V Η Ε ONLY POLITZER PRIZE WINNING WEEKLY Ν Ε W S Ρ A PER J Ν THE OJSllTID STATES — StftVltt — · WITHOUT selfishness ^ · WITHOUT FEAR • WITHOUT FAVOR Ihr Cauitl of Thr Tribune Nowjiiid Forever 7ώ> böH'T MISS • NEWS • FEATURES • PICTURES • ADVERTISING t*ery Week to The Tribun« OLI ME XVI. NUMBER 22 "Tabor City — The Town With A City Future" WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER C. 1961 lie PER COPT—S3.M A YEAR vireaor thosen For New County Defense Progrum The first step in the forma tion ui it countv-wide civil de It use program has been taken jjvi!ii the appointment ol Lathc.1 \\ s-yiit cm Lake Waceamaw as eivi! ddfitsi' director. 1.. P. Ward, chairman of the Columbus County Board of Commissioner*, announced the ι« \v appointment. Wayne is scheduled to begi.i ory:0 a month, which includes travel allow ances. The feder.d government will pay half the salary and _:he remainder will be uppoi "tioned among county munici palities and the county itseli < η a tax valuation basis. Ward said that efforts are now belli# made to se.ur·· of lire space lor the director, and also to piovide clerical help. A secretary for the office will be paid $215 a month, and will be under the state merit system. ^ The new director is chief of •police at Lake Waccamaw, ι Immer deputy sheriff, and is chairman of the county Dem ocratic executive committee. Getting the program under way will require a number «-f appointments involving volnn leer workers, including heads of t transportation, medical, communications and infoirria tion facilities, ηιΐΓ.ιϋκ other.;. In a civii defense· program pi ii..e·! uata and pri's'nuil sir ν ices arc made available to a! county residents so that the; will know what to «lo in cum ot a civil emergency. Civil rietensf includes thi handling of natural disaster (iis Wt-ll us protection auai'tst j iil iiy utlack. Ail t. t.is'.ieph ic.s m wnirh the wet tare ami! I safety < t liu&c at f people mV involved fall anrief ; ■ ι ·:» program. ; The new program has heen • j ->« t tip tu make i! ;· cotilutuiiii; j I '>'■ "OpOSl! .1:. - Shoplifters Nay Have Touch Äow To Hoe In Tabor City This Year Tabor City merchants and their employees who attended the preventative shoplifting clinic Riven in Whiteville lfst Thursday returned to town with but one word for those who ply their stealthy trade 1 Inn· during the Christmas huyiug season. That word is "beware." S. I'. Smith, Tabor City merchant and coordinator of the event, said that the pro gram was extremely well pre sented. and that those attend ing learned a great deal about how to spot shoplifters and how to deal with them. Paul D. Schiller, cx-FBI ι agent, and head of the organi zation which has been operat ing a private investigative and security consulting service in North and South Carolina f»-t* the past three years, provided the instruction. The two sessions of the pro gram. one ül!«.vnooi. and one evening, included a discussion of interna] security problems and a demonstration of techni ques commonly used by stir.o lifters. Between 80 and !··· persons attended the clinic. Among those present, in ad dition to merchants and Mies personnel, were law officers from Tabor City and the sur rounding communities. Record er's Court Judge Al Williams, and Thompson Greenwood, ex ecutive secretary of the Nor'h Carolina Merchant's Associa tion. A total of 10 persons from Tabor City attended, itu-ludim, representatives from six stores. Voting For New Conservation Graham Harreijon, Chair man of the Columbus County Supervisors of the Lower Capo Fear Soil Conservation Dis trict, announees that voters in Columbus County will have an opportunity to elect one coun ty supervisor in a public elec tion to be held during the en tire week of December 4th to 9th inclusive. Ballot boxes will be located as follows: ASC office. White ville; Washam and Warlick Farin Supply, South White ville: Todds Esso Station, New Hope; Goldston's Esso Station, Lake Wiiccamaw; G. T. Gore Store. Guideway; Fonvielle's Store, Tabor City; Mooney'r. Store, Chadbourn; Ed's Shell Station, Cerro Gordo; Wooten's Store Western Prong. Each year one supervisor is elected by popular vote for a three year term to replace one outgoing supervisor. M. L. Inman, North Whiteville, is the retiring officer. The re maining officers with terms of two years and one year respec P. T. A. MEETING Thr Tabor City Parents· Trackers Association will meet Thursday night at 7:30 in the school auditorium. Special fea ture of the evening will be · program of Christmas musie by the High Nchool Chorus. Assistant County Superintend ent of ftchool*. John Hicks, will be guest speaker. A reception will be held following the meeting. Alt members are urged to attend. tiveiy are Graham Harrelson. Pleasant Plains, and Elbert L. White. New Hope. The nominating committee, composed of District supervis ors and other agricultural leaders in the county have nominated and circulated nom inating petitions for two candi dates as follows: Paul \V. Spi vey. North Chadbourn and Glen Yates. South Chadbourn. M. L. Inman, the retiring of ficer expressed the desire th.it he not be renominated. "I have ι not been able to do justice t'> the honor of being a soil con ! servation district supervisor j because of my health in the J last three years. I feel that j some other person who will take a vital interest in the conservation of our soil, should I be elected to this office." In man said. The Lower Cape Fear Soil i Conservation Distri t is a far mers organisation created by I the North Carolina Conserva tion Law. It is the duty of the elected supervisors to transact the business of the District and to guide and direct the work of the Soil Conservation Ser vice Technicians assigned t> the District. It is also their ''uty to seek assistance frcm ι other departmentnl agendo.:, local governm< nt and private sources to further the conser j vation of our soil. All qualified voters are urg ed to vote for the candidate of their choice during the week of December 4th through De cember 9th. Santa Is Comisig Saturday Μογβι1βι§ Santa Claus invites ail the litlli children t·· visit him tili Saturday it· thi C*. L). Gairell building on Fifth Street whe ■· he will mak« his h«. adquarte!· ■ •ittci his arrival iu t-wn :>t 11:0ϋ Α. Λ1. He will be giving out ap proximatt Iv 1100 baskets οί L.iiiri.v ana Iruit to children who visit him there to teil Inn. their Christinas «»quests . On Saturday, December HI. Santa will return to his head quarters with ηιοιν goodies for the children. The week-end before Christmas. Friday and Saturday, December 22 and 23, Santa will again he it: town to visit shops and pass out candy to little children and good wishes to ever von»· . The arrival of Santa wii! usher in the Christinas Shop ping Season officially in Tabor City. Local merchants, through the Merchants Association, are making the arrival of Santa possible, and have been busy decorating their store window. Ik ü.l.f tu th« merriment <>f thi . ( »Ji« ■»·. II. Λί·· ■ i* ίι;11.»i .1» cmiitinii.- h.e.e ;.!.····> bei ι .'■.in; mi Railroad i.jid Ι'ΐ'.Ιίι .-it-iiitS. und tl;i· l«.VIl !.·: >.·. 1h«.· Li- ««cia ti< :i's a.ting ei»ordiuator «*f 1 !»«_· town's Cluistina.s Openinji. i Tobacco Price Support Me To Be Tuesday i Columbus County tobacco; ; liiimers will go Ui the polls j l'uesday to determine whether ι ·-»!" not '· pine '••..μμ.ι»: μ ' j gram en fiue-curecl tobacco j will bo continued. If two-thirds <>f the voter.·» 1 approve quota rest riet inns, to I bacco will continue t>> be sup J potted at SHi pi ι cent oi parity lor the next three > cars. As in the past, any person, landlord, tenant, shancroppcr, or any other per: on on th·» tarm sharing in the produ - tion of tohac.o is eligible to· volt·. In addition to the Vote >·ι tobacco support. ballots will be caM either tor or against as sessments on peanuts, cotton1 and tobacco to be used for promoting the various indust Deadlocked lury Brings Mistrial Against Brown Λ deadlocked jury rt suited in the declaration <>i ;i mistr:»l Friday in the manslnugntei last' against John Richard brown of Richmond. Virsim.i. who survived a two-car wrccK November 3 on the old Lumü erton Horn) 1h.it killed two co- ' unty residents. Til«· jury, deliberating the case since 3:15 p. in. Thurs day. reported to R.v- , mend dullard shortly »ft··· A' p. m. Friday that it cot Μ not ι each a division. Brown was returned to the county jail, and :s still being ! hei ! und« r $4.000 bond A new trial is expicted to be schedlll- ■ cd for the January t< rtn o' j criminal court. Killed in the wreck were I Clarence Gordon Townsend j Whitevillc busin'ssman, and John Wi'«t Cieorge. W'hihvjlk . I lit. I (armer. Gas Prices Take Dip The competitive »ms price battle among Tabor City'.« set vice station operator» h*i ri.· ' Uced the cost of a gallon o? j π <:o|nr gns hv If) c r.t at iv.. of the local stations. The gradual reduction i'i pi i es bojjin earl* last week, when the cost of regular stood it 31.» cents a gallon. As of this morning, the !'«·· est price is 21.9 cent·. Then» is no immediate indlc«*lon of any further reduction. . .»ι* . \>ι ι in. i.wν ι — λ »man portion οι some $·*»,000 in goods stolen by four teen-age bo\s and η 2:»-year-oWl man in Horry county recently is examined by (left to ight) County I'oii.vnuin Willis Cause, l.oris Pol ce Chief Paul U; \ .l«»:ies and County Police S.jt. George O. (Üuddy) Fowler. Karlier two loads had been, sent tu County Police headquarters in Conway. ■Γ*«ί gean-Age vrir^e Wave is Halted A ti'ci!-a.{t' crime wave in llorry County cunit' 1 «ι a iuTfivhiir-i halt (his week as Ceumy Pohco broke tip two ι in. <>f b"\ s. one <«l which 1«»I.■ ;.·ιι(1> val'i.- i at S-r>.Ol);J from business hi.u.-vs over the county. ( 'in· : I ·! !i ο! 11 vi· young boy.·: on s;.\ visits luul stolen 11 trior gas ι. im four farmer: in tip per Η ι;' The U as, whose i:.im.- were witlvield because 1.1 IV. ii ages. Wi re paroled to tiuir parents. Another ring of four teen agers and a 23-ycar-ol.l man admitted thefts approximating $5.000 in four break-ins and .· raid on two farms. County Pol ire lifted thos. •i vi'sie I as l.eamoii Junior Fowler. 13. of lit. 3. Nichols: Newl Boone. IK, of Finklea: IV belt Γο Iii. 1". of I .oils; M>· Artliur Dullard, HI. ol IM I. I.oris; and James Buddy Hab i>n. 23. ot Ba>boro. Hoiry County Police Ski. Geoi^ii! t). (Buddy) Fowler, L'otinl. Policeman Willis Gause ;·η I i.oris Police Chief Paul Ray J"i. ·. worked from Wed nesday to Sunday almost with out stop in solving: 1—The Nov. 10 break-in at Wright's Auto Supply. Poris; 2 The Nov. 1(> and Nov. 2! bnak-in> r>t Fee Dee Farms. In. . »ί.·!ι v:n it·. Fen> : 3 The N't.v 17 thett of farm Ir liter tires liont Bissell Hen iiord and <>hy Coats of the Live (ι ik ν -ti.-n: •I The Nov. break-in at the general store of Hudoiph R.' y at Β vboi«i. In Pn final tracing down ol vtoh-n >'- odi there were aided by Lt. C. L. McKinnon an 1 James Anderson of SLED: Frei e Collins. 11· rtmti Enzor ini Pi ···.·«· Strickland. Horry '.••laity fv-iirt'ineii < '*;ic sail that Hilbert Γ'κίΊ .tu· Leimen Floyd ad· • itt ft b <· -k tr; into Wright'· Λΐ"ο Μ·.ι;·· Κ i'i 1 o.-is the nigh' f Nov ; j |λ smashing a wlti 'ow an I teaching in to turn the dour knoo Hire, officer' ai'. Ί ι· Ih.\s «tele a couple nt la.1;iin . two transistoi γλ ios. lid .1 v. ot wnteh . T' ··· - lid I ι -imon Floyd 'ami Bu 'i1·. JPtb. η and M··" rt Todfi ,it> 'Med breaking In· ι Hm ■.! r.· Ι I' e Dee Fnrnis, 'nr. fPdtvant Ferry the n'ght >f Nov. IR 'ml «■•tea I In ■ •prr lNi'Tudcly *1.500 worth of TV s ts. radlof. rhotguns 'othins. hundred» of packs ci r°7.r>r bla '<■?. etr. Leamon Floyd, Robert Todd and MacArthur Bullard. offic ers sjiid. admitted going to tvu fanm ot I h oi ford and Cuat>· in ill·· Live Oak section th .· night of Nov. 17, and stealing whet is and tires from two farm trailers, one of which i they pulled down a road be side t he iarm house to an iso - lated -|«.t w here tht· removed the wheels. The officers said Robert Todd and MaeAttliur Bui lard udntitte.j they broke into the Pee Dee Farms store the night of Now 2-1 and stole a number ■ ·! radios. four Manhattan shirts, four jackets. 18 pniis • ■f white s< x. eight pairs of short··, an expensive flashlight, two piil> <>f gloves, a set of socket vvnnehcs. a sweater, a (;.·/!·η watches, a dozen pocket knives, ar. electric iron. 12 car ι !<-tis of cigarette··, a box of -i>n s'nIK. two p.iu's ol shoes ; and two TV sets. And. the ofn ers said, l.ea 1 nion Floyd and Novel Boone . i'mi'i'e i breaking into Ru c'o';>h Ray's place at Bayboro ,«'1) Nov 28 and stealing 52 car to< n.: of cigarettes. 11 cases of I i i <·' and about $5 in change. Most of the stolen goods has been recovered. Much of it. officers said, was recovered ] from Fverett Hayes, well i ii.mvi Green Sea fartner, I v.ini tolrl officers he paid the hovs t'.'JUO for jjoods officers , estimated was w rth SI.200.00. ; .Some of the stolen goods wound im in Tennessee, where it wis carried by a person ι whose identity has not yet ι been revealed. Wl ile working on the break ins Saturday. Fowler and Clause, accompanied by Lt. McKinnon. spotted a 1960 Chevrolet and de.ided to give it a routine check. In it the.v found ι case of moonshine whiskey. Charles Bellamy. Ne ro operator of Th«· Wagor Wheel, N< gro nicht spot on Hwv. <»; and Ο lei I Cfoff, Negro ι o|> r ifor ol The Good Roek iaj*. Negro night spot in Loris Bellamy was charged with vio lating the liquor law and th< automobile was confiscated. HOME DECORATION Tlir Tabor CHjr Oarden Club is again «sponsoring the jti.lging of outdoor home decoration* this Christina* j»t 'ion. Out-of-town judge· \\ :|| wirrt tlir miwt hrautl fn'lv decorated homes the ν» 'fk bfforr Christina». and tl-rre price* v-lll be given by the garden club. CCC Campaign Passes Quarter Million Nark j More than .1 quarter-mi!« j lion dollars has been raised to &:ve Coastal Carol u\p College i it owp «jjaiicjj ,ι ι', jus owr ( campus but the minimum goal .of $300,000 is tstill $49.200 a I way and additional tunds are I needed if Horry County is to keep its accredited two year college. This was th« word this week from those heading the Coast ! al Carolina College Campaign j as it moved from the inten.se phase that ended Nov. 25 into a mop-up and clean up effort in some parts of the county. Elsewhere, however. the campaign was just getting un derway in style. Buck sport { staged a kickoff Monday night under the leadership of Mrs. Fred Thompson. Workers al , Ay nur. under the leadership ot Alton Koon and Eugene Car j michael, were optimistic about : the report they will make next week. And at Tabor City busincss I men. headed by Ben Nesmith, j were hard at work to briny that area into the united en j deavor t<> bring higher educa· ' tion into this area on a perm anent basis. Greatest gains during the past week were recorded in the Myrtle Hea.h area where the total was pushed to slight ly more th;m $67,500. j Ε. E. Prince, chairman of thy Coastal Education Found i at ion. said campaigners know I thure are many people in Hor ry who have not yet been coti ! tacted. "In many cases." he said, I "campaign volunteer workers I have called several times on a person only to find him or her absent each time. In other eases, because Horry county is so large with so many people in it, we have just failed to list some people who recognizu the need (or a two year college 1 if nur young people are to ge< a college education. "It would be most helpful," lie said, "if anyone who has not yet been contacted would be good enough to «et in touch ' with any of the members β* jthe Coastal Education Founda tion or would simply mail to .Coastal Educational Founda tion. Box 91, Conway, S. C. η card indicating they wan» lull j information on the campaign. "We are convinced that the people of Horry County want j to keep Coastal Carolina Col lege and that they want to contribute to that end, but I ketttng to see each and every < one of those good people is a I tremendous task and we need ' all the help w can get now," he said. Boy Sconi Effort In Tabor City Goes Over The 100 Per Cent Nark I A report exceeding 100 per cent of the goal has been an nounced for the Tabor City fund raising drive on behali of the Cape Fear Area Council ol the Boy Scouts of America. Local drive chairman S. P. Smith said Monday that more than $800 has been turned in by his fund drive captains. Th*i exact amount was not report ed . I The iVOvrWas set for (Taboi 6ily on &.*fi5obe|· lv. the I date vw drive began.' Smith expressed his appfe I elation for the help of his cap j tains and workers in the cam paign. and he also thanked the j general public for its coopera I tion and support . "We're all proud of our scout troop here," Smith said, t "and with this kind of support we can be sure of keeping it going." Smith made note of the pro gress ol the troop, paying par ticular attention to the recent Court of Honor ceremony that was held in Tabor City during which two of the troop memb ers were promoted to the rank ol Eagle Scout. A number of other promo tions were also recorded. Sammy Averitt and Phil Bellinger were the Lite Scouts who rose to the rank of Eagle. The Cub Scout program in Tabor City also came in for a word ιιί piaise from Smith, who indicated that the organ ization plays an important role in I ne preparation of boys for regular s outing . Serving as co-chairman of she ιun.J raising campaign was W. Horace Carter. Captains included G. Garland Fowler, S. F. Averitt, W. W. Woody, Don Hughes, Frank Boswell. Rich ard Gordon, James Brice, Cly de Stanley and Frank Ncsmith. Nesmith also acted as treas urer for the drive. Smith said lhat anyone who was missed in the solicitation who wishes to make a contri bution should contact Nesmith or any one of the captains. Nokina Lists Honor Roll For High School ' M M. Jones, Principal of Na kina Hi«h School reports th·.! ! following student» earned a position on the Honor Roll for the first and second six-week ; period «s indicated. FIRST SIX WEEKS Annette Duncan, Helen Hin·· son, Barbara Hardwick, Dori# I λ·'\ Betty Williams, Betty McCorniick, Debra Register, Be'ty Reeves and Kachel Gore. SECOND SIX WEEKS Helen Hinson. Paul Ray Ctrroll, Barbara Hardwick, D»>ri,< Lee, Betty William», I>-bra Register, Audrey Jean Retti»t«r. Doris Turner, Betty Reeves, Dottle Kay Arp and Norma Faye Whaley. Well Dispute Is Settled; Town Will Pay Total Bill The l«'iig standing dispute Jetvveen tite Tabor City Boaid ί Commissioners and a well -rilling conti actor over re sponsibility lor a maltuuctioii .jil' t«>wn well < titled Tuesday slight when the Town Board voU*d unanimously t<< pa> C. C. Hikkbrand the total amount of a repair bill he piv.viited t·» ihi Town tollowing unsii. c< is !ul attempts to return the wol! m question to normal opera tion. Up to last night's meeting of the Board, the commissioners had bten in disagreement as to j what course of action should bt taken. The disagreement had cent ered around Commissioner Wiilard Wright's assertion that 1 prior to the t.rtie th«· repair work was begun, Hildebrand h.id assim Ί the Town that in. 'would !ix thi will, or i-ls·* not make any charge tor the work 1 involved. At : cvi-ral meetings with the Board. Hildebrand d .ird thai he had made such an offer. .! Legal action against Hilde- . brand had been considered by ι members of the Board, but | there were n«> developments a- ( .oiiji that line. 1'iiiiiiiniousl.v Approved I At tue· Tuesday night oiuet- < inj?, Commissioner W. \V. < Woody made the motion thai the full amount be paid to the ! contractor. The motion was ' seconded by Commissioner Phil i llughes, and carried uiiam- J mously, without discussion. This action was in ext.· enu» i contrast to previous discus ;μ·Πλ < of the matter. On two prior occasions. Hildebrand became impatient with the commissioners during discussions with them, and lett the meeting visibly disturbed about their attitude. Amount of Debt The total debt for the repair work which was begun in Mar ch of this year amounted to j >1.592.22 for two sets of stain- I less steel sand screens. These | icreens wert* pul down into tho veil in ail attempt to slop ihe low of suntl into the town vater system. The attitude ol tin- Board ii< •arlit r meetings was to pay »art of tin· bill, in tin: amount >1 $778.72, lor the initial set >f screens used. Tho second sti «»I scrivns, »illed to the Town for SH20.5t·. vas put down at a later time, η a further effort to stop the low ol "and. This proved to be successful, >ut at the same time it reriuc ;d the flow of water from ap iioximately 500 Ballons a min ite, to approximately 150 gal ons. At the November meeting of he B'-ard. tlu· commissioners -ought to arrive at a solution υ the problem by asking Uiid brand tor an estimate of what •e would charge t<> drill a ompletely new well for the town, and also move the pump rom the malfunctioning well :o the new one. Hildebrand, however, was lot in a mood to bargain for additional work until thu earl ier work had been paid for. There was no indication forthcoming from the commis sioners that lie could expect full payment for the earlier ivork, and he left the meeting. Routine Decision The relatively routine man ner in which the matter was settled at the Tuesday night meeting would indicate thai the commissioners came to the meeting with their minds made up as to how they would vote. Hildebrand was not present . Com missioners Woody, Hughes and Odos Garrell de clined comment on the matter. Commissioner Wright couirl not be reached for comment. Following the meeting. May or Howard Harrelson said, • Personally 1 think the Town got cheated." Harrelson presides over Town Board meetings, but does not vote in Board decisions. Other Action λ motion was maue Dy l um missioner Willard Wright to accept the deed to a portion of sewage line purchased by the Town from Tabor industrial Development Enterprises. The line was put down in 1953 for use by Columbus Manufacturing Company oti take Road. Since that timo, 16 houses have cut into the line, and TIDE offered it for sale to the Town at the November meeting. The cost of the line is 43,100. The Board agreed to pay for it in equal installments over a three-year period. Purchn.se of the line also cancels an old debt of $1,81)0 which TIDE had with the Town. Polier Receiver On the recommendation of Mayor Harrelson, the Board approved the purchase of a ra dio receiver for the Tabor City Police Department. The cost was set at approxi mately SI 00. The receiver has already been installed, and is working fine, according to Chief Jesse Barker . Its purpose is to have a di rect connection with the l*ori; Police Department. That offlc has also installed a r-'Coi vcr which picks up broadcast'; Tom T;il>or City. It was pointed out ths: the receiver will result in u sav ings to the Town, since i1 elim inates numerous long-distance phone calls. OL'IDEWAY P. T. A. The Ouideway l'arent-Tea chrrs Association will meet Monday nicht. December 11, at 7:30 In the s