I II V I III 111 A U11I LUUilLU - v. , V! ; ; . ' -The JacKsoa uounty: Journal i.uu tne year. - - . . r. f v ti. m. uumgarner nasr just- uom pleted'la neat cottage tnthe Web ster road . about -a half mile from Sylva and has moved in this week. J M. Rigdon, of. Tuckaseigee, vwas m Sylva Wednesday- ' Hon. T. A. Cox was here Wednes tlay, returning to his home.at Culled whee after having spent several days in Raleigh. , B. H. Cathey and Co have un loaded two carloads of fertilizer this week. - - - Mr. F. G. Hoffman, manager of Hie Beta Fertilizer Co. was in Syl va Wednesday. Mrs. J. Will Keener was visiting friends in Dillsboro Wednesday. Prof. David H. Brown, County Superintendent of Public Instruction went to Willets Wednesday. . Get y our job work done at the JOURNAL office. . Judge" Jno. M. Oueen of Waynes- ville was here Monday enroute for Webster. B. C. Grindstaff was over from Asheville the first of the week. Geo. Self and A. D. Cowan, of Webster were in Sylva Sunday. Mrs. Flora J. Watkins has moved to Sylva and will make her" h ome with her daughter Mrs. Coleman Cannon. Senator Davis and representatives Croriatrie, Ferguson and Wike,. were in Sylva Wednesday returning to Raleigh from Cullowhee. Edgar Robinson is quite ill with pneumonia. Wm. Oliver of Andrews was a business visitor in Sylva this week Dock Moses, the well known mer chant of Tuckaseigee, was in Sylva Tuesday. , A. B. Allison, of Webster, repre senting. Harris-Barrett Dry Goods Co., of Asheville, was in the City, Monday. H. A. Wild was in Sylva Wednes day from Asheville. Judge Geo. A. Shuford was in Syl va Wednesday, returning to his home in Asheville from Webster. Claude Wilson and H. M. Hooper, who have been mining micainjiam burg, were in Sylva the first of the week and have "returned to Glen ville. . - Subscribe NOW: "Lest you for get." - Mrs. Jno. ti. Wilson visited mends in Dillsboro Wednesday. Mrs. Tompkins and Miss Luck will have a beautiful line of every thing In millinery. Prof. W. H. Rhodes returned Sun day from Raleigh and Chapel Hill - Enoch Oucbmba, the Cherokee Indian, who was tried at this 4 term of Jackson Superior court was con victed of manslaughter and sentenc ed to serve a term of 8 years in the state penitentiary. 0 Mrs. Annie Tompkins and- Miss Sadie Luck - will arrive from the markets next week with a beautiful line of pattern hats. " Mrs. Mac Buchanan anbV Mrs Berry Ward spent Tuesday after noon with Mrs. W. 0. Buchanan. Ladiesr Tou can get any : kind of fancy work material -from Mrs, - Tompkins and Miss Luck. - Mrs. Thos. A.. Cox of Cullowhe e was in Sylva Wednesday. ; E. E. Ellas of Bryson City was a vi si tor tn Svl va tin i a " fi io v week. v ' "; . . Mrs. .fompkinsr and; ftiiss Luck will announce . the opening of . their millinery "store next . week. . ? There will be "a series (of -. special Gospel : Services at Saint ;. -John's Episcopallchurch, Sylvi N. C, com mencing Sunday, March 2nd, at 1 1 o'clock a. m. and 7:30 p. m. v Mr, Joseph F. Burg of Philadelphia will be the preacher. ; Daily services. Everybody invited. Come and bring y our friends. - C If you are "in- arrears with.; your subscription, , we would certainl y appreciate it if you would pay up right now. Do it before you forget You can sleep" better when it is paid and we can too. , The "Pilgrims" of the Methodist Sunday School, have their picture in the March number of The Adult Student. This class has 21 mem bers. - Miss Inez Cathey is teacher, Dan Tompkins President, Miss An nie Long Secretary, and Miss Mary Willie Wells Treasurer. DIES AT BETA. ' Mr.v James Taylor, : one of Jack son's boldest? citizens, died rat the homcrtf .his daughter, ' Mrs. ' P. W. Mit:heiC January .29, : 1913. .Mr. Taylor ' had been at - Connelly's Springs, N. C., to visit his brother Mr. Ui Taylor, and stopped oyer at Beta on his "return where he was taken sick and: died after a brief illness. He was 72 years old. His wife died January 19, 1907 He made his home with, hisd aughter, Mrs. A. S. Bryson. He leaves three daugh" ters and many friends to mourn their loss, v Mrs. A. S. Bryson of Cashiers, Mrs. A. J. Monteith of Glenville and Mrs. P. W. Mitchell of Beta. He was a good Christian. His body was brought to Glen ville Wednesday and interred in the Old Field cemetery. v :;rr-; ;-. aMANUFACTORS- OF " Jui kinds GASOLINE any kind v - of use on ; the Farm dt in the Mill. Trae Mill MANUFACTORS OF GRIST MILL, WOOD SAWS and FEED gutters: LOST A gold "locket engraved with the letter B. and containing ladies photograph. Finder please return to Wallace W. Blackwell, Waynesville, N. C. and receive lib eral reward. For a sprain you will find Cham berlain's Liniment excellent. It al lays the pain, removes the soreness and soon restores the parts to a healthy condition. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by ALL DEALERS. BOOKLET FOR FARMERS ThIs;Machiri to last a Hf time. We can. give you 25 pea cent better prices than any others RHINEHARCT-POWELL i CO. . AGENTS ' SYLVfl, NOR. CAR. The JOTTRNEL has now on it's presses a most interesting booklet which is being published for B. J H. Cathey and Co. of Sylva. "This booklet will be completed next week and will be full of valuable information for the farmers of this section. It deals with fertilizers and hardware and it will pay any farmer to read it's contents. Use a Grain Drill and In crease the Yield of Wheat 55 GRAIN and FERTILIZER DRILLS I. is simple, accurate and durable. We ftave been selling thenr for twenty five years and do not know anything better. THE EMPIRE JR. has all late and up-to-date im provements. Sold oneasy payments. Write for descriptive circular. T. S. MORRISON & CO. ffsheviile, N, C, 573 acres of land in Jackson Co. on the headwaters of the Tuck aseigee River, near Lake Fair field on the Blue Ridge range. 448 acres timbered and 125 acres in cultivation. Fine Mica prospect, one mine having been worked and several hundred dollars in mica taken out. Two 6 room houses on property. Forifuther information write or see. Claude E. Wilson, Sylva, N. C. . 4 . . A t - AND HIDES HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR RAW FURS AND HIDES Wool on Commission. Write for price list mentioning this &d. JOHN WHITE & COi louisville,ky. 41 mmmmm I- M yiva jbumDer anufactiiring Co, i WKolesale Lvimber Ceiling, Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Window fand Door Frames, Balusters, PorcK Columns, Stair and PorcH' Pails, Stair Woods BracHets and StOre FrOntSash, SJr?i'es and Laths. Estimates (iiyanUpon application Sylva LvunberJMfg'. -Co. -A". J. DILL FIRE ilSUR ANGE Letter Heads 1.50 to 2.00 per 500 Envelopes to match, at same price. Land Posters 75c doz. Everything in printing. 2i.- p. 4, 1 3 my. AGENT v. Pains Ml Over! "You are welcome," says Mrs. Nora Guffey, of Broken Arrow, Okla., "to Use my letter in any way you want to, if it will induce some suffering woman fo try CarduL I had pains all over, and suffered wfth an abscess. 1 Three phy sicians failed to relieve me. Since taking Cardul, I am' in better health than ever before, and that means much tome, because I suffered many years with womanly troubles, of different kinds. What, other treatments 1 trieoVhelped me for a few days only." .' . m n TAKE Woman'sTonic I ' Don't wait, untifyou are taken down sick, before tak ing care of yourselt The small aches and pains, and other symptoms of womanly weakness and disease, always mean worse to follow, unless given quick treatment - You would always keep Cardui . handy, if you knew what quick and permanent.relief it gives, where weakness and disease of the womanly system makes, life seem hard 'to bear. Cardui has helped over, a million women. Try it 3 " JWrttt to: Ladies Advisory Tepi, Clutttnoogx, Medidne Ox, CbatUnooga, Teau tttSptcidlnstrtrut Mnd M-pac6 bo6k.t'ope TrotBU& (oWoffien. ttat fret. J 51 Syl ya, N. ; -4-r ' rs

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