OVK, 00 :c i r'.-...- '.- ' VOUTNd.liXiv.:S ADVANCE ;-' 7- 7: K' a-v : COW"!.. rr CO, Cfl!,,!ENCE,;EflT BOOKLET TO -i-V V- . '", -"... ..-,, . ) -' , .':.-' .'i.'.L'i.. V .v. V . v.... : - T : . - - - : r . je t. 0 hLtbllUW Abl i rm An act toIIoyf ' the; citizens of Toson Countoexpresstheit WU1 (nceriP?mov al of the coumy, seat ,01 jacuu county from tte' town- ot Wehster to the town of Sylya m said county, a tn remove' the connty seat if a majority of the u rdf the county shall .favor it; and .to levy a special taotf r -1. -kii'r rinilSft nf a new v;uvxv rr:. v , , The General AssemDiyr 01 nuriu CaioVir a do enact: 3 ;.!7; Section 1. Thatvtnee snau ; ue , tr thf nualified voters of the County of Jackson at an elec tion hereby called anq: nxea, w oe held on tne seguuu May in the year one tnousano, nine hunared and thirteen onthe; ques tion of the removal oi , me couiiiy seat of said county of Jackson from the town of Webster to the town of Sylva in said county; at wmcn saia Plection all qualified, voters favor :nd SUch removal of the county seat from Webster to tne town oi oyiva shall vote a written or printed bal lot with the words Tor Removal!: thereon, and all qualified voters op posed to such removal shall vote a written or primcu vcuijl words "Against Removal" thereon; and if a majority of .the qualified voters at said electidn shall' be , for removal then the county-seat .: of said county of Jacn shaU be at f ylva, and- the puhUcarrre cords and books :and,public business required to be done at the county eat shall be transferred from the JOHN fl. PflKRIS . ; Dealer in 'yr.-i ' . Matcbcs anb Jeweler All kinds of repair work done on short notice. y ENGRAVING A SPECIALTY Sylva, N. C. ; . -' C. G. LGGAN Undertaker andEmbalmer 16 years experience, ; ; : Full Line of Caskets and Robes, license No, 6 " Phone Nor 7 Waynesville, N. C, E. AUey C. C, Buchanan '' Jllletj & SRuckanan, HttorneueatOLuw ; ; Webster, NvO.. v ' While Mr. Alley has moved to Waynesville, he will: cpntmue toj take active part in the practice of law at Webster. COLEMAN C.XOWAN, Attorney and Counsellor atitaw, webster,n;c DR McGUIRE. DENTISTS. Offloe : Pharmacy Building, W. R. SHERRlLiL. 1 Oftlce tn Court Hou, . Tt - i --'7' v ! ' """ ' '.' :.''. 4- " ;, ,y- ..y, ''; V 1. .r- - : r, : :- v : h .'- -- rrr ' - ,.,siv: 4 . J4 w:y:::::::x: ; v ' "-w? - : . rr; J , .:' 1 - v.v. .v.......x y-A'wrK'S': ; v:;Jx, 2)i ., i " - - i .v'-' . -v; - m. w , , .-.!-:v:2 ' 1 4 rslTvTi'rr-- 'r, ZK'7 is'v V"L1 ''"t ?' .v.-.v.".-.'.-...'.'.-.-.'.'.'.' .-.v.-.-.-.'..w.v av.v.-.. .wiv.v.v.v.vy.v.v..v.v.v"'.w . ' v -s T - .-. . 4 . v?...-.'.v. ...,.y.s'.v...-.'.-."- .. -..'.'-.".'."-V.". . ..'. .-. .v.-..... '.'."A ..... .. ... ...v.-.w..'.-.. v. ..V-"-,o.v. v.v. -.v.'.-. .- .-. .-.v.v.-.y A . v.- . f ' v -. ' "' ' i vv , - . ' vv 1 -v 1 r?...',......-...v.. -. .-.-.. .v.r'.-.'.'.v...v.-.'.v."-i .-. ........-...vTO... v.'.v.-.-.-.T" Mv-'.-.'.'.. y. 4T.x-r:-.- -y- -.y V . . rvl o .'v v v ' i 5 ' vv-'i.''ss . v. . . .v. ...... v.. fv -1 .i t 19155- --- iAPRIL 9ia:, i SUN. HON. TOE . WED. THU. FHI v' SAlV l, fm 14 ill m ii i EH ;J mt :the Jatfer place are-iomplet ea ana received ov tnec proper om cers, as heremaftercmore particular- y provided. ' r . That the 'electiori shall . be i held and in all respects conducted under the general law as now' existing pro viding for and regulating the :elec- tion of members of the General As-1 sembly of North Carolina, except as herein otherwise may be specially provided that at least forty days before' the said second Thursday in May, one t'aousand, nine hundred and thirteen, the county board of eiectibns of said county of Jackson shall meet and appoint a registrar and two judges for each voting pre cinct in said county, and the, duties of the board of elections for ; said county in respect to this, election, and the penalties. imposed for any failure'or default of duty,- shalL in all respects be v tne same as those imposed under the gemeral law for the election, of members of the GeneraTAssembly of North TCaroli ha; unless othemise herem: provid ed: that the. duties of - theTegisirars and judges and the-rpenalties ; im--posed for failure or def aiilt to vper form any duty in connection with this election shall be" and vthey aire hereby made , the . same ; as thdse provided in the general law for 'the election btmembers to the General Assemblyof this State; ; and -they hold' the said election :in v the same manner, except " that the.: day ' for hearing challenges Xshall be v pn Wednesday instead of Monday pre ceding the election; that ; the .regis ter of deeds of said county "of Jack son shall deliver over tox the regis- trar of the respective, precincts ; the registration rksjahdone poll' book used by such precinct; at the : Nov ember election, one . thousand nine hundred and twelv,e, and t shall not be necessary for1 ahy ejector who .was : duly registered .. at " saio! November electiorf to re-register for this ; election and the fudges and restrars ;shall not, be -j required ) to :V I keep more than cue poll bccli - for , t.T appoinbrief IMitno tnri mpptind ?nf ;thA hnrH : f ! county canvassers as a member thereof and shall deliver to such member. the returns from suchre ci net who shall -hay e been so -ap: pointed and the members so ap pointed from' the respective pre- cincts, together with the " county board of elections, shall consdtute the board- of county canvassers for the purposes of.canvassing and de-: daring the resuliN of the election; and such canvassing board -. shall meet in the court house in Webster at noon oh the first Monday follow ing the said election and shall can vass said vote and declare the . re;; suit and under . the hand- of their chairman and-secretary shall file: a . . . certified copy, of the result of their canvass with the register of deeds and the clerk of : the court of said county who shall record the said returns as in case . of general elec tions for members of the General Assembly, and if a majority of the votes cast at such election shall be or removal, then it shall be the duty of o the "Register of; Deeds to notify, the oonimittee; hereinafter named in section c--1- ' ' of the said result;lthat aU the qualifi cations, duties and penalties for the failure to perform any1 duty -hereunder andim'conhection with said election by; any- person or officer are hereby made the same as if an election for members of the - Generr al 'Assembly f NoM Carolina were being tiela Provided, that the Regis- irars appoint ei hereunder fbrthe sev eral voting precinctsT.of said county shall purge the registration books . . - ... . . . names :of all , persons . deceased, re- moved or who may not-! have irpaid then-, poll tax bn- or by. May first. one thousand nine hundred : and thirteen, for the year one "thousand nine hundred "and twelve; and it shall be the duty . of the sheriff " of said county before the day of said election to furnish to each Registrar a sworaistatemeht of the names of all p5rson3 eho'wn by his one thou- (Continued on pae 8) lor Jackson was celebrated in tVeb- r;l&Satoday;cvVIhe largea tendahce and-'the V interesf'55tiowh giVe thcse ai its heliri reason to be- iieve nat ine enierpnse , wiu uc u :'. At 19-4rtHK niApHnfJ was called " V- i - jl iLJj.:;-i; : Ti.:tj frV!-. t.'.vw- Pmf R'T, MHi nmnminced the f invocation after twhlcfrMr:, Brown made: a.;few ; remarks .explaining Dixrnrtnio1 A c5tWf.-wKnKo i been: principal; df. -the. Dillsbory scliool delivered an.raddfes?, which ; '-wntinn ;i At-42:45every one partook of the abundance' of ; dinner - prepared; by Webster's" hospitable r-g6;;;pmeri and servedVin ihe; open ;air ( just in front'of the school -house. - rln the afternoon, ; the gathering was delightfully entertamed b: the fbliowipg program? v'lA: ; ; ' Song-The Old Norths State. CDecloinato v Master James AsherMBetsye and I Are Out Once More" Sylva. ' . 'y Master;George HeddenWebster HowRuby Playeo Masted niveral aiti5y4' Y.f J1USC 1133 JUiUUiy ili.Uii.CCi Miss Jessie Leatherwobd, Dillsbord Naughty Zell." o y lfiss wRuth ' Allison, Webster--"Miss Dorothy Entertains The Min ister , 'vv-.;. Miss Laura HoweUQualla---MThe JLegend of Vermont a ; - i . Miss Rebecca Cathey,: Sylva "The Disaster" " : 'v.;-v; Miss Blanche Fisher, Beta r "(iippled Joe" . v 1 "V : Music-r-Miss Ruth " Allison, Webster ' .- K:-y..--yn1h S: '. Spelling Contestr ;v-. v . Miss Mamie BrysonrBeta. ' ; v , Miss Myrtle Reedetal ; Master Wjll Pane, Dilbbbrq: ; t Master Lawrence Kee.vef, : Dills- DOTO. ? - . ; -; C ri: y:z. Master Frederic Moore; Webster, ; Miss Icie Buchanan, Webster. ' Master Alex Ashe. Sylva. Miss-Pearle Long, Sylya. ,? : ; Music Misses Inez v Cathey and Inez Weaver. 'yr-': V' v The medal v for v declamation tieth;;Dillsboro, that for recitation to Miss Jessie Leatherwood Dillsbo rd ' Miss Pearle ; Long:; won Tthe medal for spelling. :"- r " ;:; : All the .contestants ; . were from the' seventh grade. X - . '": The j udges selected before hand were all from but of the; County but were 'imahle to reach here because of bad; railway: service. -The judges for the contests were then selected from : the teaching forces 7: of .the several schools as follows: - ' ': ' Prof. C: Smith, Dillsboro; ; ! Miss Willie Cherry, Webster. ; Mr V: V. Hooper, Beta;: : . ; G Taylor Hampton; Sylva. y V Mrl John- Reed, Greens, Creek smterested) vt; : v i'x; ' x f nR. shope is beadSSi i l -: We regret to learn of . the death of Mr. Vance Shope,of Bryson City N. d; which occurred at the. home of Mr. J. ' H;x Mashburn in-North Franklin at 3 o'clock last Thursday; morning.; . Mr. Shope had a .: stroke1. of naralysis . come weeks ao ana Was under Dr. Lyle's treatment and was improving, but he had another ctroke Wcdnccday,- caticin hb dcath?rcii!illn Precso - the: purpose of the Commencement whichis to create interest m1, wisn-ro- scholarship andromote itvin . e entertain the glimmer : visitors,,;,! f ; : iiublics ylvax: qntheQ-pa;lft;'-- :3 - ; latioir vll Vv-' oliiiBEtPUOUSnE&i;:; ; -The Greater Western ,North' Car-, t . r olina -Association Us 'preparing rav vt - j booklet td be distributel ttoughoutf - ' "J- r r thesbti'east and west, concerning '1; 7 , x ,V - . westernNorth. Carolina and giving; VrT w v -names and location of '. persons c! , r. Willi AvhAnf Ia n"iUnVnmiiAv4Arflt!i - -i 1 - 7 jt tvariAimuuaic luu,, , fc ItniS'Season. 5 ? We are mreceint of a. - irom tne manager.oi,lne vA-",: , tioS;.Cpanfordl -CoKen;.- . . ' s.' askms tat .nformat,qn beent; .to.... -; ,;,y., to.uie ouice oj xne Associauon mt,' - v ; suminer, -wme at once 10 tne omce of the Greater Western North.Caror, V"lal T6'' ?bout V0 Pe, location, advant- : ,and the number of people -you.- .. can Keep. mis is exceiieiii aaver , . tisihg and will cost you nothing, as; v ,. Jackson county is a member of the . sociatipn.;Write the letter : to day as the publication of the boolt let cannot' be delayed, - f v. V4 , FIRE DRILL The: boys of the Sylva;; Flre . de- partment demonstrated their ability -x to cope;with? the V raging cflames WednesdayTnit;l'when Chief A: Jir: Dills'sentah rthe alarm: that ;tha ' ' , " JoumrOffic:was afiriBrvThe boyb v. given; Some rof the citizens of the town . were scared nearly Jout of : their boots and whenthey discover -r edxhat there was really tno fire ' , uimjung mat it was , an 'April jool . : 2 days late, tried to Jdclrup a riirfl f ; piM'HoWevW.'.when'.- tliey: found that it was only a neccessary prac tice, they relented and every s body y r -r . " ' " - - -. '-V I .. . . - ..... . went home with a smile on his face singing the braise3 of the lire' Iad-V j &es. -,..r - ' : WEEK END HOUSE PARTY. ; f; Coll S. A Jones will be the . host at a house party which he will give : ! bVeek end-at his camp, ; "Ruby, -City,! near Willets. -- The party will be attended by. fritndsof Col Jones' : jfrom Atlanta and Chicago and he J has invited several of his Asheville : friends out for the ; occasion. Coi; , Jones house parties arewell; known, events in the social "circles of the. J ' ritv l" Thft "p.vftnt "nfnfnifS- much. ALIENS PAY PEKALTY After a dramatic fight . for life; Flbyd Allen arid ; Claude Swansoa ; Allen were electrocuted at -Rich mond, March 28th for - the shooting lip of the court ' at ' Hillsville, Va 1 ast,Marcli;:':.v:' C ' Goyerribr; Mann had, refused to commute the sentences of the; two condemned men, but while he was i but of the state they appealed to . -the acting governor. 1 "When Gov V Mann learned ' 61 . the- ruse he4 hur- f ried back to Virginia soil and wired the authorities; that he was in Vir-v : giniav :;The;;mandate of the couttv was carried out and the two Aliens paiotthe penalty. . i .Ralph ; Ugdon . of . ' Tuckaseigep - -spent Tuesday hi Sylva. , 1 - - : ;V;;yfe'chare the eddrcrcf ' 7 2zz ' Bcccie 1 Hooper from Apclia Vc x ' Dinwiddle Va 1 a1 ft ' f ; - ' v I ,-tl j 1 1; . . - . V- ' 1 -