VOL I NO. 7 r sylvan n. a, rom;;? $1.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE J Vi' IT CHER-ALLEN . lm& 4 very interesting wedding ;was ',-7 solemnized last Thursday ;at :30j : p V. at Hie iiuiuc uiuic'-uuucsn parents in Saginaw, when Miss vC6 a o. Vitcher, ; third daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. A. Witcher, ; became j the vAfe of Mr. Lewis "J. ; Allen f of Gr-v5 River, Wash. The impress ;, P - r simple ring ceremony ' was efc rm ed b y Rev. M . Howard Fa dan of Eugene. The bride was at-ti-ed in a white messaline, trimmed ehuiy lace and was attended j j)V ,er sister Mae. -...Mr. C. D. Allen brother of the7 groom', acted as drocw-sman. About fifty guests s , -rpcent and were cerved with a dainty lunch on the lawn. The presents, which were both numer ero:s and costly, testified to tlie esteem in which the bride and groom were held. The happy couple left for their .new home, at Grays River, Wash., carrying with them the good wishes of a host cf friends. - ' - The groom was at one time em ployed by the Booth-Kelly. Lumber Co. at Saginaw. Guests from afar who were " pre sent were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Al len of Grays River, Mrs. Hampton and two daughters of North Carolina Dr. Ii. Hannah PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE. OVER DRUG .STORE RESIDENCE PHONE 14 DILLSBOKO. N. . . JOHN fl. PflRRIS Dealer in matcbc6 anb 3cweler All kinds of repair work done on short notice. ENGRAVING A SPECIALTY Sylva, N. C. cTa LOGAN Undertaker and Embalmer . t l16 years experience. . ; Full Line of Caskets and Robes. License No, 6 Phone No. 17 Waynesville, N. C. COLEMAN C. COWAN, . Attorney . and Cotinsellor atiLaw, 0 WEBSTER, N. C. DR5 McGUIREi DENTISTS. Oflce : Pharmacy Building, STLYA, N. O. w. r. ;sherrjl;l- Attorney at Law, Office In Court Houie, WEBSTER. N. C r.E. Alley ' - . --: rC. C, Buchanan JILLbu & iBtichanan attorneiesatuw Webster, N, O.; While Mr. AJley ; has moved ; to Waynesville, he - will continue to take active part in the":practice of aw at Webster. 111 ' ? ' V . v. , . - - v . v 7n-0N OFFICE I - INAUGURAL BALL I r 1915 AUGUST - 19I51 SUN. Mceu, YU ; WED: TgU, FRI . SAT. io m tz m 14 ggTi.g- gg 25 28 ayggfeflBO To Our Friends and Patrons. We want every person in Jackson County to know that we are not running this fair toi,hake money. Our object and work alone is to upbuild Jackson County and Western North Carolina, create a iriendly.nvalry between stockbreeders and farmers, to encourage the breeamg and raising of high class stock, to show the world that -we have the most favored country under the sun. We -can raise ail grasses, grains and fruits on a paying basis, have a favored country for live stock, and by having an exhibition once each year, by bringing the best that we produce, we are furthering the advancment of our country; in tiiis great work we solicit your co-operation, we ieei'you are interested, so get ready and J)ring all you can to compete tor these large and liberal premiums. , N . We will not charge any entry fee this year on any ani mal or article you wish to exhibit, but will pay premiums on anything of merit. The first day of our Fair will be "education" day, and every bona hue school child in Jackson county will be ad mitted free .of charge and we must depend on the teachers of this county to allow no child or person to enter with his class who is not a bona fide child ot his school. We do not cater to gambling, or anything that is immoral and ask the co-operation of all within our gates to assist us to keep a clean, moral and harmless midway. Any information' concerning the fair or any-exhibit can be had by inquiry of A. J. DILLS, Secretary, Sylva, N. C. REGAL MARBLE SHIPPING CENTRE. The inter state commerce com- mission regonized Regal, N. C, as a marble shipping centre in an order made Saturday - authorizing the railroads to ship marbKs from there to sev'eial " Virginia and eastern .. . 4V' '' ' ' . ".V -v . - - , ' . . - - ' - points without observing: the long and short haul provisions in . the fourth, section; This gives the marble shipping point of Western Carolina a : distinct advantage : in, f reiit rates on this commodity. . WASHINGTON. DC. (OX Hmi IS HtLD HRL j v2? Jv-C PULLMAN RE SERVATIONS, v In order to mitigate throubles arising over the ordering of Pull man reservations before hand and to assure everyone's being provided for, the Southern Railway has made an order which took effect last Fri day, that any one securing, Pullman reservations out of AshevHle shall pay for the same when -the reser vation is made. This will be much more satisfactory than 'the old plan as it has been found v that a great many peopleorder th reservations and then change theirplaris thus discomfitingj others who would use the sleeping car. ' . M WFSTFRN CANfil lNA : am! f rfiSPFRrmr f UkULiLt UU1U LllLllULlt The Western North Carolina Liblci Conference now in session in Sylva has drawn large crowds from this and the adjoining counties and it is expected that even larger , crcvdn' tinction of the chestnut species over;: will attend the remaining ser,:ccc!several northern stes. -The dis of the conference. . l ease has appeared in a few places 'Rev.ThadF. Deitz the general I south of the Potomac River. The : manager, and his commiuees 0n f Uilited States Department of Agri--, entertainment mid program lUlVe J cuI!ure' in co-operation with the. ; done most excellent work a;;devriy 'several States concerned, is making. ? one has been well provided for and I ever" effoit t0 Prevent ; the spread 3 the arrangement, of the --scileduie oi.j08 destructive disease to the : the speakers has been so handlca. Iart1e chestnut timber tracts of the:.; that the convience of both the f southern Appalachians. speakers and the ' people ha:3 been" cared for ro""" iwuwiuu u uuw luuaiiLy . There are two services e?.ch ' is t0 ke2D " out . for it. recog morning, two in 'the aiternoon acaie 11 oa Us first appearance, and one in the evening. The morning i Promptly cut down the affected ' and afternoon services are ueyoiea.6 a destroy all the infected ' to discussion of the bible v. hile the ' material by burning.' It must be- evening service is evangelical in its I0UU mucl? as are some I highly contagious disease of stock. Rev. Caleb A. Ridley was to open the conference Friday evening, but in his absence the first address was made by Rev. G. N. Cowan, of breen- wood, S. C. Saturday morning Rev. Theo. B. Davis of Cary, N. C, and Rev. E. L Middleton delivered addresses; Rev. L. B. Abernethy spoke in the after- noon. - , . . Sunday Rev. G. N. Cowan spoke ; at 9:30 and was followed by Dr. j ease in other sections of the State. Ridley, Prof. W. H. Woodall and I Their work ill be made much Rev. A. H. Simms; speaking in the imore effective if citizens will watch - - -p 0. , , j for the disease and promptly report afternoon. Dr. Ridley conducted! ... - - , the services in the afternoon. Monday Dr. Cowan, Prof. O. S. Dean of Cullowhee and Dr. Ridley were the speakers. T3f n.nn AKAr n-ji j .j.i. netny ana Dr. Ridley conducted the services. Rev. W. H. Tipton of Wu Chow China spoke at the ten o'clock hour1 Wednesday and was followed by J Dr. Abernethy; Dr. Cowan and Mrs j Tipton spoke in the afternoon and t Dr. Ridley preached in the evening, ( Rev. J. J. Barker of Andrews and ' !Rev. W. H. Rich of Elberton, Ga., conducted the morning services , Thursday. COL. J. D. CALHOUN. Tampa, Fla. 4 August 2, 1913. Publishers Journal. Gentlemen: Many thanks for the copies of the Journal sent me the other day. I enclose money order for a dollar's worth of the same; consecutively. I have recently been appointed to the leading deptityship of Florida Dist. customs collections at $3,000 a year with .which I am very well satisfied. Please tender to everybody in Sylva in Jackson county, in fact the friendly regards of Mrs. Calhoun and myself. ' We expect to get up that way next year for the thirty days absence J will be allowed. Permit me to congratulate you on the very excellent boosting edition of the Journal devoted to, the com ing fair.; xWith special regards to both I remain as always, as always, Most sincerely yours; ; .. . v J. D. Calhoun.' - IH1: UHtSraLI IKtt ' L BARK ? DlSEASEi : chestnut tree bark disease ! or bliht has destroyed in . a .few ! years millions of dollars worth of timber and now thieatens the ex- The only way. to prevent its The disease h is recently been ' found in GuUfqrd County North I CarIina- F ortuaately chestnut Umber U not abundant there, and the disease has not made much headway; so its eradication is com paratively easy. Two field scoutsr under supervision of the State Geo Ioical and Economic Survey and of the State Agricultural Experir Iment Station, aresearchmg "for cGs- auy auspiuiuus syiiiptoms 10 me Plant Pathologist, Agricultural Ex- j periment Station, West Raleigh, N. C. Chinquapin as well as chestnui Jmay oe attacKea. maiviauai 'branches on any part of the tree . , A . , uie guuueniy ui any iiuie uuiin the summer, and the dry leaves us ually remain hanging on them while the foliage on other parts of the tree is normal. Such limbs are girdled where dead and healthy parts meet by dead bark that is dis-. colored slightly sunken, and dotted over thickly with yellowish-browa ' cushions the size of a pm-head; oa ' thick bark these are seen in the fis-' sures. frequently watersproutsv are sent out just below such bark cankers. Large trees are complete ly killed in two to four years after .first infection, and in tha same time, practically all the chestnut trees in ; the locality will have contracted the disease. Trees may decline ; gradually and die from, other causes such as fire injury, unsuitable soil -conditions, or borer attack, tut ; with a different set of symrkoms;. ' from the above. - f..;' The bark disease may be expect- v ed to appear, at any point in North Carolina at any time. It must be ' stampted out before it has gained: headway. Keep a close lookout ibr - it, and get others to do the same.; ,sv' H: R. Fulton, Plant Pathologist C One of the ' most common aiR ments.that. hard v. working , people .are afflicted' with . "is, .lame backl Apply; , Chamberlain's , , Liniment , twice a. day and massage the parts thoroughly at each pUratlon and 1 you wui get qmcK reuei. r or sale? by ALL DEALERS, y ; v ' !:i.: C -'Um" f : -7. - ' '