; v 'v - " -i. - ' r - mm:m:m f.1 ; 1 . .'..-.V. v' CI MM - - f Failtb see I '. . . , V v Miss Fannie HastinS of Arkansas . . v Vrll'; "visiting tier; usinsithe iMisses SSHastinis, of iDillsb?: - i :'mm LCss Matde Hasting, of Dillsboro madeva fljontnptt() this jSLTar!eyvas :dqwitoin;.:)VilT lets; on- business SatardaylEi W;-K;Brysdivi 4 Rew1 Herveyi C. ir Parfc'Jormer rectorolS arid St-MajCuU here yisidng his many;fnem &elaof last weekMn Paii6 hbeeriat G&or andwffl: Ijver8hbr chtisetts, where he will have charge of two HmfesJ rr ! " i -1 ;M C. K Wilson is at Gleriville, visit Miss Margaret nungs, i imis- ing relatives arid fnendsT; : "WM:y:? boro, who lias" been- quite' ill; since 'rissgsi- Kr-K MM ' D; Norris. of Bessie was in Syl- IIS t ''v;'' ' . ? : ' Almost every train ; brings more , , T , , marerial for Sylva's new depot ; f Mr. a a Ward, representing the irio CoAiill of Addie was in the United States Accident andl Health Rprt. Snider was here Tuesday. : - ' -' ' 11... ' I Tl O. Wilsnn hna hdim nnoratinno Mrs MaryFowler of-;i)iusDoro : . r . - --l ..'- i hi yt if l if M TTiiTip npar wonoroT1 paid us a call Tuesday . morning. Vaq riAf will he worth seeinS. Wm. Wikeof East Laporte. was . Vr. ill.. Tx:.:.V 1U a,fTcuucauay uu uusmess. Dot, ine Miners lyaugutcA, w f a Wina M I'M - UUCUl(AUi."iuv - Ml v ' limnnfnnn Everybying toseeDoti IfLDtfl LU If you want to know whafs going schools in ;this section. Wei lareilad t to iwelcorrieProiV Johnson to, this place and hopepur, schopl - will -be greatly str'ened by:haviriTi& very nicely? but wfe i would - like" to see more of the parents bring their children and come, out to the ySun urschbMr; (XmCCo beeri givimme: lec lesson that 'would7 pay anybcly:tp come out arid Mhear. Mr Cowan 1 1 A A. . 'Zmws. mmtm hlsltannAAfl Will UUUUUUC W IVC UJ TCi TiW wMch'we ffiduld be and those Jwho m haven't interest to come arid be; present are certain-. 1 v missind n twat onfi that thev ' may never again Have the priyfiege jlo of enjoyirig Parents bnng- your chU(hn;c rents to Sunday school I arid there- by help ?td : build ' up the - Sunday school antTmake it what it ought: to be. Mr. F. E. Alley spent the first of the week in -Waynesville complete ing arrangements to move there the last of the,week. " W. H. Deitz of, Sylva - passed through-Webster Tuesday:! Rev. W. H. Deitz -of Bryson City i ouT Dresent Dastor of the Baptist h f chur was re-elected and -has ja jjH cepte& We are certainly .fortunate .-V -r-V--i-'0r ' .-i- -X--'-". -r -.- Ti j," M" ' V'-' on in the county, read Uie Journal J From the number of students go- pnnted yet?- See the Jqdrnal man. from , ofthR te wa f , Dan Tompkins went to.r Waynes- can't help but believe that our ' in having him with us another year. M vuie, aunaay. - scucx)i is one ot tne best hich JJig U. - m Tom Leatherwood, of Dillsboro, made a visit to friends in Waynes- ville Sunday- -v" U Sc a whee, waa.visiting her aunt, Mrs. CJ-gaSe tHC ' iel fl: Ot TT Grain Drill arid .' - 11 ' - l--f - M Mr--:; ;mm JvMl-i A: S. Nrchols, thret first of the week. ' E. E. Ellis! 8d ' latriily moved to " Bryson (Sty,. Monday. - Miss Ethel Leatherwood returned to her home in Webster Tuesday morning after a pleasant sojourn in Bryson City, the guest of her friend' Miss Marie Shank. Bryson City Times. . : . Mr. C. C Cowan of Webster spent: two or three days this week in " 'Waynesville on legal business. Courier. ; . -ixr- . Messrs. Hilary, and Harry" Craw- ford left Monday for Cullowhee where they will finish their school "year at the C. N. and I. S. Way nes ville Courier. - ;-V.-. -Mr.V. Fontaine left Wednesday morning for Cleveland, S. C, where one of his dogwood mills are locat m ed Sylvan Valley News.! m Mrs. Eugene Bearderi is visiting her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Walter E. Moore, at Webster. Citizeri.1 fl Presiding Elder, Cbrdell, was; in Sylva, Tuesday, on his way to Glen ' ville and Franklin;. - m m tm CC G. Logan; of W aynesville, ; was i in Sylya on business, Tuesday. - . Jifliss. Gribble, of Savann ah,was in towri, Tuesday. - ' ' - rS. W. Enloe was here Monday. ; G. Taylor Hampton; w;erit tojDilis boro, Sunday. ' ".m"-";':m ; Jessie Shelton was up from Qual- . lai Monday, on business. - ; Roy 0. Sherrill who Is ( visiting A relaUves m gualla, was m Sylya . Satunlay." He left Monday for This -home in Sumas, Washington. - 5 'Born to Mr. aridMrs. Hute ,Sriy vderof Beta Wednesday, a girl. :1 Born to MfandMrs. A. J. Dills, ;eesaYjL'if::; ; ir S 0 OPainter '-is'&Jthe.city;';M;.-;.. mm VAbrier ;Pamterf (owhee, is 1 "m r iri the city. ' i --V-":'--'- ' i M h "v v--'-f-r'rii-'s MV- Mrl'?' M'-;-l. '-"1M. -.M: 1 Hon; IckeCraigg of -Ashe ville lMwas-" inaugmted ias i; Governor of i m; JNorth Carolma, in Raleigh : Wednes- aay Born to Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Rhea VagirL- : : , Wheat TOE EMPflKE M. GRAIN and FERTILIZER D is simple, accurate and durable. "We have - been selling them for twenty five years and do- not know- anything better. THE EMPIRE JR. bas all late andnup-tondate im- - ;Mm.hm v'-.v v'i;.,: -v:Lvv---i;riia:; M-.-i , ' --fVlMwi A:;aM?l r;M M1;m-MM:Mr.C MllM.HilM; . M;;M' :.'v'iI? . M,nilMlMl r;XMll ' i'.iM' nil 1 qU 1 S provements. tr Sold on easy payn Vrite for descriptive circular. T. S. MORRISON & CO. flsheville, N, C, Go - O-iMl r IM . 'V- Ad r., ;. . r- e n t s. hlil S"l v4 Lumber Manuf actirin Co " Wholesale Lumber Gelling Flooring Siding Moulding Window ad'Dobr Frames, Balusters, PorcK Columns, Stair and Pbf ck Rails, StairWoods BrabKets and-S SWes and Laths. - " Estim ates d i ven I) p on application Sylva Lumber Letter Heads 1.50T to 2.00 per 500 Envelopes to match, at same price. Land Posters 75c doz. in Everytl printing 2 FIRE Sylva, AGENT? All women,' who sufferSfrora theiach and pains, due to female: aiiraentsj;"are :urg rcliajble, sclentifictpnic remcyi fo : yet gcndy; and without te relieving paiiVbuildmgup stren'refiithet and JkiningMUji the nerves, i: During the past half century, -;thousands of - ladies have written to tell of the quiirative results they bbtamed,irom TAKE n MM Wonisn'sTonlc :Alrs.lI inearly tnye lett C,- she ; say?.: mm I vMiiotabre , to Vd6 my wvn- housewbVk.iMy ; Stomach AvasveaTc and my blcod was wrong. . I had back ;;achetlanivwas;ye did me no goqdT yLused( .am in i the;best : healthil have ever beerElr I can never-prjaise ,CarduivenougMltisKthe;best . " Whethe Ntor CcfalZBrtTBcttg, nd Mrpagt book, f Itoc Treatatct tor oato." trt rfc JO I : i ii 0 VAX in 0i YA 0 1 1 1 Til K4i 1 1 I I !0 III VA !0 K4I rVI '..l-M M"fli-MMsM - V:,.,, ;Mvi:;: M:;-;M?'1 - f w. - Il ' ' M Z-r . ' '-