f A ' - - i. S .. - ak a ttf SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMPTTt shpv aN ACT lu iVAAV - r , WAV hlv nf North Carolina do enant '.. . v ' narai asoi"" r . - - i lie v Compulsory Attendance AH Children Required to Attend School, Age 8 to 12 lerrn rour iYiouuis. a separate offense and shall subject saii person , to penal ties herein prescribed. : " ATTENDANCE OFFICERS, DUTIES, tOMPENSATION. UTC Section 5: The coIhty bo-of .education in each coun ty, shall appoint and remove at will anattandance officer for each township to enforce the provisions of this act who shall serve also as .taker of the school census, performing BOARD GIVEN POWER TO MAKE RULES AND REGULA TIONS TO SECQREATTENDANCE. Section 11. The board of education of each ' county shalF have power at their regular meeting held in July of each year, and therea ter at "any regular meeting, to jnake such rules and regulations as they may deem best to secure the- attendance of ah children between the ages of eight and' dian, or cliar 1. That from and alter the first day of July, all the duties heretofore required of the school committee' twelve years upon schools of the county, and such rules other persons in the State of North Carolina having fi t irii - -m a . m - u j ino Kim fired and tnirteen.everv nnrAnt .rtn'm. v.. i - u i . nnH rAdniatirkno nVi o. .'or.-kirod.Kir w, i thOUSaliti iii" ' feucu- aa iu uic v;cueus uiiuer secuou lour tuuuaauu one nunard "llou ujr mc uuuuiy oupcriuicuu- ti nf a child or children between thp ndc ,;P or cuut-1 va , t,;pive vears. snaii cause sucn cnua or cmirirpn tn el ihe local Public sc11001 in tne district town or city in tieB h! resides, countinuously for f ur months of the school ni('.Q A uA ,.h var. except as hereinafter provided. This rr ierD1, UIlipulsroy attenaance shall commence at the begin c, ,T.knrv neriod of the school term nppwet j f rht L UiiiF"- J r voc iy 1 1 1 ehth tjirtnuay ui autu xiivi vx uuuicu, auusuaii cover Pc i nari. .rl nf fnnr r.nnsep.nti sohnrkl ,niT)jl;Uiy .v.w jvaio UiClC f iiiis penua oi cumpmouiy uiLciiuauce ioreacn public tt -1 shaii commence at the beginning ot the school term fTj school unless otherwise oraertd'by the county board FSlir,ncii or, in case of towns or cities of two thiou- I nr more inhabitants, by the boaru oi trustees ox the' biic schools oi saia towns or cities. Continuous attend 3U 1 upon some otner public school or upon any private or Sen sciiooi taught uy competent teacners may be accept : . pu oi atunaante upon.the local public schools: Pro- Hed &ai 5a Peiluu UA wuuiiuuuo atucuuciuce upon sucn chcol snaii ue iui at icaot iuui iiiumus oi eacn year: or ears Jf said na brAvidetl lunner, uiai aiijrgpiivaL ui uumu ouiuui receiving! IW" ...-- -.1, . : insiructioii pupns uetweeii lug ages oi eigut ana twelve - shall Le rtquirta to Keep sucn records ot attendance ciiiiareii ana to render such reports of same as are .r rtuuiiea oi public schools. And attenaance un- i - r to reuati buch reports shau not be accepted in lieu of tendance upon the lucal public school of tne district, town wnieii Hie ciniQ bUan be entitle to attena: Pro- l ,..r:r.ifi nt rrmnmsr.rv atte.iinnnrf shull 1 in ..t- 1G6CI iiit- pV, 1 1U' X J " " -'V 111 lUlVC flaappiyuelvvcc 5 Ul "ft"1 auu liiiccu years in kcneii county. rArJlr'ilUJN&. Section 2. This act shall not apply in any .case in which tecniias physical or mental conauion, as attested by any dslly quannea physician beiore any court having jurisdic- lexpeaient; or in any case m wnich the chiia resides two id one-nuii nines or more by tne nearest traveiea route om the bcnouiiiouse; or in any case m which, because oi teme poeiiy Uie stiices 01 tucn chiia are necessary tor own buppon or tne bVypoiiui m paients', as aaebita"oy 4eafaQavit 01 saia paicutb ana oi sucn witnesses as ihe tenQcince uihcei may lequne; or in any case m which saia Irent, guaruian or oiner peisun having cnarge or control ol e chiia shall show ueioic any magistrate uy afliaavit of mseli ana oi bucn Wiuicsses as tne attanaance omcer may kuire, mat the emiu ib witnoui necessary books ana clotn- g tor attending scnooi, ana tnat he is unable to proviUe e necessary books ana clothes: luoviaea, that wnen books d clothes sriali have been proviaeu, imough charity or by ber means, the enna snail no longer oe exempt irom at- indance unaer this provision. ARENTS SHALL C a U bii. CHILDREN TO ATTEND SCHOOL Section 3. Every parent, guardian, or other person in ebtateoi Norm Carolina naving cnarge or control oi a A or crnldren between tne ages oi eignt aha elve years snaii cause saidchiia to attena pol as aioresaia: l-roviata, mat occasional absence Jem sucn attenaances uy sucn enna amounting to not ore tnan two unexctibeu absences in lour consecutive sis snail not be uinawiul: i-roviaea, lurtner, thai tne pennienaent, principal or leacner m cnarge oi any scriooi py excuse any crhia lor a temporary absence because oi pisual storm or oaa weatner, sickness or aeatn in -the lids ianniy , uniorseen or unavoiaauie acciaents, ana sticn enseana reason tnereior shall be fecoraea by saia super- endent, principal, or teacner m cnarge oi scnool ana re- to tne attanaance omcef as nereinaiter provided: viaed, iurther, tbat in case oi protractea Ulness oi any whose attendance is reauireu unaer tins act. or in cas& Quarrantine ot the home in whicn the child resiaes, upon ot the health omcer or upon satislactbry eviaence to 13 eflect, tne attenaance orhcer shaU excuse trom attend- ce SUch child until ne.is luiiy restorea to health or until P ulUfc ttiilill ei hv iww thar rift ShMll wnv niir rT orh.i X J AV IT VMM w mm w fc- V V W VA JsA.lJJ arrantme bas been raised. i t.NALi Y r OR VIOLATION OF LAW, tion 4. Any parent, guardian or other person violat- f Uie provisions oi tins act snail be guilty oi a inisdempmi- 311(1 upou conviction shall be liable to a nne oi not less iiwi niuic tuctu iwcuiy-iive uuuars ana upon or ltiusai to pa y sucn nne saia narent. euardian nr f iil Si i it ( i : tin fin wn-l rkrt m tiv rmar t i r S 1U1 Lfl iOUllVjil 11UL i- M LiAl.l.1.11 I I I I I 1 V I I M 1 V f x -r T eouixty jam hroviaea; tnat tiie nne ior .any hrst.ot- upon me payments of costs, be suspended and nnui tne same party is convictea ol a second L4e' novKieu, iurther, that alter the expiration of three 0IU tne service oi tne notice by the attendance officer every aay a parent, guardian, or other person shah C V ana unlawtuliy keep such cnild or children trom aim t0 remain out ot school, shall constitute and forty-eight of The Revisal of one thousand nine hun dred and five of North Carolina, and. as keeper of the at tendance records, for which service he shall be allowed three cents per child of school age each school year. It shall be his auty to take an annual census and to furnish each superintendent, principal or teacher in charge of school with an accurate school census of the district at the opening oi the school each year, and also to furnish a copy of the school census of each district to the county superintendent ot public instruction. The attenance officer shall serve written or printed, or partly written and partly printed notices upon every parent, guardian or other person violating the provisions of this act, and prompt com pliance on the part ol such parent, guaraian, or other person snaii be required. For serving such notice the attendance officer shall be allowed a lee of twenty-hve cents in case of conviction, same to be taxed in bill ot costs; and if any pa rent, guardian, or other person upon whom such notice is served laiis to comply with the law within thres days, then it shall be the auty oi said attendance officer to prosecute such person. Prosecution under this act shall be brought in tne name oi tne btate oi iNorth Carolina betore any jus tice oi tne peace, or police justice, or recorder of any county, town or township in wnicn the person prosecuted resides. Ihe attendance ohieer shall nave tne right to visit and enter any ornce or lactory or business house employing chiiuien, for the purpose oi eniorcing the provisions 01 this act, when aoubt exists as to the age 01 a ciiiiu, ne may require a prop erly attestea uirth certincate or amuavu stating such chilu's age; he snail keep an accurate recoru tn an notices served, an cases piosecuieu, and all other sei vices penormed, anu shall make an annual report oi same to the county board of education. In tne discretion oi uie county hoard of educa tion, the attendance officer may oe allo wed reasonable ad ditional compensation irom the county school lund lor sucn services as are required ot him under this act, compensa tion lor which is not specincaiiy provided tor herein: Pro vided, that in case tne county board 01 education snail ap poiut a scnooi coiiiiiiiueeinaii ui luwusiiip constaoie as attendance officer, the duties of such officer nerein prescrib ed are hereby declared to oe a part oi ms ciuues ex officio: Provided, iurther, that the scnool committee or Doard of trustees oi any scnooi in any town or city oi hve thousand or more mnauitants, operating its schools tinder special character, is nereoy authorized ana empowered, n in their judgment such action is wise, to appoint an attendance officer for the schools under tneir direction, hx his compen sation, ana pay tne same out oi tne special tax scnooi lunds of saia town or city, anu assign to nnn otner auties in ad dition to tnose eiiumeraieu aoove. TEACHERS MUST CO-OPERATE, PENALTY FOR NON- LUmPLiUNOrj. Section 6. It shall be the duty ol all principals and teach ers to co-operate witn tne attendance omceis in tne eniorce- ment or uns law. to tins ena it snaii be tne auty oi the principal or teacher m cnarge in every school, in wnich pu pils between the ages 01 eignt ana twelve years areinstruct ea. to keep an accurate recora oi tne atteaance or such pu pils; to renuer uurmg tne penoa oi compulsory attenaance oi eacnsncool term weeiay reports ot same to the attena ance officer ana the county supenntenaeut ol public instruc tion, showing all absences, excuseu anu unexcused, and, in the case 01 excused aosence, to state the reason lor wnich tne ppuil was excusea. Upon the wniiul or negligent lail ure 01 any principal ur teatner in charge ot any school to comply witn the provisions or tms section, the county super mtenaent snail ueauci irom ms or her salary lor tne current month the sum ol nve dollars oetore approving the voucher tnereior. ' LAW 10 BE GIVEN IDET POSSIBLE CIRCULATION. Section 7. It shall be the duty of the county board of education ol each county to cause this act to be published in iuil in some newspaper published in the county, if ' there is one, ana n tnere oe none, then in circular lorrn, and giv en tne widest possible circulation at least lour weeks prior to tne opening oi are schools lor the school year, beginning July hrst, one tnousana mne hunared and tnirteen, and an nually tnerear ter, n in tneir discretion it seems necessary. EXIbliNG LOCAL OR SPECIAL LAWS NOf AFFECTED uk KH.Fn.ALiiiiD til ini AUi. Section 8. This act shall not affect or in any part repeal any existing special or local laws requiring compulsory at tendance in any county or school, district: Provided, the provisions 01 tins act snail apply to lvntchel County. - APPLIES TO POLK COUNTY. Section 9. This bill shall apply to all children in Polk County between the ages 01 seven ana ni teen years. Section lu. Chapter eight nunared and ninety-four of the Public Local L.aws 01 one tnousana mne nundred and seven oi North Carolina, as amended oy chapter hve hun dred and twenty hve of tne PudUc laws 01 one uibusahd nine hundred and nine of North Carolina is hereby repealed. ent of public instruction, and posted at the courthouse door and at-the door of each public school house in the county, shall supercede any provision of this act in conflict there with Section 12. This act shall be in full force and effect fronr and after its ratification. In the General Ar sembly read three times and ratified this the 12th day of March 1913. 'MM There are, just outside the coroporate limits of Sylva, 7 acres of land for sale at a bar gain. The owner intends to leave the country and must sell at once. If you are interest ed just call at the Journal office and get futher information. B SIMWP A most excellent outfit of machinists tools can be bought CAEAP. All in good condition. Well -established trade, the good will goes with the shop and toojg, Call at the Johrnal office and recieve any information in re gard to either of these pieces of property. . J ' " '- -'- - .' i " - ' . . . ,: .:,',.-. - y- - -. t- K. ..- - -" - : i . . :.'.' v. '"-Y --. 1 a- 1 :t4 ' . 9 ! j 1 . si 1 1 , 1 1 i 1 1 M- i ) 1 . 1 r W ' i -I V V 1 is. . - Si V. 4 1 ft -V' V'- --- .., - " - f - -. - - i f - - j '7 V;- T -