. - . :. . . - . .: . . v -''i';,'';!'.'::: :?:,3; J v - c - ' .i.ft .ft-y ft li - ' . .;- - v ft :-:f ! ! fi,V ft: '', " " . '"-W V - WfsS-hftft J ftfcftftftiftft l jftft , Tit. . - : r 'I lj ft ft it;'-. I . -Mi 'I J 1:1 ft iv lift n ? f f: f 1-9 w 1 ' ' . ' ,V": ; mm i : i ; ' '. . p , il I ' .. ' f : ' - v'- 5 M-- 1' 'n A" State CchucationklI Training of ;Teacrsi for the 1 -'V 1 A. t In the heart of Jackson Co'unty.v an insiitution' dear to the hearts ql Jacksbii County people, eiducid and girls-r-Brings the Advantages of a first lass training school tp our door.: v. : :'''-r.. ' , rZ 'Zl Xetus un'iteJ our efforts to make it the GREATESTiSCHOOL IN WESTERN N; C. ; . Fall session opens August 19, 1913 f 71 ' . . - ' - . - . - . Ask for.Catalogue . O. S. DEAN, Secretary, A. C. REYNOLDS, Principal. CuUowhee,;N. C. V Jackson County Journal me codhtbt cborco. D A.N"- TOMPKINS: Editor PabUsned weekly by" JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL CO I PANT . flatd as sec ai class tuiil mitter a jPorto'fi:: at Sylra N. C. 1 All Checks, Money Orders etc. must be made pavable to the Jackson County Journal Comoany. Correspondents should get all copy in by Monday's mail to insure insertion DTOUlDtly. V-dvertisinfi: rates furnished on appli cation. Snbscripti t.oo per year, in Advance. FRIDAY JULY 4. 1913 'A dry June for a good cora The Progressive Farmer which stands pre-eminently -for the up lift .of the people of the country dis- ixxuuj ui lonn uaronna, is wise vto - empnasize tne importance of the country church as a factor inltjbe development and enrichment rof country Ufe. The religious ' senti ment is. after all, the most rower- ful sentiment amonr men. Po litical excitement is occasionally uppermost in the public mind, but it soon subsides, to be revived in the next campaign; but there is the steady and unfailing current in our religious lives, that, like the Hvm3 fountain, is noi times the current runs low and weak, but it is there, and only needs a- deeper channel to "increase its flow. And through the country cnurcn, properly organized and de- . Population 800. ft' ; S Second town on Murphy Dir. ? iio." Ky., . in volume ox . ireigai . ,000,000 feet of lumber ttandled" 'i.;-.annuaiiy.' ' .. -'ft v- ft' K. ;- ft ftl,800,cars of freight -.handled Largest live stock shipping point Y. ln western N. C. -.7 . - Shipping point for -'mora than "half ; of Jackson County. '. -.Quarter million dollars of goods 1 , sold annually. . . "ft ; ' .. eft Oneor; the largest tanneries In PiatUngS mill and saw ' mill, v - : "Shlrt afid overaU factory. " ' Electric flights. v v Telephone system. , , ft -; Marble Works. ; .- - 1 ; - Wholesale grocery. ' . ;Whee;mUllnery. TwA livery stables. - , ' Hardware st6re. Five' general stores, ft, Twtf drug stores. Meat" market ft "- ' Two blacksmith and wago shops. Strong bank. Newspaper and printing office. Commercial hotel. .Conegjate institute with three dormitories. 13.000 graded school building. Methodist. Baptist and Episco pal churches. Jeweler s: Dental office. Harness shop. . Barber shop. Orchard 0f 10.000 fruit trees. ' Snipper of fancy fruits. Masonic. L O. O. F., and K. of P. lodges. Lowest' municipal tax rate In North Carolina Seat of Jackson County fair. Water supplied by springs In Kings Mountain. V-:. .4 ;?.ft V 'l :; r-v.i. 'rwc- vX;' ' 'i.' r ft 'ft ft- : vv iiuic5)aiu, J-VJiiiiX3er ftVI ft,B:ft - i ft,iftftft,:ft-:-v:V'r' ft ftVvft ': '.ft;? ' :v . ft ;' V .'' 'Z - ' .1 t.-i-'-v... , . . ft S tairWb o ds Bra clle ti aniJ i S to re FrOnt Sh ft; --. 3-; -ft''. r'l'-ft'AV-'.'ftCP-'' ' " i - . , --ftftft jw-- ft ... . - j 'Wo Do "-CrOD. June was Hist nrfht fnr rnrn j o w-'" - . ' f-Y.j uiauicu allU lie- and July has started in with! plenty veloped, there lies the greatest op- ui uiuiisimc auu ucai. , vvatcn out pituuny ior me upiiit of our coun for a bumper crop in Jackson coun- try districts. Any neighborhood -ty this season. ; , with enough-religious enthusiasrrf ru.1 1 iu uuuu a . nve tnousand dollar The railroads m their letter to church house is a good neighbor- iWu Sdy d wiiuie im 01 nooc; and any other! neighborhood things but have never given that employs a pastor for all his -one reason for the discrimination ( time at a salary of $1000 a year is gainst North Carolina in the estab-. bound to be a good neighborhood. link v-Wft Art 4- rv. Ui. I v lishment of freight rates. In a community like that, real es tate values go bounding forward, In a letter in the Gazette-News, farmers employ the best methods Jackson County JFAdt We Have Largest amount of uncut timber of any county in the state. Cuilcvhce f.t:o nrrmcJ sc!:col. Best school buildings of any county in western N. C. Great water power to be de veloped. Richest county in the state In mineral deposits, including kaolin, mica, nickel, copper and other minerals. Unexcelled fruit county. Rich . mountain soil, especially adapted to stock raising. Fine locations -Iter summer homes. i What We Want Furniture factories. Handle plants. Modern hotels for summer travel. Cotton-mill. Knitting plant ' ' And other manufacturing plants. j "or Information Address Secretary Board of Trade ALISO N fliMaritise Dillsboro, N. C. A. J. BILLS FIRE INSURANCE ftMr. Louis M. Bourne in speaking of -the proposition of establishing a Tate making port'at Wilmington or Southport makes the point that this is the very proposition that Col. S. ft A. Jones has been working on for jyears and asks why not join in with Col. Jones instead(jof attaining the same result by another route. Did you ever stop to think Mr. Merchant, Mr. Farmer, Mr. Producer and Mr. Consumer, how much the arbitrary unjust and ' inexcusable freight rates add to the cost of the necessaries of life and take away from your- income every year? You it works both ways against you. When you buy you pay extra for 'the high freight rate. When you ship anything the freight rate must come out or your profits! This is an excellent reason: for the high' ;cost of living. ; ft , BEST LAXATIVE FOR THE AGED - Old men and womea feel tie ; need of a laxative more than young ft folks, but it must be safe and harm less and one which will ; not cause f pain. Drl King's New life Fills are -especially good for the aged, foi ; they act prompUy . and easily. Price 25c Recommended by ALL i DRUGGISTS. - ; . " - , , social life becomps w,.vv uu.lt CI L I p tractive and children school. Those communities that are backward in education, in civic pride, in modern and profitable farming and with a low and mbral tone are invariably thnsp f .ww w vvui til UA1 ities where the old barn of a church stands wide open to the p-oats oS well as to the brethren! the weeds grow waste high about the door and tne preacher comes forty miles to preach one sermon a month Fine, strong, well equipped and wiae awaite country churches al ways mean an attractive and de lightful social life about it But fche preacher must live among "his oeople and preach to the oftener than once a month. Charity and v-nuaren. 3 Sylva, AGENT M r v - - -' - ? 'ft ft Silbscnpfion TO THE JOURNAL mm 0 0 UNSIGHTLY FACE SPOTS re cured by Dr. Hobsoh's 'Eczema umtment, which heals all skin erup dons. No mattfir ;hnw lnnd' vAii '- . ; JWU )ave been troubled by itching, btirn- " or scaiy sKin humors, just - put 1 little of that 'antiseptic, Dr. Hob- ons nczema Ointment; on the sores md theftsuffering t stops instantly ieaUng begins that very ft minute. ctors use it in their practice and ecommend it ft Mr. : Airman; of I s . " ! "-.oajro. xiau eczema :n t rjhead;; Drft HobsonV Eczema ft - y . . , -. ON SAVINGS AceOUNTS .. FOR SALE Queen of tht South 1 V aa: Ur" HobsonV Eczemi v Pr..?oi:-. ' - Tir?ii v. , ? Unit lent nirH ; the Postoflfice at ' Sylva at 1J eta ' 5nte?d t0 reUeve or ononey re- f rr hundoV ft axi Am : I V?: Ml druggists, or byft maiL ft ft.Barker!s Creek, N. C.: ' " ; p, a ; Weiffer Chemical Co uuu OU JJOUIS. ' ' . ..' , ; . ..:V-ft ft' . "AS I ft.; I ' " 1 . ' .-, '. ' ' '. ': ' 'ft. ' . ' ' .- " - . - . . .. . A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR ft EARNED -v- " : -: ft-;ft:;--.-ftvviv:''ft.- u i) . y. -'-- ' "v"- ft- "- ft ft -v - v-'ft. :-- ... -4--2.'. ft ; .'ft -'ftftft'-"V"ft-;ft; ft. t--,ft- v ft' -ft4-',;ft'ftv- C; X HARRIS, President 1VI. BtGiashier. ;i ' ' -:-vft ft'-'ft v. - -"-ft- -fth' ' vft Aft. i. i"ft--ftV V- ' ; : ....v;: w -;v-. -;.ft:;. ft ::ftr V'ft-ft --ft:- -;v-"ft i-.; - -'"ft. - 'w--ft "v -:'.' vrft--rN ftftft---ft:"ft:;V ftft''.,- -; ft;ft,. -ft'' Aft. V;. ft ft-ft---ft'. . vft v -.v-ft - ' '.-ft.-".., ftftftft'.ft-- ft;'.:;''ft--.-ftft' ----ft . ft'-'-ft' :-ft