v 'IV.. V n is" f: -'" M - .4 TT. -J"'j?Tii." V ' i'l Inm". '. -.1 '. i ."V . t,' land Hoopetf Pbtatoes 65ctsi, nice cooking apples 50cts.' onions; 65cts. :c '.J Rev. JJi (ay ccupieif the puV. . pit ,' atf the Baptist Church Sniiday " evening. vc.:v-: v MissEthet r LeatherwoodiMisses y Vivianahd Eileen Proffettni Miss :Divelbiss weire in : , the .city rom t Webster Tuesdayw ; Irsi: Felix. Alley and little son j-jiciy o, Ltii V5SU j. ucsuay. v David Harris -was a business vis- ,V itbr-in Sylva Tuesday. V Sylva. Collegiate. ' Rev, R. Proffitt was 'a business i . " ' ; V the city Tuesday) -. : pamea py jvirs. Asnnorn, spent sev- .':. - , rv n it II in 5?Sp? - ;efal days this, wee with Rev. W OJ 'V-r.M"; for tHe maldng:o r3al women; Electric lights.' ; ijooa worm xooius. otroiig luvu.-, V-ty, Total cost $80 to $95 per year FALL TERM:BEGINS AUGUST 27-1913; " ' , W;eroiht stutants of being double the enrollment for the year 191 1-12. . For Catalogue address - ";;. -'v ": ; . r ' J. C. INGRAM, Principal : B, :;V-m; Sylva, N. C.;;;:; ft':. V -' ' - ' '!"V- It t. iirv f lKal.woytbunrontJeak-7 as long as A . ,Cortright Mete! Shlngl; inecVcyery; pne -of. these requirements. V Bewarebf .inntaa'ons--None genuine Without , the words " Cortright V. Reg; U. S. Pati 0, stamred on'each shingle. ' - DDDDDDnnn Mri' S.-A. steamaft and MrsF. I "carry a line of ,fancjT groceriesiaiid rlearniwere m the city baturday.1 rviKlr. riH Vof '-- tiT TT ..TtT 1 o 1 -m ; i-t ' ' I . "r - - - -. -i.. 7-,wn. waKeneiavM. ij. ol-vnarr - j : rT i i - krvrt J 41 v lottftiAVill hft-in Svl va at. Svl va ' Ho-r Mv l 1JJXC JL i.Oll JLPdlVxp ct, ;cii , . aay.v ine aocior limits nis pracuce v -0; the medical and' surgical treat ; ment of eye, ear, nose and throat . diseases, and fitting:glasses.: f j$eo. Bryson, . a Jackson " county r boy, who has been; connected .with the Canton Supply Co., is now with M. Buchanan's hardware and furni- -ture" store Syl va N. C. ' G. H. Grindstaff will leave ; Sun- day for Andrews where: he will spend the remainder of the summer. Miss Lucy - Grindstaff, spent the week end with her brothers in An drews.1 , .-J" y 1 A. J. Dills and Col. Wonders went to "Cullowhee Monday in the inter-! ' - est of the road work. " .. ... r- . . . S .- ' ' . Editor John C. Oldham of the Brpson City Times was is nhe eity . Monday. K:;j::vt?:zf'" s Dr. A. El Brown was in the city ; Monday in the interest of the, Sylva Collegiate Institute. Dr. Brown m formeda representative of the Jour nal that there will b j a number of improvements made in that insti- 'tutiorin the near -futuraV ;? Holmes.Brysori has a full page ad in the Journal this week. M. Buchanan has made a number FISH EVERY FRIDAY. v Bring your Chickens and" Eggs' to me, I will pay you cash for them. THE CITY MARKET. (I. NSIEY, Pr.cp,' Earnest - L. ;& Comp Withers nnonononfinoDOPrioniii I II II I II II II r a : ; 1 i; vSimplest;y li JM Ever Builfe 'Wjfn H EXCELS ALL .OTHERS not only in thbrdughnt ss . of separation, sanitary cleanliness, ease of ninnine' and durability, but' as weu; in its great simplicitv. THERE' IS NOTHING AOUJ THEOPERATION, CLEANING, adjustment or.xepairV of a modern-De" Laval Cream Separator which" requires expert knowledge or 'special tools., NOR ARE THERp; ANY-PARTS-WHICH REQUIRE FREQUENT adjustment in order to . maintain good jruhning or to conform to varying conditions .in the e very-day . use of a cream separator. an; Ineurance tbat ITnsures 0 "Waynesville, N. C. Combination .Wrench, furnished rlth each De Laval machine which Is.tb only tool required in setting up, taking down or using uem Laval, tne simplest cream separator ever built. ' .., ... ' THERE IS'NOTHING ABOUT THE MACHINE. THAT CANNOT be taken apart, removed or replaced by, any one who can use a wrench or screw driver.. In fact, the only tool which is needed In the use. or the operation' of a De Laval Cream Separator is tbj combination" wreiichs' and crew driver illustrated above, which is furnished free -with every machine. Crop in some day soon and let us show you an up-to-date De Laval.You.can see for yourself that It is built to sive.th best service. T. S. MORRISON; & COMPANY ASHEVILLE DDnDnononnanDnDnnnDDaDnnnnaQannoo THE NEW PRESSINQCLUB Is now open just aboveiths Commercial Hotel 1 1 A . - j nf imnrovements in . the .building 1 ai" "" pm;;aiii van- occupied by the Journal and is my qi rensunaute priuc, moving his family there txiis" . week. Ladies if Itsa. skirt or eoat suit I can dean .and John CoMU was in thecity Wed- press iCto-looR h Re new. uentlemeu bring your nesday fi-bm wuiets on business. smts to me and have them made to look ns new. Ed. Nort6n w9s in the city, from L. D. DORSEY. Svlva. N- C. xast L.aporte weanesaay. Mrs Keller,, Mis Myrtle Keller and Charles Keller were in Svlva .u u uryson ot lampa, lia., is Wednesday from Cullowhee:. registered at the Commercial. TWirf Coy wp in trtwn Wp.inps- H. A. Wild was a . busi ess visi- day- ' ; lor.in oyiva iuesaay. Mrs. Feli- E. Aliev of Waynes- H..R. Queen of Argura was in Yille is visiting friends in Webster th6 city Wednesday. Mrs.:IXBunlSarner is visiting ' W. Bird, of Cullowhee , was in her 'parents. Mr. ' and Mrs. Geo. M: in,e ciiy. turqay. Cole at Cashiers. h ' Prof. John H. Wilson! of Cullo- Conrad Nichols snent ' Mondav w ee has been m the city .for sever- night withv. his grandparents, 'a't 31 days lookingfter the unloading Cashiers Valley. - - 'X '-." v ano nauiiug oi suppnes ana mater- o 'yvM,: i,w tne Vul owhee Normal and : horo Tuesday. . ' - C--' -i . --' v r. r t " f i7 ii m-r- 'J v Biyn &VMcDade, Dealers in in irlrrk UaHtaoHntr I r. ... .- T . Miss; Lena-Ashe went to ; Cullo-. I nal has just printed. This new firm whee the first of the week.. . is composed hf 1 C Rrvior nH F J.J 3 - "Misar Gracta. Bryson was in the cityTueiday. frbm Betai. . ' ' .r i 5 IisJ. ' rfchsoaj of f Beta Was a business; visitor in the city ) Tue s- "dayV-;Y;;;;v.- ,';:;v . v.:,4. in the city Wednesday. ; v John Dayis was in' town Wednes t B. McDade, who will occupy "the corner building n Main, and Spring streets and. will conduct a . general mercantile business. Both gentle1 men are wellk ofcthis section, Mr. McDade having been assistant cashier of : the Jack- jon Coty,;Banksince its organi--, zation and Mr. Bryson having been ; Drv Wims ; of Cullowhee was 1 "proprietor, pf TBryson G. H. McCracken and H. H. Plott were over 'f torn Waynesville the last of the week. : - Mrs. Geo, M. Cole rns returned to her home in Cashiers Vaihy after a visit with her dau hters Mrs A . S Nichols dnd Mrs. D. A Barn Ear ner in Sylva. ' - Dan Tompkin mde a businesr trip to;Webster and Dillsboro Mpn? day. -v Mrs. Geo. Bryson ?nd children arrived from Bryson City -We'dnes- vMrs. J. E. Divelbiss arid daugh ters of Asheville are the gue3ts, on mm. .uiveiuiss iuoTiier mrs. r .. - n. teatherwood at Webster. John Parjis is moving Sis jew,el-; ry store into tne new bu lding on main street tx :- . ; - A : " A part of tourists who are, stop ping m Sylva visited - the V Indian Reservation Wednesda . ; - f w rFOR SALE Seven room cottage arid jour lots located on the .corner of XUen andKdse Sts. - S t 'A I i- SylviN. C. . Slfl in tho city Wednesday. : ; -i'S "i?? j Stpre for along time...;- -; I CXGribbie 3.3 ;tnbSora Case jfej L was underthe tSceatment of two doctors," 1 writes e ivirs. k. L.-rnui;psK or.( inaian. vauey, va., ana tney pro- t j nounced my riase a very stubborn one, of womanly veak- fl Kg'necs. I was hot '. able Jr to sit up, when I commenced to J I used it about one-week, before I saw much change. Ifg has gone, and I -don't suffer at all. I am feeling better than p in a long timeand "cannot speak too highly of CarduLM 1 Ct. ' 'The (fa if yu are. one of, those ailing women who suffer from any f li1'! of the troubles &o cbrnmon to women. r Cardui is. a builder of womanly strength. Composed h $ of purely yegetable ingredients, it acts quickly on the vl womanly system." building up womanly strenjith. toning up id! ih( wnmaniv flenp;. and. remitatinfr the - womnnlv svstem. : 'Cardiii-h.teert'ihsiiccessful- use for; more than 50 years, f Thousands? .of,.; ladies have written to'tell of the benefit they J ' received from it ;Try . it for your troubles.' Begin today, I 1 -Write o: LadietV Advisory. rjU Oiattanooga Medicriie Co., Cttanoo Teniu fjf for Special Instructions, and 64-page book, " Home Treatment ior Wracn," sent free. J 52 yJL - ! Hi mm' t mrmiammwmmmmm 7 acreiS of land arid a 4 room house at a barainriieaf t6wn, also a good black smith shop" arid all kinds of tools ano rnachinery , iri a good stand. For f ut her mformation call on of write pjartnieflt 7"v i' ' ' 1 "vV

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