GOVARTS. NORTON Farmers of this section are get ting along nicely with their spring work. The mail has been blocked two days this week on account of high water. ' What are all of our writers from the different communities .doing? Lets all write more letters and make our grand little paper more interesting. Miss Elsie Stewart hasreturned Miss Minnie Coward has 'been on , t0 Atlanta Ga., after a few weeks the sick list but is improving. Mrs. Zeek Brown is very sick at present Rev. C. C. Churchill preached an interesting sermon at John's Creek Sunday. The school at Moses Creek closed on the 7th with an enjoyable enter tainment Prof. L. B. Abernathy of Cullowhee delivered a very inter esting address. The people of John's Creek orga nized their Sunday School Sunday with J. C Moore as Superintendent. H.H. Wood and his daughter Mrs James Long has been on the sick list for the past week. Geo. Hooper of Speedwell visited his sister, Mrs. J. C. Moore last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mills a boy. Rufus Phillips of Cullowhee was seen in our community late last Sunday afternoon. Luther Lanning and wife visited in this community last, week; floss Parker is wearing a two by eight smile, its a girl. Amicus. Many sufferers from rheumatism have been surprised and delighted with the prompt relief afforded by applying Chamberlain's Liniment Not one case of rheumatism in ten requires any internal treatment what ever. This liniment is -'for sale by ALL DEALERS. stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Stewart. Mr. W. McCall of Ocola was here last week. Quiet a number attended chuch at Bessie last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Norton, Miss Fay Zachary and Mr. Arley McGuire spent Sunday at Cashiers, N. C, Mr. Granville Wike of Sapphire was in Norton Sunday. Mr. Vent Brysbn passed through town Saturday. We are very qorry to state the illness of Dessie Wilson, daughter of Mr. Lem Wilson. She is very low with pneumonia it is hoped that she soon will recover. Mr. A. R. McGuire is assisting Mr. Frank Holden of Glenville in his store at present Mr. Wm. Allison and family will Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its 'great reputation and exten sive sale by its - remarkable cures of coughs, colds and croup. It can be depended upon. Try it Sold by ALL DEALERS. The lease dreaded $100 Reward, $100 ioartora nf thlS DaDer Will be pleased to learn that there fcj at least one leave Thursday for Cincinnati Ohio where they will make their home. Mr. Blia MCUUire Ol neuucisuu- able to cure In all (is sSages. ana tnai is ville visited his brother L. D. Me- ITtfeSS Guire last week. Misses Jessie Zachary and Dixie ment. fraternity. jai-rrn uu.ia , r. "7 disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tatfen in- Mxt oPnf H'roptlV UDOn tllO DlOOO. Coward of Webstes spent several jSM days with Mrs. B. Norton the last f!SnlSSli ' nature in doing its work. The proprietors I have so much faith in its curative pow I ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fells to cure. Send -Address F. j7 CHENEY CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, TTc. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. of the week. Children aremuckmore likely to contract the contagious diseases . when they have colds. Whooping cough, diptheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often ( contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medi cal authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure of colds you will find nothing better than Chamber lains Cough Remedy. It can al ways be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by ALL DEALERS. BEST KNOWN COUGH REMEDY. For forty-three years Dr. King's New Discovery has been known throughout the world as the most reliable cough remedy. Over three million bottles were used last year. Isn't this proof ?. Vlt will get rid of your cough or we will refund your money. J. J. Owens, of Allendale, S. C, writes the way hundreds of others have done: After twenty years, I find that Dr. King's New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and colds that I have ever used." For coughs or colds and all FOR SALE Lante. beautiful-tnroat ana lung trouoies, it nas no building lots on the east side of my j e(ma1' 50c and at 311 druggists. arm, over-looking Sylva, and about THE CAUSE OF RHEUMATISM. Stomach trouble, lazy , liver and deranged kidneys are the cause of rheumatism. Get the stomach, liv er, kidneys and bowels in healthy condition by taking Electric JJitters, and you will not be troubled with the pains of rheumatism. Chas. B. Allen, a school principal, of Sylva- nia, Ga., writes: "All remedies 'fail ed, until I used Electric Bitters, but four bottles of this wonderful reme dy cured me completely." Maybe your rheumatic pains come from stomach, liver and kidney roubles. Electric Bitters will ive you prompt relief. 50c and $1.00. Recommend- by all druggists. CHURCH DIRECTORY- twenty acres of very rich land on the west side. Geo. P. Miller. .666 For Rheumatism &. Gout KILL-POIS For Badfelood 3: i c m native iter rczson Purifies the Blood, Cl-;5 the Lhner Clears the Skin. Srrencbti? ihc Ntk Increases the arnerite. For Cc P Scrofula, Scroiuiou- Humors, Jlccr, LUasori nd Pimples on the Face, Constitution, Headzchsv dta in the Back, and all Biood diseases from any cause For Chills 8z Fever Of all scientific Chill, Malaria and A4ue cures, "CHIL-LAX" is the world's great est. Absolutely sure, safe and harmless Mi the person taking it. vet so extremelv fafnS to the malaria germ that in most cases it drives the poison entirely out of the system in 3 days. A Mild Family Laxative The New Discovers ur vjk f- 'I -. zz.s ine new uxscverv flTft?ff ror ntiUMAllSM and OUUI, dec ae or conditio: Used by Specialists irt every quarter ot the Globe. Pleasant to tak time with compounds, cure-alls and liniments tMteifCore Your Kidn Services at Sylva Baptist Church second and fourth Sundays, at' 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. J. M. Ben nett, pastor; Sunday school at 10 a m., every Sunday; T. C. Bryson, superintendent Church Conference Thursday be fore the fourth Sunday in each month at 7:30 p. m. Union Prayer Seryice every Wed nesday night at the Methodist and Baptisf churches alternately. BEST FOR SKIN DISEASES. Nearly every skin disease yields quickly and permanently Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and nothing is better for burns or bruises. Soothes and heals. John Deye, of Gladwin, Mich, says after suffering twelve years years with skin ailment and spend ing $400 in doctors' bills, Bucklen's Arnica balve cured him. It will! help you. Only 25c. Recommended by all druggists. Look Something New - Just enstalled a new mach v iniinlmy'Repadr Shopto repair ' yourioloHbllggysurrey or hack ailesjanillmake them run like new. Can'fcdo any? kind; of repair work on short notica at reason able prices. Horse shoeing a a specialty. J- S. Higdon, Sylva ARE YOU CONSTIPATED ? If so, get a box of Dr. King's Nevr Life Pills, take them regularly and your trouble will quickly disappear 'Ttey.($)miiiate the liver, im, prbve your difiestibh and get rid of nil tte poisons from your system -They will surely get you well again. 25c at all druggists. SOU. RYJGBEDULE - East Bound Train. No. 20 Lv. Murphy 6:80 a. m. Ar SjU Va 10:43 a.m. Ar. Asheville l:56p.m No. 18 Lv. Mnrphy 11:80 a. m. Arrirr Svlva 8.47 P. M. Ar. AshevUle 6:55 p. Westf Bound Train. No 17 Lv. Asheville 8;80 a. m. Ar. Syk ya 11-18 a. m. Ar. Murphy 10:55 p. No. 19 Lv. Ashville 8:20 p. m. Ar. Syk va 6; 11 p. m. Ar. Murphy 10:55 p. mf W . V. Dorse y. Local Passenger Agent, eys -vhich, if p.cglected, often leads to Bright' n.-co k' i rwtv t?i ricx-i: t f vrrv-c-v ?rid satis3crory remedy for long standing R.1DNEY t:..o5e. possessing a wonderful antisep?- uwer $ Meruit! ;onc ruy .owpuny. vrl Smith, U. , Q V . -T-JT' .- fine her-t; i. .r: j a CUT TKl OUT MAIL TO Id .wmaa.. Entry No, 6039. Stale of JSorh Carolina. Jackson Connty We, Bill Robiuson, E. L. V ilsona nd Tom Wilson , do hereby enter and claim 10 acres of laud more or less in Webster township, county and state aforesaid, on the waters of Cane Creek, adjoining the lands of Buchanan Burton Stiles and G. W. Shuler and others, and running with the lines of the above named parties so i as to include all the vacant land in that vicinity. Entered on this the 22nd day of Feb ruary, 1913. BILL ROBINSON (Seal) E. L. WILsON (Seal) TOM W1L&ON (Seal; Approved : John R. Jones, .bx-omcio Entry Taker. ENTRY NO. 6038. North Carolina, Jackson County 1, n. A fell, of Casniers town ship, Jackson County, JNorth Caro lina, do hereby enter ana claim the following piece or parcel ol lana: Lymg ana being ur Cashiers townsnip, jackson County; iNorth Carolina, ana boundea as follows, to-wit: beginning on a chestnut tree in the Aleva Keece line, the in. W. corner of the L. t hell grant thence with the Keece line west to its corner, thence nortn with the Keece line to the Kaveneil line, thence with the Kaveneh line to C. Ghmshaw s, thence south with C. Gnmshawe s line to 2eb Alley , and T. Grinishawes line, thence with Gnmshawes line to Pell's line, thence north with Pell's hne to the' beginning. . ' Juiterea January 29. 19ia H. A- PELL, Approved: ) ' John K. Jones, Ex Officio Entry Taker, Wood's Seeds for The Farm and Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and full information about the best and most profitable seeds to grow. It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all other Farm and Garden Seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog has long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEXDSMEN, RICHMOND, VA. TheSylvaPressingCInb Now in the rear under the Sylva Pharmacy. We are prepared to da yourpressingand cleans ing in first class styles Alen bring your suits to us and have them made to look as NEW. Ladies, bring your coat suits and skirts and let us clean and press them. All work done at reason ablejprices. The Sylva Pressing Club JAS. RITCHIE, Pro KIDNEY-FLUSH For Kidney & Bladder Diseases For Fewest Changps ot Cars, Best Schedules and the Very Lowest; Rates to All Points in the North, South, East and West, Travel via , SOUTHERN -R'fl.ILWflTr. Premier Garner of the South. For Further Information And Particulars Cll On or Write J.-H. WOOD, D. P. A., Bheville N. C. CHIL-LAX For Chill & Fever

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