AD RATES Μ in im ιι m charge — $1.00 for one insertion up to ΓΛ »ne inch in depth. 50c for each successive insertion S. it the same ad. Λ charge of four cents a word will C; he mad*· for all ads exceeding one inch. ξ CALL 2321 ψ* bcRatcs For Pisplay Advertising W»ll lte Furnished gLln Request. i FOR SALE: Nov and ust*d pi J'Sj anus. Contact Lake View furniture Company, Lake View, S. C. Telephone 759 fr·- 2291. ^KYKNOnRAPflKR NOTE* BOOKS. Wo have them for % just 35c each. Tauor City iTthune. Indl. *' FOR SALE—7 room brick ven ,j.j eer house, exv.'Hcnt condi _ tin·!, central and air conditioned, large lot, i block from school, Phon·* ^ -tKiil, Tabor City, N. C. on _ weekends only. TFC J4 atALI'IY LUGGAGE SMART styles. Sturdy, tight-fitting tongue-and-gio >ve construe*· 5Φ titu'i makes it mom, dirt ans! ft dust-proof. See our display today, t'riitcc Urns. Fut uiui· Co. EltSONALIZKU ROOK MAT CHES. li.tve your own mes »j --ittiie imprinted at low cost " / tlißh quality, made by Sup sf\ erior IVatch Co. Tabor Cit> >.\ ■<"« ί'·υιιι·. Indl Β#··· ' · ".· — - - ijlOR SALE — One Kclvinator '••Ί range, like new. ('.ill 14ii— 1 i Tabor City or can be seen k. lit 109 licit Stieet, Taber > City. TFcb. %" vot'K wi ll drilling \ NEEDS. See Κ. K. Wright, V'hom !:(>!; I or :50«ö. Tabor r'. i ty W. its pu ι lipid tree of i sand at no additioi.a. char·;··. Weils Guaranteed. (tici *lr fij jS-'-®*"». " . VVnt;n.>«:t! pi.:'.·:. &e I ', pa:*»· I ^ Uϊ l^iilhpr shoes at regular price, y>i: are entitud t>> th·.· ' tSth pair free. Based on av- j era^;· ,»rice or die first ι «/airs At least two pair* p. ;· ! yc*»:· m«is' be p'icihiKed. ! till ft'Kihl tor JI «U. Asii about ti·<:: Lueky 1.3 I'ltio a: Ruey's clothing Shire, Tal «or - City. (tf) ; Φ · Mil ICE τ ) ΛΙΧ EAHIES — We can riiilcii «ην color *·· *· nrus'jhuid p:iinl. i11 j«I«·, oiit ~ aide en Jm?l,, rnh'>-r na sc, or s^Mi-gloss. We have yf i. ikiint m.icinri·' that mak··.-; ■Xv "finny more· CMors than tin; !*£: human eye can see. ltcmcin ber, yi>ii c.111 al/'avs match ι .'· vour €-«»?'»r with .no !>i|*tt« st j j* cjuaiity paint .·( Towtisond ! p; liuildcrs, Inc., Whiteville. in ! !' NO MATTER WHERE YOl live, you can enjoy the nil— weather dependability η I Sun k«;s. Safe, clean, effici •J cut. Get our prices on eor.i L." pletely installed systems >5C Wright's Ga*. & Furn. Co F,·. Ifirtf. • »»' Ψ \ 1 DON'T GET ΓΙ» NKillTS Jj·· talus j·»sI 3iie ati'l 12 hour.·; t to start relief—or your money back at any druy store. When ^functional kidney disorders r<C«>use getting lip nichts, scan ι ν LitOWi burning, backache, leg Γ ρ;: ins., dizziness rse cn.-y-to ^ take Mi ·iCETS l-diiv treal ' ipent. Acts fast to increase and pfc-gula*'' ρ is-'i;;e. i\f )W at jA f)amcron Druu Store 4 ^|>IC( S FIRESTONE < O. is your local Car-lini Tc'e phpnp Co. representative. All telephone pat η it « ol t ί·. i. nrei may p;>y their nn'nthh I.ill at Dims tone, Tab or City by mail or in per son. (TF) looms for Rent, furnishril or litifiirnislied, Ilcnt by week or month, apply al l.'l Live· (>ak «lici t, Or call 7211, fi ' Tabor City. N. ('. VENETIAN BLINDS i Custom Made m — W(M>I> * ΛΙ.ΓΜΙΜ'Μ KH«M«rrd *nd Inst.illPd Frrr «V Prince Brothers % Furniture *%!&»£· Η"1 — Tßhor (!Hf Legais ADMINISTRATRIX NOT It'Κ , Ι Having qualified as Exccii- ι 11 ix of the Estate of II. Gomez ' Prince, late of Columbus Co unty. North Carolina, this is t" ! nidify all persons hr.vinu claims ! 1 iust the Estat·; of said tie- < ct sised to exhibit them to the I ondersintied at Tnbor City, j Noith Carolina ίί or before! the 22nd cljiy of Mr.y. liltiH or ■ this notice will lie plead*d inj bar of th< ir recov. -y. ΛΙΙ |h r- J ί.ι lis iuili bi tl I·» the Said j Ksiate will ple-ise make im- j ο crluite payment. This 21st day of November 1U62. M illie Prince, Exeeu- j trix o| Iii«· Kst ite of II. Goiivy l'rinci·, l»e «« «.sen. .. «... ,.νΟι Ι,,ϊ, JH. ΛΊΎΟΙΙΝ^Υ AT 1..WV ΓΑ BUH CITY. \. C. Nov. ΙΙΙ,Ιί.ΐ-ΙΧc..i, 12 lil.116 I TRESPASS NOTICE This is a im'ilir ad visinr: thai the laud known as Pinclind Tree Parin. Compris itii! approximately | ί.000 Acrca in Ciiliiintuis Cciiutv is posted. I All persons arc hereby prohib it«·«! from fishing, huntinc birds. si|uirrc!s, r::'iblts. deer or any other animal or w ild lifc with kuii or or in any other manner on lliese lands under penalty of law. I'inelsind Farm . ' llunliiv; Cbib K. C. Sanders, j President Orc.5.12.1».2tithc ('Oil SAI.E — Illicit and wliil·' pony, very ulle. Contact , Davis liruton. 2<Mi Soul'-, | I.iwis Str« et, Tabor City or phone 6571. TEC I'OR SAI.E — Two thorough· b:e«l Anvils '>iι·Cunt ict Kdtbe tb'iiuv-vr :i! Τ:ιί>οι j Hardware or c.i'l 1. t fei·:; ; i'OR .*.ΛΙ.Ε—1 :».·:» til lie Chev rolet V-8 in A-1 condition | Heater. r;idio. while «· jde wall tires. Will sell at .sacri fice—make an offer. IS··' ; Dan Crohby, CJi'·.· n Sea, S. C. ι r. lir ihi nir.l'.> ΚΛΙ.Κ OF I.ΛXI» Under ami l»y «irtui· «if the ''Wit «»f IsiimI contained in thai I'cilain ιΙ«·«·«Ι of tuist executed '»> I'· 15. ttuffkin, Jr. ami wife, Clara Uclle Hul l kin. dated Oc tober 11, 11)01, ami iwirdi'd in i'uok 5)1, page 05, in tin· office ol I lie Ui^ister of Deeds of Co lumbus County, North Caro lina, default having been made in the payment of indebtedness thereby secured, ai d said deed <·' trust heim; by the term.; '· !.·«*· subject '<· foreclosure, the un ·■ .·.··! trustee will ofler for sale, at public auction, to t le highest bidder for cash. ;*l the Court house door in Vι I'.itevι lie. North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock. noon. on tiie 4tl· day of .liintiary, i:)U3, the prop «ity to be sold m this deed ol tiust is described ;'S follows: Fills Γ TR.At'T· Bcrinning at a stake in tin· line between IM. Nolilcs ami It. Thompson. am! runs North (i7 «'«Trees West 7 chains to a stake in I.our Kay Straml. heiiiR Hi«· iiionI Westwardly corner uf i.nt Μι. 'hence Northeastwardly «itli saiil strand In a stake, it hcinR the Southwest corner of Ι,,οΙ No. (lienet· Fast 7 chains to a stake; tlicncc in a straight line In the hcRiutitiiR (about 17 chains) ami tiring a part «»f No. 213. «f the Sunny South Colimy Tract, and con taiiriiK 10'.. acres, mure or less, ücinr: tin· same tract of land described ii. a deed lr«iin ||. Thoni|isnn t«i C. ΛΙ. Nobles, ιιη the 20th day of AiikiisI, 1!)1K. and duly recorded in Book C-X, pace I."5, Iii I he office of the Rcr istrr of Heeds ol Columbus County. KKCONI» TKACT: BcRin ηΐιικ at a Spruce Pine in the run of ItiR Watery Branch and runs with the nhl I'ate line North 12 decrees West 1 chains to a stake, formerly a Sweet <ium: tliencc North '»7 dcRrccs West w ith the old line to a stake in a ditch: thence » ith said ditch South "r Southwardly direction to a stake in the run »1 Bit: Watery«!i: thene«* up the run of said Branch hi the bcKinnin?. cont.ii ρ i η r 10 acres, more «ir Irs·.. S,:i«l property will be sold subject t«i all imp 'id taxes and special assessim-nts against •aid pi o|n'i*t ν; ; 111 ·. I -ai.l prouer ty is sold siihjeit t.» all liens ol lec-ild inelii''ill; any deed «>! Ii it: I was «<>ι■<««.·«I prior l«> (lie <lat·· <·!' '!ι<· r< <*<>r«luiR of tin alwv«· «leed of (rust. I hi* >U(i*( . slid I·· ,· w'iil Ik* ii«|iiii,M 1.1 ι m 111·' · i:it.'l> link · Ii «'.»'Ii «i« 'J los 11 «j 11 (I t(, live p( · r «•( lit (ii of i'n,· aiiioniil of il.« hi>l. i'o (ι Ί Uli . ·11«· '»0th day of Nov rmljcr, I !K»1?. I). I·'. McCiotiyan, Jr. Trustee I Vcsi. IMl.'JIicli. WKlt.. DEC. 2«. 1062 THE ΤΛΙ I ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE ι Having qualified as Actinin- i I istratrix of the Estate of J antes Elcry Tyler, late of Columbus i Countv. North Carolina this is ' to notify all |v>r»>ns having claims against the Estate oi ι ι siid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Cerro Gordo, North Carolina on or I before the lUth day of June. I!'«>3 or this notice will be pleaded in bar ·»f their recov ery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please mak·: immediate payment. This 10th «lay of December, 1S;62. I Mafic M. Tyler Administratrix of the Estate of James Elery Tyle. l{. C. SOLES, JH. ΛΤΤΟΙΙΝEY AT I.AW TAUult CITY, N. C. Dec. 19.26-Jan.2,0,16.23 ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE driving <tualifi<Hl as Admin istratrix of the Ks tale of Gil licit Wayne Tyler, late of Co Innbus County, North Caro lina this is to notify all per sists having claims against the j Kstate of said deceased to ex ! hibit them to the undersigned ; t Cei ro Gordo, North Caro lina <·η or before the 19th day o! June. 1»63 or this notice : v\ i 11 he pleaded in Ivir <>f their : iicovcry. All persons indebted I«· s.iid Kstate v. '.U please mak« I immedi.ite payment. This 10th day of December. I 15)02. Mattie M. Tyler Administratrix of tin· Kstate of Gilbert Wayne Tyler !!. C. SOI KS. JH. ΑΤΤΟΙίΝΚΥ AT LAW j · .\Rnti CITY. N. C. I Dcc.l9,26-Jan.2,9,16,23 OR CITY TRIBUNE PAGE 1 Everything thai can be, is I Ntuud to conic into being, and what never conies into being is nothing· —Amiel We are never deceived; we leeeive ourselves. —Goethe The easiest thing of all is la deceive one's self; for what a man wishes he generally be lieves to be true. —Demosthenes You can fool some of the people all of th : time, and all of the people some of the time, out you cannot fool all of the people all the time. « GIFTS · CHINA φ HOME FURNISHINGS "The Best For Less" I Gore'» Quality Shop Sam T. Gore, Owner Consult Us First! See Mrs. Ja nie Β. Bel! or Mrs. Eunice Sin&letnr> on your insurance problems. TOUR ISnjefetidftii InsuramrJyy AGENT ·»·»»» % » ·· Janie Π. EoH Insurance Agcncy T;ih'»r Cilv. N. ('. ί ELECTRICAL, \ > PLUMBING, j! ί HEATING, 5 I anil (i ) Air-Conditioning <[ [ Contracting |! ! irler. Motor R-pair <, ! typhoon Heat Pump ι1 [ Frif»idaire <, r Appliances (» J Complete Sorvire <' ! |)«T»t & f'iirts <[ i McGongan > Elcctric Co. ij I TMto;t γιτυ, n. c. \ jC^OSCOSCeCOOOCOOSCCO'. Braxion Auto Parts, Inc. Tabor Cily, N. CJ. The F»nc?t In Nninc Π ran'J Eng:ne Pnrlt, And Complete Machine Shop Scrvicc For Ov«;r 30 Years. Ask Tbc Best Mechanics Phono 5431 Grfon Soa Road ! BEST WISHES! Here's a chccry greeting to our many good friends and customers at this Yuletide season. ' Community Auto Finance Co. ^cosoocccooooooooooosr Ν WHEN CONTEMPLATING } 8 YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE j | Ο BE SURE TO SEE AN I 8 INVESTMENT PROFESSIONAL ; S George Gornto ! j X 601 Murrhison RMr. | [' 8 Wilmington, N. ('. ι ι j Β Telephone 7«3-«e:Wl j j Ο INSURED SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ' ! 8 Distributors of MUTUAL FUNDS | |; A Prospectuses on Request ι $ Β. C. MORTON I CO. 8, WE RECAP „FOREIGN & : COMPACT CAR US DICUS FIRESTONE —T«bor City— toooooooooooooooooeoorI AL9U COMPLETE SERVICE ON All Makes USED EQUIPMENT AT LOW, LOW PRICES SESSIONS' Farm Machinery Bctwcrn Whiteville & S. Whiteville Fish Bait . vs. CRICKETS $1.00 Per Hundred At Dicus Firestone Tabor City G&G eA"t0 Service Wreckeri Day Nijiht Phone No. 7081 5761 5272 —Texaco Product· •Gas *OII »lubrication -—Washing, Polishing —All Major and Minor Repairs —Complete Radiator Service New snd !'«ed G&G AUTO SERVICE TABOR CITY 4 NOTICE ι! CUBE ICE iji FOR SALE j;| BY THE BAG \\\ Or Come In And Fillljl Your Ice Box Or Water| Jug. <|| D & Ρ Esso Service |j WASHING, POLISH!NO V AND Ο It BASING _ For Parts and Repair· On ® TRUCKS and TRACTORS SEE US All Work Guaranteed Free Tractor Pick Up And Delivery On Overhaul Job· Phone MI 2-2117 Mark's Truck fir Tractor Co. Whiteville, N. C. ALL THE NEWEST ARMSTRONC FLOURS and W \LLS IngUlled at moderate price* m LINOLEUM a ASPHALT TILE « EXCELON CLASTIC TILE β COKLON PLAST IC FLOOR . LINOTILE a RUBBER ΤΠ*» β QUAVER RIim and FLOOtv ?«vir,RiNG W. F. Cox Co. TABOR CITY. N. C. Phon» oOll Baldwin Studio Photographers Portrait — WedJing Whiteville, N. C. Davis Jewelers "Lowest Prices" Tabor C'ily's Diamond Center The kind of driver we aN like... I.ike everybody else, we pre fer courteous drivers who know and observe the rules of the road. But even "ideal" drivers can get into accidents . . . and even they suffer seri ous losses if they're not ade quately insured. Make sure you have the complete cover age you need. Come in to see us for a "car insurance chcck-up". NESMITH Insurance Agency Tabor city, N. C. x ' -«oooooooooooooooooooov COLLIER'S "Wklterllle· LmAU« Jewilm Awä Slhreraütha" ^oooooooooooooooooooor Headquarters CA3E TRACTORS or Male·, Harnen, Wasen·, Herne and Tractor - Dr»wn Fan· Machinery [ S.L. Faller & Co. Whiteville, N. C. For Tbj Very Finest Reconditioned TRACTORS & FARM EQUIPMENT WACCAMAW Tractor Co. I South Whitcvillc - MI 2-21640 ι ι Your John Deere Dealer ο BUILDING BLOCKS Ail Size· of Building Block» of Best Quality Quick I Delivery I Efficient Service Alio Ready· Mixed Concrete Sand Gravel UCC— Grainger Block Company Tabor City, Ν. ίί. Phone 347-i Vaughan&Co. FOR • STOCKS • BONDS • MUTUAL FUNDS XRocer 1-1*42 SEE PEOPLES SAVINGS * LOAN Association FIRST FOR 4V2 PERCENT DIVIDEND ON INSURED SAVINGS PEOPLES SAVINGS AND LOAN Association Whiteville, N. C. Reasonable Rate«; Guaranteed Work! All makes fixed! PHONE 6441 FAST SERVICE t¥· repair moat set· your own bom·. HODGES TV Radk Repair Center tabor crrr. n.c. Boooooooooooooooooooo^ DON'T EVERYBODY? No, people don't light cigar· with *10 bill· if they ere in their right mind·. The U. 8. Oovernment hu special machinery for burning money . . . destroying worn-out bill·. Thi· i· a handy gadget which the average homeowner doesn't need. But people who use inefficient heating oil to heat their homes are sending their money up In smoke! Of oourse, this never happens to thoss economy minded folk· who uss oleen burning Fhllheat*. This high-efficiency Phillip· ΘΘ home heatirg oil is care fully refined to prevent formation of gum and sediment in your fuel lines and noxsle, giving you full heat for your money. Call us. We will be glad to take the responsibility of seeing that your tank Is always filled. PHILHEAT YAM CITY ML CO. Tebor City, N. C.

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