10.00 value. Car, Mrs. Sellers' residence, property of Joe Collins—over night bag with clothing, shav ing equipment and knife; val ued at $16.00. Car, Mrs. A. M. Smith's home, 5th street—prescription # sun glasses; miniature glass dog; no value set. Utility room, Ed Nerris, home, Elizabeth street — one ' radio, electric lamp, nine pic tures and frames, flashlight; ♦ valued at $84.00. Tool house, Ed Prince resi dence. Bell street—Ten glass what-nots. Motorola radto gad record- player, flashlight; VtUt , . ed at $59.00. * Car, Eugene Colli#* home, •th street—pair of shoe·, sport shirt, belt, flaahlight,T-shiit. billfold; valued at $34.7$. Car, Jimmy Garrell resi dence, Pireway road — hair brush, keyholder; valued at $2.00. 1 Cooperated Police Chief J esse Barker said Tuesday that Wortham was very cooperative and con fessed to the illegal acts when he was shown the stolen items recovered (for the most part) from his father's home. Ownership of some other items acknowledged by Worth am to have been stolen have not yet been determined. They include a pair of brown "Quail Hunter" boots, a pair of rub ber boots, two sheets, one pair φ of men's shorts, a bundle of printed cloth remnants, one ] piece of auto upholstery mat- > erial, an identification brace-1 let inscribed "Nell Currie" ι (which Wortham was wearing, when arrested), a flash cam-1 era, a toy cash register, a' stack of phonograph records, one pair women's sun glasses,) and two pairs men's sun glas* 1 ses. ψ Chief Uurgea Report* 1 Chief Barker said yesterday that anyone misatng property should report it to his office at once. "The sooner we know of a theft, the eatier it is to find the culprit," he said. i JamersonBnfldn «Knifed By?? Mystery still surround· a Friday morning altercation in Tabor City's Jam section. Jamerson Buffkin, 51, is a patient in Loris Community Hospital for treatment of lac erations which took more than 70 stitches to close, Chief De puty Thurm on Butler afftrtns. _ Deputy Butler visited the hospital after receiving re ports that Buffkin was wound ed in the Jam battle with an other person. The patient was under sedation In preparation for the removal of a broken off knife blade which the med ics were to remove from him, and which was not discovered until an Xray showed Η after Buffkln's wounds were clos ed. ♦J The chief deputy said that the patient's wile told him that her husband had stated that no charge would be issu ed against his unidentified as sailant if the medical bUla are taken care at kf fem. φ —w *4m — = ■· The; lyöl TABUK CITY RED DEVILS — From loft to right, First Row: Arthur Nix, Rub Grainger, Kenny Carter, Marshall Allen, Joe Steven, Clark Doster, Bobby McCumbee, Donald Spivey, and Doug Wright. Second Row: Chipper Watts, Bobby Soles, Elwood Spivey, Russell Fonvielle,, Richard Wright, Gene Goldfinch, and Mickey Worley. Third Row: Coach John Small, Ronald Foley, Roger Tatum, Roger Small, Larry Fowler, Sammy Williams, Jerry Soles, and Coach Bermey Stevens. ( Gridiron Season Opens Here Friday Red Devils Clash Whiteville Waive« ineir morale is nigh an< they're looking sharp. They'v been· working hard to get ii thupe, and I'm pleased witl the way they're working to gather." This is the way Head Coacl Bermey Stevens daecribed hi ,1901 IkjpbaJI tMA «»lie watcli ed the lint string ' runnini precision plays Monday after noon. The "hard-nosed** scrimmag ing of last week has given waj to light workouts, which will be the order of the day th» rest of this week in prepara tion for the season opener hert with Whiteville Friday night. Game time is 8 p. m. Although neither Coach Stevens or Assistant Coach John Small are making an> predictions, both are optimistic about the showing the team will make this year. Friday night's contest is ex pected to give some good in dication of how the Red Dev ils might fare for the season. Stevens said he has heara that the Whiteville team is go ing all out in getting ready for the game here. "They have a new coach uver there this year, and we □on't know wnat they might throw at us, but we ieel we're ready for them," Stevens said. One thing the coaches art grateful for is the fact th it Red Devils are without an> consequential injuries. With only light scrimmaging on tap between now and the game, the chances are good that the team will bo at full strength Friday. The starting lineup for the first game is expected to be: Roger Tatum, left end; Jerry Soles, left tackle; Joe Stevens, left guard; Don bpivey, center, Mickey Worley, right guard Sammy Williams, right tackle; Marshall Allen, right end; Roger Small, quarterback; Bobby Soles, right halfback; Larry Fowler, left halfback; and Ronald Foley, fullback. Air Condition Conri House Two Whiteville firms were awarded contracts to install sir condition systems in the county court house. Bids were opened Monday it a called meeting of the co unty commissioners. Only three bids were received. Hinnant's, Incorporated, will supply 10 units for the down stairs offices in the building while Schulken's Hardware Mil install · central system for tbe upstairs court room ind seoond-floor offices. Excluding costs of extra wiring and sales taxes, coat if the units hat been appro priated at $11,000. installa tion of the downstairs units MP» TtMftlay. _ .. f.·. Λ - -JL · *.'«:'' f\'t L· 1 '*'■ . TWENTY-ONE PERSONS DIED on North Carolina's highways last year over the Labor Day weekend. Patrolman A. H. Campbell, along with other highway officers stationed in th i a·····» b·* r moiorsts to be extremely careful over the 4-dav holiday period which l>e ins Friday and ends with Labor Day. Sept.. 4. Motorists are ur «"1 1 · drive with the'T headlights on — both day and nicrht — during the holiday period as a pledge that they will drive safely. Leaf - Larson iissg Cracked? "iNO comment." So said a member of the Columbus County Sheriff's department when asked to confirm a report that eight men were arrested in Chad ourn Saturday niRht in con nection with larceny of 1.100 pounds of tobacco. According to an earlier re port, termed "completely ur •fficial" by the Sheriff's of fice, the leaf was illegally tak en from Green and Teachey warehouses in Chadbourn. Records of committment at the county jail listed the ar rested as W. G. Raul md, 30, >f Oxford; George Holland. 2fl, Morris Young, 26. Willie Gatice ">6, all of Chadbourn; Isiah Williams, 30, Timmonsville, S. C.; Burney Lewis, Jr.. 49. Mu! • ins, S. C.; Blease Johnson. 41, Timmonsville; and James Wood, 25, also of Timmons vlll·. Jail records show that R«« land, the only white man, post ed his own ll.Oflfl bond, wh'l«· Jimmy Green, one of the own ers of the warehouses, posted bonds for the other seven men. Teenagers Take Car, Τ ruck Sat. Nite I A Tabor City teenager has I been jaik-'l for stealing a pick ; up truck during the werkend, I due to the alertness of SIJiD ' officer James Anderson, local pel ice say. The 1951 Chevrolet vehicle was parked tin the Green Sea road within the town limits Saturday by owner E. L. Wright. The ignition key was placed »11 the seat. Early Sunday morning the j SLED officer was leaving his I home in the Gurley commun j ity of Horry county when he noticed a 1051 pickup that was i itched. Λ youngster was try ing to b;icu the truck out of 1 the ditch. Anderson radioed his Co j lumbia headquarters where he was advised that the pickup i truck was stolen. A call to j Tabor City police confirmed the theft, ownership end de scriptioh of th»· truck. Λ warrant, singed by Tabor lity police. was served by the SLEDman and th·· youth was fudged In the town jail to a wait special hearing temporar ily slated for Tuesday. Two Other Youth* Caught Tabor City police nabbed two Whiteville teenagers Sun 'py morning for larceny of an »utomobile. The boys, resi dents of South Whiteville and New Hope, alledgcdly removed in automobile from a parking paca .near Planter's Ware ou*"> (Whiteville) around ridnight Saturday. The car is he property of Earl Morris, loute 2, Tabor City. T1 e boys, both of which arc j lot vet 16 years of age. were diced in the custody of Juv- | nil Judge Lee J. Greer fer I final disposition. 1 Savings And Loan Office }pens §n Tub? City Tuesday (»Optralive Savings and Loan ..-suekition of Wilmington. N. opens its fifth office next I ticsday when tho Tabor Ci;v inch offit.'iiilly begins bus; Cf the organization at the din ner meeting, held in connec ■ ion with the grand opening of lie Cooperative branch here. >1 this new branch of Cooper ;tive Savings and Loan Asso ciation offers a challenge and η opportunity and I am cer ainly glad to be here," Mr. .erring said. · Cooperative has worked al :io»t day and night since the ipproval of its application for ι Tabor City öifice by the rt to be in opersdio-i by Sep tember 5. While every detail nay net be complete for this >ptning. Cooperative expects " open its doors for business )ii that date. In an effort to acquaint the itizenry of Columbus, Horry, Brunswick and other areas with the facilities of the Coop rat: ce office here, prizes will be given away to visitors of itv· office who make the best uess as to tv,e nmrunt of mon v in π isp'.uyei "House of f ney." lso rifts will be made to amilies who deposit money on . avings with the association. Gravin Faulkner, an execu tive with the Cooperative org anisation. has been handling a 'iint many of the technicali *i -s n-sooi 'to-' with the open in «"•'I Wilson's condition as' "good." according lo the police de partment re.ords a report was leceived late Saturday night ot a shooting in the community. Wilson's name was connected with the incident. Oificers Watts and Bruton searched for , Wilson whom they understood lad been shot, but were un ible to locate him at that time. Wilson has signed a warra.·.' ι barging Wilery Gareld. 37. oi ssault with a deadly weapon with the intent to kill. The officers reported tlvii j .vey told them that he and a j ompatiion were visiting a wu .:*n near ' ( 1 -father's ome when their porkchop ind-fish-sandwich-supper was ι vas interrupted by Garell. ' vev said that Gerald, in η :monstra!k>n t<> i>et the tw« ,i si tors away fr> m the home roke out several lieht bulbs. The two men conceded, anu ifter leaving the house were ο I -wed by Gerald. After leatcd woras between Gera' and Wilson the two hnts wer he I. the latter e i.tended ".· • of Ir is . Jealousy »a· suit jested ps he reason for the itiei -cut. Wils« n's .in it inn is report unchanged. Gerald was re eased from jail after a S500 '■>< nd was posted. Both men are Negroes . A ho 'ring before the mayor us be' η sit for Sept. II. Sale!? Fi'Oiec! I For Moforisis Begins Friday I τ·-,, J, Γ.·ιΙ ·τν·»ι On Your Lights For Saiity" project, eure oy ο v· 1'abiT t n.. Jayceus and sancti« ned by the i'.atf Highway P. trol. will n< nto elf vet at 6 |>. m. Friday. I'ptembcr 1. The Slate-wide safety mea sure. designed to aid in n· ucing accidents and injuries >>n the streets and highways urine the busy Labor Day weekend, will extend through 5 a. m. Tuesday, September A'l m< torists are asked to Mini their auto headlight« while driving during this per iod as indication they are oncerncd about the safe·;-· proglem and interested in re ducing motor vehicle acci dents. In other Jaycee activity, it was announced at the regular meeting Tuesday niaht that the Community Birthday C >1 ndar project will get under way September 5. Jaycces will canvass the town, selling the calendars which will reflect birthdays •n t wedding anniversaries, of local people. nONFlRE PF.P RALLY IHirh School Cheerleader Director Mr*. Bermcy Stev ens ha* atpiounced that there will he a Bonfire Pep Rally Fr'tlay night prior to the football tram? hrtween Tabor City and Whltevllle. The Rally I* scheduled to begin at 7:30 and «III be held at the nrhool. The pub lic le Invited to attend. Average ?Sai!eil Mosday Monthly's tobacco average v.i labor City was the outstand ing iu-ws in the leaf industry. Γ he $70.27 average not only b:-:kc Tabor City's own daily .verage, but for the second time, broke the Border Belt high mark. While the average slid slighi •y ''ownward Tuesday, Sales ^up· rvisor i'ave this reason for the decline: "Many o!' our farmers who are anxious to cet their tobac co en the floor, are bringing t r City's average for the :ι«τ—representing if) sales a ' r "1·:.. 7*1«!. son'..· ;·ν «•—•fo for the belt ' ■wever. stood at $65.00 as of ne \v< k w-hfi: the last figures ···■»? :Viiled to the supervis T1 c loc: 1 market is over η •l'i« ti ρ ' tids ihend of the bnrro during the first IP tvs lq«t ypnr, T.ove'l nointe "t. T'MOMPh Tuesday. :< lord 0.1"'1 '<'·? had been brought 1*1 μ -k< t. ' ' - "in * ι ·ι as follows: Wednesday—258.476. $258 - *70.51, $67.40. Tbursd. v — 395.7(13. $268. 016.72. $37.87. Frt'-'v — -413.S5S. $270.592. *9 $87.56. V ιν;·»ν — 480.082, S335. 657.07. $70 27. Tu· Hav — 415.249. $277. n?-.. si«?.®!». FREDERICK W1LLETTS, SR. (See Wiliett·' Story on Paft 9)