.- . ' , , ' . ." v : . -.. : - . - - . v . . . - i - . ' - - ' r - JJ2ij - '" S; ; WEEK OF bJbKMS. . the' past week hai oeen one Tt U oaIH thnt fnllv 50.000 ou can say goouuyc ,cu wmo- people in the state of , Ohio are to ipattoa wiui a aear ,cu of need of food and clothing. 200 peo- youtise unamDeriam8; f; OI . A M M i,av. inW thPir Many have been permanently, cured disaster death I aaa .; . distrucUon Jj bf their, use; For. Vsale;; by ALL thoroughoutmanyiparts of the Urn- Missouri siiffered severe- DEALERS . : : J v; ;y : ted States. : The last or last week jy storms;-ThV cities of Day- .. V"',,l,lv.-',.-.. a S the Southeast was visited by heavy ton, Terre haute, -Indianapolis La- ' ChHdren aremuch "more likely to j bS&toup6 consutuuon and aAistin? ' :rains acwmpaiiied with -; severe fayette; . Deleware, Columbus and concttthe - jI -:L Vniindctnn wftre sweDt bv flood and t, ,;, " wtnn STOims wn"n niayea navoc m o-- ---t -. ,wucu wc; ua c wiuw , vvrro Ior any case mat-it lxau-w m.. .. c" 1 Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Aia- cougu, uiyuicna, wuici G1CD Rev S1Q0 : The readers of "-this .paper Trill, be pleased to learn that there i3 at least one dreadea aisease4 luai. ccu able to cure in all it3 6tagrcs, and that ia Catarrh.' 'KclVa Catarrli Cure 13 i he. only positive cure. now lrnovrn tat the'medtcal fraternity.. Catarrh bcir.j a constitutional rtianA renuirca a. conctitutional treat- ment.- Hall'a Catarrh Cure is taken lnM temally, acting- directly vpon tne uiooa and mucous surfaces of the 6ystem, there by "destroying the foundation or tne ais- bama and Arkansas. fering and want Railways are put I consumption are diseases that are Monday the west was swept by 1 when the child n tornado which struck Omaha communication -witn ; tne storm has a cold. That is why all i medi- Nebraska and vicinity with all it's swept area is almost impossible. cal authorities say beware df colds, severity, 'destroying millions of 10,000 PPle are homeless in Col- the quick cure of colds you will Droperty, and leaving a death toll umbus, Ohio, and thrain continues nothing better than Chamber: of 140, leaving hunoreds homeless t0 V0 m torrents IS UlC WUlSl WlllUOLUliU UldL; UdS ever visited the west. : Address F. J. CHENY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold toy &U ururrmsts, toc. : - - ; J Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. s . - -v'; .-. . '.V -' ..-;- . ' ' To add to the miserv of the home- Whereas. it has pleased ourHeav less and desolate in ihe aera swept enly atner totaKe irom our ranKs by the tornado it was lollowed by a one of our rdost beloved members. Milord ' ; . Miss Sallie Alley, therefore be it re- Tuesday Southern Ohio suffered solved. Iain's : Cough; Remedy. It can al ways be depended upon and" is pleasant and sale to take For sale by ALL DEALERS. ; v : BEST KNOWN C0UG& REMEDY. For forty-three years Dr. King's New Discovery nas been known her share of the anger of the ele- First That we bow in -humble throughout the world as the most mpnts when because of the heavv suDmission to ine wui oi iim wno reiiaoie cougn remedy, uveri tnree down pour a dam above Dayton, doetn things well. , milhon bottles were used last' year. broke and flooded that and nearby second mat we nave lost, in tins isn t tnis prpoi r it will get nd ot towns and cities, numbers are re- dear one, h most loyal and faithlul your cougn or we wiU reiuhd your . -- I - - . . '11SV f A I l" , t ported to have been drowned. A member, a: constant worker and a money, j. j. uwens, oi Aiienqaie, passenger train on the Pennsylvania believer in our society. . writes tne way Hundreds oi lines plunged into a river near Third, lnatwe extend our. sym- otners nave aone: Alter twenty Bellefontaine, Ohio. Ihe rivers pathy to the bereaved family of the years, I rmd tnat Dr. rungs New "and creeks throughout the northern deceased and point them to the Discovery is the best remedy lor Mississippi valley are on the ram- Great Comforter lor solace.in this coughs and colds that I have ever page, levees are breaking and dis- sad hour. , used." For coughs or colds and all patches from New Oneans: are to And, finally, that a copy of these throatand lung troubles, it has no 'the effect that the river is rapidly resolutions be written upon the equal. 5Uc and $1.00 at all druggists. - - . ' rising. ' v minutes of the Columbian Literary Later. reports from Dayton, Ohio Society,- a copy be sent to the Jack- gay that 5000 people were drowned son. County Journal lor publication, in that city, as a result of the flood and, also, a copy be sent to the and breaking of the dam. The may- J family of the deseasedjmember. or of that city wired to Springfield J ColumbianiLiteraryg.Society. ( Chamberlain's Oough Remedy has won its. great reputation and exten sive sale by its remarkable cures of coughs, colds and croup. 1 It-can be depended upon."" Try it. Sold' by ALL UEALEkS. H ; ; Look Something New vJust ensfalled a new mach ine 'my Repair Shop to repair your old buggy, surrey or hack aes and make run lik new.. : :A Can do (any kind of repair ; work on short notica at reason- (ablelpricesi; Horse shoeing a j a specialty. J. S. Higdon, Sylvj ARE yOU CONSTIPATED ? :If so, geta box ofDr. King s Nev Life Pills, take them regularly and your trouble will quickly disappear FOR SALriLargeT? beautiful They; stimulate the liver, im. building lots on'the ;east side of my Prove your difiestion and get rid of farm; over-looking gylva, and about aU tfe' Poisons from your system, twenty acres of very rich land on They .will surely get you well again, the west side. Geo. P. Miller, i 25cat aU druggists. Many suilerers from rheumatism have been surprised ana oelignied with trie prompt Areiiei alloraed by SOU. HY. SCHEDULE East Bound Train. appiymg namDenams JUnimeUL No 0 Lv; Mnrphy 6:30 a. m Ar Inoi onecabe oi rheumatism in ten lal0it3,a ; Ar.4eJille 1:55 V-r i-iv. jJiurpDV ii-.6) a. in. Arrive any internal treatment iivlvak47P.M.Ar.ABheviie6:55p.mf tr." 'illis lluimeiil lor : Vupsti Bound Train. No 17 LvrAshevilie 8;30 a. m. Ar. Syk va 1113 a. m. Ar. Alurphy 1055 p. in. No 19 Lv. AsbviUe 3:20 p. m. Ar. Syl va C;ll p. in. Ar. Murphy 10:55 p. W . V. Doksey. Local Passenger Agent. requires wnai ev baits by JMAj LtA.LSkS. 666 For Rheumatism 8c Gout KILL-POIS For Bad,Blpod 1 1 lllU&tf4!?yA&i-. 1. .Purifies the Bun-i ( ;jt-.-rtafK rh. i mt. Clears the Skin. St rnrhwria rh,- P4c-ml Increases the appetite. Kn Ca.tarf . Scroiolg. ScrcfjiJcMi- H.;.jr;;ors (Jlcerfir V9 and Pimples on -he F;-"-v, 0tN;rr?6aHcaiiacbW in the Back, and all Biood iiiicjises-!ro:n any cause est. A tor- scicr.-Jiic Chi!. Maian'a and Au ' ,,CHi--LAX.,,- is the world's nrcat- .hsoh;r.dy sore, safe and -harmless to I the oerson ;:kiri2 it. v e; :n HvfrHmlv fifif to the malaria germ tlat in nost esses u dhves the poison entirely out of the syst-.rn in 3 days. A Mild Family Laxative Y loe Kew Discovery ; GOUT,, dec and riitC Venice djiJ apivi-rtly hopeless cases, an ' - " . . . kJvbiuill) 14 every qt ? teru.fc ine Globe. Pleasant to Cake time w?t! compounds, cure-alls and linirncnu ifcite :.r.re Tour Kidfieys,- il.Wytjsi.f ... r. r V anu urinary. -iise!ire9U Tnii CAUr. OF KrlLUMA'llSM. btomach trouble, lazy liver and deranged Kioneys are tne cause oi rneumauain uet tne stomacn, liv er, moneys aua bowels in heaitny conuiuun uy taiong iiieetnc mtters, ana you win not be trouulea wiui tne pains oi rneumatism.- Unas. r. Alien, a scnooi principal, oi &yiva- ma, oa., writes:. zli remeaies lan- ea uiiUi 1 Ubeu mectric rjiaeis, out lour bottles oi tins wohaenui reine- oy curea me conipieieiy." Maybe your rneumatic pains come Irom siomacu, liver aiia Kiiiney rouuies. iLiectric tnieis will give you prompt renex. ouc ana $i.uu. Kecommena- by ail aruggists. UiUKlli DIKtClUhY. Services at Sylva Baptist Church secona ana lourtli Sunaays, at 11 a m., ana 7:bU p. m. J. M. Ben- hett, pastor; buuday school at : 10 a. m., every buna ay; T. C. Bryson,4 superintenuent. x . Church Conlerence Thursday be fore the fourth Sunday inj each month at 7i3U p. m. Union Prayer Seryice every Wed nesday night at the Methodist and Baptist churches alternately. . .nicri. - U; iHlccteit; of fen' leads1- to BrirlhtV rinNfcv ?i,d f v,f Jur remedy for um- stanJing v 7 - . uo.;mc. pressing a wonderful. antis icp' .it- 3CE Snternatwnai 2) fug Ct v : i-0v 'v: ' Smith'. 3i$L:& klONGY I ctrr. tk ;otrr 'Ajr NLwaCfTO Hj 3k 'V- .J V" BEST FOR SKIN DISEASES. v C Nearly every, skin disease yields quickly and permanently Buckleh's Arnica Salve, and nothing is better or burns or bruises. Soothes ftnd heals. John Deye, of Gladwin, Mich, says after ; suffering twelve years years with skin ailment and spend ing $400 doctors' bills, Buckleh's Arnica Salve cured s him. ; It will help you. Only 2Sc. Recommended by all druggists: s .; Entry No. 6039 ! State of iiorh Carolina. Jackson Oonnty We, BiU Robinson, JE. X. JVV ifsona nd Tom Wilson , do hereby enter and claim 10 acres of land more or less in Webster township, county and state aforesaid, on the waters of Cane Greek; adjoining the lands of Buchanan Barton Stiles and Q; ,W. Shuler; and others, and running with the lines of the above named parties so as to include all the vacant land "in that 'vidnirj.'y r :-;..rv . f '. :. - ; Entered on' this the 22nd day of Feb ruary, 1913. ' : :r: r ' - - ; BILL ROBINSON: (Seal) TOIX WILSON (Beal) Tor The F arm' and .-'(Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and full information abo :c the best- and most profitable seds to grow. ' It tells all abcu: Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soj'a Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all other Farm and Garden Seeds. -Wood's Seed Catalog has long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it T, w. woob SONS, SEtpSMtN, RICHMOND, VA. ArmrOTed:' JOHN'tONES, ExHDfflcio Entry Tafcer. 1 he Sylva Pressing Clulf Now in the rear under the Sylva Pharmacy. We are prepared to da yourpressinand clean., irxg in first class style Men bring your suits to us . and have, them made to look as NEW. ' . ' ' ) t ladies, bring ; your - coat- suits and skirts and let us clean and press them. : . All work done at reason ablelpnces. . ' " The Sylva Pressing Club JAS;,RlTCHIEiPro Tor Kidney & Bladder Diseases -For Fewest Changes .ox Cars, . Best Schedules and the Very Lowest Rates to All Points in .'the North, Soutn, Bast and West;,Travel via; . ' :."v. Pixmicr Carrier )f:tlie For FurtJieiLlnonnation And ParticuUrs Call On" or Write ; J.lH; 700D, D, PA;, w ' : : : 4 8heville" N. C.

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