ffn ;not .wm ne support or pinm& opinion through the exercise of politi cal Influence ; or in, any other way ex cept ;byHhe intelligent; andleff ectije performance: of its functions as a car ; iter and by its responsiveness to- fair criticism; Mr. Finlejr pointed out that ts position, can only be secure when' ha economic' conditions surrounding its oporation; and the importance of its , . , (unctions to development and. to the enlargement of opportunity are appre- ";I Tfiiated by the :; peoples of : the com- munty, and that this appreciation was ; ependeEt upon enlightened "?. citizen-? , .' fhip. Her spoke ot the moral Tespons ibility of the press iihfscpnnection . and of, is pcwer,uby presenting, fully " find fairly tlite ' economif; situation of C i 'the railways; and the interest of all of '... "."the people in their prosperity and effl ciency, ) to bring'y about v that ; mutual "good understanding which is v h&is .pensable.'to effective co-operation -y ; .-' As, in an economic sense,1: produc C ; ji0n is not complete , until goods are .put in apposition for consumption, Mr. yinley spoke of the railways as crea- y tors of value ; and as an indispensable. ;lart of the producing , equipment of ' yery community and of every farmer H and manufacturer in it and said-that . unjust " criticism directed '; against :H - .'farmers andx manufacturers would be : Just as logical as agains t . the railways j : vy-. Speaking - of the right of J the - rail- "Ways, just as oV any other business. . enterprise to present tljeir cause", fully '. , jind freely, before court, administra "." '., iive tribunals, legislatures, r and -': the r fear of public opinion,1 Mr. Finley said: '. ' . . -' -"Enlightened public opinion v in the United States" will not justify the yelegation of the railways to : the status of the Jew in-ntagland in the ' V Middle Ages, when, lasVwe read in V? Madoxe's History of the Exchequer; ' v 'Josce Quartebuch gave forty: marks ' i that his 'son Hekelin might -be dealt I with according to justice' ; and ' Jur- - . ; net . of Norwich" gave ; 1,800 marks. ; that he might reside In England with p the lying s gooa : win.' , "The railways are asking- for no .r; :. V v special favors. They ask only that . their importance in the development K of the country and' that the inter- est which each individual has in -. - ; their efficiency . shall ' be "frankly -; Y ; ' recognized.. They ask thai differ ; " "i - ences 'which may arise between them :" ' . : and individuals or communities .' shall De subject's - of full and free , ' confejencesto be adjusted in accord ; ' -nce with sound1)usiness principles, or that, failing, such - adjustment, they shall lba adjudicated " by' the , t viUUixtkia tuuauiuicu, uj tan. ' . Having outlined the condition which ;-7. be believed to be necessary to the 1 jjnostl-elfecUve co-operation-: between . -' i jtU - presi andCthe .railways . .for com i w jnunity development;" Mrr- Finley . ex pressed the opinion., that T4such ccop . ration was esesntial to the fullest de- lopmeht and prosperity of'any'com 3 Jpunity because intelligence and trans--.v' ortation w.ere fundamental factors in !jdevelopment,itbeing the; function of he press to '. disseminate the first and -" '. ICf. tiie railways to provide the second lle outlined the work -which the Vi ICkwthern iRailway Company" is doing ;-, to aid in the development of the ter- lory, iraversea ny us lines, express- - A. ' g the opinion that it could be said, ithout boastfulness, 16, be more cotn- prehensive than - similar - wrk being ' done by any -other railway organize - jion in theUnited States. -"He said; : . "in our work for. community - de velopment it Js oux policy to co-operate closely with Individuals and or ganizations. . That it may. have been inore effective P in . some . localities than in otherrhaf. eeen due largely to local conditions,1, iiicluding ithe de- ' cree of co-operation .that . we have . received. .We believe that f it: has pren particularly eaewve iuuobv ; em North Carolina where we have; ' participated -in tle prganization and activities of the Greate'f - Western North Carolina . Association, : .': the fingle purpose of which is the de- Telopmehl of;ihis; prt of the State. J We should: be very glad to partici pate in other territorial movements : cr ins a State-wide movement, of the iame kind, if carried on! directly un- der:' the auspices of , ;Uic; i3iate.or . . .... - - ' ' ' - i through.il" responsible; organization elmilar to that in. this region. -- in: all of the development work Oat -we are doing, we look ;upon the :newsnaiers of the Southeast as, bur - htlpful' allies. -VWiUr; verylfew ex .-r ccntions wekave ounartnem xeauy, At all times: to' rjxiblis information T1fttivp;.to our : -workVandto; ive I pace ' In their, columns . vu uxa. that we have sent them-from time to 'time which e, believed mighj be -vftnfl tf'thMr. readers. .They have very ; generously given space Vto' the MJHnn yf ur Tiews on subjects Relative to-thr upbuilding ofthe Coutheast- Many of the; newspapers farther- than, this -and v fcave commended :our -policies .edi- i Cgesting methods f t could be of .aid. m wm liTViL,tioi: bf matter, that -would to, 1 nt tter that would Vbe --Plication of. matter,.. w EiSl OF PB DECLARES v PRESIDENT FINIiEY TO N. EDITORS, r RAILVAYS-AND PRESS ALLIED , Mr. Finley, at Aslieville, Di8 cusses Mutual Interests of : Press " and Railway s and Their Aid in Community ' V-'. sheville; C::rJulv 24 At the meeting loftte .North Carolina Press-. Association - in Asheville to-day Pres ident Finley, 'of the Southern Railway Company, delivered an address A on "The Relations of the Press andthe Railways and the Value ' of their . Co-V Mr. Finley pointed out the natural. basis for co-operation between' the r press ana tne railways growing out , substantial isenti of their to - in community development and of the terests in 511115 SffiSS-'Sao buy prdperty at your own price as SSSS it ingoing to be sold to the ' highest fields, should : work -in close "co-opera- tor- communuy; neyeiopmenu ,ie t .recognized that, while the newspapers . nd the railways .were ,thus natural allies in . communitjr development, it Cu'ithe saifietoae ofvoice aBd,who have said; . , , . :. - -"Fair and just criticismis aproper function 'of "a free press, but criti . - sm. of jthe agencies which provide . ' the .tran?ninrtfl.tinn faHHtliaa nf - tha community should lake account of the economic conditions undfer which those.- agencies must- work O Tl ll ' - eJl Mil ft oJm1. 4t vnawAn : ' factor so 'essential to community ' development, to he heloful" and edu- cational rather than )eing along lines tenamg to create .unreason! - ing f. prejudice.. ; ' - v ""Bersonally, I am . a great reader of the; newspapers. . I, apprecata. at ; - itsfuil-value'the'work they are do ing and recognize in their e ditors; in anany -cases, the spokesmen of what is said' in the newspapers -rel-1 ative to" our policies. I always take t note of newspaper criticism on; mat-; ters that. It may be within our power to remedy ;and all' such matters are given attention so far as it may be practicabletoldo so'' ; t ' Referring .to; uie fact that a railway V ' . -r. . ; - V; ' ."f. v . ' ... N ... ) I v. ... , ., r ' .- v .- ,-.. v v- ' " "' - t II- .; l Also Ratteries for same. v i nave you Jf- - VI II IM H TH"-. I lrl - -?v.. . -.;-: '.:v Ik I Shumat e Razor Jr. -v : - , .. - "-. -'iv -. V-'vv. - . - .' v ' - V- ' ' -" ' . F : uvemmng in lirugs- WRg A SALE-AT 1 ".. iillRliiliiiiliis BeaiitiMlly Jbca (,; in illiiiliteiiil : irtf Ortixk atid-Silve and a Lot GIVEN AWAY FREE. - This iroDerty is " ;ii hp nnp nf thft rffeat'et; events ! a n(j it be a chance of a. life time f-" r, ." - ' : QXQQGIT V rion't fail to hear Penny, Bros. who speak at the same time saying the same tning- m lueuuuaiiy eers the rate of one a minute, come .emu Rememhei the date-place and hour CZnmtAnT A llfi Mt h SX, ' 2i 9) D. Ill featUrCiay AUgr l tU, at tJJ p. We turn Ileal -Estate into cash. Write, wire or COIXie' tpSeC .US. t y' , r i - nrmTimj n 1 1 1 1 1 1 .LiLVLi V. MUUU) Greehsborb, ' ' We have Just Received aline of oougiit our onuiuate IS gl II.HI .l.f-f , 1111 l vnaii LUC llll V rl -y. v Arv - 'V'vV'iT - y. AUGTiON ill North Carolina. The worlds Original Twin Auction- maSe the record of selling lots .at ucai wcui. The Worlds Original Twin N. C, 1 1 - - : :cV :,V'W-.:,-:-V:.,v.:..vv,ii-,..J H T at mwiiuaw v jluuucuU) inr Catarrh That Contain Mercmy as mercury win feurely destroy -the seni of smell and completely derange rhZ whole system when entering it throutrK the mucous surfaces. Such aj-tiolp pever. be- tised except v on t prescripUont they will do is ten fold to the fcOod you can possibly, derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure; manufactured by F J Cheney - & ' Co.. Toledo, - O., N contalng no mercury, and is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mueous sur faces of the system. -In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure" be sure-you . get the genu Ine. It:1s taken internally and made in Toledo. Ohio, by Pi. J. Cheney & Co. Tea tlmoijials-freei . . r S 'Sold;by sDruggists.: Price !Zo per bottle l- TaJte'Halls ramily EUlff for constitution. Norths Carolina, J ackson County. vEIKee, Geb.;WSutton, Lee HooprJrio.' 'B. Eiisiey,S.;W. Enloe, HIt iSniderC; A; Bird, H. R. Queen, and T. L.. Jatnison, special committe,appointed by the court house Act of 1913, ',- - :. C Buchanan ' To CL Buchanan, owner, Whereas,' ari act' ratified by the General Assembly of North Carolina on the 24th day of February, 1913, authorizing a vote of the citizens of the county on the-question of re movaTof the County-seat of Jack son County-from Webster to Sylva was duly carried at the election held on the 8th day of May, 1913, as under said Act provided; and ' Whereasyfiie committee named in section: three of said .ct met on the 17th dybf kal913, in the town of Sylva andx selected a site for the Court-house and Jail and made their report astfy ' statute pro vided to tfie Kegistef of Deeds on the 18th of Jin)e, 113; which site comprehends your JoC.in the town of 'Sylya-at the:West end of Main street, and which lot: is described as j the second tract ; in 'the report of said committee ;'to the Regis ter of Deeds and recorded on the Minute booksj)f-the Commissioners' of Jackson County; and Whereas, the - said - committee has,been unable to purchase the said iot-fronx ybii at fa' reasonably fair price in their judgment, and being of ppinibn that the price ask ed by you is too high, you will take notice that the; said Court House Committee named in .' section ) three of said AcJ will, on the 2nd; day of August, 19i3meet-t)nr said lot ta appraise the value of the same, and your! notified to be present in per sqn or by representative and to present A s ti c h - e v i dence as you ' may "choose to oiler as to the value of said lot,-1 and that on said date the ' said committee will fix arici appraise thelvalue of saick lot 'and .'maKe ;.thd;;Teport,'.to the , vB6ar4 of Commissioners of Jackson . CbimtymT as m said Act specially provided: 1 '--r"-". " By order of the Committee, ttu e lirst; day ot July,: 1913. , L - E.L.IcKEE, ' "iv -:.""" tJhairman - . GEO. W.' SUTTON,': becretary. V SOD. 1IY. SCHEDULE East Boatidfrrftin' -,v - mr Arrive mi V WestJBoundTrain ' : No ,17 .I.&yme'8;'mAr:iSyl vll'13 iv.mV:Ar MHrphy 10:65 p: mr 'Ko. l&XvvlAshvflle 3:20 p. m . Ar. ; Syl- va 6; 11 p: mvAr.Murpljy -10:55 p: mf vi " "V 'y'lpfi'jDostsBY. i 'vV: 'vrf "l "IjSasifiiiger Agent, vForFewest Changes ot Ca'rs, ; Best' Schedules and the Yery -t lowest Rate$"t.All;Ppints in : HheNorthVSoulhKast and WestJ Travel viaVvp '; ; S O U . jt5:E R N Prernier . Carrier of; tte ; For Further Tofdrmation And- Particulars Call On or Write J. H. WOO0 jfc&rh xi , :i r ' r" ' -iv shevi Ue NC, J- (Continued on Page-5)