s .' -W-.'-.v..' . j ': -: . r -. -t. :- . -' - - i . ' ' ' . .' "j f . - - ..-,.. . i. . , . ' " -T X .... . . , w..v - -r-.- , . -. .. . f , : : . . . x . '..,.... i 'A -. f ,..-:.'".. v y , I III rtl I lirilllV i I Pjli. i - Speaking to the delegate . in at- tendanceftejanrAWri Road Congress, fWoodrow Wilson,. . mopo 4 -11 rtiifAlfi Governor of New Jersey and then. dnothcr - . . . . candidate for the presidency of the -.V; ; V - :t:. n-xo ..; ,....; , i And. hi& can. only be achieved "A nation is bound, togetlier.. by by the consistent improvement,, of, itsnieans df ;commuiiication;; dtstne uriive means of communication create . cation4-the public highways. vEv- its thought Its ''means of intercom- ery class of people has its own ar municatianare Ithe "eaniai pf its i gument for better' "roads; each oc- : --sympathy' tiiey ars the means by Whicii the various parts of it keep in touch with one another;" i A study of the development .of civihzaiion demonstrates-:, that in , the exactrproportionnhatihe edu s cation ana enlightment of a people aavanee, so does arbitrary govern ment receae. . i he theory : of -the . j uivme right of kings lastea as long as thevarious limts coulof He kept : in ignorance'of the strength which they could exercise if acting tpget- ' htr.- . ': as roads were built, .and various. coinmunicaues weie brought into! contact with each odier, t ansolutism ( jn feuvemment beg tQ;(lisappear Ujiu CinisienQom ana tne i "con-! - jbfcut'oi' uie5 governea " began to s be ' U luCtOf. liiy years oi load bull-'; txiiig in nance, i to 1'ibU, when tixt fcfcvfciai LajUIS uailL lh.iiiiti nnies ... - -"'"x- " ' Uiuiniaiy mghwavb,- DiougntVine Vv eahuew, nervousness, lack nl ap people ot the F rench provinces into ! petite, energy and ambition, with tucn close toucn witn each other thai tne t rench Revolution became jobbibie. When Napoleon later ex-; ueea 1S iectnc bitters, the lenutQ and periectea the -system glorious tonic, biooa purifier and he uug the.grave or monarchy in regulator Oi stomach, liver and kid tiance, ana made its government ues- thousands have proved that the people, lor the pe6ple," So"ey wo,nQfrmuy engtnen tne eial distribution oi tne land. There Bie lew, if any ,- greats fortunes in fiance, as lortunes aie counted oni tins side of the Atlantic - i - In the exercise, of its functions of " goveinment the state can have no higher .duty than to provide for tlie tranquility and well-being of its ptople., Not a part ol its-people, " who live m chosen localities, but of 'r ail its people; equalizing their bur dens, and accelerating heir growth along lines, of material, moral and intellectual prosperity The 7 con- J ".. i' -. have which we I ... 0 . . . 'i i n . n m y . i ; ; L 'i j -ri' Bice: this eJid ciui only pesDraugntaooui WVeMv; means of communication; Dreiicher with member3 of his cupation can define its own; requir mentsf in the way of improved faci lities jior, transportation; but - it is the task of statesmen" to so corre late .the. various necessities that the benefits of fuller and "ifeer ihter course' each, with the others, f shall lead to the satisfaction and tran quility of all. n this way only i can the functions of government hWrii- nHpnnntPiv pJ. cised.- , - jj Education advances; wealth ac cumulates; .ne reniiemeiiLS ot hu-i ! man existence muiujply; the com-, forts anu pleasures oi living are en chaucea wnen the means of com- ; muhitation' are pixmCed so that 1 commumcaties as weh as indivhi- uais can "D efbows. w., : V . ' i rihLK i i a Kit hvi f TP ! i- . . ' lies ni e hi - iri flit i t it ivv t i svs pm- i ui&uiueicu uva duu muiieys oneii follow an attack of tms wretched nispsp i hp orpnt npn tho rirootoot and penect satisfaction guaranteed uy 11 IT LOOKS LIKE A CRIME to separate a bpy' from .a box 0f ! Ainica Salve. His pimpleSv boils, scratches, knocks, sprains and bruises demand it, and its quick feleif for burns, scalds, or cuts is his right Keep it handy for boys, ' alsogirls. Heals everything heala- ble and-does it quick. Unequafed ! for piles. Only 25 cents at all Drug gists. ' , '" ' v just leceiveda era are offering at a JBARGAIN. . r - If ' I- 1 KDueruLuna ii an an , v fi,. C';" V,- : l ; - JAMES J.I. CTYN DEAD. nnntnn 'Anril : Pi?; .Jam NT y ohe It the most 'prominent men ; in .western 'North i Carolma died at Springdale, earVhere yesterilay afternoon. T IParalysis was the cause Qf.deatTL be held at Waynesv.Ue. Sunday; ';v-s- "-- - THE HOME KITCHEN , s Painty your kitchen walls and woodwork white above the wains coting It.keeps soiled hands away Its cheerful brigfitness is always inviting. One quart- of . Turpen tine added to one-half gallon of L. & M. ; Semi-Mixed Real .kPaihti makes ;3 quarts' of the highest; gjade of pure paint," alio! t is enough' to paint a kitchen aridiwo mqre rooms; iU1 T T"7 ' " t grade of l6ng life pamt, is made by" adding three1 quarts of pure Linseed Oil to each one gallon of ti . Sold by bylva Cash Store, J t j A v5u00 brioge was recently bmlt aL vveosuer and the town ox v cosier as a towfi-was not asked ui pay an unug on tins bnae tiiu ,ovciiij Oi oylya paid m rouiid i.uito vjl-ov laxts on tnis bridge Vy-ny uu Lhey t say sometiihig about iliis wnen ' they are talKni irii.pr-sV " " r i) " -a rri-rit i- Entry No. 604. State of Kortlx' Carolina. " " County ot Jacksua. 1, s. PurkKer, do . hereby ehtor aud claim 25 ai res yf land, more or less, in Oauada unshi:p' to-Wif : Beginning at; a large stone in line f Grant No. 210 and runs with line of said No. 210 ko (poles to Moore's line, thence line to an old Hoo,( r . of of i grant io. Mio rj o poies to the j place or ii j;iniiing artlrnnuing so as to . iucliui ali the Va&u t lai d in that vicn-- Jity. Eutirtd April 10, 1913. S. M. Parker (Seal) Approvort John R. J ones, ' Ex Officio Entry Taker, Don't be surprised if y9u have an , attack of rheumatism ,this spring . Just rub the effected parts freely with Chamberlain's Liniment and it will soon disappear. Sold by ALL DEALERS. full line of , rugs rf i - ;i:i, ;JM ,. .' ' . - V; .. ' ' ' .... ' . m m - i $ r-v: -- v i ''v i ri- i i v f . Prop ? x'i " ." " r? 52C "Ty-j-jtoa .fhnt. sr.ience .? nas Deen able.tocurein all its .stages. "h"f-k'-: -mil1 natnrrh Cure i3 tne omy KfSK. tfrnllv acting' directly --upon- irrc an? mucoSsSrfaes the em. there-- nature in doing its Wi1;: ers that they offipaeHEP -sSd foi. anv .case tha-ltv falls -to -cure bena much., turn 'in. its " tor, any case xna-t-i l. ' dres F. -Jr CIICHDY ACO Toledo, Ohio. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Notice. : Is hereby given that the board of Elections of Jackson - County -have clianged the boundaries, 6f ;:Syiva, LWebster: and Cull6whee voting pre- cinqts :ta conform with thVoouna-; aries of . Sylvai Webster .ahd Ciillo-' :whee townships as'aniehded by s an act of the General Assembly 'of 1913 ehtilltd "An act' to1 change' aild; ;de linitely establish the boundary lines petw een by i v a, W ebster audi ; : Culio- wnee towusnips in Jackson County, and tnt tnte lines wnl govern in tne' special Ucciiuil to' nela on Special the seconu niUi&Uay m xvxay, lijib. 1111& iUcilCil lll, lilo.'. uuieiiidU C. Lowan, . Mite'. WHY HE WAS LATE. - "What niaives you so late?''-; "I met bmiilibon." - r " Vv en, tnai is no reason why you should oe an Hour late getting iloine to supper.'' ; 1 know, oat i asked him, how, he - -. was Ateiilii;, uiiU lie illSlstea uU tel- ling me auout ms stoniacn trouble." .."Lao yuu ten mm to take Cnam- Derhmi's AaldcLSY" , " .. . . , '.'bure, iiiuiis what he needs." bold by jtLuiu lrjALfiiKb. Wulibt. Pursuanc ta & tat ate enacted ta session ivi6 ui tne vjeneral Assem- Dly f Carolina. Uiere- will be au eAeclioiA lieiCl eacn orecmct in JacKson county on ihuisday, May i otn, iyi3,on tne question oi removal of the County beat to byiva. Reg: istratiou booKS will be opened in ; each precinct as provided oy law in gegerai elections lor members ol the Geneiai Assembly.. " March 21st, 1913. ' , ' colman c. cowan. ; :: Chm. Bd. of Election for Jackson , County. 1 ' CHUj?(;iI DIHECTOHV v : - Services at. Sylva .Baptist Church i second ajid fourth Sundays, ; at : 1 i. a. mM- ana :ou p. m. J. jvj. .Ben nett, .pastor; Sunday school J:atiiO' a.evlery;miday;'T:-" C. 'Bryson; superintendent:5 ' v : .Church' Conference be- tore uicj lourtu spunaay m each month, at ,7:30 p: mxf i3 r ' i . vUriionif rayer Setyice-eVery We3- I. . ' ': . ' ; .2"-.': 4r ucauay muL .aL uie jyietnoaist and Baptist churches alternately. . ' - Dic iH uiu Carolina. jacJcson Uounty tx c, jolu Aoomson, Hi. ju. llsona ndl T?6H 'vvllson do Tiereby enter and: claim 10 acres of land more or less inWebster lowpsnip. counrj ana state aforesaid, on the.ytfjf of Pane CreefcJ-ad joining thV landslof Buchanan Barton SUles anoVG: WSbuler and ethers and running witb the lines of the above namVd -parties '.'so ast include 'all the. vacant land in ihat vicinity. .. - ; . " -.; . : v: ..." Entered rin'ithis tip2nd'day of Feb ruary,-1913; .J ,...,, ' . V f;r BILL KOBINSON (Seal) . TOM W1X60N. (fieal) - Approved: i; v-f-;' viiV ! Looli Sometliingv New I - . - - - 'Just enstalled'a uew jmach- in in.rny Repair ;Shopf to repair your old buggy, surrey or hack axles andLxnakeithem run like new t - A- Can do. ahy kmrJiof . repair workloni short notica at reason- ableiprices-iit hoise thceing La , aspeciaityvr' i - ;-. , J.(Sv Higddn, Syl You wiluook a.good wmie betcrt yo;u (iirid '-; a; better medicine lur couhs and colds-tn lain C6ug. myirit not only gives rreiieiiticu when you Mate "icbu-prc cu aire certain to be pleased with ihe pr6mptJcur; which, it, v will eilect lorisale by "ALL DjAlers. im. p ItitliULt :..'iaat iouLtu- lam. 2i i.v iuiUipij t:tU a. m. Ar. byl-VtiiC:-tl i.-ul xi jtiWicviiifc" l :6o' y. m 4. o. lo M'. j3u,urpli -ixlbO u. in, - Ai nvr ovlA..-ii tr jsl Ax't Abiieime o:oo p.'iu. V, t s liOllliU llaiii . ' .o i Juv. x-'LeVilrt: b.bO ja-iu . Ar. va ii'io a. m . r. JuLUipijy iO uo p. iu. Jso.yit Jv. Ashvirr3.V.o pui -vr. fcyl .a !ii p. hi. jr. 'iurpiiy;-i0;56 p. ' . ; W . V';i)OKSEY. - . Local Passenger Agent, I. For The Farm oa Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and rail information about the best arid most profitable seeds to grow. It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, , . Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas; S oja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and. all other ; , Farm and Garden Seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog has long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds, ; Mailed on request; write for it T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, RICHMOND, VA. Now in. tie rear under the- Slva IJharmacyi. We; are prepared , to do your pressirigarxd c lean ing in first ;las& styl ; ;leri tiririg'yjour? jstiits iq us and have them made to look Ladiesv 'bring, your coat- ;sttitsnd sKlrts andet us clean' and pressr ttiem , ;j 1 AH work done at reason- ableprices. TKe Sylva Pressing. Club 1 " p JAS,-KllCKlEvPro : : ForXTdneik Bladder' Diseases YFqr j?e westvChanges of Cars, ? Best Schedulesarid .the 'Very lkywestates to All Points in the; Northy 'SouthV East . and f :Vest, Travel via ' ' . ... . - . .- i-. - : t - woo - , .. W,.. , . ... I he Sy lya Pressing Cluh . Premier Carrier of the .?"'' ' ; South - '.For-Further Information And Particulars' Call On or Write ? ti. -woob pp. a:v 'f":' '.rS-t:- 8hevilIe:'':N: C. .

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