' ;-; V- ' -s : J: v;e JOSEPH II. r,;oooY. Joseph Moody was born in Hay- ; ' wood County Von j Jonathan's Creek 'i-; March 27, 1839. When r he was .'.very''. small -Ms ' father moved to ; Waynesville where , he died when his son was three years " old. His mother moved to Alabama; there : y5he died when - her son was only S thirteen years old. The boy there lived some time with an uncle, af- ter which he was brought JtTack to Haywood. . r:'Z :: y' ' . At ' the age of nineteen -; be was married to Miss Arty i. Crawford, sister to uncle "Jimmy" Crawford of Sylva. ; v They made their home at Balsam for about twelve years, then moved v to Barkers Creek. I They raised three chUdren Ellen, Dovie and JUllie. ; ; Here his wife died July 11, ,1884. Jater he married Miss Sara J. grown who survives him. Bro. ' . Moody died April 8, 1913, at the age of seventy four years. fie served in the civil war about two years, and was in several im portant battles, one being the ev en days Jight at KichmonaV Here be received a wouna which result ed in the loss of a linger He ser ved all the time as drummer; they say he was one of tne best He was captured and taken to prisoiL, He proiessed faith in Christ and joined the Shady Grove Baptist Church, near Barker's Cree ai tne age of thirty two years. He served as Deacon of the church for about twenty years.- The Baptist Cnurch jBt Barker's Creek passed througha critical peroid aoout twenty, or twenty-five years ago, but " Joe" Moddy( was one of those strong men who could not be tossed two and fro by every wind of doctorine. He lived to see his church in a prospe rous condition. Hie did his part to bring about the church prosperity, He leaves two children, Mrs. El Jen Elders, and Mrs. Dovie Elders Mrs. Lillie Green has been dead for several years. He has twenty grand children and twenty four great grand children. His" name will ever be an honor to them, Jack son County had no better citizen Pas not had. His whole life as a christian has been a testimony to ; Eastman Kodaks $2.00, 3.00, 5.00, 7.00, 10.00 and 15.00. Stamate Razors FROM $2.50 TO $3.00 Guaranteed for Life. At any time these Razors don't give sat istaction bring it back to me and get a new one. All kinds of Safty Razors. Everything in Brags and Dragists Sundries. the power of God. .He was a "man of peace. '. Showed great wisdom in settling disputesjamdrig neighbors. He never had asuitio-CQWln life. -The preacher and the teach- er found a welcome inhis i v home. In fact none were denied its hospit- I He was deeply, interested : in the cause of education, and served as a school committeeman fcr a number . .. , ... , -. 1 , . ... , of years.1 He t was a : wise leader and a prosperous man. ', His people believed in vhim. .- : , " 1 ' As we stood oh the top of ther hill at Barker's Creek Grave yard, , read the Word, preached, sang, prayed and wept, our faith in the old Gos pel was strenghtened. Some of us felt as if that hill top were a suburb of the city of God, and the angels wouldn't have . far o come on the resurrection morning. - May God' move and strengthen all his children. J. J. Gray. BEST MEDICINES FOR COLDS. When a druggist recommends4 a remedy for colds, throat and lung troubles, you can feel sure that he knows what he is talking about. C. Lower, Druggist, of , Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery: I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best throat and lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife of a severe bronchial, throat ot lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone in the family to use. It is a home doctor. Price 50c and $1.UU. Guaranteed by all druggists- , ENTRY NO. 6040. State of North Carolina, Jackson County. I. Li. B. Button, o the County and State aforesaid, do hereby enter and claim 15 acres of land, more or less, on the waters of Dick's Brahch and "in the township of DillSboro. in the County and State aforesaid, adjoining the lands of t.ard, Whitmire, Parris, myself and others ; , Beninning oq a black oak in my own line and runs with my line south to Parris corner, then with Parris' line to Jim Whitmire's line, then wth Whit mire'B line to my own line, then with my own line back to the beginning and ranning so as to include all the vacant land in that vicinity. Entered March 17th, 1913. L. B. BUTTON (Ssal) Approved: John R. Jones. Ex-Officio Entry Tatter NOTICE OF- SAife OF . PROPERTY : X UNJDER DEED OF, TBUfcT;. I State of N'orth'.Carolina, ; ; . ':. v Jackson . CoantiT f?-:;:' tained in a'cer'taia deed rof trust extent Phafmacy.io V Enloe, Trustee; ;to ;wfirciridaeeaf m'iSS SLW otthesmh day 0f March. 1911, and ;ho OneHfflMS duly registered iu bf)ok 57 page 585 e ;for anyrcase that it falls to cure. Send seq on tne records of deeds 01 trust- ior Jackson County, default haying been made in the payment of the principal and interest of; the' notes securea by said deed of trust and the power of sale therein having' become operative and application and demand having been made by the holder of said notes that tne property described in said deed uf irubi shaU be boid ior ihe satisf actipn of said indebtedness, the nndersigued trus tee will on Monday the second day oi June, iyia, at the hour ot 2 o'clock- P.' M. at the Diilsboro Puarmacy in the town of Diiisoor, county ol Jackson and state oi vortn Carolina, oner lor bale to the hiK nest bidder lor cush the following uescribed property, ij. aIL uie rignt tiUc aud interest ot the said c. H. Daniels and Diilsboro phar macy m Uio druga, druggists bUu- ones boda loumaiu, show cases aud hxtuieo, goou, wares aud merchanuise ul all kinub now iu the drug stole 'ai LmisOoio, JN. C Albo all the right uue and interest ol the aaid U. i, Daniels and DUlbburo Pharmacy in an unexpir eu leabu ol the xuwer Uuur of the oaiu arug bturc building and ol the warc iiuusc udjuinin thereto and all oluci nguis tneieunuer as bet torch and iuii ue&cribeu in a certain contract or lctue uiaue hot ecu o. Z. Candler, and L. . auteis on tne bixm ddy" ot March lib. Ail the above described property being the prtperty detcribed in the said decu ot trust ot tue sixth day of March to wuicli reierence is hereby made i"i turther particulars. This tne nrst day of May i913. o. W . ENLOE, Trustee. WONDERFUL SKIN SALVE -Bucklen's Arnica Salve is known everywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and also for burns, bruises ank boils Reduces inflamation and is soothing and healing. J.-T. Sossaman, pub lisher of News, Cornelius, N. C, writes that one box helped his seri ous skin ailment after other reme dies failed. Only 25c. Recommend ed by all druggists. FOLEY IUDMYPILLL TOR BACKAOHE KIDNEYS AND BLAOOER M h- lv : " (V The readers' or y : paper f xrtll . .bt pleased to learn that Lerc.i3 at least one dreaded v disease that, science h&a been able 'to cure In ll Its siascs; and that la catarrh. . HaU'a Calarr'a m?, Is ' he only rosiUve cure noT7J knoT7n to-tne mecucai tcrnallyv acUng directly .npen the t blood SShfe Sold .by fell DrusfTists, 75c. '-.'- Take Hall's family Pilla for constipation. : -.t FOR THE "WEAK AND NERVOUS Tired-out, weak and nervous men and women would feel ambitious; energetic, full of life and I always have a good appetite, if they would do the sensible thing for health take Electric Bitters. Nothing bet- x - - . i . . ' . . s - i ter'for the stomach, liver or kid neys. Thousands say they owe their lives to this wonderful home remedy. Mrs. 0. . Rhinevault, of Vestal Center, N. Y., feays: "I regard Electric bitters as one oi the great- est of "gilts. ' I can never forget what it has done for me. Get 'a' bottle yourgell and see. what a dif- ference it will make inx your health.'1 Only Sue and 1.U0. Recommendr by all druggists. Adminisfraioj's Noiice. V Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Russell Suton, - Sr., deceased, I hereby notify all persons having having accounts against said estate to present them to me on or beiore the 25th day of April 1914. Otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please call and settle their ac counts at once. M. Y. JARRETT, Administrator. Entry No. 604. State of North Carolina. County of Jackson. 1, b. Parkicer, do hereby euter and claim 25 acrts of land, more or less, in Gauada township' 10-wit: Beginning at a large stone in line of tirant No. 210 and runs with line of said No. 210 b5 poles to Moore's line, thence with Moore's line to an old Hooper grant, thence with said grant to line of grant No. 15675. thence with line of 6aid grant No. (5775 E. 8 poles to the place of beginning and running so as to include all the vacant laud in that vicin ity. Entered April 10, 1913. S. M. Parker (Seal) Approved : ' John R. Jones, Ex Officio Entry Taker. - CHURCH DIRECTORY. Services at Sylva Baptist Church second and fourth Sundays, at" 11 a m., and 7:30 p. m. J. M. Ben nett, pastor, Sunday school at 10 a m., every Sunday; T. C. Bryson. superintendent Church Conference Thursday be fore the fourth Sunday in each month at 7:30 p. m. ' Union Prayer Service every Wed nesday night at the Methodist; and Baptist churches alternately, '' T Entry No. 6039. State of Ndrh Carolina, Jackson County . We, Bill Robinson, E. Li WilBona nd Tom yyilBon , do hereby enter and claim 10 acres of land more or less in Webster township, county and state aforesaid, on thie waters of Caixe Creek, adjoining" the lands of Buchanan Burton StUes and G. rW. Shuler and others', and running with . . ... 1 wucu paxu.es BO I as to include au the vacant land in that Entered on thia the 22nd day ;of :Feb- V 7 ; v'Bni EOBINSON f(6eal) v V B iL. WILSON ( Seal) V iraternuy. jau:rrn D.ei.jj.i-w'-uiuuuuor disease requires tai constitutional treat-Vno-nt J TTnn'a . r?Atrrh Curs 13 1 talzen' in-. ! Itjwcmld 'surprise you to know the great good that is being done by Chamberlain's Tablets. Darius Downey, pf Newtferg Junction ft writ(My wife has been using .Chamberlain, s Tablets and finds them very effectual and doing her lot5: of good" " If you have any trouble -with your stomach or bos els;giythema trial. For sale by ALL Dealers, r ' CONSTIPATION CURED Dr. tKing's New fife Pills will relieye constipation and get your bowels in healthy condition again. Jfohn Supisc, ot Sanbury Pa., says theyiare the Jbest pills 1 ever used and I adyise every one to use them them for constipation, indigestion and liver complaint" Will nelp you. Price 25c. Recommended by all druggists Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You can do it by ap plying Chamberlain's Linimenc aad massaging the Darts Ireelv parh . application. For sale by ALL DE- ALERS. took Something New Just enstailed a new mach in in my Repair Shop to repair your old buggy, surrey or hack axles andmakethem run like new.- Can-do janyj kindof repair worlonfcshort notica at reason ; able prices. Horse, shoeing a aspecialty. J. S. Higdon, Sylva SOU. BY. SCHEDULb Kasi iound. Train. -No 20 Lv. Mnrphy 6:30 a. m. Ar. Syl va 10:43 a.m. Ar. Abbeville 1:55 p.m. No. lb Lv. Mnrphy 11:30 a. m. Arrive JSvlva 3.47 P. M. Ar. Asheville 6:55 p. Westi Bound Train. No 17 Lv. Asheville 8.80 a. m. Ar. feyl va 1118 a. m. Ar. Murphy 1055 p. m No. 19 Lv. Ashville 3:20 p. m. Ar. byl va 6;11 p. m. Ar. M urphy 10:55 p. m, W. V. DOHSEY. Local Passenger Agent, I he Sylva Pressing Club Now in the rear under the Sylva Pharmacy. We are prepared to da yourpressingand clean., ing in first class style (Men bring your suits to us and have them made to look as NEW. : Ladies, bring; your coat- suits and skirts and let us clean and press them. All work done at reason , able,prices. The Sylva Pressing Club KIDNEY:FLUSH For Kidney & Bladder Diseases ! For Fewest Changes ol Cars, Best Schedul es and the Very Ixjwest Rates to All Points in ; the' 'North;' Soil th. East and - West, Travel via . . iS-6 ;IKjHLE R N ! Preinier Carrier of the . i '. V.l South.;' 4 For Further Information And ParticiUrs Cjdl On or Write h. wood; ix. p, A, 0 Wi-heville; N. C.