i.'. HEALTH AND HYGIENE. -Ai MORNING. TOOTH TALK." - - f ; The following is a very good let: rC;err6nteeti:;c4l v Good morning, Ifc I. C. ; Busy v inan. My f name j is Tooth C:?,A jToith, of the North Carolina ,; Tooth Company: My' object". in seeking this interview is vnot one of com plaining, but merely one of explana tion regarding,the feeling and con (iition of certain -members of our company who have been .working faithfully for you for a number of years. ' . ' . ';yrv : :'Tt seems that yoii are 'such a busy man that'ybu forget - entirely to show " proper attention !. to your teeth, those hard working : servants and companions of our daily lifa They serve you every day, and sometimes half the nijght, and so far have received nothing but neg lect - " ':' -"Now, you are a reasonable man and so I am sure you will realize the importance of showing some at tention to these necessary partners of your activity. Of course, you have thought about it frequently, ' and I truly believe your inattention "is not intentional; nevertheless, it is Harmful, and so I warn you unless you get busy soon and show your teeth some decent attention "your neglect will prove both costly and painful. ? "Yes, I knew you would admit the justice of my remarks, and I certainly am -pleased to have you jsay you will give these hard work- -ing members proper daily attention s , VT TtiAir Tin 1 1 ha ah a rr crvitTn itii iney win pe aoie to serve you much better, andr briefly, you will find it to your interest in every way. You certainly know they are wonderful little workers, and can do wonders for you, but when it comes to helping themselves they are helpless. Keep your word and do the needful, and I am sure, you will find them ever true and grate ful. ;'. 'Good morning, sir." A sprained ankle may as a rule be cured in from three to four days by applying Chamberlain's Lini ment and observing the directions with each bottle. For sale by all dealers. Ji F j Also Have you bought our Shumate Razor that. is guaranteed for life. This is no fake, if these razors don't give perfect satisfaction at any time in the future bring it back to" me and get a new razor. you are protected. Don't fail Shumate Razor Strop, the best in y mg m uyerytn BEST AX ATWE FOR THE AGED -OIdmen -;and :;wbmen feelthe, folks, but imustbe safe and harm less -'and one which wiUt noi' cause pain. especially good for tie; aged, for they act ; promptly . : ana easily. Price 25c.V Recommended by ALL DRUGGISTS. ' NOTICE OF, SALE OF PROPERTY UNDER DEED IN TRUST. State of North Carolina, - -Jackson County. V . Bv virtue of the power of sale contained .in a certain Deed in Trust executed by L. R. McMahan and wife, to C. ,C. Buchanan, as trustee, to secure the indebtedness therein described, which said ' deed in trust bears date of 27th day of March, 1913, and is duly recorded in Book "60" at page 242 in the Reg ister of Deed's office for Jackson County, and default having been made in the payment of the indebt- ness therein described, and the power of sale therein having be come operative and application having been made by the holder of the note covering said indebtedness that said property therein describ ed in said deed in trust be sold for the satisfaction of said indebted ness and all costs in connection therewith, the undersigned trustee will oh Wednesday the 2nd day of July. 1913, at 1 o.clock P. M. at the Court House door in the town of Webster sell to the highest" bidder for cash the following described nol Trnorf w Oltliotn lxrinrf on1 Ivsv . . . , x . mg in the couniy and state afore- said and in barkers Creek- town ship and adjoining the lands of T. C. Jones and others, and more particu- larly described as lollows. to-wit: Beginning on a double locust on the west bank of Lick Creek," one prong of Barkers Creek and runs west 20 poles to a dogwood on the top of the Raby ridge; thence Sr 40 w. 17 poles to a small black oak- on top of said ridge; i hence S. 16 w. 22 poles to a black oak in 1. C. Jones line in a Small gap Of said ridge; 1 tnence east Wltn saia line 0 poles to a stake in said line; thence N 57 w. 20 poles to the beginning, con taining 10 acres. The above being the property de scribed in said deed in Trust, .to which reference is hereby made for further particulars. This the 2nd day of June,i913. C. C. Buchanan. -I We have Just Received a S H L I G H ' Batteries for same. is the time to get a good Drug and Druggists atiatl, Broip. Position IN commerce. s In warfare.- it -Is usually, the man holding; theest strategic position that . wins. The only times when he. doesn't1 are when he falls to. note' the superior advantages of his location.'. ! .The parcel ppst once dreaded by the small mer-v chant aa 'giving an added advan-f tage to his big competitor, vthe mail order house, has really placed him in a superior strate-. gic position. He Is now the cen-1 ter of a district extending fifty' miles' In every direction wherein he can."" ship goods at a much lower postal rate and much more expeditiously than any one out ride that zone. . A leaf from the book of his an cient competitors, the mall order concerns, might aid him in reap ing the fruits of his advantage." People wiU not send half a thou sand miles -or more and wait. a fortnight for something that they can get as readily from the man nearer home, delivered al most overnight. LET THEM KNOW ABOUT IT. ENTRY NO. 6040. Stat? of North Carolina, Jackson County. T. L. B. Sutton, of the County and State aforesaid, do hereby enter, and claim 15 acres of land, more or less, on the waters of Dick's Branch and in the township of DiUsboro in the County aDd State aforesaid, adjoining tie lands of f-ard, Whitmire,ParriS, myself and others : Beninning oa a black Oak in my own line and runs with my line south to Parris' corner, then with Parris' line to Jim Whitmire's line, then with Whit- mire's line to my Qwn line, then with my own line back to the beginning and ranning so as to include all the vacant land in that vicinity. Entered March 17th, 1913. L. B. SUTTON (Ssal) Approved: John R. Jones, Ex-Officio Entry Taker line of y s razor while to buy a the world Sundries. J - . ULCERS AND S KIrl ; TROUBLES 4 If you are suffering with any bid running or fever sores, ulcers boils eczema or other skin troubles, . get and yoicWill relief ; promptly. Mrs. Bruce Jones;- or Birmingham; Ala-, suffered from:; an ugly C ulcer for nineTmonths and . Bucklen's Ar nica Salve cured her in two .weeks. ; Will help yoiL " Only 25(v Recon mended by ALL DRUGGISTS. : G UARANTEED ECZEMA REMEDY The constant itching, burning redness, rash and disagreeable ef- r fects of eczema, tetter, salt'" rheum itch, piles and irratating skin erup tions can be readily cured and the skin made clear and smooth with Drr Hobson's Eczema Ointment Mr. J: C. Eveland, of Bath, I11.J says: "I had eczema for twenty-five years and had tried- every thing. All failed. When I found Dr. Hob son's Eszema Ointment I found a i, ... cure." This ointment is the for- mufa of a physician and has been in use for years not an experi ment. That is why we can guaran tee it All druggists, or by mail. Price 50c. Pfeilfer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. Administratoi's Noiice Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Russell Suton) Sr., deceased, I hereby notify all persons naving having accounts against on or before the 25th day of, April uinerwise tms notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted tp said estate will please call and settle their ac counts at once. M. Y. JARRETT, Administrator! Entry No. 604. , State of North Carolina. County of Jackson. 1, tS. Parkker, do hereby euter and claim 25 acres of land, more or less, in Uauada township' to-Wlt: Beginning at a large stone in line of Grant No. 210 and runs with line of aid No. 210 85 poles to Moore's line, thence With Moore's line to an old HooDer & grant, thence with said grant to line of grant No. 15675. thence with line of place of beginning and running so as to include all the vacant laud in that vicin ity. Entered April 10, 1913. S. M, Parker (-Seal) Approved: John R. Jones, Ex Officio Entry Taker. ' CHURCH DIRECTORY. Services at Sylva Baptist Church second and fourth Sundays, at 11 a. rh., and 7:30 p. m. J. M. Ben nett, pastor; Sunday school-at 10 a. m.f every Sunday; T. C. "Bryson, superintendent Church Conference Thursday be fore the fourth- Sunday in eact month at 7:30, p. m. Union Prayer Seryice every Wedr hesday night at the Methodist and - Baptist churches alternately. ; Entry No, 6039. State of Norh, Carolina. Jackson County We,. Bill Robinson, E, JL, Wilsonand Tom Wilsoq , do hereby enter and claim 10 acres of land more or less in Webster township, county and state aforesaid, on the waters of Cane Creek, adjoining the lands of Buchanan Burton Stiles and Q. W. Sh'ujer andthers, and running with the lints of the above named , parties so as to include all the vacant land in that vicinity.'; . (.';. ." ; ; r Entered on this the-2cf dayof Febi ruary, 1913.r -1 ; .' ' " v :?s'r : .; , . .' BILL EOBINSON (Seal) ; . : E ."LV WILSON Seal) ' V ; TOM WlLSON;-(Beal)-.-. Approved: y:.;. ,. i.M Ex-officio Entry Taker.- 1 pi W Sl&O Reward, $100 readers of . this paper thm pleased to leara that there is at S dreaded - disease that science yt SQ9 able to cure Inr-all its- stages i and ;Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure i? iv,lhat posiUve cure now-known to thP fraternity. Catarrh being a constiKt?11 'disease, requires a constitutional tln!1 ment. ' Hall's Catarrh Cure is t4 ji ternally,- acUng directly upon the win; and mucous surfaces of the system tE by-destroying the foundation of thl ease, and giving the patient streneth i? building up the consUtution and aSS7, ; nature -In doing Its work. The proDrifi? have so much faith in its curative S?3 ers that they offer One Hundred DniiV; for any case that It fails to cure 41 for list 'of testimonials. ben4 V Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo r,f - Sold by all Drugststs, 75c. wo,oWof , Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. '' Having qualified as adminstrator of the estate of Joseph H. Moody deceased I hereby notify all persons haying accounts against said estate to present them to me on or before May 14, 1914. Otherwise this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery. ' All persons indebted to said estate will please call and set- JUe tneir accounts at once. S. C. Allison, Administrator. Look Something New Justlenstalled anew mach- in in my Repair Shop Unrepair jour old buggy, surrey orhack .axles andjmake.them run like new. Can do any kind of repair work on short notidaat reason able prices. Horse shoeing a a specialty. I J. J S. Hlffdon, SvlVS- SOU. RY. SCHEDULE East Bound Train. No. 20 Lv. Mnrpny,6:30a: m. Ar. Syl va 10:43 a. m. Ar. Asheville '1 :55 p. No. 18 IvV. Murphy 11:30 a. m. Arrive' Svlva 3.47 P. M. Ar;AbhevUle,6:55 p. m. West. Bound Train. ' ll ' ' No 17 Lv. Asheville 8;30 a. m. Ar. Syl va 11-13 a. m. Ar. Murphy 10:55 p. in. No. 19 lv. Ash ville 3:20 p. m. Ar. Syl va,6;ll p. m. Ar. Murphy 10.55 p. in, W . V. Doksey. Local Passenger Agent. Now in the" rear under ' . the Sylva Pharmacy. We are prepared ;io dcr yovirpressingand clearw ing iii -first -class v styles Men bring: your suits to us and have them made to look as NEW. Ladles, bring your coat suits and skirts and let us clean and press them. ' All work done at reason v able prices. THe Sylva Pressing Club KIDNEY-FLUSH For Kidney & Bladder Diseases For Fewest Changes oi Cars, Best Schedules and the Very Lowest Rates to All Points in the North, South, Bast and West; Travel via . S a i) T R E R N ' Premier Carrier of the VV South. For Further Information And Particulars Call On or Write J. H. WOOD, D. P. A., J ? . , i shfeviile N. C. :v FOItSAIJSeveral -good Milch C6w For further iiuormation ap ply the editor ' of this papers May 151913; U " . J he Sylva Pressing Clufr