.-.;r- ,.. .' ' ..... . " .;-...... . - . .. ' : ..... .. - , .. . .... . ' ... - M . : . 1 " . . vol.ino.7 ,". - : tvericktown Ohio,:C : . : May Ki41913.f; The Jackson Comity. JoUriiaL s F QeDtlemen As V anran old jackson County' boy strayed away Ohio, perhaps those ; who re eaiber me would be" interested to inoW that I have resigned the firstly gaptist Churcn 01 rreaencwown, Qbio and has he accepted the first gaptist Church of Bethesda, Ohio, to begin the first Sunday in June. I am planning to visit the dear old tome land the latter part of pext summer. v.r .' I have several of the best papers madazines, which come to: rriy Pverv week, bm none interest me as much as. the Journal,. I en- joy it as a letter from home; -and rejoice in the progress vy of the county, especially m good :roaas With best wishes to tne Journal and its triends, I remain, , ydurs siuceieiy, .; " D. M. Pressley, TirrXTTM70TT,TTT C1TTM QAT VF- I WVU UAJ W'AVXAT " Bucklen's Arnica Salve is known ifttf.r fbou c:;j. everywhere as the best remedy the two contain three acres, thus made for all diseases ofthe skin, giving plenty pf room for develop and also for burns, bruises and boils. ingQ beautilying the grounds. Reduces inflamation and is soothing All the inem'bers of the commit- end healing. J. T. Sossaman,:;pub- lisher ol JNews, Oornelius, N. U, writes that one' box helped his -sen- qus skin ailment after otner reme- fies faUed. Ohly25ciKe (d by all druggists, ..J; .-rr" JOHN fl. PflRRIS Dealer la WlatCbeS anb 3eWCler? All kinds of repair work done on lort notice. ENGRAVING A SfECIALlY Sylva, N. C. C. a LOGAN Undertaker andEmbalmer 16 years experience, ! Full Line of Caskets and Robes. License No, 6 Phonft No. 1 7 Wavnesville. N. C COLEMAN C. COWANS .y Attorney and Counsellor atlLaw, WEBSTER, N. DR McQUIRE.; DENTISTS. Ofilce : Pharmacy .Bunding, a sylya, n. o; :-'a W. R..SHERRILL. -j' Attobney atJLaw, Office In Court Houe, WEBSTER. N. C ; '. F.E. Alley ' O.C, Buchanan . ' " . .. ' " ' - '1 : . ; Httorneeiatw ; Webster, N. O. . ; ''y'y While Mr.'hasinwMto Waynesville, - hrwinntmue ; to acUve nart in the oractice . of .' - . . ,. 1 1 ...... ' 'Ay. If:; 1 . f . ---- . 11 11 in.il..-. Mp 1 1 1 mr , 1--1 1 mi , ilifTf -unri i T 3 ?S f i ;SCENES:ON THE TUCKefiEEiOY; C0;,I, SELECTS SITES . BUILD'liS The court house building , com- mittee which met at Sylva Satur- day was unanimous in its selection & point of the ridge at the west MaiQ and overlooking - ' court house. This location is one that is capable of great develop- ment, easy of access, and has one of the finest views in western North Pnrrilinn Th iail will Ko YrmnloA . r o lot that ia mntidnmiQ: tKa one setecte(i for the court house and tee named in the Act of the Gener- Assembly were present with the exception of H. it Queen.' The or- ganization was pert ecteo: with' Mr" ilcKefe : chaian'"c fGed.wTStttton -as secretary. The committee selected a sub-committee composed of Messrs. E. h. r Mc Kee, Geo. W. Sutton and Lee Hoop er to visit the Maaison county court house at Marshall ana report to the committee as to the advisability of following the plans of that building in the erection of our new court house. trie committee will finish the tpohnirfllitifts aa soon as nossihle Lnd begin the excavating ana con- struction worK ihey expect to have the new buildings completea not later than in time to hold the February term of the Superiotcourt in the new temple of justice. BESSIE. The farmers arej getting along nicely with work and prospects are fme.tor a good crop Rev. John Owen passed through this place Saturday, going to; Buck CreeK; where he preached Sunday.1 L. D. Norris 01. Bessie made business trip to Sylva Monday. . Misses Pearl btewart and Clara Moss -of Erastus were at Bessie Sundayl ' , ' -y : Miss Alma Jamison ,visite l Miss Amy Stewart Friday and Saturday! JMr.and Mrs. John .Stewart 1 iLrastus visitea- Jvirs. Matt W atson Sunday. ' v : MissesIrene andj.Mary kCaldwell were attbessieiSunday. H iMrs.Mary.brrisof Nortonis visitingihersoniN athan N orris. . Misses.leiariersonand Jessie Zachary visitedMiss Amy Stewart Sunday, y "';' l7' : " : Miss Daisy Bumgaiher of Erastus was at Bessie Sunday. : J ' 1 ; Mrs.i $arah;: Childers of ; Erastus visited Mrs; Mack Stewart Sunday. , Miss; Octa Evitt Has' gone to Bre vard where she will .spend the sum-nxery.::- .;yyy . ..: ' y y-:' -.Misis :Laura: IfenMn, of Norton was at Bessie Sunday, y 7 rule NEW CO t - 1 1 1 1 i - 11 ' U " 1 1 ,i 1 . f .v-t :y-: 'X I . -.V: I NEW . BUILDING :' ? AT C. K SI.S. At.the meeting of the trustees of the Cullowhee Normal 1 and Indus trial School, held at Cu$lowhee Fri day, the contract was.; let for the brick work of the vneV ? administra- tion building to Wilson and Womack of Sylva The work -has already,! been commenced on the : ipundation of this hanasome new. buflaing and will be pushed forward as rapidly as possiole so as to haVe it. ready for use by the time the school opens 4 for it's fall session, in August. The General Assembly made appro priation of $15000 for-'this 'building ana that sum will be made to go as far as possible in its erection; how- ever, this will:not be; sufficient for - - its completion, but will.rnit it in-a. eonaiuoao4hat.iit ihy v b used and will Ibe completexLlater on The plan was drawn by Rev. W. O. Dav is, ofbylva, in addition to the erection of the administration building the other work that will be done at Cullowhee this summer is the completion of the girl's dormitory, so that it can accomodate 35 more girls, and the work of putting the grounds in a better condition. They are natur ally capable of much improvement and when the work is done during this vacation, Cullowhee will have one of the most beautiful campuses in the state. - Holmes Bryson has returned from market where he has been buying goods for his big sale beginning next Tuesday. Remember the hammock full of shoes next week at Holmes Brysons your choice for 98 cts. His tables and counters are-full of dry goods to sell for 4 &4 cts. per. yard. v Mr. W. E. Moore of Webster, was a Raleigh visitor yesterday.---Jlews and Observer. .We change the address of J. , W. Cabe from Adna; Wask, to Cheha lis, Wash. ... ' . - . ' . . Miss Helen Cathey and B. H. .Cathey, Jr., went to. Waynesville Tuesday afternoon to . .hear Polk Miller and the Old South Quartette. ' Bornto Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Luck Jr., of Augusta, Ga., May 20, a son. Mrs. Ellen ficklesimer, who has been' visiting her mother, -Mrs. Leatherwood, at Webster:; has re urhed to her home. ? ;.) Mr. A. J. Dills, secfetaryV of - the Jackson; County Fair: Association, informs iis tot!&ierQyVbean important "meeting of the stock holders- of that organization at 1 Syl- Iva the Slst'oftliisntnlHr.' -. . . 1 . j '. July k ' " ' tiJUPp;Hqi tjxOII ifms ;and A The Raleigh. News :andObse :Z. e.-y . ' 1 -j - . -.. v: .v!The;Jackson2County, Journal, pubTlshivatS Sylvan fHe-new. county: seat, is a mosu jeAceueu l weekly, rilled with news :and - is sueb! 'p;Tompi;fs: tlieedf:imcl jfr!?K;Br itis aVajr Jbe of great value to Jackson and itjis worthy of a large support. Itlannouncesjthat it ; is Jaclion Couhtys paper for Jackson Coun- folks,van(UiS; a paper worth while, all home print' " ' - : v. Ui - !' FUK au wjirjKJN nuKin uaku- .UNA, There are plenty of indications that the Western North Carolina Fair is to be conducted oi ; very mucn broader lines thi3 year than heretofore; and that the fair will be mpre representative . of the whole of Western North Carolina. THe management is going about the work of laying the ground - work for the Fair with a great deal of at- tendon to detail;- but this detail work has not blinded the manage ment to the greater issues. After all, however, it is the successful working out of the details that rounds out the whole, and no mat ter how comprehensive the plans for the Fair may be, it is really the details which make the. 7Fai men frh07 SaW beisigirt plans and those who ; are (.working. out the details have begun working early and with an energy and j udge ment that Dromises to make the fair creditable to the rich section of which it is an exponent Here is the "Confession of Faith" of D. Harris,' secretary and treasur er of the association: Western North Carolina for some tims pasthas received more appre ciation consideration, year by. year, by the. residents of less favored sections. Those seeking restoration of health have found here that greatest blessing of life; the seekers of ' pleasure and recreation have found the' most satisfying enter tainment, diversion and recupera tion; the student of nature has found scenic grandeur unsurpassed and the investor has recognized the enormous : wealth , vested in - the forests, "minerals and other natural resources. The bounteous endow ment by nature, however, it is not coniined to the wondrous . cli matic and scenic - .conditions - and natural resources, -but include in a marked degree the adaptability of soil for the production of various products of unexcelled quality. Until recent years the exploita tion of this phase of development has been retarted by reason of cbn- ditions which. resulted in uite pri mitive methods being employe d. Of recent years, however, much im proved methods have been j gradu ally adopted and it was this ten dency and the desire - to ; prom ote more rapid advancement and pros perity which inspired the organiza tion of the Western JNortn iJaroun a Fair association. 'y y -y,'' : Vhile a majority; of the stock holders of the association - are resi-! dehts.of Asheville, they are prim arily citizens of. Western North Carolina, identified with and inter ested in. the 7 development of the entire "section Their subscriptions Xo stock in the association were not ' ...... -- - - - ii 1 : i (, , - ,t cbhsidei'eM direct revenue would 13 produced V otldeyelbprn j of trds section' which sMp; coUectivel 1 ! umy.yy'-y Weaire this year-tnfsecine Jdv; a muchgreateentJ than-) hB&t rh-ssibie heretbfore thesiippor and-bratioli thjoubut Westeror ih making it ': whar:the iiarqfe ;j3. pUeif a western North rolh:fa:i -In attempting to do this, i we 'shall hot in' any! way conflictjwith or de J , tract from any county, f air,- butin- V stead shall seek to earnestiy p- i erate i with the several county fair associations with thehope of renbV 1 erlng service which will increas4 this success. Whh the -copera-. tion that the movement should t& : ... . - ceive each county which under- . takes to hold a fair would -meet , with unprecedented, success; the . tit T - : y- 1 T-1 . 1 J western iNortn uarouna r air to oe held in Asheville would be of pfpr portions and splendor which woulo, appeal to the pride of every West ern North Carolina and the exhibits', could be sent to the state fair- at Raleigh which would receive recog nition of incalculable benefit. Western North Carolina has numer ous products which cannot be ex-. celled, and by placing them in com- , petition with the world - we may feel assured of favorable compari-.v son, and the publicity attached tb such exhibition when done - in : ; ntip intelligent manner would attract- many desirable investors and stoiu-iv 1 latea eaterfdegzeeBirr ment and prjbsprit ;- , With the object we have in yievfp we feel entitled to,"and confidently rely on receiving, the earnest co-opK eration of the public spirited citiz- -. ens of every mmunity : in west- , ern North Carolina. Mr. Harris is enabled to Woice these sentiments in full faith; ' The history of that magnificent devel opment, the Greater Western North Carolina association, -shows the possibilities of securing unijty of action in this section, and the results which follows such 'action. As a greater western North Caro- lina is being surely credited by mtr ited; organized action in telling the world of our advantages and beau-- , ties, so its dev Io ment will ; be en-; hanced by competitive exhibits- of the products of all the fields arut -orchards, gardens, mines, forests shops, artisans and schools. Gaz? ette News. y Clyde1 Mendowsf cmTFtJqme from Sylva Saturday - night:" and spenty Sunday with home folks.v : Clyde isi -now chief clerk ' in the Sylva railk way of the ; Southern and says he! likes his new position -; fine. : He is; a mighty nice young, man coad thoroughly deserving jdt: the posi- tion of trust he now occupies. He has a. splendid : knowledge of rail road affairs, and it 'would not sur-" prise his many friends ; down this-,1 way. to soon hear of his further pro motion to the Asheville office. Bryson Qty Times. . . - - There never was , a time when : people appreciated the real I merits of Chamberlain's Cough ; Remedy mbre..than-nbw,;-;.Tto'; shown by the mcrease in sales and voluntary testimonials from persons who have been cured by it ; If ;you or youri children' are troubled with a cou or cold give it a trial and becomer aquainted with its gc qualities, Vnr Rnlft bv ALL DEALERS. 'yi& y-y yy y i 1 C- yvyy yy.$yi y.-y -.y yy .A ,..) - --r. ; " 1 ; iaw at Webster. y V HI HVIi S

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