r V 7 " " A w i VOL. I NO. $1.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE - :":v;3 .... - i . fOPl CLAY COUNTY. Hayesville, aay-.CR;0 To The Jackson Couiity Journal: If you will allow me a little space your paper I wUl write.a -few Ls as I used to be a : Jacksofi county girl HI?! BREATH -,-sr,. ION 1TES. News: and Observer; v " ; . ' - CaptvT.; W.; drank what 'he ihoughtras water Sunday lit : his cigarblew the smokevand the ini- taKe uie uwuiuui ui iua uteui ioiq nim tne first reading the lettersfrom all over the he knew -of 11 his : mistake. -He had county almost as much as I enjoy swallowed gasoline. ' . a letter irom home. The first thing . Captain 'Davis is not seriously I do when I get the Journal is ; to sick as the result of the wrong bev look for the letters. If I find a let- erage. :But he:has suffered some ter from Speedwell or Norton; I ea- what He was- full of cold" and ert mnp.h: so I hoDe more npitKr toctoH ni t inV Illcu i . "viuivi luoiisu uui o intuitu, unc ul PIKES PES Nl S'-..;8MSBI iiilEST. ia tuc i iias t mountain m '-5 i -Ji-- FURNITURE FACTORYSk LEOISLATOREOFHGERS FOR fllLLSBOR v ' "I Cblora y'Hkl to have a new, persons out of twenty wi inco&ye i;,.; i; 4. -iPS r:. ---ron the cgroundV where r. the livery knowhat tighem bmldings were tains m the State are Massive , burned: last spring. Messe is". JJ. and Blount Elbert;)jiri jLke ' and T. M. Mason are reported as be- County, in the- LeaSyille -district new enterT The altitude ofacrrofe nMm rise ic is known that lumber tn?no Qn,rtWj; iir TT-ij is being hauled and other prepera tams, according. to v.the f United . , . rf , r c , ; - - . . tion are being made for building up ouues geological ?urveyis l4t4U on thfs site. : It is reported,' with some foundar wiil write io me ouuiuai. ; ( iiie yiiesi omquias. lniniung tliat ' Christmas ib cux uvCA -r: water glass naa water on y. feet above sea leveL ' :tHliflidSf-f . two W ti,,v a nvvo i caa u ii,iuO' : ICcu JYlOre- wtuci ciiicipiiaco ux uucuciuici over, there are fifty; or siy other can not be maJe a howling success nOQlro p'irtj 'iV.A-l, i i hi this county as we have the hard- '"V" thing had a iKiie vunatmao ucc ai a rents unaay auernoon and striking neighbor s home, for the little folks, the match for his cigar, he was The little tree was loaded witn toys horrified to see a blaze before him. ineiHu. v nronri, c an tw n 7 T V , Wdi, nnn7 : iT " woods and the waterpower. nf ail kiiios, candy, orangts andlThe smell of gasoline, the fumes -high over 14,000 feet The lowest ' 01 3U . . i ' - 1 . .. . . . - Tnprpnnrt nf this pnfprnn u,-. i-.Kil.-lrtiii woro q1 1 m nrlo I -J 1 ; r j apples inc i" Aviv, emu luc suuucauun luiiowmg gave happy- 11 was grand to see the him the paleness of death, but he linLj ioiKs when Santa Claus came had put the' fire out with .no dam from benind uie tree that was so age, worse than the - overcoming, loaded with nice tnings for them His face was not blistered nor is they ah screamed out for " joy." So there any i anger of blood poisoning, we had a jolly time with them, and Last night Captain Davis was tiie old folks enjoyed it as much as somowhat improved at his home on the kids, i have one little girl, 4 South Dawson street He still feels years old, and she asks me almost the effects of a mistake which ' took every day to "write old Santa Claus a most unusual turn. a letter to come oack again - - . npF A filtnil JftR Wishing the Journal audits read-"v" wv" " " . ers a happy new year Vilue Shearer. CULLliWUEE OPENS. point in Colorado ;, has" the highest1 average altitude, estimated by the Geological Survey at 6,800;feeti ; Although" not the" highest moun tain, Pikes Peak is , probably the best known peak States. There was Weather Bureau station on; its sum mit, and it nnur has ricTiictaTCtoi ! m the United at one time a The report of this . enterprise has become currant in business circles here and it is generally believed that it is true. WINTER BQ8KLEIY CESSER IMPROVING Walter Messer; who was seriously Long about this timo year lotso fellers taka noshun in their heads that theyl either get a job orchange their occupashun. f A great maiiy nilps ytavf riippn . lnift rlawn nn " JAtui xuuown. :, in. w January rirnn, Bformashiid given on how to ifeta ,-lne tuuownee rsormai and in dustrial bchool began the bpring injured ia an accident on t le South term miaer mos( layorablefooridi., lni gonto teU' how to do so myself. era several days .at Waynes tions. ihere was an "mcrease on ' pjrst Place the feller wantn to ve 1S st at e ssin hospital uie nrsi oay oi aoout bu per cen over mat oi the fall term. -The L:- I attending the patient stated yester- give up LUC BVL ail 1. j total ior trie year win probably There- are midhtv few loafers that ! day that he is recovering rapidly. I I mi l l t r r et desirable olaces. Everybody lne wounQS rne oy Mr. cesser at ibere is not a finer body of stu- w a n;ttr 1 the tlme tnal tne t3111 passed oyer dents anywhere. Almost all are Secondly, tell your prospective ! his body wm keeP him in the hos young men and women of charac. employer that youcn do any thing ! Pital for some time but tbere is a ter ana purpose, with-high aims Hnnt or whAt-nn thnt vnull he ood chance ?or Ms recovery, accor- . . . I . ' " i j- i : and ideals. Jackson countv should UdoHv ctrt in o pnnnia wppV.j i ums w m puy&iudii & be proud of this institution within The boss knows that the man who her midst and of the prospects for can do "anything" can do nothing very well; hes lookin for somebody with at least a smattrin of experi ence whocn pitch right in with his coat off an his sleeves rolled up. Jan. 7 The new winter booklet of the Greater Western North Caro- railway station, at the-teriiunus of lina association is now off the press the highest raUway -hneinVNortn pufilication of America. It can. also te' reached '84 Daes. attractively illustrated - l. a w m with photographs of scenes, hotels and private residences throughout the section. The reading matter is comprehensive and the whole is considered by those who have seen by an excellent waon- rpad and trail which connect the i-srnninit Colorado Springs. " ' l ;; . . . News Obseryer Jan. 7. In the caucus of ; Demor:: cratic membef3bf the House tpnigh,- the principal; matterwill be, the se- ; for Speaker. This nominee wlllo be k- '.'" Ae Speaker, and the representatives - - V whose names will be presented to f the Caucus are George W. : Connor; ' ' - of Wilson; E. M.Koonce of Onslow,- " -and J.: Frank Ray of "Franklin" ' ; Arid the man who gets the major-.': tiz ity of Vdes tonight will take charge - ' ofthe'Huse. It is now up to . the" . winners to pick the winner, if they : have not already done so. : '" '' We Have With Us. " . " s The candidate who is presenting cards and shaking hands with Sena tors and House members so far as ' . known are here set forth. .- : in me senate orancn tney are: - Reading Clerk, R. M. Phillips, of Greensboro. It has been under stood that Mark Squires Lenoir, V would be a candidate, butlast night Lieutenaiit-Governor W. C. Newland u received a telegram from Mr. Squi res, sayiag he wa3 no a candidate. Principal Clerk R. Otis Self of Webster, and W. H. Baine of New bern. Engrossing Qerk W. . HooksE ofFr3n)it: V d Siver, of Rat eigh, R fl. Jjae3, oi Raleigh; J. Hauser, of Winston-Salem, and R S. Lisk, of , Montgomery. Sergeant at-Arms W. G. Hall, of Fayettville; Nicholas Deboy, of Ral eigh; W. M. Russel of Durham; ,W H. Wathington, of Greensboro; B. F. t to be the .most attractive .booklet ' Perry, of Perquimans; B. H. Jones MyetPui4ishe4,-ioiL; distribution an of Fpw , . aavertiseini wenTfloC lsemg The decorations oi the front cover page of the booklet are very artistic and attractive. In the background is a mountain scene with a motor- jing scene in the foreground. This a still greater one in the hear future. 666 For Rheumatism fie Gout ' : statement are of In the -House the candidates understood to be; Principal Clerk T. G.- Cobb, Morganton. Reading Clerk W. W. Wilson of Raleigh. PVirfrrcci nd Tlorlr AT Tf inol QT-irJ is surrounded by six panels showmg of w v w h. Howell, of- last night NEW BANKS COLEMAN C. COWAN, More than $16,000,000 added to the banking capital of the South- Next place; hang out lots at the ; ern States by 303 new institutions Attorney and! Counsellor it Law, WEBSTER, N. C. DR. DAISY Z. McGUIRE. DENTIST. Office : Harris Building, . ; SYLVa, N. O. y JOHN fl. PflREIS JEWELR a, : c-y:s. Attorney at LAWf Office n Court Houte, Webster, n. c. com, c: - ATTORNEYS AND v counsellorslat:law v pool rooms. Come to think about it, how many substantial, respect able, successful men have you ever heard of bein in a pool room, let alone goin there to hire somebody? Again; be "one of the boys" by joinin a Booze Club. There amt a successful firm in the country thatl employ a feller who carries botfze on his breath. Their mnt many thatl takem with cigarette stams on their 'fmgers. The , fine-lookin; "manlyM fellers whocn; swear by note aint in danger very much either j of getn a good job hooked toeing Another useful innoculashun against good jobs is that chronic iri flickshun of mindin other fokses business. People - who do much of that pretty soon dont have - any of their own to mind. By "Rizo in THE RALEIGH TIMES. ViEOVlM SHOULD GUARD : ' J f - AGAINST APPENDICITIS ; Sylva people whohave stomach and bowel trouble should guard : a gainst appendicitis by taking simple buckthorn bark; glycerine etc, r. as compounded in Adler- i-ka, the GerT man remedy which became famous by curing appendictis.f A SINGLE DOSE relieves sour stomachrgas on the stomach and cdristipatioh - IN STANTLY because this simple mixs ture antiseDticizes the digestive or- ganslanddraws off "the impunUre- r Sylva Pharmacy-A: formed during 1912 according to figures complied by the Southern Bankers. The distribution of new Banks and capital by states was: ' trout fishing, canoeing, golfing, ten-; nis, horse back riding and water falls. A cluster of delicious look ing western North Carolina apples is h )wn at the top. The whole is executed in colors and this coloring is in the natural shade. The back cover' is like the frontispeice used on the summer booklet, showing a majestic mountain range in the background and two horseback rid ers gathering rhododen in the fore ground On the first pages of the booklet appear scenes from all over the section with accompanying reading matter telling of the beauty of the whole. This is followed by golfing scenes on the links of the Asheville Country Club and a full description links here and at other points in western North Carolina. This ar-; ticle on golf occupies a prominent position and considerable space in the booklet The various cities and towns of the section are. then considered sep erately, Asheville being given first place. The leading hotels here and in other towns are shown in the pictures under the proper headings. The general view of the hotel is Governor George W. Dougherty DOsite Dade aDDear . Dhot0dj appointed Editor John N. Heiskell j raphs of the interior,the lobby, din Alabama s Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiania Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Virginia 21 $468,200 46 $2,503,00 54 $2,640,000 14 $500,000 16 $850,000 8 $193,650 23 $965,260 44' $1,114,000 46 $3440,000 27 $3,245,000 SENATOR HEISKELL of the Arkansas Gazette of this city United States to succeed the ; late Jeff Davi ; : The appointment is for the short term ending March 4. 'i ' ; T.: M. Mason and family of Dills boro af e here.--Cherokee Scout Dri C.: Z. Candler; of .Dillsboro, accompanied by his A UyTarrived, arrived "Friday to'V: mate - Murphy theirfuturemeocc the jresiaence . opposite mayur( aa?-weese.--Cherokee Scout"fr? : hing room and a bed room. In the back of the Jbooklet : there is a list of all "the hotels andVboard ing houses of the section, the accom modation for guests and "prices charged; One Imporarit detail 'which has. been added to this for the winter bookletns the kind " of heat which each . place uses.: -The section is'not' advertised,1 however merely;as; a winter, resort but as an all-year-round resort.: V ;;; There is- also sorhe - space given to a . consiaerauon ;oi tne ODDor- tlers in" lines of- horticulture and agrictureAZErTE NewsI' Montgomery. Sergeant-at-Arms D. L. Jones, of Scotland Neck; J. H. Moring of Morrisvilie. ' ' There may be others, possibly there are, but this is the list as" it : i s known at present Tonight wil L bring results. For the Inauguration. Preperations in Raleigh go on a pace for the inauguration of Hon Locke Craig as governor on Wednes day' January 15. The Senate and House will undoubtly after conven ing "name committee to look after this. The Raleigh C3JUiittee3 are busily at work preparing for tie in auguration and will meet at 5 o'clock this afternoon in the office of the mayor. A big crowd is ex pected for the inauguration", and Lieutenant-Governor E. L. Daught ridge says that he looks for the, greatest crowd of the pa3t twenty five years. Special railroad rates have been arranged foe all who majr -come, and the military rate is one cent, a mile. Inauguration day wilL be a big one in Raleigh. Later. Hon. Geo. W. Connor, of Wilson, was unanimously chosen speaker of the house, E. M. Koonce -withdrawing and . J.- Frank Ray of of Macon moving that the elections of Mr. Connor be made unanimous. T. G. Cobb of. Lenoir was' selected as principal clerk of the house and Alfred McLean, of Harnett ' was chosed as reading clerk, "he receiv ing 61vdtes in the caucus, to 35 for W. W. Wilson of Wake; J. H. War- ing of Wake, was elected sergeant-f at-arms,; and E. J: Jenkins was chos en as his assistant M. D. . Kinsland of Haywood was re-elected as - en-' . grossing crerk." v v . ; . Senator JPhaVr; of 1 MecMenburg, ' " was chosen president pro tern : of . - '. the senate; and W. ..; A.: : Hooks was made engrossing clerki and W.S Hall, v Cumberland, -: was made ' serr geant-at-arms pfj that i body,, with: Geo. W. Hinsley - chosen as., his as-v - IsistanU R M. Phillips, of the Greens boro-News ; was .a- elected reading. . -clerk of the Senate and R. O. Self of Jackson is the principal clerk "f. oC the Senate. . v - '-.S-:- ir 'A . - 1 - v.. I A, 1. . r 1

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