V ;-r v' mm tlVE c . A STOCK. '.vi .. 1 Spencer; N. G., April ll.-r-To im prove facilites for properly handling Hhe growing movement of live stock. to Eastern and Virginia markets fromtthe Southern Railway is now complet ing a modern plant for. resting and feeding stock on property adjoining the: Spencer yards. :V' - The plant consists of 33 pens, 20 pf which are covered. All pens and alleys are paved with one foot 'Oi cinders and are located on-a gentle slope, providing v natural drainage. Each pen is provided tv nil water trough and ; feed rack, aim tne entire plant is electrically JioUtecL Nine pens are set apart fu cattlefroin tne quarantined adtt and are seperated from the O -uerb by a solia board wall ten ft ingh, As an caitie are unload & opencer iui leeu and rest,uns c .vcuient plant will prove an mi- p oeiiiiy .oi btuoix growers aSiruOtiua Ox tillS plcllll IS . .... k ..W -i U .... alii uiv oouuuu luuindjf yh C s poiiw oi iiianiiig every State of North Carolina. County of Jackson. Si f.. THE HOME KITCHEN - 5g ; aintr!your kitchen; walls and woodwork white above the : ' wains- I, S. Parkker, -do hereby' enter and ; tinrf - Tt keeDS 80iled hands away. leS'' 511 Its cheerful 'brightness always Beginning at a large stone in line of inviting. One ;. quart Of . i Urpen Grant No. 210 and runs with liiwof said . tine added to Vone-half gallon : ; Of No;210 85 poles to Moore's line, thence . & M Semi-Mixed Real Paint with' Moore's line toan bid t 3 qUts of tehighest grade grant, thence with said grant to line of . . . . . mmllSh to rt -Nf , thence with line of UA UAC yam " " said grant No. 6775 E.' 8 poles to the place of .beginning andrnnning so as to include all the vacant land in that vicin ity. Entered April 10, 1913. S. M. Parker (Seal) Approved John R. J ones, Ek Officio Entry Taker. fttLEY VQR BACKACH8 KID KIDNEY P iZSYS IIS AND BLAODKIf paint a kitchen and two more rooms. For outside painting the very high est grade of long life paint, is made by adding three quarts of pure Linseed Oil to each one gallon of" L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Faint Sold by Sylva Cash Store. FOLEY KIDNB "ORAM CUM ATISM KIDNEYS "i h h 0 tl n iiort ;o uia .u5 live slock xii Uic .citituiy uioii lis ;;fl accor.. v vwtii wnicn ic 'i aed .ca kAim service .oca xxa ywmus wuere . uubi.o 10 uiierea ana .ccavoriii io aiieiesi larmers .-oemiiiatt .npiul miormauon, .w contnbuvc m every proper -.er to the aiiaiag of tne m- All persons desiring plants of the famous TEXAS WHITE SWEET POTATOES can procure them at 20 e- per hundred by placing rder With me by May 1st. Al. Y.jARRETT, Dillsboro, N. C. ir4 .cut be surpwbeu ii you have an a ucii df rheuiciwibm Uns spring J w tub the ei.caeu parts ireely. is namberioaxi & liniment aud U soon Qii ppear. bold by F WW little sou nad a very severe i was recommended to try .uerlain'S Cough Remedy, and a small boule was finished .s as well as ever" writes . Silks, fca Dowling Street uey, Australia. This remedy is f( r ,bie by ALL DEALERS.. . C b h SEEDS GARDEN at the JOURNAL Office, 'CfllL FOK TEEM to m requires a large stock these days he exactine demand for smart footwear, but with our com- ete line of Witt Shoes we never send a man or woman from our store dissatisfied.. e in a class of their own. Thdv i toe shapes and serve equally well for . There is a Witt shoe for every need. V Witt Shoes seem come in a wide dress or business Witt's S ar really creations. They have a character that Is at once notice ablean individuality . all their own. That's why they are iavorea wny tney maintain their popularity year after year. -We are glad to sell Witt Shoes because Witt Shoes make pleased customers. JtLach pair is guaranteed to us by the ana oy us in turn to you. " , Your size and stve are here- I R. J. ROANE & COMPANY Whittier, N. C. CI Hfl "R ttTtrnrA: SIC 9 traders of this- paper" . will ; - b il2tSSS!n toarthere ia at. leastno SJeTded VdlseaTe that science aa . been ab?e to ciSre In all its stages, and that la CatanrL' HaU'a Catarrh Cure Is the only SnsSve cure "now : known to , the medical f rateSty. CaSrrh being a constitutional Ksp,e. requires a constitutional treat mlntfU'a Catarrh Cure ls,; taien in te?2ajly. acting directly . upon ; the .blodd indmfcuasuf faces of the system, there S? droymg the: foundation of the dtaj r offer One Hnndred.DoUars f" loy cthaflt fall3.to cnre-v Bend Notice. Is hereby given that the Jbpard of Dections of Jackson County have changed theboundaries of Syiva, Webster and Cullowhee voting pre cincts to conform with the bound aries of Sylva, Webster tuiu. Cullo whee townships as amended by an act of the General Assembly of 1913 entitled "An aci 10 change a . . .v finitely establish the boundary lines between byiva, Webster ana Cullo whee townships in Jacivson County," and that these lines will govern in the special election to ue nela on the second iiiursaciy in .vxay, ias iWaicn ztn, iyio. v.olemai uwan, lmia. f WHY HE WAS LATE. "What :es you so late?" "I met SmithsoiA." "Well, that is no reason why you should be an hour late getting home to supper." "I know, but I asked him how he was feeling, and he insisted u tel ling me about his stomach trouble." "Did you tell him to take Cham berlain's Tablets?" "Sure, that is what he needs." Sold by ALL DEALERS. NO I ILL. Pursuant to statute enacted ta session 1913 of the General Assem bly of North Carolina, there will be an election held at each precinct in Jackson county on Thursday, May 8th, 1913, on the question of removal of the County Seat to Sylva.' Reg istration books will be opened in each precinct as provided by law in general elections for members of the Geneial Assembly. March 21st, 1913. COLEMAN C. COWAN. Chm. Bd. of Election for Jackson County. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Services at Sylva Baptist Church second and fourth Sundays, at 11 am., and 7:30 p. m. J. M. Beh: nett, pastor; Sunday school at 10 a. m., every Sunday; T. C. Bryson, superintendent. Church Conference Thursday be fore the fourth Sunday in each month at 7:30 p. m. ' Union Prayer Seryice every Wed nesday night at the Methodist ; and Baptist churches alternately. Entry No. 6039. State of Noxh. Carolina. Jackson County We, Bin Robinson, E. Ii, Wilsonana Tom Wilson, do hereby enter and claim 10 acres of land more or less in Webster township, countyncnd state aforesaid, on the waters of Cane Creek, adjoining the lands of Buchanan Burton Stiles and J. W.' Shuler and others, and running with the lines of the above named parties bo as to include aU the Vacant land : in thai vicinity. : ; ' v . . Entered on this the 22nd day of Feb ruary, 1913. - ...j J .? BILL ROBINSON (Seal) E. L, WILSON Seal). TOM WILSON (Seal) ApproTedJ ' . ' ,r- -. s ; tqp Soinething y jjust enstalled a new mach &in mTny Repair Shop to repair jqur old buggy, surrey or hack ;ixles andmakethem run wv. new. igCaiv dot any kindl of repair - workon short hotica at reason ;. ableiprices. Horseg shoeing lS a specialty. J.Bv Higdon, Sylva - You will look a good while before you lind a better medicine for coughs and colds than Chamber Iain's. Cough Remedy. It not only gives relief it cures. Try it wher you have a cough or cold, and you are certain to be pleased with th prompt cure which it will eiiect, ;Jt or sale by ALL DLAlers. 6uu. ill. blhbljljLt 1 iuLi iU-v Idlil, iNo l, i uij o;bOa. ui. Ar. byl- jc L.v. i.uuia) n:oo a. lu. Arrive a. .x.x.x i. .leiieviiit o:65 p, 111, - . v ..- v .i.c o.i0 a. lit. Ar. fcji . . . . , 1 .uipu) lO uO p. lu r . . . iiiu 6 ,0 p. ni . Ar. byl' 4 . . .urpuy AO. i5 p. m, . . V. LOKbEY. Liocuxl fassenger Agent, Wood's Seeds Tor The rarm and Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and full information about the best and most profitable 'seeds to grow. . It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all other Farm and Garden Seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog has long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, RICHMOND, VA. The Sylva Pressing Cfotr Now in the rear under the Sylva Pharmacy. We are prepared to dr yoxirpressingand clean ing in first class style Men bring: your suits to us and have them made to look as NEW Ladies, bring your coat suits and skirts and let us clean and press them. All work done at reason ablelprices. The Sylva Pressing Club JAS. RITCHIE, Pro KIDNEY-FLUSH . For Kidney & Bladder Diseases FofFewest Changes ot Cars, Best Schedules and the Very Lowest Rates to All Points in the North, South, East and 'West, .Travel via . . . : Premier Carrier of the ;South; . k, For Further Information And Particulars Call On or Write J. H. WOODED. P. A., '5;-i:i;vv5'8heviHe: N. C. John B.Jonss, ;.r-'X? V -i -