m if ! 1 -1 it v. . Hi ii5 s-. i ; 5 i -I - -if i : ! i -. ,-1" 'f ii if-:- 1 I US n f S4 RID. YOUR CHILDREN OF WORMS HBEST LAXATIVE FOR THE AGED Yoii'cad: bhan'ge 'ffelfuCHPtem- pered children into healthy; happy ; youngsters, by ridding them ot ;worms. S Tossing, jrblling, grinding of teethe crying out while asleep,' G accompanied with intense ' thrist, . pains in the stomach and : bowels, feverish and bad breathy are symp ; toms that indicate worms. Kicka-J- poo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, expels the worms, regulates the bowels, restores your children to health and happiness. Mrs. J. A. yBrisbin, of pgin, DL, says: "I have i jused Kickapoo Worm Killer for ' years, and entirely rid my children i" pf worms. I would nqt be without rt." Guaranteed. All druggists, or by mail. Price 25c. Kickapoo In dian Medicine Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. : ".. ' Chicago, June 28. After swelte ing throughout the night Chicago found itself confronted by another day of intense heat and suffering. The weather" forecaster declares no relief is in sight, piear skies and a hot breeze from the west added to the city'g discomfort. Charity organizations distributed tons of free ice in the tenement dis tricts today, every public bathing beach was crowded, and several hun dred thousand persons fled to sum mer resorts in Michigan and Wiscon sin. Ihe official temperature at 9 o'clock was 88 and numerous pros trations had been reported. THE KING OF ALL LAXATIVES For constipation, headache, indi gestion and dyspepsia, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul Mathulka, of BurTalo, N. Y., says they are the ''King of all laxatives. They are a blessing to all my family and I al ways keep a box at home." Get a box and get well. Price 25c. Rec ommended by all druggists. ; FOR CUTS, BURNS AND BRUISES In every home there should be a Old: men- and women1 feel the need of a laxative more than'f young folks, but it must be safe and harm less and one which will npl cause pain. 4 Dr. King's New Life Tills are especially good for the aged, for they act promptly and easily. Price 25c. Recommended by ALL DRUGGISTS. NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY UNDER DEED IN TRUST.: State of North Carolina, -Jackson County. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed in Trust executed by L. R. McMahan and wife, to C. C. Buchanan, as trustee, to secure the indebtedness herein described, which said deed n trust bears date of 27th day of March, 1913, and is duly recorded in Book "60" at page 242 in the Reg ister of Deed's office for Jackson County, and default having been made in the payment of the indebt ness therein described, and the power of sale therein having be come operative and application having been made by the holder of the note covering said indebtedness that said property therein describ ed in said deed in trust be sold for the satisfaction of said - indebted ness and all costs in connection therewith, the undersigned trustee will on Wednesday the 2nd day of July, 1913, at 1 o.clock P. M. at the Court House door in the town of Webster sell to the highest biddef for cash the fc following described real property situate, lying and be ing in the county and state afore said and in Barkers Creek town ship and adjoining the lands of T. C. Jones and others, and more particu larly described as loliows, to-wit: beginning on a double locust on the west bank of Lick Creek, one prong ol Barkers Creek and runs west 20 poles to. a dogwood on the top of the Raby ridge; thence S. 40 w. 17 poles to a small biack oak on top ol said ridge; thence S. 16 w. 22 poles to a blacK oak in T. C. Jones n it a 1 1 a r hi i ii r f iu's: h ay .'U-unLLa-uiiiLuiiijiiu.iJiiit . . - ..- i ' The Methodist and Babtist : Sun day School at Shoal Creek will have a joint celebration of Childrens Day ,on Sunday, July 13th. The exercises will be conducted in the auditorium of the Qualla Graded School building. The exercises will begin at ;Vien o'clock, A. M. There will-berinner on the ground for all. The public is cordially in vited to attend. COU TY -EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS The Public County Examination will be held beginning Thursday, July 10, 1913. At this time exami nations for the High School Certifi cate, the Five Year State Certfi cate and enterance to A. and M. College will also be given. Respectfully yours, David fi. Brown, Co. Supt. ULCERS AND SKIN TROUBLES If .you are suffering with any old running or fever sores, ulcers, boils eczema or other skin troubles, get a box .of BucKlen's Arnica Salve ana you will get relieipromptly. Mrs. Bruce Jones, of Birmiaiani, v UNSIGHTLY FACE SPOTS Are cured by D Hobspns Ecjzema Ointment, which-.heals all skin enip- ti6n&:'-No;"''matte you have been troubled by itching, ing. or scaly skin humor,; ; just'put a little of that antiseptic, " Dr. Hob son's Eczema Ointment, on the sores and the- suffering stops , instantly i Healing begins that , very minute. Doctors use it in their practice and recomrtiend it. ;.x Mr. Alieman, h of IittietdwniTal,'aysf; 'Had;eczenia on forehead; Dt HobsonV Eczema Ointment cured it in two weeks." Guaranteed to relieve or money -refunded. All druggists, or by mail." Price 50c Pfeiffer -Chemical Co.,' Philadelphia and St. Louis. Entry No-6043. State of faorth Carolina, Jackson County, I. J. Fred Zachary of the Couijty and State aforesaid do hereby, en ter and claim "640 acres of land more or less on the waters of the Tuckaseigee River, Canada Town ships, in the County and State, aforesaid, adjoining the lands of Geo. H. Smathers, or the John T Fosters enteries and- others begin ning on a stake near the foot of the Rich Mountain and in the vicinity of ihe Rocky Hollow, and corner Ala., suffered from an ugly ulcer for nine months and Buckiens A,!' a 640 acre trac enteml b John . , . 1 1. roster, ana runs tnence 4u nast nica saive curea ner in iwo weeKS. Will help you. Only 25c. Recom mended by ALL DRUGGISTS. box of BneklenV Arnica SaIvp 6 P UA oaiu uue' dox oi miuuen s Arnica balve, tnence east witn saiQ Iine 58 poles ready to apply m every case of ! t0 a stake in said line; ; thence N 57 burns, cuts, wounds or scalds. J. H. ; w. 20 poles to the beginning, con- Polanco, Dell vale, Tex., Route No. 2. i taming 10 acres, writes: "Bucklen's Arnica Salve saved my little girl's cut foot. No one believed it could be cured." The world's best salve. Only 25c. Rec commended by all druggists. The above being the property de scribed in said deed in Trust, to which reference is hereby made for further particulars. This the 2nd day of June, 1913. , C. C. Buchanan. ENTRY NO. 6040. State of North Carolina, Jackson County. I. L. B. Sutton of the Connty and State . aforesaid, do hereby enter and claim 15 acres of land, more or less, on the waters of Dick's Branch and in the township of Dillsboro in the Connty and State aforesaid, adjoining the lands of .-ard, Whitm.ire, Parris, myself tfnd others ; v ... Beninning on a black oak in my own line and rnns with my line south to Parris' corner, then with Parris line to Jim Whitmire's line, then with Whit mire's line to my own line, thea w ith my own line back to the beginning and ranning so as to include all the vacant land in that vicinity. Entered March 17th, 1913, L. B. .SUTTON (Ssal) Approved: John R. Jones. Ex-Omcio Entry Taker with said Foster line about 340 poles to a stake corner of another John T. Foster tract, thence South 50 East with another Foster tract about 3b0 poles to a hickory, cor ner of still another Foster tract, thence South 40 West with the Fos ter line 340 poles to a B. Oak, cor ner' of two roster Entries, thence North 50 West with Foster line 360 toles to the Beginning, and running so as to include ail the vacant land in that vicinity. Entered June 13th 1913. J. Fred Zachary. (Seal) Approved John K. Jones, ix-oiiicio Entry Taker for Jackson County, N: C. Administrate! 's Notice, Catarrh i rt Crinri vr : C3 .mercury? vrU -fcurclr .t-. rcry -V7hcle'. system when enterinr of, smell and .ccmnlptoiv X ll-e sense when pt Vi 'ZU rc tno never be uscd except on ?-uli ;.frcm rcpufciblo physitians, as the dPi,10"3 they Trill do is ten fold to v Q r-r-'P .can . possibly derive from th-m U?T::,U Catarrn - Cure, , rjnufactrred' r ":3 Cheney & Co.. Tcledo. O., co-'o,-J. merct:ry, and is tiken iitri-1!-- ' .r-'1 directly npon tho blood and 'r-'-V-' '' faces of. tho system. In i;Cuc",7 Catzrrlr Cure bo niire yr.u s lie. Tt fT-.tal-o fntorni'" '-'.i "V" -TGred? Ohi.-ty P. J. Cheney "i cf',;. 1 Inner. free. -T-tc EuiU'o ra-'Ay Fills frr cr- -v ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Haying qualified as adminstrator of the estate of Joseph H. Moody deceased I hereby notify all persons having accounts against said estate to present them to me on or before May 14, 1914. Otherwise this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please call and set tle their accounts at once. S. C. Allison, Administrator. Look Something New Just enstalled a new mach in in my.Repair Shoptojepair your oldtbuggy, surrey or.hack axlesand4make-them run like new, Can do any kind of repair work on short notica at reason able prices. Horse shoeinga a specialty. J. . Higdon, Sylu SOU. RVJEHEDULE East Bound Train. No. 20 Lv Murpiiy,0:30 a. m. Ar. Svi va 10:43 a. in. Ar. vAsi.fviiift i -r No. 1 IvV. JMurphv 11:0 a. m . A rriv rfvlva-3.-i7 P. M. Ar. As,heviiif v a -S'J , ii. West. Bound Train. No 17 Lv. Ashevilie 8;30.a. m. Ar. fcvi- va 11-13 a. m. Ar. Murohv 10 -.",5 n m . Havingqualified as administrator To- i'J JUv. Ashviiie 3:o p. m. Ar. tyi- F We have Just Recoiveda line of LASH L1G HT.S Also "Batteries for same. Have you bought our Shumate Razor that is guaranteed for life. This is no fake, if these razors don't give perfect satisfaction at any time in the future bring it back to me and get a new razor. Now is the time to get a good razor 'while you are protected. Don't fail to buy a Shumate Razor Strop, the best in the world iing in Drugs and Druggists Sundries. of the estate of Russell Suton, Sr., deceased, I hereby notify all persons having having accounts " against said estate to present them to me on or oeiore the 25th day of April 1914. Utnerwise this notice will be plead in bar of their Tecovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please call and settle their ac counts at once. M. Y. JARRETT, Administrator. ro H 1 1 .-x A Tl : i i r. m. ai. itturpny iu: go p. ra. . W.V.DoKSEr. Local Passenger Agent. 1 he Sylva Pressing Club Now in the rear under the, Sylva Pharmacy. We are prepared to da yourpressingand clean ing in first cLass style- Men bring your suits to us and have them made to look j as NEW. Everytl ! Saliva PEn l heo. Biich Prop. atiati, Entry No. 604. Slate of North Carolina. v County oi Jackson. 1, '. Parltker, do hereby enter and ciaim zo acrts oi iana. more or less, in (Jauada township' to-Wit: Beginning at a large stone in ljne of Grant No. '4,10 and runs "svith line of said No. 210 bo poles to Moore's line, thence with Moore's line to an old Hooper grant, thence with said grant to line of grant No. 15675. thence with line of said graut No. 6776 - B. 8 poles ! to the The Sylva Pressing Club Dlace oi beinnirlp- and rnrmino- Ca oc fA t v X O O wvr c0 VKJ include all the vacant land in that vicin ity. Entered April 10, 1913. . v. - S. M. Parker (Seal) :, Approved: John R. Jones, Ex Officio Entry Taker. 4-adies, bring your coat suits and skirts and let us clean and press -them. All work done at reason able prices. KIDNEY-FLUSH For Kidney & Bladder Diseases CHURCH DIRECTORS Services at Sylva Baptist' Church second and fourth , Sundays, at 11 a, m., and 70 p. , m. J. M. Ben nett, pastor; Sunday . school at 110 a. m.t every Sunday; T. OV Bryson, superintendent . . . , . v Church Conference Thursday be fore the fourth Sunday in each: month at 70 p. m. .. . . . Union ftyer Service every Wed nesday night atthe Methodist .and Baptist churches alternately; ; ; ' - For Fewest Changes ot Cars, 4Best Schedules and the Very Lowest Rates to All Points in the North, .South, East and Vest, Travel via ; . SOUTHERN Hjm I LWflY. Premier Carrier of the - f South. . V For Further Information And ParticjiJars Call On or Write J. H. WOOD, D. P. A.,- "-. V I ' Ashevilie N: C. i ' ' ' - V. " . - - - ' v. - O

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