nr New Tobacco Seed Varieties Approved Bl Agri. Commissioner Approval of 38 tobacco sc oil varieties availabl« t«> North Carolina farmers for thi.s year t« announced by Aurirtilluiv Commission»·!· !.. V. Ballentiiu The Tobacco Seed Commit tee lias notified him that 21 eligible growers are η cording with his office one or more nf these varieties, declaring llieir seeds to Ih> correctlj I identified Under it 19Λ7 «intendment . to the state's seed law. I Hallentiiie explained, such de- ' «Unat ion and record i η u are ρ re-requisite to the legal sal«· i of tobacco seed in the state. Ho J emphasized that the commit tee's action «Iocs not constitute recommendation of the variet ies. It's sole function is variety identification to insure correct labeling (<f tin· seed. Koui· new varieties are being ; recorded for the first tune tin» . year. Tliey are Coker 8υ I·'. de- j velopcd by Coker's Pedigreed 1 Seed Company; (teams »j-i. d< - j \el'»ped by Heams Seed Com- · pauy; and Sptight G-3 and Speight G-10. developed by Speight Seeci Farms. Six varieties on last year's j list were not offered for re cording Ihis year. The are Hi·, i l eaf Hi' kory Prior 15-11.1 Golden Wilt. Vesta 3d. Wntsoii Special and Yellow Special \ Tile complete list of variet-f ics eligible for recordinu this; year is as follows: Bell IS Hell I«. BisseUr s j Special, Bottom Special. Coker J BO-F. Coker 128. Coker 13·.. 1 Coker 1H7. Coker 187-Hicks. Coker 3Hi. Uisic Bright It)I . Golden Cure. Golden Gem 711 Golden Harvest. Hicks (' leaf. McNair 10.. MeNatr 12. McNnir 121. Π-2. M< - ' Nair VG-2. \ C. 73 V C 7 · N. C. i'5. Oxford I. ι )\for«l !-i 181. Reams 51. lieams (i4. >. , 1 f\ öü Speight 31. Speight 42, ] Speight G-3 Speight G-lii. Vesta 5. Virginia 12. Virginia ■ 2). Virginia Gold. Whit«# Go' 402 1 The 21 growers an<! th«· var ieties tliej are eligible to re- · cord are: F. 1». Allen. Kenbridge. Vir- ·' ginia. Hicks Hvoadleaf. Wh·Ό 1 Gold. 1 B«*H's Sc«-d Kami. Hock;· Mount. Ν (' Hell 15. Cokei 187-lli ks. Cokei '!H>. Golden 1 Gem 711, l.'okei 187. McNai * 121. Ilicks Broadleaf. X. C. 75. White Gold. Boll 16. Vesta 5 X. C. 73. N. C. 93. Speitthl 31. MeNair 1«. Z. R. Bissette. Itt l. Wilson X. C.. Golden (iriu 711. Iiis - sette's Spvciiil, Coker 18'.° llicks. Vesta. 5 Χ. C. 95. Me Nair lo. C'okor KIK Coker's Pediwoed Seed Co.. Ilai tsville. S. C... C. 95. White Gold. Ilieks Broadleaf. Golden Cure. Coker 1315. Coker 1ST, Coker 187-Hicks. Coker IL·«, Coker 316. Coker 8U-F. C. M. Dean. Route 3. Oxford V C. White Gold, X C. 95. Coker 316. Ilieks Broadleaf Billie Fisher. Rl 1. Whitc ville. V C.. Ilieks II road lea Γ W Μ Gill. Itt 3 Roxboro. Ν f.. White Gold. Hieks Broadleeaf. K. W Hu^^iiis Ä: Sons. Rt. 5. f·ityetteville. Ν C. White Gold. Ν C 75. X C 515. Iliek> Brood loaf Coker 316. Cokei 187-llieks T. Frank .lones Seed. Ine... GoUUImiio. X. C.. X. C 95. X. C\ 75. Coker 310. Vesta 5. Cok L-i 187-Hicks. Coker 187. Ox ford 1-181. X. C. 73. Ilieks Rroadlcaf 4<>2. Virginia 21. White Gold Bell 18. MeXair U» !£..> Lewis·. !«e\vis Seed Co. F't. 2. Walnnl Cove. \ C . X »5. Oxford l. Oxford MKl Μ 1. Mantium Itt 2. Fiiquaj Sprints. X C Ilieks Bl*oad |paf. Coker 31H. Coker 187 lieks. Ν C MeXair Seed Company, I.aur nburfi. Ν C MeNair H-2. Me Xair 121 Ilieks Broadleaf. C'okoi 187. Coker 187-llicks C C 7:;. Golden Cure. Golden tarvest White Gold. MeNair . G-2. Rott oin Speeial. 4'.):!. 'oker :51<i. N. C. 75. X. C. 95. ileXair 10. MeXair 12 Κ Μ Matthews. Rl. 1 Broad iax. \ irtiitua. Virginia 12. liek» Broadleaf. W liite Gold. i. ('. !I5 Coker 316 Virginia t \ nxir. i.t (»old Roam·» Seed Companx. Ro >ert Μ Ream·« Rt 2 Apex, ν C Reams 51. While Gold., licks Broadleaf. Ream- »»4 Stud Ii Seed Farm. Carl «init Ii. Hl 2 Wilson. Ν C !ick- Broadleaf. White Golct. "oker 31».. Ν (' 95. Coker 87-Ii ick« MeNair lit Sp«'iuht S«*«*d Farms. W ini »ville. X C.. S C 5« Speit'lil ii>. MeXair 121, Ooker 187, ί , Veeta. Cokcr 138. McNeir 10. D. 11 101, Ν. C. 95. Cokn »07-Hick*. Cokcr 316. Speight i 31. 402. links llr»..<IU'uf, While Gold. Golden Cure. Speight Ο ΙΟ. Speight G-3 Κ. II. Terrell. fit. 2. Itchls vllle. Χ. C. 402. Hicks Broad ! leaf. Coker 31(5. Cokcr Ro llicks. ί Wootl row Wall vis, 1{I, 2 •Whitevillc. Ν t'. ll.cks Htoad j loaf. Watson Seed Karins. Inc.. j Rocky Mount, N. C., Hicks j Broadle.df, White Gold. Golden { llravest. 402. Vest a 5. Golden ι Cure. Cokcr 187. Bell 15.. Bull 1»:. Coker 187-Hicks Coker 1216, N. C. 89. McNatr It). • speiuht 31. S. C. 5». Ν C. 75. R. J. Works & Sons. Rock\ Mount. \ I' . Coker 187-llicks. X. C 75. X. C 05. Cokcr 31*·. } White (oild. links Broadleaf MeXair It), llell 15. Bell 1«. Waswood Karins. Gibsoin ill.». N. C.. While Gold. Ilicks Broadlcaf. x t 73. χ ι '.»5. Cokcr 310. Virginia 12. BeU Golden Gem 711. Vesta λ, • Cokcr IH7. Cokcr 18i>-Hick>». It».. Bell 15 Tough Policy Of Patrol The second week of the *'gct tough" μοίΐν,χ on ill.· par: • It th· Highway Patrol has ! netted λ totiil <·! 851 charge* >)gain.<; 74 persons · n Coluiu ! bus C«'Unt\ I'nads and liigh I ways. Patrolman Λ Η. Campb··!! repotted today "hit lor :li · week runnitu: from Χ·ηνηιΙ>.·ι ♦! through November 12. th· !'·ΙΙο\ν:ιικ arn>.-!.s A'i'iι· marie. Drunk Orn ιημ. seven; Reck less drivim». : SjH'i'iliim. 11/. Failure to Yield Right of Wa . one; Improper Passing. thn·· : F Ilii:re t·· St..μ at a Stop Sign. M \en: operating with Faultv F<liiipm««i,i. in: lirr mg on Wrong Side ·>ι Road, two: Driver's LiccUm* Violation.-. 20: Drunk on th. Highwa·. lour: and Other. 18 D. -piTt.· the iiu-rea— d tl*to.\ four accidents were reporter·, rou It in« in injuries t·. tu . pels, .ns None wore killed. I unely ! ip> F"<n· /<«.! and color, arid one third tcu)» of ii-'i hots' (cinnamon candies» U» the tIlling f.,j· ;in i(p|ilo pit·. I i MISS WINTHROP—Lovely Barbara Kirkpatrick of lirrat . Fall-, a >i>ph<ini»re at Winthrop { ollt-ur. is the reigning be.aul» ' ul liit* South < arolina rwllesc for Homrn fur lUtt1!. Minn Kirk p.tlri.k was crowned "Miss Winthrop" recently from a Held ot 21 contestants. The chemistry maior. daughter of >lr. and Mr?. II. Μ. Kirkpatrick of (irrnt tails, combines both beauty am· tuains at Winthrop where shi· is a member of the Honors Pro gram for the academically Kifted. ι Winthrop Sc« * a»·»· vi«·, photo > Bethel News BV—MKS. I.I.Ol I) 1IINSON Κι·ν. Iv I' Aniisstrnnp. .I> rilKn hi- roß ;ippointmon» .1! ßt'tiH'i Chinch Siindu. 1 mini:.4 wi-ivhip Ivur aii'i h· .iii.l Ihn :;i!iiily w το lunch»···!. „ιι·. >1- 01 Mi .md Mrs. · Ci.imt.· ;.i· 1 «liiitcliU'i ΊΥ;»1 anil .Mr.-. l';iriu .hici'ij··; «iIm· Mr» .Iiii'.iui· Pu iiv .(lui ilnii^titor >! Ti.b..i· 1 itv w. ·»·«.· hinoh···«. illt >ts. Μ·.- V·'« η II··»» ' i ns:".;». Ii ! '*..!< ; 1 1 1 ni [iU!ki''i I «ix-nding a low tiayjs ■«.: will r.or paroiit.-. Mr. .nul Mrs Buitllll W rt !'(} . hov » :nul Mr- Il-il Ürmvi 1 iintl Μΐη λ'ιι ίί of f;nr<icAH\ ;mci 1 I!··«· visit um f'vainn U«t t«»r u - vivhl <(tvu· - ;it Ohl Zion Wi'-i k-yun Methodist Church Tin IU>\. Watson llicti'k ot Ashe \ilk· wore Sunday Ιιιικίηοη quests of Mr nncl Mi>. I) D and μ·η Joe.. Mr. and Mrs. Milton (jmlwin mi children of Wilminutoo were visitini· Mr. and Mrs. J !) Johnson and family an-: Μ .<η·! Mrs. I.tithi r Wan' Sunday aUo Mr. ami Mrs Itohert Hiuson anrl son .1«-11 »·! Hi»*!' !'■ ml t'hai Its Wilson of Camp Oerilon, (»a spent the wi'i'kii;i Άΐΐΐι ills pan ills Mi. ami Mi Hubert Wil·· ai ami tJinily. , lit Itc.n War«! *.vadmitted to Jainfs Walker Memorial Hospital in Wilmington Mem· «lay a^ a surgical patient. Mr and Mrs. Dupree (Vi\ ,ν»·ι ·, ί- in ^ heir daughter . · . IJ«yd IIirrli«· of ί.ι». ι·- Siai.Uy ar. rnooii. Mi .iiul Mr*. Burton l.on were visitii'K Mr. anil Μι.» Arltiiii Thompson of Cliad bourn Sunday. lahoii«· Λι d.r.-.uuni Rufus Maik· Ί WbiTcviUi·. Mr. au>l Mrs II P. Frmk Clarendon, ι and Mr airl Mrs. Winy Ha>i I >t ('!. Ι<ί!·|>··||| Ii were reril .IslUM'S III ΙΊ' Mr· Bessie Hinson ami 1 ;· ·< i 11< ■ \ Ilm.·!» Ml1-. Ma'ti· (»ore and <l.iu.;ht·! \< I'll.' (,.·!·■ <.| Whitex ilk· w«tc \ ish · Bex. aixl Mrs. Foster f<ny ■ ■·.)<;> of Florence Sunday. Mr iti«l Mr.- Lloyil llmsor. ;iml children Β«ί\. 15. maid aim Elaine wcrt* Sunday huu'h««on Sin·.·!· ·>ι their (lauj:ht«i· Mi find Mr.- Mitchell Strickland ii"ί μ·ι» I Clarendon. Mr and Mrs Bobby .1.. L'nia .ιnd .«'ii ι>1 Xakiiia \vt ι v\r iling Mi and Mr··. Burton I.<>r,4 Sunday. Mr. iind Mr- C. W. Todd and children Barry. Mazzu ami Kim spent ι In- wecken:! with Mr and Mrs. Dcwitt Curri' ami daughter Donna of Char lotte. Happy Birthday to — Bet· Hunt. Üitlph Ward. Norman Ward. Hii/i I ("ox Fairfax. Jim Hard)., und Harold Ward. Bv MISS. I.I.OVI. HINSON Community Club Mi'dinf! The Bethel Community De velopment Club met Wednes day mgiit .it the F· Ι!ονν.»Ιι·ρ I /Sail of the church t"i their I leftuhir monthly nieetinu. ! Lloyd Hinson nut-Koiug pre.-i ' detit presided The |o|lo\viii.» officers were elect ι·(Ι for the new year — , President Herbert White. Vice-President J. D. Johu i .-on. Secretary - Mrs .liinin. ι Gore. Trpasurer Tom Gore. ■ Board of Director- l.lnvd ; Hinson. John W l.onn. Du·!; Gore. Bei:nil Duncan and Jim my Gore Those present decided to have a covered dish supper it their next meeti«^ Ahich xx 11 bi Wednesday ni«ht. 13·. ceinbci I ifth beuinninti at *v ?(t at tin Community Building ! The Hoard of Director will 1 meet Tuesday nicht No\ inht · I 2Hth at the home ot IJoyl j Hinson at 7:00 p m I After Hi·· I'iisiii* : Archie Martin Afii'irullui ;il Worker of ' Whit« · tile presented tin pro |t*l-'en on A. S C. piopcts. H· aI «.ι amioti'iced the SF.NCIand \w.ud Ni«ht wotikl I«· held December 1st at Wallace h< - »'.inniii« at 7 (1(1 p. m. BIRTHDAY DINNER j l ittle Mi>< Amelia Wdliaui: I rt;nii{hter of Mr und Mr Bill I Williams of Soiithport wn· lU'tiorerl Thursday nitfht a» th' horn· of her «ιatidpureijt Mi nnd Mr« John Long with η ! supper, the occasion bcin,} her third Bittlidav. The dinitiK tuh ( !e was mi tred with the lovely j pink and white Birthday cak, HelpinK her cclrbrntc wee > hit parent· Mr. and Mr·. Bi! Williams an«l her siM»r Mel issa. Μι uu«i Mrs. Doli» is ι n is-m hi \\ iiiti'viliv, Mr. »·> 1 .Iis. SiutcK P.iiflkui i>l laU·· it.v, im i Mrs Maliuli" Stopli i·.» und Μ·ιι M:irk <·Ι l'lmvii < Ii and Uu\ I· Ι.· iij;. VV. S. <·. S. MKKTINU 4nla<y.ok NN\d«l ι·. , Nl.K Tlu· Π·.·ΐ1ί>·1 \V S. S. in«· it the vlmtcli Siimi i\ iniiiil • alll p. in. fm tlu-ir r«-gul'u· Ui« tilii;. with Mrs. fan w aiMbs \ i«-« -l*resi<!«nt (iivi>i<l III·. Mrs. 1 :ι«·ν Gurr ριν.Μ·ηΙ··«Ι !it· |>t\ «rain ι uiilU-il —- .lt-siis hrist Tin· 1 lullt ··! !Ii«· Wi»rl«I. Iis. T«iii Gurr tiM>k part an'l »t.iyi»rs wert· »liiivil by Μ. ·. :ie\ Ccin·. Mrs. Osia Ι.«·ΐ'Κ nd Willi·· AiultTsoii. Μ is (iluiivs Wells < ·( W i Im— I I' in ,\!i-s Ni'llliil (}i u .•Γ Wlntcvill«· \v«*i«· uui'sti·. PERSONALS The Kwai Μ V Κ. »im! im .ι ,'i>uns« liu.s .Mrs. |.ιιρ*«·η Wan! ind ί·.οΐ I «Mijuy«·'! ski< ιι., .ι Τ Jin Slia'i'ilt«· Skatin.: )':\K S.ituiiliiv muht. Th· Imal Μ V Κ w ι· r. - Ί\ .<«·ιι1«··ί .it il··«· t'i»iiin'il Me«M 'U ill "il I t'l. Mil II i· I is' «"liutvh in \\ ii:*i · ill«· Sum.. .. a(t«'rn«H>M. Mr. ami Mr . ("Ii.iilu· 1.··ιι^ of Wilininuti.ti \μ·γι· Suiidav I'llii'lifun um '■ i'f Mr. I Mrs. I>iti '■ ι. 1 ι η . al..iι Mr . Kaelul Ward. Visiti:i·· nl ?ivis hrv«· <!ur •ii_ thi" \«itU tiii λ I'll* Μι and Mis. .lanii' 1 uns; and r.iini'.. ιΓ ClatvfKloa, Mi .ilul M-i\ I at ι I.i>UK aid f. iiniy and M' atid Mrs. Grtu Xi-wman and family «if Wilmington ani Brooks Lmiu and daughter · f I aiirinliuru Mr-. (Mads·; .'.',·!i;. ■.( Wil mington was .ι λ. , kind visi tor IwiV. Mr.·». A l i I.· nj· spirit tin· I nffki'vl \\ ilh hrr >>>n Mr an ' ; Mr. KU»fit I ■ »iii ·ί< · «lau.·!;· ι H'l IYir\ ··! Sli«!«>\ iltv*. IVi···ιι \\ .«i ll ι .1 ir >:■ · ι , I letienl iif Junw« Wulkit Μ ·] ι liiorial in \Vi<u;m: »>.i i »·· llliil ·ίι ι» ll.-t«·«I iis ,>.i' ( J i*fiu »« rv i»t ι Itiv wniiii;:. Mr all·! \\ I1 )|('k ' ·■· ·" ! ! \ i.MW'U llu-it · iiijJ-.u ι \iino ..t j \n !ι·\.> Sum Ι:·;. ι Μ J Wl ι;ι (..·ι. . I W'l.r ·· ' vitU· «·» - j·· ι ■··»»·: ·ί w ι .ν ; in'tv \\ ;li μ I «Ii» t«r Mr Mf\. I ι ii-K V j ΛΙ-Ι ·■ V I II 111 t · I lti\ < · III 1 · in·t-i :·ιi·I V. iImhii. I ii S..Ui. - I ritiy. Mr ί;ιΊ Mis. ΛΙη· S.iyr«* Uli»' Mr jiinl Mi : «*· *··t |'i>nii><!u \ al .1 'Λ luii·. ill' v\* > l it .in·. Mr ami Mr . |>·\\ Hu n ι ·· i*mi> . Μι ··>■! Mr.- Dsn TlirKW Mi.l i-i.iMn ii , .-Hi·|i. <i ·.. :■· 1« ΊΊ ut s ι, .<·!« ι \ ι ·ιί· . ν) ι χι ' Μ . Minn Ilm , „ 2 Wilk'li· -Icl. V i. I··«■ ,< ;ι\ . t\ .. ; ·\ i.iV' <·ί ΚΙ· ι «ίηv. S ι . ι«' ν ·Μ·Κ< ■>.' < · |ΐι»ι ; ι ,.,. .ι <; 1:ι ν»Ί ι1··\ ι !·· Μι .. . 1 ί· ν\ t'n· ■ ·.*ι ι Shi»··. ■> Hfl;.« ! Τ. »·'«. ' Γ· ·».. Υ.·.»,. Villi · · V.l. II. I III.nil Slit; >!· \ M· um. Μ .lllllli V < J··!-. · sii'i . ; ,1 t »it-1· III λ. I · Λ t .ι ι Ι'ι ! ι ■•bin Y;i ι ·. t'vu'ly. ^ Mr .in I M·' I ·<>' n Κ··ν.. • · in· ι* ι ■·'"· 11 'ik 11»»' In. t..ti s|M'ii! Iii«· \v." kiiul w. ι it-< i v'r· Willi·· Aiult ι <«ι. Jk'?~SHOP HER Christmas is just around the corncr — This yc;ir we in vite you to shop early — Get just the gift you want— USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN And be sure you will have the item that will please him or her on December 2 5 — t>. 5 SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF GIFT ITEMS For • Ladies & Girls • Men & Boys • Children "Siwviiiir ΊΊιί?» Aich Κ«>|· More Thun ·"·<· Ye mV TABOR CITY rca Victor THANKSGIVING §!?I©u MM Now At C. C. SOLES & SONS rca Victor OLO TV with your old set • Th· rARRCLU * Dtlui« Serial ' M-F-7VM tM κ), in. picture Th? Vosl Trutlfd Ntm| m Color re'evisioo fun in compatibl· color U Better than * ever with RCA's new High Fidelity Color lube! " //Ιί/· ΛΒ φ Up {0 5$»e Brighter Picture A^V 4,l| n> · Εμι«ι color-Hcyrrt tuning $3.3j • Unsurp«»»eri prrformanrn fr» in many hard-lo-get fttations many harcJ-to-gct Motions Μ I per we·a wHh the Viet·" Tuntr & COMK IN—YOU HA VC TO 8CC FOR YOURSELFl ' C. C. SOLES & SONS Tabur City, Ν. Γ. TOYS! vrmmmmsmmmmmam* Loy Away For — CHRISTMAS — l or Her, For Him, For All I M L HAW. run BEST BUYS COME SEK WHAT Wi ll AVIL 1 Follow The Satisfied Crowd To ^ CAROLINA DEPT. STORE •J* * -> Tabor City fil aoeuBBmHHHaiMw^wMnMnHBPa Tiny Tears fondles New Born Baby Pony Tail Pixie Baby Talking Doll Bride Doll Doll On Pillow Shaggy Doll Toddler Doll EHng ßonnic I)oll Doll In Cradle Drink & Wet Doil Washing Machine Stove & Utensils Electric Iron Cook & Bake Set Alum. Coffee Set Pi.mos Doll I louse Doll Stroller GaivLeS Dart Board Spelling & Counting Magic Slate Magician Set Pixic'Pix Paint Sets Spelling Board Turn & Learn Gun Sets B.iskctbaJN l oot halls Footbail anil Goal wneeL* goods Τ ricyclcs ' Sidewalk Bikes 1 ' Wagons .. \ Automobiles Carriages • Koller Skates Strollers ·>- . Fire Engines Tractors Electric Trains Battery Trains Mechanical Train·» Dump Trucks Bon^o Monkey Rock And Roll Barking Doj; Guitar Rocking Chair Furnitu re Table & C chain s Pump Tire Τr:~, k MANY OTHER TOYS NOT MENTIONED HERE λ JK. Jr ΛΪ S Pm Λ ^>β■ « ·*ρΒ·^^ jf Ci^ m OFPAftTMt'MT STOP Ε5 Wliiteviilc, N. C.

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