r - - . J' - . . ' ' ' r : . . . . -r ; . . - ,. - .-. . . , . .... : ' : . - I-. ..v.- v . ; v7 - : ..-. .- . . . . . , i . 'V . ... I .- ..' " - v ;?--,.'.'.....'....'.'..'- r A r .' '. "- t" .- -. v , .: , - r . :wi -,'t-,- - : " '-: T77? ' TFr S' NOTICE. To the citizens of Jackson County particularly jurors, litigants and witnesses: ; ; "V , This is to give you notice that . I have been advised by r his Honor Howard A. Foushee, Judge holding Courts in this'District, that he has been advised by his physicians that it will be unsafe to his health for him to undertake to hold the May term of Jackson Superior Court The. Court, therefore, by his order, is hereby continued, and all persons concerned will hereby take notice and need not attend as recognized or subpoenaed to do. : By order of his Honor, Howard A. Foushee, Judge, this the 12th xlay of May, ' vf - Mr D. Cowan. j Clerk Superior Courts ;v ' ENTRY NO 604 v Y -I Geo. R. McCall, do hereby enter nd claim 2 acres of land more or iess in Cashiers Township on the waters of Chattanooga River, v' ; ; Beginning on a stake on the - E. bank of the Walhalla. Turnpike road the conner of L. J. McGee and Geo. R. McCall, and ; running; wjth me lines T)f Dr. W. j. rlalsted K. K , Talberts and GeofR. McCalls land 63 as to include all the vacant land in that vicinityl - h ; l; Entered April 15.i913. Approved: . " George R. McCall, John R. Jones, - . -ExOfficio EntryTakef--T: :U Poor appetite is a sure sign of Auipaireu aigesuon. a. "iew aoses iwmt.;-;; j-,-,-...r::-.- - nf Chamberlain's Stomach andVLi- ver Tablets will strengthen your di- .Beta, y - spent .Saturday night with gestion and improve your appetite. -Mr: J. E.; Tritt and family on - their Thousands have been benefited by to BigRidge where the)Tvisit iaking these Tablets. Sold by. AH ed Mrs. Kitchin's mother, Mrs. Sara J)EALERS.: i -vl i r Hoop very sick. They A liarge ewv line i Suit Cases from 85c to S10.00 Trunks from .N. '.; .1 any kind of FARM tools We have a "complete line : . - ' ' , . : . - " ' - right price. Conie arid let us Sylva I - EAST Dear Editor Having been absent from,your valuable paper for some time I promise to continue writing afterwards. . . " - We have had several, rains that are considered worth thousands of dollars to our crops after a lon period of drouth. The farmers are now"busy plowing and hoeing corn. We all regret to hear of the 1111-! ness of Mr. Manuel Wike who is very low and is not expected to live manydays. He is well belov ed by all who know him, one of the best farmers in ' this : section. He has been a cripple everJsince he was a boy and is a good citizen. 1 Mr. Bob Moore took dinner with Mr. J. R-Tritt and family last Thursday Mrs. Hattie Bailey and children j who made their home here for sev eral months have moved back to Madison where they expect to run a -boarding 'house: Our loss is Madison's gain. Mr. Hixv Wike -arid Miss Avie Woodard took dinner " with Mr. JpoVWikft Snndnv wapV: . : Jack Wike Sunday w eek. - Mr. John Wike went to Sylva on feinyg.WedneSlay , Sftvfiral waanns full, nfvmini people from Cullowheewere - seen assingDthrougr burl town .on v a fishing trip. . - v : ; ; v - ; 1 Mr. John II Tritt - went to - Beta . . . . . , . .. . . , . aad Webster Tuesday, V v -K. t Jerry Mood y has returned - f roni A: : and ;MXCpll9gen Raleigh to spend the summer ' vacation . with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.V John H. LAPORTE of : TriinkJs Suit IGases and- Hand Bags to 1. , ( ma see is - . . We have them at t he right 1 pricel of Kitchen and House-hold Furniture at the ..... - ' ' . show you what we have. ' ' WILSON BROS. Props. returned home lastTuesday. Mr. Carl Tritt went to We.bster"last Sunday. N Rev. Profitt preached a-fine ser-. mon to a big audience here on trie 4th Sunday. . ; ; Mrs. Susie Wood, of Moses Creek, spent Wednesday with her brother Mr. Manuel Wike, who is very sick- Miss Fay Zachary, accompanied by her friend Mr. Burch Davis, of Webster visited relatives and friends here Sunday. Blue Eyes. GREEN'S CREEK Mr. and. Mrs. L. J.' Winchester are spending a few days with Mrs. Winchesters parents. Mrs. M Sutton was called to Franklin to Ihe bedside of Mrs. R1ia Estes-. Mr. R. H, Hall is at home from Balsam for a. while. Several of our people attended the "Bryson" Sale at Dillsboro. - Mrs. R. R. Estes left on the 2nd for Biitte, Montana where she will ,jm her husband and brother. Mr. Alonzo Bradley of 1 Butte, Montana. is expected ' to . arrive, - at home in a few days. ' ; " Mr. Tommy. Turpin and brother Alney of .Waynes ville were ; here Wednesday attending' the funeral ofjtheir nephew, son 6f rMr.; and Mrsl; W. FJTurpim ' i ; V ? i ; ; ; Mr. Otho N. Cagle went to Ashe ville to, attend the Graduating Ext erciseof the; Mission Hospital for Trained Nurses.1 His "cousin ' Cora Lee Cagle being one of the. Gradu ates. r; -';..' ' The : Mechanic T' tS FOR SALE-Queen of ie - South Iptatd Slips, WU deHyeri.thern'at the Postoffice at" Sylva at 10 rets per hundred.' v S. C Allison, V: ,CfM: Barker's Creeki N. C: : Haha Bags from 35c $10.00 wiiiei von liliil The farmers of Speedwell are looking forward to a bumper crop of every thing this season, excepj: the fruit crop which is almost a a ilure. . 1 ' ; ? The prospect for a good wheat crop is fine, and the people are working hard on the other ' crops, for they know thpy know that they know they must do their part if they reap an abundant harvest . Mr. and Mrs. C. K-Bennett "from Florida are visiting - relatives f and friends at Speeiiwell. 7; - V Miss Temie Qouse is visiting her fathers family for a few days. " v Wm. Farmer of Qualla made fly ing trip to Speedwell last week, ? R. J. Galloway of Glerivilie T was seen on our streets a few days ago. : Rev. J: M Bennett, of Sylva preached an excellent sermon at Speedwell Sunday afternoon. - - Born to xur. and Mrs. D. D. Wall a fine fidyyMrW' has 'two - boys now to help him run his saw milL V Best wishes for the Journal and its readers.7 : B-5T ! Notice is hereby given that app cation will be made to the Governor of bne,y Hayes Seay,- convicted Jot spring term, 1913, of ; the ; Super! ' : Court of VJackson imty,V being charged with- abandonment and as sault arid battery; and now serving a-sentence on me. Hay wood. Count P. - r 0, ? ' r;v; : a - sentence onthe . Hay w ood . County K 'There is no real need 'of anyone uemg . iruuuieu - wim constipation. 1 Chamberlains Tablets will cause an j agreea"ble movement of ; the : bowels without any, unpleasant effect Give them a trial; For sale by : all deal ers. TV. SPEEDWELL NOTICE vs. to gilO.OO r. : - EKASTOS. Miss Maxie Reed of : Quebec is visiting Miss Nettie Bumgarner this week.-'- k : - 'i:'--- -'v - Miss Nettie Bumgarner has re turned from Brevard, where she spent the winter teaching schooL Mr. D. E. Peek has returned from r Jefferson City; TennJ, where he at tended college during the winter. 1. Master Homer Stewart of - Bessie attended church at Erastus Sunday afternoon. - .v...; :.:':,,:'-rxny - Rev. F; 0. Drymari preached an interesting sermon at Erastus . Sun day afternoon. . .-'Ly. V'J; . 'j'uftf Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moody yisit-- ed Mrs. W: D, Childers Sunday., Mr. T. L. Jamison - of Gienyille, . was at Erastus Sunday. f : ; ; ; - - Mr. W. R. Stewart went to Ellijay Sunday. l 'f',:.r:': ;J4s: -' , Mr. Lawrence McGuire of Norfon spent Saturday, night at. the :,home of-.WR-HendersoiL v j; :q Mr. Emmet; Norton ', of Gienyille was at jErastus 1 Sunday. ; 1 ; 4 on imiif .nhi cough be careful to keep the; cough loose arid , expectoration - easy f by giving thamberlain's Cough; Remer dy. as may be required-; ThisTr em ': edy will also liquify the 'tough . mucu arid make it easier to"expec torate. r. It has : been used success- ' fupy.in many epidemics and is safe arid sure. -For sale by all dealers. ; iEach age. of our lives has its'joys - -Old people should be happy,' and they will beuif (amberlain's Tab-; lets are taken to strengthen the di-; Kgestiqn and keep the ; bowels . regu-; - lar.: . These tablets are mild rand y gentle in their actiori'and especially Z suitable for people ofiddle:Vafiei ' meed and older. For sale hy all dederi w, . - i s - t . " r, . T ' V