VOL I NO. 7 dqaD ENGINEER FR0r.l WASHhNti I ON ARRIVES yr Raymond B. Toms, senior -jad engineer of Department of Roads at Washington IX O, is i-Sylva in the interest of the " pro posed new road biuldin- ; V . r Mr. Toms went over thexoad from 5ylvato the bridge at John T-'Wike's ca Monday and is veiy much plaes jdwith our road proposition and pjprised to see that ve have such jlt grading through the temtpry jjl which this road is to be located. Mr. Toms is conned to his room it the Commercial hotel on account c enlaced gland, but expects to fceout in a day or two.' He.has written the Department at Wash jngtonb send a man to take charge the grading and construction of lie proposed road as soon , as Mr. Jonis can make 5ur.ey and locate pad. Mr. ioms will gcr over the" road (rom Syiva to Dillsboro ' and Sylva 5p Scotts Creek as. scton as; he is ibletobe out. . ; We are glad to see this good work being pushed forward and are jure that we will-soon have this road movement started, and are confident that other townships- in the county will soon follow the ex ample of Cullowhe Sylva andtJills toro, as Cullowhee has already sold 20,000 in bonds and Dillsboro has EUthorized the sale of $15,000 which township will give'us a gostretch of road that will centralize our bus iness and give us a steady growing jnarket center for the entire county. x john a. paeeis Dealer in, X&ntcbce arib 3evvcjer All kinds of repair work done on ihort notice. ENGRAVING A SPECIAL1Y; Sylya, K C. ",:' -K;- C. a LOGAN Undertaker and Emhalmer , . 16 years experienceu Vyf Full Line of Casketsand Eobes; ' License No, 6 ; l . . : Phone No. 17 VVayneilleif-it L COLEMAN C. COWAN, ' A Attornev and' Counsellor atJLawv WEBSTER; N. O . r .. . DR McGUIREt DENTISTS Ofllce : Pharmacy Building, SYLVA, N. O. W. R. .SHERRILLv Attorney at Law, Office In Court Hou, ' WEBSTER. N.C.- ' Milieu & M,fcA Or tjDucnanan Httorneat-lLuvv Webster, : K. C" "hile Mr. AIYpv ! rQQ trinvwt irt waynesviUe, he will continue to take acuve part In the practice of w at Webster. .n v-- ' '-si Jl, xt? : PMgTp ARMY AND NAVY BUIlDINGWSHIN(TON.DClffjj ;Mfr9i5 ; ?iay ' tmMm) ;eQ SUNJMOW-TTiF.--fwrj.iTHU. FBI . SAT. -Sl?J 11 12 Hg 14 115 16 lfflfjv 1 W j2l 26 21 -28 28 jB 51 Wtt THE-WESTERN N. C. BIBLE WFERENCE It has been definitely determined by the ministers of this section in terested, irrespective of denomina tion, that the institute under the above caption shall be held at the Sylva Auditorium, Friday, August 1st 19ia - This capital idea was the out growti if the great Bible 'Confer ence .recently iheld in the city of Atlanta. It was the large-minded conception of Rev. X. E. Deitz, free ly ebneurred in by Reverends -Caleb A. Ridley and -Napoleon Cowan, all of whom .are Western -North Caro linians and all of whom were pres ent -at that conference. it is proposed that we organize this conferenoe so that it may' in clude 11 the denominations in the stateiand the states contiguous. That this conference shall be held in the oppressive month gT August, here at Sylva. in the .very middle of the 'mountains, affording a xetreat for ministeis and laymen deleted by the blistering days and sleepless nights of the lowlands. That the sessions shall be held annually in August, .permanently at Sylva with its large auditorium and; four : passenger trains a day; and continue ten days and nights, the days ty be devoted to the study of the Bible and' the nights to preaching and evangelistic work. " : Tliattheinana dill gently seek the finest talent both clerical and lay in the land-Ecien of rare! natural ability ahd:t special training, to handle the ; vital sub-1 jects which may come before s the conference; ! , ' :i . . ,r-rr rAt the initiatory conference ;op- enihg the first day of next August we shall have as participants such men as Judge Jeterx a iPritchard : one of the most distinguished Christ ian jurjsts i in America, --Joseph '-.Edr gar AbemethyT the ost eloquent preacher in? North : Carolina Caleb AI Ridley, one of the most brilliant platform orators xn ine ooutn, i tor .Rich, of Macon our o tin be loved Napoleon Cowan av learned ministry of a quarter of a century since, all the local ministers and others. This movement promises to re sult in incalculable blessing to Jackson county and our entire mountain country. It will be a great Bible school and goodness knows we all need to learn more of this great fountain of all lliterature and life. It will, if the people so decide, be the greatest religious revival since the days of the "camp meetiug." Jfwil undoubtedly be the richest (intellectual feast our people have yet enjoyed. It will beat the most idle season of the year just between lay- ing-fcy" and fodder-pulling time" We older people'cannot afford to miss it for the deep stirring it will give our care-worn, callous hearts. We cannot afford to allow our young ones to miss it for the spirit ual elevation and the supurb cul tural effect it will produce on their young minds. My friends begin now to get ready for the greatest , occasion of recent, years. Watch these columns for a complete program. James H. Cathey. - FEED BROWN- Jtev. Fred F. Brown, who gradu ates this year at the Southern Bap tist Theological Seminary, has ao cepted i the care of the Baptist church at HaiTodsbiirg, Ky., and will enter upon his work there in June.. He is a splendid young man whom without "reserve we recom mend to the Kentucky brotherhood. Biblical Recorder! You will look agood while before you ' find a better, medicine for coughs and colds than Chamber lains Cough Remedy. It riot only gives rehef it cures. Try' it when you have a cough or cold, and you are certain to; be pleased ;with the prompt cure which it will C effect ForsaIeyALL pEAlers:; GUILOVHEE r : : COffllENCEIIENT NEW BUILDING TO ;BE ERECTED THIS : SlIMUERflNE YEAR'S - WORK : AND GLOWING PROSPECTS: ; P Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School has just closed one ; of ; the most interesting commencements of its history; The exeicises with out exception have been wl ' at tended arid the order at these exer cises has .been unusually X fine. Proceeding promptly .the entire ma chinery of the 'commencement moved forward with dispatch from beginning to close. . Dr. Vann, the president of Mere dith College, delivered an inspiring sermon -Sunday morning, and an other Sun lay evening before the Y M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. The gen ial manner of this splendid man, to gether with the noble messages he brought in language as beautiful as it was stirring, for him the admiral tion and gratitude of the entire student body and management of the school, as well as of the audi ences that heard him. Dr. C. B. - Waller, of Asheville, spoke Tuesday on the subject The Men We Need. His analysis of the type of manhood demanded by the times was clear, forceful and in teresting. His address rang with, good sense and brilliant humor from beginning to end. Many pronounc- Aiwr rAfTifl -w ; . The annuaT Grand Concert, under the direction o i Mrs. Mary Carter Brinson, the school's accomplished director of music, and Miss Char- lotte Young, who has presided vith genial manner and persistent f aith- fulness over the work of the expres sion department; was a decided succes. Tfye participants manifes ted clearly the excellence of the training they had received. As a whole the work of the school has been successful beyond the most ardent hopes of its pro moters. The new administration, which took cliarge last September, began its work under difficulties but as the months went by, obstac les vanished, difficulties were over come and success gradually became an assured fact The .-.school - has enrolled this year one hundred and sixty-eight students. This has tax ed,, almost to the utmost, the boar ding capacity of the school and community. . About two-thirds of this number are young men. ; The student body has been characteri zed by a large degree of fine intelli gence and high moral character. ; r .The future of the institution seems now assured. The General Assembly, at its last session, appro priated $15,000 for , building 'purr poses. This will be used in the er ection, this summer, of a modern adniinistration building and in the coriipletion of the girls dormitory. These buUdings will be heated by steam, lighted by electricity and supplied with hot and ; cold water anp! sanitary equipment - At the earliest possible moment the mana gement expects a landscape gard ner to plan fox the improvement and rjeauttfying of tJ school grounds, which are by nature "capa ble of wonderful development ' Added to all this is the gratifying fact that the Sylva and 'Cullowhee townships have decided to coristruct between Cullowhee and Sylva, an up-to-date santiclayv or ; i macadap, road. This ."will make ; the school easy of access arid n bring it into Vi convenient jtouchxwith the ;world The distance of seven miles :wilt ; then be covered by; aiitbmbbles and t i , by horse and; buyia- from bne fourth to bne'ialf the timeriowi-r quhed. All -.tliese - are i bur.- indications of; the greater day that: is dawning upon the rich and beau. - tiful county of Jackson, arid that fast : brightening . over :the great western section of the state. DILLSBORO ISSUES KOAU tfONDL The road, trustees of DiUsboro township, appointed under -the aefc of the General Assemblyr have au thorized the sale of $15000 (fii'teeit thousand dollars) worth of Dills boro township bonds, to be used ixm grading and constructing roads irx that township, one road to meet the road constructed by Sylva to the" Dillsboro line and to the Cullowhee line, Cullowhee to meet it and carry the road through that township. This action of the Dillsboro town ship road trustees makes a total of $65,000 in ,bond8 that have beem issued by the three townships,Dillsr boro, CulldWhee and S ylva, to:be used in road work in these threer townships, Sylva having already sold $30,000 and Cullowhee $20,000,. We understand that Dillsboro ?wilt--sell her .bonds at a .very, early. date- I t . ' . The plain or variety of hookworrrr is a second cousin of the bug which -causes the sleeping sickness and " ePhewt to . tbf ,mj.crobeT1at f" duces the tired feeling. When the hookworm-hooks on to the 'bowelsi of a poor man the effect is laziness. But if by accident it attacks the em trails of a Piute, the result is caliedT "fatigue.' The female half-inch hookwormu lays eggs but does not cakle. ? As soon as a setting is accumu--latedit is deposited on the ground, and hatched out by any body wbx happens along. : When the young half-inch hook worm is big enough to start, im business on his own hook, he throws histhook into a bare heel of a cottori picker and starts to work his wayj uri in life. If he gets as far as the stomach his fortune is made Heis now safe to marry and assume the? responsibility of raising a large fa7 mily Occuipyiriga strategic posi tion, so to say t everything hay tD come nis way. Whatever theco t ton picker puts in his mouth, masti cates, swallows and digest, is' exam ined by the half-inch - hookworm. After sorting out the tidbits, he ah , sorbs them greedilyi 6n account of the fact that hook worms make a livings with out any useful labor, they , belong to the better class. The Nat Rip-Saw : There will be services! at St Johns Episcopal Chapel Sunday evening. May 4th at 8 Pi 1L, conducted byr Rev. J. F. Burg. - ',. ' : . , 4T XOOKSILIKE A CRIME J to separate a boy from a1 box of? Arnica Salve. ..His) pimples, ; boflsv. scratches, knocks, - sprains -and bruises demand it, and -its1 qiiickr releif for burns,) scalds; or cuts:is-v-, his right . Keep it handy for boyV. also girls.; Heals ' everything heala- ble and does , it quick; UnequaleoX for pilesr Only 25 cents at all Drur- ; 5 1 w

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