- -Hi" 1 - :- . - v..... . " . - i -r --. r. - T ' ' . . - ' - "1 '.. --.... ' . - . ' . .-' V. - . . v , . - ... . . ' . . - - -" ;.- . i . . ' . v'-v,.-- :? iiBiiiH.iiii I have: topkietUmy 1',' V-'.-4 nearly utJWex anotner.iaKe.ana .near tnoseMakeff ' A vnnrtv of tnr hpels.' conslstihj! of we see the moss hanging from': four to.ten feet Idh? Js J?' 'j- flM. firy sdnf Jbhi -fej Dryso and iiiiiilllils . 'If i '. ? - V 'A ' v vr-: the best " and most iprofitable: seeds to grow. It tells all about Seedvrotatoes, 5eea uais, STHe:Bcst SeedC; T;:;1an& all btberi-H'I frm and Garden Seeds; ? Jong be'recognized as a s1" dard authority bn Seedsi - . ' MaSed on fewest? "write for it. IV W. WObD;& SONS, SttDSMEN, RICHMOND, VA. aeivillfe -a - . r. . - -. :-f; .p?:; ;r.T: -. wi. ' V"' TheSylvaPressingClub Now in the rear under s -the Sylva Pharmacy. ; We: ore prepared to do your pressingand clean, ing in. first class style. Men bring your suits to ns and have them made to look " as NEW. . ' Ladles, bring your coat sttits and skirts and let us clean and press them. : - All work done at reason- ablefprices.- The Sylva Pressing Club JAS. RITCHIE, Pro w w v tw v m w m w m w w w v m i i 1 jciav ,s-- . ,J : i " 1- -l : m ? V , S----" an; exceUent .Ciirie m 61 and ana boys which men will sell at- ai jffreat "reduction.- - '" " '' :'r- '::' Also I can sell you- Queens ware of attractive designs at rea sonable prices. i Rugs and Doormats add much to the comfort or the a sood line in niy J. L. General Merchant Webster,:N.C ho have .. . . t ; le. I BROYLES edoFlbrida'wthtnVdi tv aveling rpart of the way , j()ywagon , cenveyance, - leaving ; tne.7 nome 01 jonn iv uryson c pnj 1 uesaay-4 ui; spenalnrrthe; ijaightwith-lilrhd Hr''liKnj fThe 18th beinga Veduylday for traveling, we only, reached Glen villeV SDendin the niht ivith x verv hrapitaUe)rten o. --iu Tr pucnanan. 1 ne in peing clear didwe sMiUBVId by way pf tasters; making - very - good tmie.'tahgbluSef bGrimshawe Then - we f ? proceeded ojri b the White Water ; ;rls yiewmg;the beautiful eheryat; that point i We wandered oh down jibe rugged rocky road.-: : ItJeing ? veryj; rough I" we struck camp near the South Caroli na line; there we prepared a good; hickory log tire for the nteht: vsicre we : spent the night; very comfortaUna in May and June uiy, except uiai j. r. x, was very feeble over our day s travel. I can see t mile$ and miles'of bau tiful -level landfall u'pastm-e'; and nothing oh ; iC butrass and rsme treesdhln a nice 'xlriwieve andlwhat ;rthey call theliyie !oak: grtthetyear roundfd.th The f;; lancD loofs. po- ?but gueltJpruc.e5 Well; afid iVatsotae ; beauti fuhjcabbage: daw;;miles of onion ceias, aary ianns, wmcn all lMkrornisingi' tdeorZ'the. own-' vyeare"tiobneh miles belowJacnveon' CoastlLiDLe fifty mU& an hV ing through Saordll viewing the beautiful ;giardfamsX.e'.celery isfr6mixtt0;4ft highr fields oft'the fiel& o lettuce look likejthe; wheat fields of North Caro- EE) IVIVIVIVI'rTrWmTrfmVI V1V1VIV1V1VIV1VIVIV1PTTX -V; i-5 f - Tor Foisos Blood Purifies the Blood, CtesAS (he Lhrer Clears the Skin, Strentheo the Ncrvea, increases tne appetite. ror l,urf Scro f u I a, Scrofulous f-fumors, 1 Ulcere, Hcmors imd Pimples on the Face, Constipation, Headacntf, kxins lflf the Back, and all Blood diseases from any cause c ... i tit rrfe i in 74i ni t For Chills &. Fever 'IM?! cientmc onui, Malaria and Aiu cures. "CHIL-LAX" is the worlds treat iesU. Absolutely sure,; safe and harmless to tdo narcAn ! l- t t to the malaria germ that in most cases it drives the poison entirely out of the system in 3 days. A-Mild Family Laxative The New Discovery 2MU-For RHEUM ATISM and GOUT, deer- age or condition. Used; ;by Specialists n . every quarier oi tne Uiobe. rjeasant to UM Don't wasu time with compounds, cureails and iinimcntfi fft J or Kidney. Bladder and Urinary Dxseasea, vlUDNgy n. -ih?, iposessing a wonderful antisepr po.vfr " . ' - -'5 - ' -s r s - The morning of the 20th, after we partook of a good, warm breakfast we narnessea our team and started again; we traveled down the Dinev ridiges until noon, Neai ; Salem: S. G,' we stopped for dinner. -After we had eaten dinner, we. started oh through the outh . Carolina richtes. We ftraveled seal'miles to wards Central on bur journey and met up with a youni merchant hv the name of Clark, hear bid iPickens. There we struck up camp for the night We enjoyed the night ' fine The morning oi the 21 we harness ed and started again for Central Dunngjthis day s travel we; crossed rveowee river and took dinner on the banks; of -Twelve Mile river. hear Central" then' drove rinto Cen tral, and arter a: few 4aysstbpHlat tuat yiiiuc we louowea tne ranroad to Worris and there we stonied ovpr T mght-T-bunday and Sunday nihL we got a horse here for our lav over spenoing a part of Sunday at Cate- hel, one inile from'Nbrris. . Monday 23rd, was a cold, rainv day, we still remamed at our . little home until Christmas day enjoying ourselves well Tor campers. We struck up with some very fine neb- ple some of .whom, we knew -were from old North Carolina: I; 1 This mommg-Christmas , davll we will startJ)y way "of Centri r to Anderson, stopping - over at did renoieton lor a few houis,v then traveling on until we reached Autun; there we caiinped, J if: being : dmst- mas night A crowd of youn oeoi pie serenaded all. through town and we heard it all. i On the 26th we traveled to Sand v opruige, uuu nere we took the train for Wmter Haven: HaV materia thft first change at'Belton, S. C. The train being late: we had to lav over about -one hour and ' a half; then we again took the train, for Coiumbiaj and ;there r;we; changed ? cars ' for Jacksonville:- Frbrh Columbia to JacksonviUe We;:tJtiveled in-Uie night, stopping over" mr ?br1drist at -.Sondna, leaving there , at fivp oclock, a. mf, fbrW Jackson vm w uvu Alio, tt c ,43 tu ppeu :' a DOUt t ;oU niinutes, tben b tfie train for Chub, - crossing VStrfJohnr riyer twice, seemet ud and down "thf t t'- a erased the; rier . the - second : time . .i y tv bcu a iew oranee- trppa anwestiUraed journey V5end;v saweveral - 7tr? auu c.-iariner rao wn wjaveledeKkviegtbe crops are, and the beautiful npfuW ; Wiien I left Sandy: Springs yes- V: : teraay,; tne -2dtn, - the train had r we 0K about six "inches of snow, on her back, and; todaythe 27th I am so hot I have to draw my coat" It is ; aniwfui cha; just for one da and niQt4s KyelJust a five mile ride:Ve.ge cars at Chub this;-h just five ei: fromh lAfweT a fey daisitiiig eno and rela tiyofSmm :.'Mrs.. Hr P; BrbriilrTiand Iklrs. AVatson-Yonally,-; Clarke McDade. . Bryson brothers andtlinsv , This is surely; the most beautiful country I have e ver;ted ; ; V am : well : satisfied have alreacy sent for . my familvs am looking for :themr soont ? will i be -k-""vAi nutu iuy 1UYCU VYHtJ- and babiesxeach mev JC;Vr WJbest:wishes Carolina and her babies,? Respectfully, - - - - ; K: M. Bryson. :;If;yourjchildren to at tacks of croup,:watch for the first symptom, hoarseness. Give Cham--berlam's Coutih Remprf v the child Jjecpmes, hoarse and the aracK may he - warded off. For sale by All Dealers. : ' Advt l Horse V Outfiters SYLVA HAR NESS Jt: ieoi nm; -xicurness, isnd-v all Horse Svlva Harnew . .-w ...,f. ';.. t - ." . iv lODNEFLUSH-r,-:v; ; Vfest Schedules'and the-Very:. 0V estf Traveia. ."i-- . Tren Canriefof the: ; : ; :v;South:..::-:;:v-, -v :For further Infomt'ioa' And"'1 ..ParticnUrsiCll;06?or.Wiita j; II. - WOODrl). ;P :a I ; : fflelotheutiil:ieve :aii4 eyerythma - rvr. ?yA vuuniia orate. x ?. viewed; the miles. eheyille. N.- C: of the live oakslAnd aKko