Miss Marion Eiderdice ol Washinston. D. C. spent the week end with her parents Mr. •nd Mrs. Merman tklcidicr and family of Olyphic. Mr. and Mrs- Lonnle Grice of Flreway. and Mr. aiul Mrs. Johnnie* Ward of Loiikw«mnI made a business trip to Lunth crton Wednesday morning. ! Pireway News B.v EDWARD l.OKfc and Mrs. I.. C. liest of Orlamlü, Fla. ;-i>ont a few days with Iiis parents. Mr. and : Mrs. I'. Ü. Best υί (.luiilcwa}'. Misses Teresa Davis, and ' Malcolm Davis children ol Mi a nil Mrs. Perry Davis Jr. i»( DarliiiKlon. S. C. spent last week Willi I heir grandparent' Mr. ami Airs. Loiiuie (»rice. Mr. and Mis Johnnie VV;ir«l •if Lonuwood were Friday miesls of Mr- ami Mrs. Lunnie C.riee. T. Sut. and Mrs. I.. C. Best formerly of Orlanda. Kla. is on I heir way to llossell, Ne*« Mexico where he will he sta lioned for some lime with the Γ. S. Army. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Oriec spent Saturday with their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. I'erry Davis Jr. and children of Darlington. S. I'. Visiting Ocean Drive Beach. S. ('. Friday were Mrs. Μ Λ. Kay of Olyphie, Miss Marion . Ellerdi··. and Miss Masie Lee Eiderdice of Washington. D. C. , Baity Fi ink stationed with the V· S. Navy at Portinand. Va. spent tlio week end with Ins parents Mr and Mrs. Grady Klink «>f OI> pliie. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Gricv of Loiifcwoud were Saturday j Kuests ot Mr ami Mrs. Loiiiut | • ii ice. Mis Patuti·· \iCllO i'f llii'k- j man Cross lioads s|K*nt iasl ι week with Mr- and Mrs. l.un nie Grice. Mr. and Mis. Lonnic Grice pent Naturtlav \ι.itiiij; friend at Lamar. S. C. Miss Ma/ic Lee Klderdiee ol Washington. 1). I*. spent III«· week end wit Ii her parents Mr and Mrs. Herman Klderdiee and family of Olyplnc. Visit inu Mr. and Mi's- Wal lace F. Cribh and family, ami Mrs. Mandy Kliodes Wednes day were the Kev. and Mrs Clarence Crihh. and Mrs. Auty Ward «»f Whiteville. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnic <"* r it··· 1 made a business trip to W 11 in inulon Saturday afternoon. Visiting in Whiteville. and 'I'aiior Cil> Friday were Mi and Mrs. Lonnie Grice. ef Pireway. ami Mrs Mack Grice . and son Kandv of l.otiuwood. Mr. and Mrs. V T. lio/emaii <>f Grisstowu wen* Tliursdav miosis of Mr. and Mrs. Lonuir Grice. Mrs. Horace Smith of l.onu wood was the Wednesday uuest ot Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lowri more. y Mrs Lonnie Griee of I'irc \va\ is spend um several days with her daughter and son-in la»\ Mr. and Mis. Ifusli H.iss of V\ iliiiinuton Mrs S Hi«· White spoilt the week end with Mr and Mrs.) G "».· lledui'Peth of Charlotte Mr. ami Mrs. Carol Gore of Kaleiiih spent the week end with her parents, and relative, the Kev. and Mrs. I. L. John-· •mi of Macedonia, and Mr a'«l Mis. Hilly (Sore of I'irewav S·;t First Class Alluin l.ont·, • t Hampton Va. spent Sundav 1 with Mr and Mrs l.aev Lone. Ilaroltl Hughes a student at State Colletie KalciKh spent \< eck end « it'i his ρ irelit·. ' iv .md Mrs \ (, llti;;lu·. an.l I i:itl\ ι<1 l'irewav. Mr. and Mr- IVviiii I'owe 11 I οί I »ι I Ii tu. S. C •.pent Sunday I Willi Mrs .lohn Κ l'uckelt j D.iiumi Canadv of New pol l j News \ ;i spent Ihr wwli I'lul ' Willi friends. and relatives. ι Mr. and * Mrs. Norman l.o\ ' rll of ('berry («rove spent j Sunday Willi Mr. and Mrs tJu> "Ruck. ' Mr and Mrs. Horace Smith' anil daughter Cieky of l.om: \ niul pent ihr week end with her parent - Mr and Mr·. Clir ii l.owrtiiior· and laimly of I'irew ay. Mi Milliard T.i'. lor spent a few days wuli h«-r sister Mr. ?ud Vlrs I ion Duncan of lai> or Cily. Mrs r;.i.ton Tedder of Jake' \V ht.iiii.ut vpcut Hi«· week end w it it Mrs M.ieie I on:· Those attcmlini: a sbcim: ••I » ·· Ί II held ■ I Μ dl Hi .ill Ii j free Will Kipli-I Church Sim d.-y afternoon near \sh were) Mr. and Mrs. .lesse lieiilon. ' Mi Dollie Ueeves Mr· lira«·-! i«- Ciole Mr. ami Mr·.. Wallace F I'riMi and family. Mr. Moi«ly Hhoile· . .mil the ISev. ami Mr·. ( 'kireuee ι 'nidi of Wlitleville Mi and Mrs V «ι Fldcr «iice and children of V\ ilium · ί Ι··ιι spell' tin* week end wiih| Smith «it t'ircwaj . and Mi < J.'oree Uciiion and family of N.iki i.i. Albert Clav Inn lim k of ι Mexatidrn. Va. is speudiim a ' few day? with friends ami rcl- t aiives Mi · Mainly Hlwdes. Mrs fJiacie («or«· ami Mr an«l Vr. Harvey liuck. ami Mr and Mr. I.avion Hirek Tin· lte\ and Mi Clarence (Vibh «it Whiteville were Sun day üuesl of Mr and Mrs. | .lesse Μ Kenton. ami Mrs. i Collie Ueeves, of I'ircway. The next sinuim* convention ν ill l>e held al Macedonia Free. Will Baptist Church Sunday afternoon October 15, al 2 oil Vance Smith the Moderator, I invites the public to attend. Mr. and Mrs fJordon Krilt of liollon were Sunday guests of Mr. ami Mrs Τ. K. Smith Sr « Mr. ami Mrs Charles I'nck ctt of Iron Hill spent the week «nil witli their parents Mrs. .Johnnie F. I'uckett of I'ircway, and Mr and Mrs Zeh *Solcs and family of Tabor City. Tom William««»· of Nakina v.a> the Sunday Kuest of Mr. and Mrs. Austin f> I .on κ. J Mr and Mi ficor«e I,ay | of l.oris. S C. sp< nl the week ι < ml with his parents and rela- · lives Mr. and Mr.·.. Fred El | f^ay of Olyphlc, ami Mr and· Mrs Ν (« I flic lies and family.! Mr and Mrs Connor Cox. ί i ami Mr. and Mrs. Maeray ('ox | of Myrtle Beach. S C spent lhe| week end with their parent* ι Mr and Mrs, Carson Cox of j I Gtitdcway. CHILDREN'S SHOES SPECIAL Comfortable, Durable OXFORDS $1.99 — a $2.99 value — This Weekend Only iviade by Bambo CAROLINA Department Store Tabor City ϊ ">ιι can't buy paint better than Sliciwin-Williatiis Kem ' · I«» ami Super Kinn-Tone. We are ufferiiijr special colors in tho.se quality paints at halt price. Stephen's Builders Supply labor City-Loris Highway DRESS UP FOR FALL AT C. C. SOLES!! MEN'S BROADWAY—Keg., Sl«»rt & Long Suits $39.50 to 555.0C By Scroll — Blur, Brown, Gray Ladies' A Girls' CAR COATS 3'Ί I.on i; Hi («rntiinr lni|iri i.i| Cunmrra Malcri.il $15.95 Ki/e.s I o-i η , Olive. Ufigc—Ifluc & White JACKETS $14.59 I-ndi«·' A Girl»* liitlU y SWEATERS $14.50 Billion Front — Si*«·* 10-18 Hcolt Foam Insulation » Gold and Hedge Indie*' A Girl«' Wool SWEATERS fly Dolly Mann $6.95 i^izes 88-44—Hlnck, Itlne, Gray Νe νν Shipment l.adii's' & ('»ills I SUN DIAL SHOES | $3.95 to $7.95 I For Dress & Casual Wear f Scampruie LINGERIE 97c to $5.95 l.ndirV Manhattan BLOUSES $3.95 io $5.95 "Yorkster" l.ittlc Girl COATS "A Coal KulI < >f Fashion" $13.50 Slgfg 2-flx Bed, Beige. Blue I I New Shipment Boy»' Fell HATS $2.95 Fancy A f'litin Woven B.miifin | L.L. Sheeting 19c ydl C. C. Soles & Sons Tabor City "SUPER-RIGHT" SHORT SHANK-SMOKED mμ Shank Portion • Lb 33 V e BUTT PORTION lb. 43c CENTER SLICES lb. 85c Whole or Half Hem ν,°2^45c ' -'IPER-RIGHT" DELICIOUS ALL MEAT η AH KS 1-LB. PKG. u / A&P Fresh C Orange Juice ql. ein. 29c OCEANS OF ORBIT SEAFOOD VALUES I CAP'N JOHN'S FALL SEAFOOD SALE! HADDOCK DINNERS DEVILED CRABS FLOUNDER FILLET PERCH FILLET FISH PORTIONS FISH STICKS Η οι. Pkq. 6 "Ζ Pkg. 1 lb. Pkg. 1 Lb. Pkg. 39c 35c 43c 33c J0-O7 Pkg ")Q BRfADfD ΔΎ C Ift-Oz. Fk*. 29c J" Y LIQUID I'kK MEL-O-RIT PASTEURIZED > CHEESE SLICES 2 Pkgs. 39c REO. 59« SPECIAU • Ameriran • Pimiento • Swiss Peach Pie 53 WESTERN GROWN SWEET TOKAY Wti I ΕΚΓΟ UlWTrn ' ------ ^ mPiS 2 25 RED DELICIOUS APPLES U. S. NO. 1 WHITE 4 Lb. Bag 49C U. S. NO. 1 WHITE _ POTATOES o9C DASH DETERGENT ÄS. 39c ni. 79c COMET HOI'SEHOI.D CLEANSER 2 «PK C'tns. 31C EICHT O'CLOCK COEEEE lib. Bog 3-lb. Bog 51« T" IONA CLING PEACHES No. 2 Vi Cans 45c AAP SALTED SPANISH r ι PEANUTS \ 2 'έπη' 39C 1 SPIC & SPAN PkB. 89c ÄS. 29c ra· ONE CENT S.M.K ON WOODBURY Hrnutv «nil Deodar««· Srt*p 4 Ä 33c YOIT PAY SWAN UqiffD DETERGENT 22-Oz. Cnn 63c AAP Froren CoEKMitr«»«* ORANGE JUICE Bc". QQi 'c.; 93 NO. 80S — Ιβ-ΟΖ. CANS • IONA PEAS AND CARROTS · Suiten· • AIP GREEN LIMAS · «·»·"·whoU 0 " Nn 1 CAN ^ 2»'| «»*■ Ann Ρβκ-Ί repared Will • AftF ORANGE JUICE · « SPAGHETTI chee«· «»«»ο ! MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM ClARNER'S PEACH PRESERVES LI. JAR ANN PAGE SALAD DRESSINC *zr 45c «ne Parktr Ι.ηγκ«· Family SU«· »INEAPPLE PIES «ne Perker Sliced SLAMOUR BREAD iAP "Our Fincat" Frown k&P STRAWBERRIES «·* 39c 1Ä 25c 2 ÄS 35c fk'it I Vf-t C β t A · · ' C< |TI Peanut Butter