3 We invite correspondence n Farm ArcMtectur l Plajis, Specifications i!q 3 pemohstrationvbrk; ;: ' M Ivdd Echnged : 7. 1 :;Expert Advisers : ; 5 vnt:fcd. gnc tr Ccr ic(titfrf ld"iti lLtir,n i dcj 'llm iu V eilni I'Kcith'H a IB CproliDa. vvute us tuituer ocm n mcrajs, lailrii g sud timber lrveglmeiits; No City Feal Estiate Handkv4 ,S References . Given WI EMMSIBS 31RO COMPANY K-C. ; ; ' . ... - . v-i I - ; ' ' - H Saddle! O K TVTVT T? Largest andbsst line of shown iriSylva. We have Sadies in'aU prices $3.03 to $2 3.0 0 in all We have a Ml l!rist)tard333Vat the best price3.' . -- -: if its Leather wj hi-is oiv wwlll mi it for yon. We haVi ttit: hittiS5oU at $1.03 par gal. f OUR REPAIR WDRX lDHfi ON SHORT NOJICt.' SYLYV II U fllso vva'handle psTy Baggie. "MP P' COOPER. & HENSQN Dillsborb, N C. You can't beat it for ... J.'IJ'R-NC E. iofany kind. We solicit yourv investigation: qf:he - reliability ; and saftey of all the Companies we represent r . ; Your for) coiirtebtii5' treat lnt, Wood's High-Grade Seeds. Grihison Clover - . ' . - Tho King of Soli Improvers, also makes splendid fall, winter and spring grazing, the earliest green feed, or a good hay crop. CRIMSON CLOVER will increase the productiveness of the, land more than twenty times as much as the same amount spent ki commercial fertilizers. Can be sown by itself or 'at thei last working of com, cotton or other cultiva ted crops. We are headquarters for Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Winter Vetch, and all farm Seeds, Write for prices and Descriptive FaltCatalog, giving information about all seeds for fall sowing. T. W. WOOD fif SONS, ; Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. v: ' 1912 and 1913.' " ... . -.. - .-..,. ... j.- V i School Year July 1 to June SO ) INSTRUCTIONS TO TREASURER. 1 ; Itimlze Property arid Poll' taxaff blank directs.; 1 Sheriffs; are'requlred by Sectiori 4158 ot Revisal ' of ;T1905 : togiy these to yonH$ '-J x : ris; ' ; 2: Be careful to report all local taxes which: you; handle : in'"-the 'formhls blank directs." -v r j'-&.-r S ? :Carefriily - itemize'ythei.' perises" in the proper placed ; ' " 4r-Uo not include the.- Sheriff'e com- .missions or alldwancesf or insolvents in y nr report. The Public School Fund it i 5. Your report is to in elude all moneys received and paid Out from July 1, 1912 , to June 30. 19l3,:whether you have been Treasurer all that time or not. , " i Thir report must be approved by the. County Board of Education ;on first Monday in 'Jul v and ''must-'bs sent to this ofiice vby' first Monday in 'An gust: See;'sectiOn 4134, 4l58vahd 4iC0 of the the School Law. " . 7. ; Pile acopy of this report for refer ence in making your next repprt. ' Send report jto this office in self addressed envelope. - , , ' Very respectfully, J, Y. JOYNER,1'' State Supt of Public Instruction. ; This report was examined and approv ed by the County Board of Education on the 7th day of July, 19i3 as required by Section 4160, revival or.1905 County Board of Eduaation, Jackson County. . , RECEIPTS AND SOURCES. T. Balance June 30, 1912, brought for ward .... ..- $ 398.04 If. Connty Funds for the Year: General State and County. Holdine Local Tax Klectinh , r 1 K.CKJ X Total for all other expft8- : J0.00-,t r Total Tx on Eaorr r Poll .-..Lflvied fpy all Pnnotes j.. 23 15 ,rATnonntnn Kachr Poll-De- "vC ?--Jf ' .voted V ScnooU :v V' "M.6Tf:. ;The loral srti.M tax'of .60v;-an'd.: 9k:ii-V : At Include in tne "above; i il Z vJ-A; ;Dn Local Tx Districts 4$; 10iS 3 fr"' V' By Boani of KdncatioD ' v ; v i'; : ; jThe foreeoihff is a true- statemftnt : of v ; .r th receipta,.and expenditnrea . ot ' the Xi V; s trw Treasurer of tha Conntv Boarrl bfVf -' Education of JacTcsop .oounry, Iforth - year endinir June-30. 191B. as required w . . Section 4158 of the 1 SWl Law h , N lV: - ' : v ; ; fi -.a'.MOSSv : v. j p "t.'tA-Zi J:Trtarurer,'t frAtfiyi Webster N.O. -Th Cotrn t y ; Snperintendftnt's report -' ,f 1 , ';Vy does not include the 750 00 loan or any ;V,'; 'I balance trom last' year and ?-vrill differ 1 1 . iq inac amount irrnn T.marfnon; nn rams ENnnRSF - V i IK DODSON'S LIVER TONE. S- : V . '- A rr is a auwiNTEFn harhifsvvece- JARIE BF.HF.nV TpAT.PEfilIUTF.S -. THE LIVER WITHOUT SmPPISO ' YOUR WORK OR PLAY. : ;. A ose of calomel may knock you completely out for a day some times two or tree days. podson'S ' Liver Tone relieves attacks of con stipation, biliousness and lazy liver headaches, and you stay on vouf feet. Sylva Pharmacy sells Dodson8 Liver Tone and guarantees it to give perfect satisfaction. If you buy a bottle' of Dodson's Liver Tone and do not find it the safest 12-Gauge ammeness Pump " Guns :iaojiTr vatt:r td gtc ir.'; can't freeze tip v..a ,rai.i,' sr.ov, cr -'; i:'-- : i..t a Iicll pt v.ood; permits a tboroucliiy yuR!cincal4i;-n vithcat s...... rixiij , it is tsosc'est brecch-ioaiin? ehotgun ever LtiJt. ... :t is Hxramcr'css bcu Meel' Lreeth .Unciac as r. C3 rut - i THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and . . . . V . Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North, Carolina. Five reg ular Coueses leading to degrees. Free tuition to Ihose who agree to become teachers in the , State. Fall Session begins September 17th, 1913. For catalogue and other information address. Julius I. Fouste, Pres. Greensboro, N. C CHURCH DIRECTORY. tmmer jection-M-. t lrral -(whicli.C0J.ls . $4.0 J txtra cn ctacr gcr Rlee do remm'e leaded cartridge quic' f-oi rr-gcz.e v.iu.oc: v.oi. ple Ext-act-Tak-vn Feature Trir--r ; V Hrma-r . I a. 77? jTZzs&fi Jrecri7Z3 2 Willow StraC 1 'Z Bend o starnpjs postaare for big catalog defrfWg Ko. 8S A. B, C, D, T ard Tfap Special and all ol..?r reneatir.ff rifles and ShOtetlllS. XJO 1C l- i 4 If you shopt Bor;k yowders, bullets, primers ammunition: how to measure fxpense in half and do more ard tx-tter coming. u"4,!W,v;nrtxJ New Haven To fcid three stamoa oostaae to The ilarlin Firearras. Co.. -42 Willow b... New ilayen. o - ,1....,. ,r,. rV,cc!d hive a copy of t.v 1C0 oa'-es-of useful intormation for hortc;. . t tt..s ... and : rffSi "ooU for all, -standard rifle, pistol.. a-.M shot-yn .owders accnrateiyr-f nows you WW..,-...-......- w-.T T"i- III r M T V I.I I s 1 . ...... ,M.IWWWW..::jmmM.m son CULLOWHEE:,Ki& ji" '-'.SCHOOL ' :". WcuLLOVttEE,N. P.;;;v - A STATE COEDUGATliDNAIi INSTITUTE. F0R.THE : . , TRAINING 0F TEACHERS. : ' V In the heart of iadteon CoamVUnt .todeto thehearrsnf. Jack- Couuty People.; edncating Jacks Coauty Boys ana Utm -r;agS .u far advantages of a first class graining v : ; - - - . fi . . . l rfiA VTST SOHOJIj- Liet lis unite pur enorrs io "i? , . v WESTERN lOBTH CAROIiINA,vV , , : v : - - " A$k fpjr ga,talogue ; a S. DgW&ary.r --AVC REYNOLDS,' Principal,. Services at Sylya Baptist Church second and fourth Sundays, at 11 a. mM and 7:30 p. m. J. M. Ben- n nett, pastor; Sunday school at 10 V a..mM every Sunday; T. C. Bryson, superintendent. : Church Conference Thursday be fore the fourth Sunday in each month at 7:30 p. m. v 1 Union Prayer Service every-Wed-nesday night at the Methodist and Baptist churches alternately. T E NORTH CAROLINA CQLLtG OF ARG1CULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS THE STATE 'rNDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Equfps men for successful lives in Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock Raising, Dairying, Poultry Work, Veterinary Medicine; in-Civil, Elec trical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Coftton ' . Manufa'turing. Four year courses. rwo ... and One year courses. 53 teachers; 669. students; 23 buildings Modern Equipments. : County Sup erihtendents hold 'entrance exami nations at', all County : seats July 10, Write for acrimT ! K B. Owen. Registrar; j l . - ; i r r West Raleigh, N. a PROGRAM FOR UNION MEETING most nleaaant and siirrassfiil livfir 1 1 i r . i- it ? A Poll Tax.-....... 2516 72 r -Ineuy yu ever . iook. mis siore Genpral Property Tax r20c) . 7076.98 lve V011 hack tne bU cents V0U Snpf.iai finnnfv PJi Tov fft, paiu ior u wimoui a quesuon. crrmoi ooa ro This guarantee that a trustworthy Special County Property Tax druggist IS glad to ive On DO' son 8 tr,Thnw - tvaojl Liver Tone is as safe and reliable Fines. Forfeitures' nd iw ' as the medicine, and that is saying a lot. uil.wl. . j 1 V7(JC7 itiJ From other sources, naming eachspnrce: County Bd. EducaVon , .750.00 Total County Fund for Year 13394. XB. HDo not include balance) HI. Local Taxes for Year '; Thp npvt TTninn fpptint will hrt Special Local Property Tax - v.' held with the East Fork Savannah (rural) i -7332.65 Baptist Church. Beginning on Fri- Special Local Poll Tax(rural) 47 45,1 day Aug. 29. 1913. lotai special LKcai raxes, bso io (i) introductory sermon by rJld IV. Funds from State- er A. C. Rrv.n at 1i oV.lock Fri- rom $125,000 appropriation . 705 05 day. From Second $1000.000.. -....1652 2a (2)12. M. adiourneds one hour I " J w For Libraries 35 00 for dinner. For Pubiic.High Schools. J, . .1000.00 I P. M. Do we Baptists contend Total unds from state. . . 5392.28 for the faith as we should! Open- V. Private Donations: ed bv J. M. Bennett. 2 P. M. Orai For Libraries. v 20 .00 nidation I For Public HighSchools. ... 335.87 Saturdav10 A. M. Devotional Total from Private Donations, 35o 87 1 0vorricp 10-0 A M WKnr Total Funds from all Sources 27770,47 should we as a demohation advocate It 1 1? ' T T T t TT T 1 . . . . . - . vinciuainiotais i. 11. m, x v , ana as Education. Opened by Thad U- v auuvc; KrVSOn. I expenditures? 1 1-A. M. Preachihg. I. Spent for TeaeWng and Supervision: i p. Devotional exercise. (Inlude no items for Public High M.30 p. M. Are We as Baptist Schools ; strictly temperate as we-should 'be? Connty Superintendent $ 681vC0 Opened by'K N DeitZ. White Teachers 15689.14 SUNDAY Colored Teachers ........ 532.21 10 OClock Devotional exercise. Total frr Teachers and Sn- . 10:30 Sunday Lecture by Rev. Law- periutendent ... . 16902.35 kence H. Crawford. 11 Ai M. IT. Spent for Buildings and Supplies. . Preaching. After preaching collect-; (Include nc items for Public Schools) ion for County . Missions. A. C f i tJ: 'r; -f' Hopses, Re) airs and Sites (white) . . . '. . Furniture Blackboards, - Desks, etc. . . v. Fuel - Supplies Stoves, Brooms, .Buckets Libraries ........ Installments on Loan Fund Totnl for Building' and Sup plies . . ......... . . .V: III. Admiutstratioi i r 1 1 1 TT . n 1. T T " (If.tnn Vjueeu, yv. r. vajua., o. uncu, 72o;so Committee. - ? PAtitlnmwl ftnm node 9 450 84 vAJuuuubu iwui. jubv.M 320.75 ing space In the dajly and weekly pftd pers to inrormatlon as to tne- Deii 75 42 farm methods.' He suggested that eac! 68 001 newspaper should be a booster for th4 i .A - rnnftrt Southeast as a.wnoie ana ior us owb particular community, not exaggerate inir tvai-ctatincr fdirantae'P and Art portuniues, ior me iruinv .auuui ub Snnthpast. was eood enueh. He BUZ (Include no items for .hpHigb gested that newspaper men acting ai; Schools.) - . r;;,. ; correspondents of papers published ill; Census . . . . ; $ tJO.it other localities should : embrace every; Mileage County -85.45 ter that would serve ;to attract, favor able attention, to their communities..-1' ' 5307 Speaking of 'the exceptional opportuniv ties ior, community aeveiopmeni. m t k . i Lthe Southeast, vMr. Flnley said: 11)0.001 .1 . ' . - and per" dim- of v ' v v .proper cpcrtunityv to ' incorporate.. la-v -: W:.':!v r BcUrd.. ,"';-.: ; V' 4ftQ their news lattersnd despatches mat : " ,976.15 v Expenses of Connty Board Treasurer, 2 per cent on Dis bursements. ... ; . . v . . . Expenses County Superin tendent ....... All Of her. Expenses ...... Total for Administration IV. Borrowed Moneyi tc. Borrowed Money Repaid . . .. ') 4788.09 Taxes Refunded , . .'.C ; 424X)1 Tbtoi,:...;:-.. . . r . 5212 10 V, Transferred to. Public- HighSchool .Fund, (a) . ( f Apportionment,. for Ildcal ; Tax Fund J ; . ;v ... .'. : ;-- 1000,00 ; State Aipportionment ... . . : v 1000.00 Private Donariona.r..Vi- .v. 335.87 Totat .i:.; ::.V,-''"2335 87. Total kxpendilures vV t- $7762.26 '3 ' - V ly directed; efforts -are sure to hrlnff 'S J . resnRs.- n; no State are, the- oppor. tunities greater than -in North Caro v llna. In no State has'pfogressithfi . in recent , years been more ; rapld. The members - of this Associ&tioa havebeen among' the most effective : workers forvcbminunity development" in - the vpast ail4 I knbOiat your A i i ' efforts 'will continued: V; 1 :yrUb ';" ;;V ' each one of yoi thelargestfmeaiuro of -success rand 'assure-'yDiiot.iSyx-i-. ':: hearty cooperation : of the: Southern ; V H ' Railway Company In community dc raloDment ' -