' i. '. 5 v t : i - -v t. . i - r' --'"'; - i " .. ; J - '. ; A -- J - tlTV LOCALS 1118311111 IHIiiiatented " Mrs. Annie Tompkins returned Monday from Waynesyille where she has spent several days with' friends. v . '. H. R. Snyder was in the city "Tuesday from Dillsboro. Geo. Self was in the city Satur day from WebsteiC Sylva wi3 lighted with elestri :ity M)ai.ay nijht for tha;j first time in a weekl , Misses Beulah Stillwell and Grace Carpenter of Webster spfent Mon day with Mrs. J. J. Gray. Those who attend the concert to be given by the OrphinslfroTi Ox ford will be glad they did so. It warm the hBart.' broaien' the sym pathies, and enlarge the life to. see, hear and help these little ones. July 17th. Leon Moody and family of Char leston have bs9n sp3ading sdtis time with Mr. Moody's father at Tuckaseigee. Rev. J. W. Ketherson and family are the guest of relatives at Web-, ster. Graham and Robert Grindstaff of Andrews spent the Fourth in Sylva. Miss Arbutus Tallent has return ed from a visit to Asheville. 7 Grover Wilkes came home Sun day. J. Robt. Long spent the Fourth with his mother, Mrs. Sadie J. Long. Dr. Ed J. Bryson was in the city from Cullowhee Saturday. - Misses Mildred and Nellie McCoy of Asbeville are the guests - o Mrs. John A Parris. The concert by the children are bright, attractive and of U3ual ex cellence. They give pleasure to the people; are in the interest of a worthy cause and are worth more thanhe cost of admission. ' Sylva July I7tn. Theo. Buchanan spent the first of the week in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Moore re turned to Webster Saturday from Asheville, where they have been he guests of their daughter, Mrs. fcugene Bearden. Rev. W. 0. Davis of Sylva preach ed at Savannah Sunday. C. W. Allen spent Monday in Webster on business. TIT -v . w. u. Allen of Beta went to Waynesville the fourth.' Quite a crowd of Sylva folks at tended the big celebration at Whit- tier the Fourth. In the admission of children into the Oxford0rphanage.no discrimi nation is made in favor of Mason's children the need of the child is the only consideration. Its desire is to be instrumental in saving life and in the salvation of souls. C. ,C. Buchanan is attending court in Waynesville. N Thomas Moore returned to, his home in Webster Monday r from Asheville. Geo. W. Sutton was in the city Tuesday on business. .; N c M.' Buchanan attended the, meet ing of the county board of eduction -at Webster Monday. r B. H. Calhey Sr. went to Webster Mojiday. JThe children of the Oxford Or phanage Singing Clas illustrate the work that is being' done, and to liear them is the next beat thing to a visit to the Institution. Mrs. John A. Parris returned Sun day from a visit to friends in Ashe yjile. 7 ' . , J. B. Keener spent the weekd at Waynesville and Lake Junaluska The present. Pmcipal of Sylva CoUegiaterlnstitute i& v a entering .upon his third yjear Awork at 'Sylva, durihgAthi ' ' ? time a splendid Girls- Dpimitory has been fitted up, aUthc V buildings painted, lectric Iighti"put in all the buildings fand i on the grounds,- and neW furniture bought, the teaching force has been largely increased. The enrollmnf f or ' theyears :: 1 91 2-1 91 S .. lacked only two student the Enrollment for the years 1911-1912 rr Til ,:G f or Catalogue address, V 1V ' r J C INGRAM, Prin. ' "V .0 . Sylva, ft. The City. Market , I carry a line of fancy groceries and vegetables. Something good to eat the time. Fresh Bakers bread, and meats three times a week. FISH EVERY FRIDAY. t Bring your Chickens and Egs to me, I will pay you cash for them. X fl. 1i. EN'SLEY, Prop. If you wish to see something of the work that Oxforid Orphnarige is doing for orphan children, attend the concert on Thusday July 17th. C C. Cowan of Webster, was here the last of last week. The Misses Coplos who have been visiting Miss Betsy Barker, . left Monday for their home in Khoxville, Tenn. A. C. Bryson passed through the city Monday enroute for his home. Mrs. Sallie Brendle of Brasstown was the guest of Mrs. J. W. Keener last week. - If all will unke to make the visit of the children, and the concert they give, a success and blessing to our town as well as to the Insti tution, this happy result will cer tainly be accomplished., Lee Hooper of Speedwell was in the city on business Tuesday. Lewis J.Smith was in the city the first of the week. " David Lee Hooper was in Sylva Monday enroute to his home at Speedwell from Asheville where he has' been spending several days. Robert L Madison Jr. was in Sylva Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Morris spent Sunday at Balsam. . The Misses Cook's who have been the guests of Miss- Betsey Barker have returned to their home in Knoxville. Quite a number of our town people went to Whittier and Bryson City on the 4th. Harry Buchanan returned vfrom Canton Sunday. The purpose of this tour by the ch'ldren from Oxford Orphanage is i carry sunshine and gladness into the hearts of others, and also to en- aMe the Institution to-care - for about 100 children . that , it could not care for unlW some other means were provided. J r: Prof. Robt. L. Madison arrive I Sunday from Washington andspert the first of the week with his fami ly at Webster. T. C. Ledbetter was in Sylva Mon day enroute to Bryson City. Dr. W. H. Wakefield; of Charh tt will be in Sylva at Sylva Hotel t n Tuesday August 5th. one day only. His practice is limited to the medical and surgical treatment of diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fitting Glasses. FOR SALE Seven room cottage and four lots, located on the corner of Allen and Rose Sts, Apply to L. C. GRIBBLE, Sylva. N. C. The workas not been complet ed on the dam of the Dillsboro and Sylva Electrjc Company but is being done as rapidly as possible. In the mean time the dynamo is being operated with the engine of the Mason Lumber Company. Rev. W: 0. Davis went to Bal sam Monday.. Louis J. Henson was in the city from Beta Tuesday, ; Mrs. F. H. Leatherwood and Miss Ethel Leatherwood were in the city last week., - UNSIGHTLY FACE SPOTS Are cured byJDr. Hobsons Eczema Ointment, which heals all skin erup tions. No matter how long you' have been troubled by itching, burn- j ing, or scaly skin humors, just put a little of that antiseptic, Dr. Hob son's Eczema Ointment, on the sores andv the suffering stops instantly iealing begins that very minute. Doctors use it in their practice and recommend it Mr. Alleman, of Uttletown, Pa. says: "Had eczema o lorehead; Dr. Hobson's -Eczema Ci tment cured it in two we'eks." Gi aranteed to relieve or money re f..ided. All druggists, or by; mail. Piice 50c, Pfeiffer Chemical, Co., Philadelphia, and St, Louis. ,- : - Standard Since Roofs Dot on twcntv-i vean aero are ai. ctvd nw r. ..j hre . Bcrcr needed rebairs. .What is tKe result? WKv S Cttery c&et iKinetaanufacturer is trying tb mstate it. so be not deceived -oifor&ewords "CortritRr.Ui PaLOff-"iW B,, f 1 - - w- - ..... OTOTMV VU UiC corrccabKU 3 xti&put there for ydurtmtectttxi. Accept no substitute. t vr tjuicr.eni: Si, TLfl.ppl3r Co, nnnnongn The Simplest CREAM SEPARATOR Ever Built DE LAVAL EXCELS ALL OTHERS not only in thoroughi of separation, sanitary cleanliness. eas running and durability but as well- in its great simplicity. THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THE OPERATION, CLEANING adjustment or repair of a modem De Laval Cream Separator which requires expert knowledge or special tools. NOR ARE THERE ANY PARTS WHICH REQUIRE FREQUENT adjustment in order to maintain good rormrng or to conform to varying conditions in the eveiyday use of a cream separator. ennoniifiiiiiaiiiQsnfloyp!! Combinttlon French, furni.thed xrlth ech De Uvil machln. -"-' w -,tv i j. rccTTurrn n seni-j t. raking down of oilnf the D Lav;j,tili'&iia?lesr eream separator ever built. THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THE MACHINE THAT CANNOT be taken apart, removed or replaced by any one who can use a wrench or screw driver. In feet, the only tool which is needed In the use or the operation of a De Laval Cream Separator is tot combination wrench and screw driver illustrated above, which is furnished free with every machine. Drop in some day soon and let us show you an up-to-date De Laval. You can see for yourself that U is built to eive th best service, T. S. MORRISON & COMPANY ASHEVILLE nDDQnanaaaDDnQDDnnnQQDnnnannaQnnDD Bad Spells D. fcr I1 " I suffered, during girlhood, from womanly weakness," writes Mrs. Mollie Navy, of Walnut, N. C. "At last I was almost bed-ridden, and had to give up. We. had three & doctors. All the time, I was getting worse. I had bad spells, that lasted from 7 to 28 days. In one week, after I gave Cardui a trial, I could eat, sleep, and joke, as well as anybody. In 8 weeks, 1 was well. I had been an invalid for5 weary yearsJ Cardui relieved me, when everything else failed." The WomanTonic If you are weak and ailing, think what it would mean, to you, to recover as quickly as Airs. Navy did. For more than 50 years, this purely vegetable, tonic remedy, for women, has been used by thousands of weak and ailing sufferers. They found it of real value" in relieving their aches and pains. Why suiter longer ? remeay that nas relieved and helped so many, is ready, at the nearest drug store, for use; atonoe, by you. Try it, today. c W. to-'la&c' A?orr Dept. Owttanowft Medldnt Co.. Cbatttaonr. Tea . lor Special Instructions., and 64-pae book. Home Treatment lor Women.' cnt free. J Si r 1 AND HIDES HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR RAW FURS AND HIDES Wool on Commission. Wrltt for uric r - , w list mentioning this ad. JOHN WH!TEC0i 'SSS$. -.A V - Letter Hedslat $1:75 to 1.50 for 500 . -V-'''--'- ' " . -S Envelopesat the same price. " f. f ' -. -:' r t