THE ONLY PULITZER PRIZE W I Ν Ν I — SfefcViCfe —" • WITHOUT SELFISHNESS • WITHOUT FEAR • WITHOUT FAVOK The Com I of The Tribut!« Now and Forever 74e 7 VOLUME XVI. NUMBER 19 NG WEEKLY Ν EW SP APER IN THE U AlITED STATES «7ftliuHC DON'T MISS I • NEWS ! • FEATURES f • PICTURES I • ADVERTISING J Every Week iu The Tribune I — Γ be Town With A City Future?* WEDNESDAY. NOVEMUER 15. 19« I lOe PER COPY—S3.M A YEAR two Local Scouts To Receive Eagle Awards Here Tuesday ■ ι s own μ years since a ι., ynbcr of Tabur Cily Boy — Scout Troup Nu. 508 earned •tin· hagle rank, highest award in Scouting, but next Tuesday ni^ht. Nwvfinbtr 21. at H:t)l> F. Μ , two loml youths will r<·« iMu thai honor at the μΊιοο! auditorium. It was in September of 1947 that V. K. Burroughs, Jr., t.* ctivtii the last Kaglc award lull·. Tuesday night Sammy Aver- 1 • , iit, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. HfAveritt. aud Phil Dellinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. L). K. Del linver, will be the recipients of tht hagle badge in an impres sive ceremony on the schorl auditorium stage. Bill William- j .■on. of Chadbourn, chairman of the district board of Re \iew, will ivnduct the cero niony. Averitt is 15 years old aud has been in siouting for two yycars. He currently holds th·· position of junior assistant .scoutmaster of troop 5U8. Hi i or to his election to that post he served term.«· as assistant patrol leader, patrol leader and assistant senior patrol leader, lie has 40 merit badge-, and has been named chairman of the I9U2 Junior Leaders Train ing Conference of Camp Tom Upchurch at Kayetteville. lie φ is a high school freshman and attends the Tabor City Baptist Church. Deiilngor is 14 years old and recently moved from Tab ■ •I City to Marion, S. C. How ever. lie still holds his scout ing membership here anil earn ed his Eagle award throuith the local tioop. At the ti0·' ι he- leaving, lie was serving as senior patrol leader. A ve4 Λ ei uii «·!' three years of ScoutiiiK. — Uellmgei has 37 merit badges. Ii*f has held all other rank·; below that during his associa tion with the local troop. The Eagle ceremony, said tu be one ol the highlight> in the life of any Scout, will have many others participating. Rusty Carter, the only Lite Scout in the troop other than the two who will receive their £ E.igle badges, will represent ™ the Life Scouts at the cere mony. wen iniimM 'vitt rent·— sent the Star Scouts. Ronnie Hruton the first class rank, Mackie Sarvis the second class rank and John Goldfinch the tenderfoot rank. in addition to the two Eagle aw;.ids, five local Scouts will receive their Life awards at the Tuesday night Court of Honor. These are Frankie Stanley, Chip Cox, James Aus tin Hofham, Sandy Woody and Jit.'· Bos well. Other Scouts from througn out the Middle District will iv reive their awards at the Court of Honor and parents and boys ι from each troop in the district 1 will be present. In addition to parents of Scouts, the general public is invited to attend. The Shallotte * troop from Brunswick county lias notified leaders of the loc al troop that they expect *.o have 200 boys and Scouters at the meeting. The opening and closing ceremony will be in charge of Tabor City Troop 508. Members of the Cub Scout pack here will participate in the Eagle ceremony . "> PEACE CORP8 Postmaster Richard Ποτό on has announced that h· has received word that ex aminations for all persons In this area interested In be coming members of Presi dent Kennedy's Peace Corps will be given In Wilmington, on November II and 20. Testing will be held at Λ 8:3· in the morning. Peace Corps posters will be displayed la the local post office In a few days, giving fall information. Fight Τ» Us# CHrUtmai Stale I Mae S. Young Is Elected By Institute Mrs. Mai· S. Young of Tab or City was elected to serve as a trustee on the board of the North Carolina Cancer Insti tut, according to a repoi· from the Institute's business manager, Mrs. Elsie B. Ken nel I. The election of new trustees and other officers was hold in Luinbei ton on October 22. Car And Tractor Collide Friday, Report Sketchy ι An accident involving an | automobile and a tractor oo- j «.urrcd about three miles south | of Tabor City Kriday morning, injuring the auto driver. Α lMäti Chevrolet driven by ι James Grainger, collided wita ! th«« tractor driven by Jimmy Shelley. Tht acclcfent took place at about 7:30 a. 111. Details of the accident arc not readily available, but it ·« reported that Grainger is hos pitalized with cliest and shoulder injui ies. Shelley is reported to have escaped in of Kt. 2, Tabor City. jury.. Both nu-n list an address The exient of damage to th« vehicles is not known. The County Highway Patrol office said this morning th;:t it did not have a report of the accident, and had no idea which of the patrolmen might have been the investigating officer. Funeral Services For Mrs. Conner Funeral services were held Friday at 3:0« p. .VI. for Mrs. Sessie Connor, 49. of Lexiug- j ton. N. C. who died Wednes- - day, November 8. The Rev. Gordon Fowlei, j Jr., officiated al the services j held in the Tabor City Church of G«d and at the burial in the , Cherry Grove cemetery. Mrs. Connor, a former resi dent of Tabor City, has been | living in Lexington with her, family for the past five year·;, j She is survived by her hns- j band, Braxton Connor; U sous. ' Hobel t, Elebrt, Sonny, Brack,. Stevie and Mitchell and 2 , daughters, Doris Ann and Brenda, all of the home; 3 brothers, Belton Coleman of Tabor City. Tim Coleman and ! Horry Coleman of Lexington; and one sister. Mrs. Pink Oui den of Tabor City. Green Sea Chapter Of Young Farmers To Hear Weed Talk! Farmers from all over up per Horry have been invited to attend a meeting of the Green Sea Chapter of the Young Farmers Thursday night, Nov. 16. at which Dr. Rogers of the Coker Seed Co. will ypcak on tobaico varieties that company has to offer. th<> results of field tests of variet ies last summer and on tobac co glowing practices. The meeting will begin at 7 p. m. at the Green Sea High school auditorium. Country-Style Supper At Warn pee Thursday A country style supper wit* dessert and drink included wiP be served at the Wampe*· School Cafeteria on Thursday, Nov. 16, from 5:30-8:30 p. m. This supper is sponsored b> the Wamnee Woman's So· let.« of Chrifftlan Service. Adult»— 91.00. Children through 6th frad·—50c. Coastal Carolina CampaignPasses Half Way Mark Over the Half-Way Mark - and Headed For The TOP! That's the report on the | S300.000 campaign of Coastal Carolina College for its own building on its own campus and workers are pushing to clos·.· | the intensive phase of t ti«· campaign Nov. 25. As of Monday, Nov. 13. cam paign headquarters reported. $155,729 had been subscribed. Area contributions Γιοιιι over Horry county were listed as; follows: Conway Area. Advance l)i- J vision S77.4JI2; General Division j SI 1.012; Farm Division $4.0H5. ! A total of $92.759 for that area. , Myrtle Beach area. Advance Division $21.340; General Divis-J ion $(i,130; a total of $27.470. Loris Area, Advance Division . S10.7O0: General Division S5.- j 355; Farm Di/ision $9.325. A total of S25.3HO for that area. National Firms and Utilities $10.300. BULLETIN Workers in the l.oris Arc», of Upper llcrry reported Monday nicht that they had j obtained an additional $(■.- ι 185.00 in pledges tu brine: the total from thV<; area, includ-fl ii»5 the excellent investing in the Green Sea and Flo.vds ' area, to a new hieb of $31.565.00. The Rev. George Lovell. . minister of the Conway First i Baptist Church in addressing j a meeting. of the Horry' County Education Association < Nov. 9 told the educators: "If there is any «roup which 1 should Im· interested in the1 educational standard in Horry County it should tie this croup. I am sure that you recognize ! the imperative necessity t«> lift the level of education in our area if we are to survive eco nomically and othrwisc. We are therefore asking your co- . operation in an effort to add two more years to the cduca- | tional level in our county. We aie asking specifically that cuch teacher have some part, even though it he small, in financing this program. This is necessary to set the righi example and inspire others to Rive" The <*.Υι·β«- is ..ffering 21 opportunities for Dedications and Memorials in the new building. Appropriate bronze tablets will be permanency placed on the doors of these giving the names of the donors. The list includes the Library | at $30,000. the Lounge and I Assembly Area at $20.00" , Biology Laboratory $15.000 Chemistry Laboratory $15.000 eight class rooms at $5.000 eav.h; eight offices for Pro- j feasors at $3,00 each; and the Administrative Office at $:! OdO. To date three class rooms; one professor's office and the ad- j minist rat ivo office have been dedicated. "Cash and checks accom panying pledge cards to date total $22.028. We are well past the half way mark and suc r#«s 1« assured if every worker oompletes hi* call on every prospect assigned to him." says Ε. E. Prince, chairman «if the Horry County Higher Educa tion Commlsion. "To date 32:1 individuals and companies have made contributions. We hope for more and more generous responses so that we can begin the erection of the new college building early in 1962." There are 628 Junior (two year) Colleges in the United States; five of them In South Carolina. Total enrollment of theae colleges coast to coast , la 790,000 students. The Junior Colleges represent almost one third of all Institutions Ιοι I (ConthiUttd On Pug* 5) Green Sea Man Wins 12 Awards With Fox Dogs j Hubert demons «»I Own St·«· will vouch that fox hum- I iny is the most re\v.t»<ifnu (it till spult.-. Mr. demons, who η «.wis the j Hurry County ili'lt'Kuliuii "I tin· Pee IX'c· Fox Hüntels A.< sociatioii. walked nil with three trophies uutl nine rib bons at ι tie* recent Fox Houti'.l Field Trials and Bench Show held .it Cheraw. S. C. Fifty-five members of th»· Association iron» six South Carolina counties entered 14-4 dot's in the event. Tin· hunters were until Hurry, M.iiion, Dil loii, Florence. Marlboro, ana Chest* it »eld counties. Mr. demons was awardet the Challenge Trophy, one of tin- meet's most coveted. Tlx? wintu·» is judged on his hound's htüiliiif. trailiiii·. speed and drive, and endurance. He wits awarded first place trophy tor,, the Suchest average in ':ic Derby class (hounds under two years of aue) and first place ribbons for field enduran.v and field training. Ho won three white ribbons, one pink, one orange, and a purple in addition tor the per formances of his rejiisteivri Walker Fox Hounds in bit· four-day event. Iii addition to the Chera.v event. Mr. C'lemons has enter ed and won ribbons and tro phies in the South Carolina Field Trials at Camden, the Georgia Stat«· Field Trials «.t Hazelhurst, Ga.. and the Flor ida State Field Trials at SI. James Island. Fla. He bus also received an invitation to judge the National Field Trials whic'i will be held in Starkville. Miss, this month. Achievement Program On Tap For Tonight The Atiiuiiil 4-H Achievc men! program will be hold to night (Wed) ;ii 7:30 in the Whiteville Hiiih School audit ι mm Th.s night is one of the highlights of the year for 4 ll'eps. All mi'mftor.* are urged to hring exhibits of their projects im el to stay for the program. Those wishing to enter sum." phase of their work should be at the school gym at β p. m. The project·- will be judged by a panel <f judges at 7 o'clock. The mee'ing will officially bo «ίη at 7:"0. At this time Carol Air.i Br.inn. !<j»i1 4-11 Health Queen, will recognize some of the out standing 4-11 leaders, counsel ors. and extendi η st.iff mem bers. The installation of Ι!*βΙ-62 council officers, a talent numb er. dies.- review, and the pres entation of awards and certif icate^ will follow Miss Hraim'.· talk Immediately after the busi ness session, refreshments will be served in the gym. Mr. Tommy Ο lover asks that all 4-H members, parents, and friends attend this important event. EASTERN STAR MEETING The Tabor City Chapter No. "Ϊ40 of (he Ordfr of Ihr Kant ern Star will hold II» regular monthly meeting and Initia tion nervice* Monday nicht. November 20. at 7:3·. All member· are uracil to uttentl Discussion Of , Cheating Held . At Williams ' Friday afternoon in an as- ! senib'y pro,rani sponsored l>> I ^ ilii· student council and diiwt ;i b) David Ward, president • ■f the Williams Township j ( School Student bucly, Ik'v. Ed j * Armstrong, minister of tl»»* J Waccamaw Charg<. B. i). ι Bunn, supervisor ot the sec ondary schools ol Columbti; ] County. II. Ii. Todd, iin msur .iiι«.·ο avent of Tabor City, and ) parent of the Williams Town ship School, and Frank Mc Gougan. an attorney in Tabor City, presented the students in . grades 7-12 with a panel dis- j 1 cussion on Cheating. F.ach member of the panel J . was asked to answer to his' ι satisfaction the question, "Dots cheating m school have an in fluence on character in lat».·!' | life?*' Tin discussion ended after the panel answered :evcrM questions I rum the f.ooi. Surplus Food Program To Begin Dec. 1 The Board «il Commissioners | <<f tin; Columbus County Sur-· phi.- Koi,<! Program ruled Mon- j «luv night that ;«11 applicants lor surplus food must sub- j stantiate their application wj'.'.i ι two letters from reputable' persons indL ating that they! art· in uml <»i the food. The Board pointed out that tlie new ruling does not apply to we!·' r(.· case.·. It applies to pel ons who arc· able yet needy. This latter group was re moved from the eligible list last May. when it was felt by ι the Hoard that tobacco harv esting would offer employment to them. Distribution "I surplus lood is scheduled to begin again on December 1. Applications should be sent ' to Mrs. Alice Wright, of the I Department of Public Welfare. I * ' Regional Test Is Set For Friday Night W II I Τ Κ VIM. Κ — Coach ' Charlie Kigali's unbeaten. un tied and unscored-on Kliza bethtown Yellow Jackets. . ha.-i.pions oi the Waceamaw Athletic A.vaieial ion tootbad . an· the past two seasons. wiJI ,<· im against anothei 1 uiihciti ii (·»· in Moveheud City I I in their Kästeln Regional setni 1 finals clash. Friday night. The two strong foes will ! play at Wilmington's Legion Memorial Stadium, the horn.· bailiwick of New Hanover ; Iii li School's famed Four-A 1 Wildcat η ports teams. Kickoif ; time will he Η o'clock. ; It had ί;:·.·>ΐ thought the gam.1 would be played in Jaekson * ι IK·, but the field in the On slow County capital was not available, and Coaches Regan and Norman Clark, of More Head City, decided to accept Wilmington Athletic Director1 Leon Brogden's invitation l.>; hold the playoff game in the Port City. Except for the fact that Re gan'* team pulled the almost unpredented feat of going all season without being scored on. the two Friday foes will have a lot in common ETown's season record is 10-0. their ; Waccamaw A Λ mark is Ä-0. i Morehead City's is ft-0. overall ind their Coastal lines Con ference record is 4-0. Rcjiin has said 'he expels ■is «nliro club, which com piled .tni points in a 10-gatne regular season, to be ready for the crucial playoff clash. Clark anticipates his More-* head team being in top shape, also. Meanwhile, the remainder ί >f ihe regular WAA season j . nr'ed the past Friday night, •«•it'i Whileville posting a ,18 I' 19 Win over Fairmont; Shal lotte's Pirates pasting Hurgaw. 27-1.1; jnd Blndenhoro losing tu Hill, 36-U Velcome Wagon! leeks Hostess Welcome Was··»!! Internation I seeking a qualified woni n in Hit* Tabor City area to t'l vv as a hostess for the org nization which is designed t«j uake communities it serves nore trieiidly and enjoyable! ι« new families. | Welcome Wagon hostesses I ■any information from civic II id cultural groups, a religi »U.N brochure, and represent ponsoring merchants who nake the service possible. The organization's reprv- ; ientative. Mis. Mildred Henri, i las asked that all women int- , •rested in the position of hos ess write a letter of applica- · ion, addres.-cd to the Tribum. The organization lists as re quirements a woman who !s jetwitn the ages of 25 and "ill. has (xu lleiit character, •ivic-inineied. likes people, aiul nas the necessary time to it lot»: to the job. Baptist· Set Picnic Lunch I Aii old-fnshion picnic dinner mi tin· ground will b«· held this < Siuuiiiy ;it the Tabor Cily Bap tist Church following the morning services. If the· wea ther conditions art· unfavor able. the dinner will be he Li in the \«'hurch recreation room. All Aneinbef« and visitors aru invited to attejtd. The hospitality committee remind·· < hui ch members to bring or scan lunches to eith er Sunday School classes or worship services to be gather er! and assembled by the com mittee. Church members will be ex pected to help serve. The Church will tuinish beverages. Also, paper plates will b· available for carrying dinners to shut-ins unable to attend. Area Cub Scout Leaders To Hold Training Session The Cub Scout Leaders of the Capi Fear Area Council. Boy Scouts of America will hold their annual training Pow-Wow on Sunday alter noon. November 19th at 3:00 p. m. at the Elementary School m Bladenboro. Ν C Η. M. Kermon, Jr. will be in charge of the meeting. The Conlerence of Cul> headers will include Den Mo thers. pack Leaders. Cub Mast ers. Committee Members Par ents and all related to Cub Scouting. The sessions will in clude ceremonies, handicraft, games and Micks and pack ad ministration. Leaders from packs over the area have been assigned parts hi the fields ol Cubbing: Pack ■120 of Laurinburg. Pack 425 of Laurel Hill, Pack 405 of Gibson. Pack 514 of White ville. Pack 503 of Chadbourn, Pack 600 of Kli/.abethtown. Pack 207. 206. and 226 of Wil mington The staff consisting of W. C. Wall, Frank Fogleman of Wilmington, John Jovner of Whiteville. and Lewis Lane of l.atirinbut'8 will serve as Ad visors to the prouram. THANKSGIVING 1 SERVICE * A community - will«- < Thanksgiving servier will I»»* I Iteltl on Thanksgiving morn- < ing at 9:00 in tlie St. Paul'* 1 .Methodist Church. The Itev. J. I*. Jones of Emanuel Holi ness Church will deliver the Thanksgiving message. This annual service is λ 1 joint effort of all the pro· ! ' testant churches in the com- 1 niunity. Everyone is cord:al- I ly invited to attend. Rotary Honors E. W, Fonvielle On 78 Birthday R. C. Solus, Sr.. was in charge oi the program at this week's meeting «»t the Tab'«*' City Rotary Club. He read a j number of poems and other j bits of material relating to em- j ployee-employer relations, a- j mong other things. Joe Mann. Rotarian of White ville, was a visitor and enter- ; tained the club with a song. I Highlight of the meeting was the presentation o{ a cake to E. W. Fonvielle. It was his 78 birthday. A charter member ol the local club. Mr. Fonvielle j is the oldest active member vi j the Tabor City Rotary Students Will Present Themes On Democracy Th«. Williams Township P. T. A meets Thursday nigh», November 16. 1961 at 7:30 in the school auditorium. There will not be a dinner as was scheduled in the P. T. A. Hamlb< <ok. The program will be pre-1 sented by sixteen students in grades eight through eleven, i who will present their themes | ι·η "l Speak for Democracy." The eight winners, a boy ant! a girl from each of the four grades, will have their names engraved on approprite pla ques recently purchased by the Ι'. Τ A. Judges for the contest an: I Betty Skipper. Rev. Ed Arm strong. and Mr 1. P. Ward. Jr. Themes will be graded on ι <-riginalit>. conti nt. delivers ..u.'t the mechanics ot gram I m. r Each thi n»· must be b·. i Uveen 3Μι and tiOO wot (is. Illness Fatal To Daniel Futrill Daniel Purify Kutrell. ·! Lor is. Rt. 4. died November !». after a lingering illness Funeral services were hell Friday. November 10. at tin Buck Creek Baptist Chuich, and burial was in the Church cemetery. The Revs. J. Robert Carter and Crowell Powell of ficiated. Mr. Kutrell was survived b> one son. Dewey Futrill of Bui · ling ton; 3 daughters, Mrs. Clarence Hughes of I.ongs. S. C.. Mrs. Mallie T«dd of Ijiris. Rt 4, and Mrs. Μ Μ Odom I of Jessup, Ga.; one brolhe*. j William Futrill of l.oris; 14 I erandchihireii and 8 great - j grandchildren. Project Began To Charter Bus For Trip To Duke Football Game Tabor City IliRh Sch«K»l lout ball coach Bermey Steven is said this morning that an ef fort has begun to charter η v?>rciii| bus tn take local foot ball players and Interested a dults to the Duki—Notre Dome football game on December 2. in Durham. Stevens said that in order to make the tii|> possible, it will be neccvai.) to have aboui 25 or 30 persons make the 1 rip. in addition to th«· 25 or 2fi members of the team. C'ost «if chartering a bus runs in the neighborhood of $170 It will cost each person about $5. The balance needed wil! be made up by the team. All persons interested may contact Coach Stevens for fur ther information, and fm making arrangements to bv· included in the project lackie Murdock To Speak At Football Appreciation Night Jackie Murduck. (rcshinan >;tskt/thall and baseball roacii it Wake Forest College in Win tou-Salem. will be the speaU •i at the Appreciation Night (Mitball banquet at th»· school «afeteiia here next Monday light. Nnvcmhi'i· 'JO, at 7:00. Program Chairman Willard V right has announced lead Coach Bones McK-inney ould not appear and that ><acn Μ urdock has ajMeed to •onic. Murdock is a l!lö7 grad late of Wake Forest when* he starred in athletics. He taught ichool one year at Clinton. N. Ζ·, and served a year in the \rm\. He is a native o| Ra eigh. The football banquet is be ing sponsored by the Tabor L'ity Rotary Club and the Ta jor City Civitan Club with S. I*. Si.uth serving as overall [iiai.iung lomn.itu*. chairman, fh» banquet was mauunrated by tlu· civic clubs in an effort to recognize the outstanding 6 3 record ot the 1961 Reil Dev il.·. who lost tiie conference ί-hampionship to F.lizaboth town by a 7-U score. Rotarians. Civitatis and th*» football squad will attend the banquet. Also, any othei int erested boosters of the local athletic program are united to attend but they must pit-cure tickets by today at Dameron Drug Store. Tickets are S1.50 each. A number of the seniors; oil the Rod Devil team have re ceived invitation* in visit var ious college campuses aric! art» expi cteti t<> b· ottered sonr.*? scholarship incentives to play iootball with these higher ed ucation institutions. This year's Columbus champ ions were generally applauded in this area as one oi the liest football teams ever turned out in Tabor City . Coaches of the Red Devils are Bermey Steven.-, head coach, and John Small, assist ant . Public Is Warned Of Bogus Agents Telephone onicials today re quested tneir customers to b·· on the lookout for persons \vh< may be operating in this area representing themselves öS employees of the telephone* company, and attempting to collect telephone bills ;»1 the customer's home. H. J. Will. Jr.. manager foi the Carolina Telephone Com pany in this urea, stated that t· lephone bills should be paid only to places designated by the telephone company such as business office's, collection agents, etc and not to indiv iduals. VISIT TIIK JKKMGANS Mrs l^'iinie Willotighby. J ι and two suns, Mike and Hon. returned to Tabor City with her parents. Mi and Mrs. F M. Jernigan. after they visited her in Sumtnerville, S. C. Mrs. WilU.ughby and the boys visit ed here· several days Inst weok. SANTA'S COMING The Tabor City Merchant* Association has made pre liminary plans for Santa Claus to come to to« η on a mule-drawn buggy Satur day. December 51. at 11:00 Α. Μ . and he will be loaded down with fruits and ·ηο<1· irs for the youngsters. Santa expects to have some of his merchandise de livered to Tabor City early and he will have a number of helpers available to assist in distributing the hagn of fruit to the children turning out for his early visit. In addition to being In town all day December 9. Santa will return on De cember Iβ. 22 and 23 tor all day tours of the town. Chil dren wishing to put a word of request in Santa's ear will be able to find him up town in the business district on those da vs. Santa flew in last year by helicopter but to change the monotony of his entry, it was decided this week to have him come In by baggy.

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