BigCheck »1CJ CHECK — Six Dillon '■ lintν incmbiT o. t···* O'nar '.·ιιι· I Herders ppnidly show in- facsimile check they pre sided last week to the Shrin x Hospital for Crippled Chil I« ii .it Greenville. Third irom '•.ft, holding the check, is flratid Leiuac Alan Schaler, •*itί Herder Roy Lee. light, •isislinji. Other Herders in the ioup are, left to rii'ht, Tracey *inktea and Hal Watson of l.i.tta, (Sciiafer and 1a*c), 'Γ. Β. Herring. Jr.. and I ii 11 Caldwell, I cth of Dillnn. Tin $50,(1110.(10 ix presented by thi:: check was sufficient to give Omur Temple tin Krinkley Trophy for th· third consecutive year — an»' with it, permanent possession • >l the trophy for that Temple The William Rrii kl«y Tioph; t> aWardt d cacti yi.ii t.i one <> ■ κ lour (' -rohnas Shiiu I'etuphwhich makes th< . «. KM Vti llri'iutli !i I·. til •hi itiers ll<. pita! in pt upnr· Uli to Uli pi t \ ions Th tin r tin« i· Shrin·.· t· tuple, fartieipatini· in this award an llejay. of CJreeitviüi, Sudan m New Lent, Norm, anil < is! <>f Charlotte. ΊΊι · ('..mi l 11· rd ii unit, an stion is head ι arten «I at iJili· n. Sunt 'arolin t, hut Ii;·?: member f *»!> «>■ sc itU i··'! \ i U Iv ihrnujil In· ' ·!ΙΙ γ T· ■ ■ 11 j I - Jill i diet · ι ■» nil. Il 1u Cue.Ί.τΓΐΐίΙ« Fair Bluff :.v MKS IIKN it Υ ί'ΟΙ.Γ.Μ Λ*« Si.ii-'ny ft ΙΙι.ν/Ιι··; tin- Christ· •η» pageant ;-t fit J'\iir Dhif. t··«»..»'·j ι Ch'irci». Costns Bou kouvales, «ι CJreek studen* luflll't· teaci'lli; in the Fail Bluff si'IkuiI, .-.howed :· I tin id Hit? Aiiifriciiii l:n*m .choo. ■ ι Salonike, (Ji vec·. II« \v;i. ·in»··· ι r 11·< 1·ίit tlioi« ■ii*l |>l; r< 'urn Ihere I'· Ι«·. eh. This el κ μ ·Ι was ··.·.·. ·!» ίΐνΙι··<1 in UHU bv tilt; late Rev lehn llciirv llmi.s«·. a l'ivsliy l< rian missionary, who bought r>0 aires of land a few miles i.utside of Salonika axul fcstat»· i*hi d a school wiln I!»·· all· , and promise anyone can farm U.· od bind that Ion):·; )■ .(»<·!». Bottkottvulis i from Kyfoto, a siii ill rural vil'.'ijie near Iv- j anniva in Northwestern iJrceee The film was shown at the j home of Mrs. Katharine Turn er where the pr'ictiee teacheis re living and wa· enjoyed li\ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willis tsnd their four suns, Mr. rmrt •Mrs. Frank Wa Idell, Mr. ami Mrs. II. A. Turn··»·, Mrs. Kath arine Turner and Allen Turn- , er. Mr. ami Mrs. iioberl Reek 1 -■miiitince the birth of a son, Ktmielh Frank. December !1 ι ,»i Southeastern fJeneral II".s- | pital, Luinbi rlon. Mrs. Heek is the former Jean Lewis, dau ghter ot Mr. an I Mrs. Frank Lewis of Fair Bluff. The father ii on SS Itoosewlt <·ιι the Med iterranean sruis·· at the pres • nt. The Rev. γμκΙ Mrs. Neil Thompson att.-tided the ban cjuet honoring the Rev. Clyde Boggs. district superintendent of the Wilmington Methodist church Thursday evening . Dr. and Mrs. Tiiatl Bethen and children spent the week | nid at the Mel Ilea Cot tau«; at j Hog Island. Mrs. nii/abe'h Denn of Clin ton has* arrived to visit for I '•vei Ί «■··< ks in the home of j Mr. and Mrs. f«uy I.. Bailey. ' Under This Hat VACATION: Christmas vaca Ion began for local hlf sei ool students Wednesday a „•rayon, December 19. Duri. ·» refitar fixth period. ♦' high school students gathere η the auditorium for a hi chapel program. Mrs. Bet oodv hi«c t school cho director, led the group in sin: ng some old seasonal favorit 'ho us members were seat· informally on stage. Mrs. Fur man Fowler played the piano Over the stage, a head o: >an a Claus had been place· η the center of an embroider d silver wreath, usually oc upied by the old English let eis "T. C." A piano was 01 'ie stage and on the end facing •if audience was attached ι igure of Santa. To set off tin entire setting, lights had beet placed in containers of green •ry on both sides of the stag» 'though only one siring woul« burn; the others lacked proper plug.) B|it, even more Christ mas than the decorations on th· statte were the expressions 01 students' faces. Almost every one was excited and keyed ur over the prospect of a \acatioi fiom books and homework Thoughts of parties, presents asd plenty of food racec* through the Utile intellects oi many. Plans for trips to Tar if relatives were in the mak ing for some. And just a calm sane Christmas was the desire of some students who have been too busy for their own üood these past few days. I question that last sentence though. Is any holiday season ever quite "sane"? There seems to be a mental and sometime.' 1 physical intoxication about times of the year when we stop from our busy liivng. It would be very hard on Uie nerves to live in a place "hich never celebrated holy. d»ye, • · · HOME: Many mammas and pappas of college students are happy about this time of year because their "children" have come home for a spell. Just for fun. 1 started mak ing a list of those persons 1 know who are home from col lege. The list includes Frank Hogers. Eugene Watts, Joe Carrell, Martha Brooks Bell, Margaret Inman. Alice Kelly, Linda Fowler, Mary Angela Clemens, Sue Kelly, Norris I """ J'"4" Η·" '«'«on. Nano Faulk, Tally Eddlngs, Larry Williams, Phyllis Watts. Le rne Ward. Kowell Burleson nda GmtcII, Sue Layfield Utty Kelly, Ronald Ward, •ggy Snivey. Melva D. Wright, largie Grainger, Carol Rovers, Henry N. Wright, Tony Wad ell. Pam Spivey. Clark Doster, onald Ray, Bobby Soles. Jayc oles, and Diane llarrelsun And the list still Isnt complete. * φ * MONA LISA: Probably the most famous smile ever re corded Is the painting by Leonardo Da Vinci entitled "The Mona Lisa". It was paint ed 456" years ago. Recently It made a trip to our country, where it will go on display in the National Gallery in Wash (Continued On Page 6) Joyous Christmas Wishes To All GORE'S GULF SERVICE ουλ> We just couldn't forget you at this Happy Holiday season — your friendship over the years and your loyal support. We're sending our best Christmas wishes . . TO ALL OUR FRIENDS! Sessions Farm Machinery Co. Whitevillc, N. C. MAY JOY ABIDE IN YOUR HOME AT CHRISTMASTIDE JO'S BEAUTY &0P Tabor City — Whiteville Road HOPING ITS A - Purr-fect Christmas HINAN FUNERAL HOME YOUR CAR AGAINST WINTER WEATHER ! LET US HERE GORE'S Gulf Service Test Your Anti-Freeze, Battery, Radiator Hoses,, Etc. to make sure you have trouble free driving during th ecold month« ahead. Gore's Gulf Service Winston Gore, Mgr. Tabor City During this Holy Season commemorating the Birth of the Child in Bethlehem, may you find the source of joy, and hope for peace eternal. C. C. SOLES AMD SONS GREETINGS TO EVERYONE It'· that warm and friendly Mason again— and time to extend very best wishes for a Merry Christmas to all of our customers. Narks Track & Tractor Co. Whitevillo, N. C. We pray that the joy and peace which was . given to the world at His Birth will abide |5μ ίη your heart forever. DORMAN'S JEWELERS w BIG JANUARY CLEARANCE BEGINS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26, AT 9 A.N. Deland Genewin Liz Gator Skin SHOES Homier $18.95 NOW S13.M TWEEDIE SHOES Re«· Nowi $U.95 - $11.90| SHOES By COACHES * FOUR Reg. nH $9.95 - $6.5 JOYCE SHOES Regular $14.95 Now $10.90 RemUr 912.95 & 913.95 Now $9.90 Rentier 910.95 Now $7.90 STACK HEEL SHOES By DO RTF« A Now $8.95 - $6.90 D'ORTEGA FLATS R'R. Now $6.95 - $4.90 Red cross SHOES Rrcular $14.95 Now $10.90 Rrmlar $12.95 Λ $13.95 Now $9.90 Regular $10.95 Λ $11.95 Now $7.90 SHOES Br EDITH ΗF.NARY I Reg. Now $9.95 - $6.90 ALI. LABIls· PALL * WINTER HATS MARKED DOWN TO Vi OF REODLAR PRICE WhReellle »lore Only! IAH j*die·' Fall A Winter SMPBAGS IIP TO 40% OFF!! All Sal·· Final — No Exchange» — No Refunde ELLIS SHOE CENTER Wit Ii Twm Lecetleni To Servo You, Cora Powell·' Ladtee Shop, LumWerten, and Railroad Plasa, Whiterille