CITV LOCALS Misslhez heyleft ; Tu&3ay ' fr Raleigh where she will be" the I. guest of friends for some time f' Davis Zachary and daughter were fin town, from - Caney Fork, Monday Prof. A. C. Reynolds was in the cjty from Cullowhee -Monday.1 t'r Mrs. Mary Carter Brins on, Direc tress of music, of Cullowhee. Nor- H&al andlndustrial School, is spend ing some time with friends in Ra leigh. ; ; Walter Warren of Canton was in town Monday. 1 Dowdey Bradley was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Robt. Davis arrived in the rcity Tuesday. Prof. R. L. Madison of Webster " was here Monday. C. C. Cowan of Webster was in the city Tuesday. Louis Hensonhas been appointed manager of the Beta Fertilizer Com pany to succeed F. G. Hoffman. Prof. L. B. Abernathey was in 4be city enroute to Cullowhee, Tues day. T. C. Cook was in theJcity Mon day. Hon. Andrew Raby, of Robins r ville, was the- guest of his uncle B. H. Cathey Sr. the last.of the week. Miss Sallie Kate Fisher visited friends at Sylva for a day or two the past week. Andrews Sun. 9 Mr. Charles Grindstaff of Sylva spent Tuesday and Wednesday in "Waynesville. Waynesville Courier. Mrs. A fi. Hayes of Whittier is the gue3t of her daughter,' Mrs. Fe lix E. Alley this week. Waynes , villa Courier. Hayes Hooper of Big Ridge spent Tuesday in Sylva. Willie Rhinehardt, of Webster is visiting his brother Louis in Spar-tinburg. W.-W. Brown is how occupying the McKee house on main Jstreet, xeceatly vacateijby Chas-IH. Neal. Z. V, Watson was in the city last of :he week. Coot Turpin was in the city on business Monday. Jas. Long of Cullowhee was in the city Saturday. Robt Clayton of Willetts was a business visitor in Sylva Tuesday. Chas. Grindstaff has returned from Asheville. ' Gaither Crisp of Savannah was a . business caller at this office Tues 4ay. Mr. R. G. Hunt jof Balsam is in the city. Asheville Citizen. Mrs. Bonnie Dorsey, spent the 4ay Tuesday in Dillsboro. " Clyde Jarrett returned to his . iiome at Dillsboro Tuesday, from -Wake Forest College. Miss Helen Cathey went to Way nesville; Tuesday, where she was the guest of relatives. Miss fey Belle Stiles, of 'Frank lin, is the guest of Miss Lenora Allen. - ' Miss Lenora Allen entertained a few of her friends at her home Tuesday, in honor of Miss May Belle Stiles. . . Pay your subscription to .the Journal. ' - ' - ; Mrs. J. W. McKee, of Sylva, who has been visiting N her brother, Mr. W. & Bryson,J will return' home ; to day. Miss CbthyrMcK . accompanies her mother on the vis- C; it will remain . for several weeks as the gucit r herhcle. Alhevilie iCTtizeo. ; papists ens M rair Ow ing And are getting quite a lot of but, not as many as we want, so yours along to THE CITY-MARKET. Remember we carry a full stock of fresh clean Groceries and Meats. Fish every Friday and Saturday. We deliver all orders in town, so leave your order with us and we will send it home for you. THE CITY MARKET. Sylva, N. C. I When You Paint Use PURE Paint and Use Pure LINSEED OIL to add to it at one-half the cost of Paint PURE PAINT Jjs made with WHITE LEAD, ZINC and LINSEED OIL tfaal's tbc way tbc L.& M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT Is made. But ALL the OIL needful to make the L. & M. PAINT ready for use is IVCT put into the Paint when it's pre pared for the Consumer who buys it. The ADDITIONAL quantity of GIL is put into the Paint by the CONSUMER, as by so doing he SAVES MONEY. Therefore buy 3 gallons of LINSEED OIL with every 4 gallons of L. & M. PAINT and MIX the OIL with the PAINT. If the Paint thus made costs more than $1.40 per gallon If the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory Then return whatever you have not used, and get back ALL you p&id for the WHOLE of iti and besides, the money you paid to the Painter, Sylva Gash Store, Sylva TflVN JIECTION. At the municipal election held here Tuesday, A. J. Dills was elect ed mayor: E. L. Wilson marshal, and J. W. McKee, J. B. Ensley. M. D. Cowan, John R. Jones and J. W. Keener, aldermen. DR. RIDLEY HAS BUSY DAY. Dr. Caleb A. Ridley, pastor of Central Baptist church, spent sev eral das of last week in his native North Carolina delivering addresses and preaching at one of the moun tain schools, but returned in time to fill his pulpit Sunday. The day was a day full of work. He spoke to the Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock, lectured before Co-Workers' class at 10 o'clock, preached at 11 o'clock, married a couple at 3 o'clock and another at 4 in the afternoon and preached again at night The sub ject of the morning hour was "A Vision of God and its Results" and at night "A Church Tat Sees Its Mission". Atlanta Constitution, April 28. RESULTS . We do not undertake to offer the record complete, but a few things will indicate the drift: Road Trustees of Dillsboro town ship in Jackson county nave auth orized the sale of bonds of $15,000 for road building. J Sylva township has sold bonds for $30,000 and Cul lowhee bonds for $20,000-$65;000 will be expended in road buiTding in these three townships. ; A piart of thework will be the instruction by the townships of one connecting road crossing thein alL County and - townships authori zations in Henderson county-nct-usd not hot airamouat to $200,000 and this swnwjJJJbe, gxpendedithis roads. i Rutherford has carried a $250,00 bond issue by popular election; Madison commissioners have issued $300,000 bonds; Polk issues $100,000 The thermal belt State highway will mean a large sum total expen diture. Transylvania is to expend $50,000 on roads. Road bond elec t tions are the order of the week in McDowell, and the most encourag ing forecasts are received. The construction of roads in Murphy township, in Cherokee, is already well under way. 7 Our own little county of Bun combe will spend its $50,000 or so for roads outside of Asheville, as usual It is fruition time. It is the pro paganda of 20 years crystalizing in to result It is the beginning of an era in the mountains whose splendor will surprise the . world. And we hope that other magnifi cient highways will t5e added to those the people are building. We hope that the mountain forest land the government is acquiring under the Weeks law will be made public parks, and that a special govern ment department for their manage ment will be created. This' will mean the construction by govern ment of scenic highways through the most magnificent territory in ! eastern America (to say the le'ast) the home of primeval forest giants that were growing when Christopher Columbus discovered America. Gazette News. x It would surprise you to know 2, the great good that is. being done by Chamberlain's Tablets. Darius Downey, of Newberg Junction, N. B., writeW "My wife has been using Chamberlain's , Tablets and finds them very effectual and doing her lots 6i igood. If - you have 'any Ml IFOR BITER FR11 IT. l-X- Spray; the apple trees for the Codding Moths, . ' : -; ' ' THOMSON CHEMICAL COS "6RCHARD BRAND" . )-. . . tested spray materials, lime sulphur solution, Arsenic of lead, Atomic suphur . Write for prices and directions. T. S, ''MORRISON & CO. flSHEVULE, N. C. j AGENTS FOR Bean High Presure Pumps. Myers Barrel and Keeapsack Pump How, Nozzles and Fixtures. A. Jj; DILLS FIRL Sylva, INSURANCE AGENT N. C, lii) AND HIDES HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR RAW FURS AND HIDES Wool on Commission. Write for price list mentioning this ad. Vim'! WtW " VfA W fl r.. t , - - t. LET US DO YOU 1 NSURANCE BUSINESS We will guarantee you satisfaction. We have Insurance Companies that are the very best. If there is any questiou about the rates let us know; we will gladly ge the latest rates rates or have new rates made by thd Rate- ing Bureau. We also represent Accident and Health Insurance, and one of the best Life Companies in existance.. Cooper and Henson DILLSBOTO, C. trouble' with' your stdmac a or bo w-! eis give inem a mai. ror saie Dy year in the construction of .good ALL Deaiera. Was Wron All woiheii, who suffer from the aches and pains, due to. female ailments, are urged to try Cardui, the reliable, scientific, tonic remedy, for women, Cardui acts promptly, yet gently, and without bad effects, on the womanly system, Relieving pai building up strength, regulating the system, ana toning up the nerves. During the past half Century, thousands of ladies have written to tell of the quick curative results they obtained, from the use of this well-known medicine. AT A ICE yn V&manYTomc Mrs jane Callehan suffered from womanly trouble for nearly ten years: In j a letter from White ville, N. C, she says: "I was not able to do my own housework. My stomach was weak, and my blood was wrong. I. had back :ache, and was verweak. I tried several doctors, but they Iid me no good.; I used Cardhi for 3 or 4 months, and now I am in the best health' I have ever been. I can never praiss Cardui enough.. It is the b&t ionic; for women. Whether seriously sickbr simply .weak; try Cffdui. Kt . - W to: UCw", Adrtsor Dt&, Chtttiaoo iUfleWci. CTtttwwrgi. TtZ -1 -. - 4 . v s.