. , vr. . f.i ..iv. -; t - . . 4 v u . - - I . -i r " m f - , ROAD WORK BEGINS. C- 7- Col. Wonders, United States Goy- einment Road Engineer, of Wash? Jinton, is in the ;cityf; and accom ' panied by the road-trustees of Syl- ya township, has careiuiiy gone over the roads from Sy lva to Cul- lowhee and from Sylva to the Scott's Creek township line. "He secured - samples of rock and other road ma- v s terial that is easily accessible and Jias sent them to the road depart ment to be analyzed in .order that -there may be no mistake made in rthe material to be used in the con- Struction of the first improve roads in Jackson county. It was the in tention of the road trustees to; be gin the surveying of the routes for these roads, Tuesday. However, on account ot the heavy rains it , was impossible to do so, but the survey ors will start their work this week .and the work will be done as rapid ly as possible. The law, providing for this work, as passed by the last General As sembly, also provides in section 2U, 'That the provisions in this act shall apply in all their force and effect to any township in Jackson county not especially named herein, upon petition signed by a majority of the qualified voters of such town ship, and the board of county com missioners of Jackson county shall upon receiving such petetion, ap point a board of road trustees tor Buch township aforesaid of not less than five members (not more than four shall be chosen from any jme political party) who shall organ ize and proceed to carry out the provisions of this act as is : pro vided for the townships named herein, Provided, that the bond is sue for any further townships com ing under the provisions of this act shall not exceed the sum of thirty thousand dollars." The section of good roads act gives any township jn the county the prerogative of petitioning the county commission ers, issuing township road bonds and constructing improved roads. What township will be the .first to take advantage of this opportunity and join the good roads movement that is sweeping over North Carolina? F We have Just Received a line of FL A S H L I G HT S Also Batteries for same. Have you bought our Shumate Razor that is guaranteed for life. This is no fake, if ithese razors don't give perfect satisfaction at any time in the future bring it back to me and get a new razor. Now is the time to get a good razor while you are protected. Don't fail to buy a Shumate Razor Strop, the best in the world W - ing in Everyth 1 heo. buch 0 TTTr T7 wise! H-H"1-!"I"1-1-1"I"I-!"1-11"I-M-M"1' ION'T be a pessimist: A pes- ' simist is never wise. He x - only sees the other fellow's advantage not his own. The average merchant is a pessimist about the parcel post He sees in it only an advantage to the mail order house. But if he would look a' little further he would see in it possibilities for his own development hitherto unsuspected. By means of it he can reach every customer within fifty miles of him more cheaply, more' quickly and more satisfactorily than any mail order house in a big city. He should hasten to make the buyers in this territory acquainted with this fact. Then he should back up bis advertised claims for his goods with abso lute fidelity. The sequel will be inevitable success. WATCH GROW. HIM ENTRY NO. 6040. State of North Carolina, Jackson County. I. L. B. Button, o. the County and State aforesaid, do hereby enter and claim 15 acres of land, more or less , on the waters of Dick's Branch and in the township of DiUsboro in the County and State aforesaid, adjoining the lands of Bard, Whitmire, Parris, myself and others ; BeninniDg on a black oak in my own line and runs with my line south to Parris' corner, then with parris' line to Jim Whitmire's.line, then with Whit mire's line to my own line, then with my own line back to the beginning and ranning so as to include all the vacant land in that vicinity. Entered March 17th, 1913. L. B. SUTTON (Ssal) Approved: John R. Jones, Ex-Officio Entry Taker Drugs and Druggists arian NOTICE OF : SAIE OF "PROPERTY. ; : V UNDER DEED OF TRUbT - State of North, Carolina, - v ': ..'' "." ' Jackson Voanty. -y - . v . :; (-' h by virtue oi the. power' of sale con tained in a Certain deed of.trust-execut-edby O. Danielsjahd the- Dillsboro Pharmacy to VV.jEnloe Trustee, to secure theindebtediiess therein describ h which said dfti fif trnst bears date of the sixth day ot ; .March. 1911, duly register ea iii book 57 page and is KQK 685 et seq. on f ne records ot jdeeds ol trust for jackBun County, default having . been made in the payment of the pnnci'iial and interest ot the notes secured by Baid deed of trust and 'the power of sale therein having become operative and application and demand having beeii made by the holder of said notes that Uie property debcribed in baia deed cf trult shall be sold lor the satislaction ol said maebteanebs, the nndei signed trus tee Will on T Aiouuay the second day oi June, iyia, at the nour ol 2 o'clocii t. M. ut the Dilisboro fiitiimacy in the town of lJilisOoro, county of Jackson aua stale oi.JNortn uaroima. oner lor sale to the.higuest bidaer lor cash tiie toilowing Qescribed property, viz . All ihe nni tiUc and mierebt oi the said U. tL. uuuwLs and Dillsboro .thar macy in tne aruga, druggists suu unes boda founiam, show cases and fixiuiea, goou, waits aud merchanaise ol all kmas now in tne drug store at Dillsboro, iN. C. Also all the right title ami interest of I he said id, Daniels and Diilbboro thai macy in an unbxpir ed leabe of the lower flour of the baia drug btore builaiug and of the ware house adjoining thereto and all other rig tils thereunuer as bet form aud lufiy described in a certain contract or lease maae between L. Z. Candler and U. Jti. camels on the sixth day ol March 1916. All the above described property being the property detcribed in the said deed ot trust of tne sixth day of Marcn 1912 to wnich reference is hereby made for further particulars. This tne first day of May i918. S. W . ENDUE, Trustee. BEST MEDICINES FOR COLDS. 0 When a druggist recommends remedy for colds, throat and lung troubles, you can feel sure that he Jws what he is talking about C- Lower, Druggist, of Marion, Ohio: writes of Dr. King's New Discovery, "I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best throat and lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife of a severe bronchial .throat or lung cough . Keep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone in ther family to use It is a. home doctor. Price 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed by all druggists. Sundries. ' The ' readers of .-this ' papery will - be pleased to learn that there is at .least .on dreaded Usease that science has been able to cure In. all Its stasres, and that is Catarrh. ?. Hall's Catarrh Cure is t he - only positive cure now known to the i medical fraternity. Catarrh, beina constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ments Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally.' acUnr directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation : of .the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nftttirA in dolner its work. "The. proprietors i have so much- faith In its curative ppw- 'ers that they offer uneunarea uouars f0r any case that It falls, to cure. . Send for list or tesumowais. . - Address P. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c- ;r-' -.-; . .; T&ke Hall's Family Pills for constipation. , FOR THE WEAK AND NERVOUS Tired-out, weak and 'nervous men and women would feel ambitious, energetic, full of life and always have a good appetite, if they would do the sensible thing for health take Electric Bitters. Nothing bet ter for the stomach, liver' or kid neys. Thousands say they owe their lives to this wonderful home remedy. Mrs. 0. Rhinevault, of Vestal Center, N. Y., says: "I regard Electric Bitters as one of the great est of gifts. I can never forget what it has done lor me. bet a bottle yourself and see what a dif ference it will make in your health. Only 50c and $1.00. Recommend- by all druggists. Administratoi 's Notice Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Russell Suton, Sr., deceased, I hereby notify all persons having Jiavmg accounts against said estate to present them' to me on or before the 25th day of April 1914. Otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. . . . . J All persons indebted to said estate Will please call and settle their ac- COUntS at Once. M. Y. JARRETT, Adninistrator. . , Entry No. 604. State of North Carolina. . County of Jackson. I, S. Parkker, do hereby enter and ciaim zo acres ot lana. more or less, in Oaaada township to-wit: Beginning at a large stone in line of Grant No. 210 and runs With line of said No. 210 85 poles to Moore's line, thence with Moore's lme to an old Hooper erant. thence with said errant to 1in f grant No. 15675. thence with line of said grant No. 6775 E. 8 poles to the piace oi oeginning ana running so as to include all the vacant laud in that vicin ity. Entered April 10. 1913. S. M. Parker (Seal) Approved: John R. Jones, Ex Omcio Entry Taker. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Services at Sylva Baptist Church second and fourth' Sundays, at 11 a. m., and :3U p. m. J. M. Ben nett, pastor; Sunday school at 10 a. m., every Sunday; T. C. Bryson, superintendent Church Conference Thursday be fore the fourth Sunday in each month at 7:30 p. m. Union Prayer Seryice every Wed nesday night at the Methodist and Baptist churches alternately. 1 Entry No, 6039. State of Norh Carolina. Jackson Oonnty We, BiU Robinson, JE. L. W ilsonand - ' i lorn Wilson , do hereby enter and claim 10 acres of land more or less in Webster township, connty and state aforesaid, on the waters of Cane Creek, adjoining the lands of Bnchanan Burton Stiles and G. W. Shnler and ethers, and running with ihe lines of the above named parties so as to include all the vacant land in that vicinity. . ,v Entered on this the 22nd day of Feb ruary, 1913.- - r7 ' : . .r BILL ROBINSON (SealV E. L. WILSON (Seal) . '-'A TOM! WILSON (Heal) Approved: .:J;t.'f :: -S:.' : j John R; Jones,, v v ": . , JSx-offlcio" Entry Taker. J - CONSTIPATION CURED ; DrKing'ai :New Life Piiis relieveconstipation and get your els inhealthy condition again JohSupisc of Sanbury Pa., sayJ they arc '4he.best pills I ever used and I aL ise every one to use thenj them for constipation, indigestion and : liver . complaint" Will help you. Price 25a Recommended by all druggists. v: You will look a good while before you lind a better medicine tor coughs and colds than Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It not only gives relief it cures. Try it when you have a cough or cold, and you are certain to be. pleased with the prompt cure which it will effect f'or sale by ALL DEAlers. took Something New Just enstalled a. new mach in in my Repair Shop to repair " your old buggy, surrey or hack axles and.makethem run like new. Can do any kind of repair work on short notica at reason able prices. Horse shoeing a a specialty. J. S. Higdon, Sylva. SOU. RY. SCHEDULE East Bound Train. No. 20 Lv. Murpnyfc6:80 a. m. Ar. Syl va 10:43 a. m. Ar. Afiheville 1:55 p. m- 18BIXph a;, v" iSvlva 8.47 P. M. Ar. Asheville 6:55 p. WesttBound Train. No 17 Lv. Asheville 8;80 a. m. Ar. kSyl Ta .-1113 a. m. Ar. Murphy 10:65 p. mr No. 19 xv. AshviUe3:20p. m. Ar. Syk I va 6:11 d. m. Ar. Murohv 10:55 d. m. ... .V .-4--. -. - W.. Yi jjoksey. , , Local Passenger Agent, The Sylva Pressing Club Now in the rear under the Sylva Pharmacy. We are prepared to da r ' r rpressingana Clean. ing- 151 first class styles Men bring your suits to ns and have them made to look as NEW. Ladies, bring your coat suits and skirts and let us clean and press them. All work done at reason y able prices. The Sylva Pressing Club KIDNEY-FLUSH For Kidney & Bladder Diseases For Fewest Changes ot Cars, Best Schedules and the Very Lowest Rates to All Points in the NorthY South, East and West, Travel via . SOUTHERN -Rfl I JLWflY. Premier Carrier of tKe , South. 'For Further Id formation And Particulars Call On or Write J. H. WOOD, D. P. A., she vi lie N. C. FOR SALEf-Queen of the South Potato Slips. : Will deliver them at the.Postoffice at Sylva at 10 cw per hundred;' S. 'C. Allison, Barker's Creek, N, C 'is FOR SAUh-eral ood Milch Co.?:For iurthery information ap ply to the editor of this paper. 4si -

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