a. . t - . r -V NOTICE OF EXECUTION OF SALE v Jto The Supenor Court 1 " C? V T?h?nfTinrt and T. " H;'."' Pnwell . . -,-,2--: .. . I Tiading.underthe firm name, and Style pf lnehah-Po . Ws- . ' U 0. Wilson Mh By ! virtue of an execucution dir ected to tle unJersigned from " the Superior Court of Jackson) ; County, North Carolina," in the above en tided action; bearing tlate of July 29 1912, 1 have levied the said exe cution upon and will, on the first day of September 1913, the first Monday m th& month, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door ; in" the Town of Webster in " said " County arid State; expose for sale arid sell to the highest biddefr for cash to" satisfy said Judgement and exe cution, all the right, title and inter est which the. said L. 0. Wilson, the defendant, has in the following described tracts of land, to-wit: FIRST TRACT. Beginning jon a bead-wood bush in branch, K. A. Nicholson's corner, and runs thence aouth to a lynn in Bill Wood's line thence East to Jiam Brown's corner, thence North with L. 0. Wilson's line to G. T. Nicholson's line to tie beginning, containing 10 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT. Adjoining the lands of G. T. Nich olson. M. Nicholson, J. B. Price and others: . v beginning on a )lack-oak in G. T. ana J.M. Nicholson's line ntar the pig peri branch, and runs South witn iNichblson s lme btf poles to a setvicie tree m a bruncn in said line, thence S. bb degrees tL and up he branch ltf poles 10 a stake; thence S degrees i. 4 poles to a spotted-oak; thence S. ltt degrees W. 5 poles to a locust in J priri .Price's line, and yx-2 poles East of his iriaple corner oldla grant; thence East with said. old" line & r poies to a staxe n saia line; thence North ii poles to a blaCK-oaK-r thence h. 44 aegrees W. 4. poles to a sourwood; tnence N. 324egiees i ,vv4Upoies to tHebegm- nmgirimg'r4l: acres Beginning on a' stake in the line of X B'Bice and K. a: Nicholson on the Soutn banK 01 John's Creek roa4aMTuns 1U degress N. poles to a stake and tomtersJ thence N.:51; degrees 10 poies 10 a anSTpomtersT Ihence xi;;i(-degrees; W-with said old hue; -o- poles. to the ' beginning, containing onej acre.- -. - - - ' . . lnis the 1st day of August, 1913 - V" : . w. feucnajiaii; ; ! vi eriff of JacyoA tiunty. : What s a baby "worthr perilve aTe'an feany tor-gainemiiH' JU TI C cue. .T""o - . r ,TT hmSlenwaiiceSiHi' ur.mekil HEAL1H AND - Will yciixiiL. i t'- - - . Johnc Wh etisheu wiTffMlitahiu, iafe Drfiitf -P a5 son 6me fcWefefiufjf ' andbUalwpehtrior aitenlro'n aTone mrstoFas Weir -yoa sc yrthat'is "all "nghUf they can ey can taha at. iia : y o a mo wi matrNortK W61inaonVs' .Tmher - twenty umes as muuu uo mo owyi i appropnateIbf. public neaitn pur poses, the. protection: . of oaoies chiiaf en aracrults, Mether lour $4ua&i thfeteis isine?; and stdfalelaq)F,.?Kr Mrs. istodraioo jtffr v., Good -.Roads ;ln Durham v V- ;. l lrhamThe county road force has completed 1. that : part of the central highway in. Durham county and: when Orange county connects with this road leading out of West Durham there will be a -good " f oad " f rbm this city to 'Greensboro: one gang of the convict now working on the Durham end ot the' Quebec - and " Miami road; which - is known as the Oxford ' road. It will take something 7 like three months- toget ra four-mile 1 gajj in this road put into the proper condition for travel. ;,' ' ' . . - ' , '." ' Held. On Serious" Charge. V ' Greensboro-'wY, C. Tise, a Winston Salem .business man, ; and . his stenog rapher, Miss Lillie Teas,' are under bonds of ' $.400" to appear! in,', police court and answer to charges of , im morality. .S6ine: time" ago the woman came to Greensboro and '-took, apart-; ments and to her a child was born. After the;'birth, itian, woman and child left in an automobile. The child was left with a woman in the suburbs of Winston-Salem, where it! died.' Inves tigation When a burial certificate was requested furnished the clue. To Start Drainage Work. FayetteyiUe. The Breatt Engineer ing & Construction C6. of Wilson' has been awarded the contract to do the excarating work in connection with the drainage of the swamp lands of .Flea Hill township. The work will be begun as soon as the commission ers of the drainage district 'sell the bonds. The property will be assessed according to the classification of the lands which will be" made before the 'salef of the bonds. The Brett Com pany was given the contract at 6.37 cents the cubic yard. SILAGE FOR ONE ACRE. A yield of 12 tons of silage may easily -be obtained from one acre of corn. Allowing 30 pounds of silage as a.' daily ration, one acre of corn will furnish four cows with gilage for 200 days. T SHED FOR SUNNY DAYS. A good' covered shed well bedded with straw, will make a fine place for the cows to lie in on days when they ban not go out in the fields. It will also help you to get a nice lot of ma nure. FEEDING JUST ENOUGH. In J feeding cows 1 do not give them more than they can use readily. Any. feed that is left in the, mangers after .he cows are "through'1 will naturally represent, a certain: amount of waste. , States, Great Progress. . , v ;t Referring to the dependence of pro duction tfpoii highwaylsvt market; -Mr.r Finley said jt wasnot a mere accident that the progress of North Carolina ltn recent ?yearshad "b'eeffco-incidnt with" the development of more -effl-sient transportatjea agencies. R Have you botight OMr0Sliuhiate ; is - t : f This is no fake, - time in thefuture bring - - Shumate JRazpi: Strop, the best I i e-Evervthinffftin;. r a I JI i ,v. ir ! . . - - . I ' Mr. W. S.,Gunsalus,,a farmer liv- irig near Fleming, Pa., says he has used Chairiberlain's ;Chc,-; Cholera q'tiH TilorrhrviQ PottipHv in his ffimilv for fourteen years, and thathe has xuuuu l .iu uc auAcAicutuu iviuvuj 1 and takes pleasure m' "recommend- ing 1L For sale by ALL DEALERS, -1 ENTRY NO: 6044. ,1 State of NorthCarolina, County of Jackson. I; KL S. Bryson do hereby enter and claim kU acres More or less land in Jackson County, State afore said oh the head waters .of "fucka j seigee hiver, adjoinii g thelanos of K. S. Bryson, Fred bryson. A. S. bryson, chapman and others. - beginning un a stake corner of K S. bryson and ruus with his lint to Fred brysons' line, tht nee with his with his line to A. S. bryson s line, ihence .with his hue to Chapman's line, thence with his line to the beginning corner and running so as to include all tne vacant land in that vicinitV. Entered on the 22nd day of July 1913. K. S. Brson Approved: John R. Jones Ex-Oflicic Entery Taker lor Jackson j County, N. C. ENTRY NO 6045 State of North Carolina, Counly ot JacKson. I, Frank Tatiiam, do hereby enter and claim live AS) acres of land more or less m JacKson County, State af oresaid, on the waters of Savannah Creek, adjoining the lands of C. C. liigdon, Jerome Sut tod, K. F. Gribble Amos Cabe and others: Beginning on an Ash C. C. 'riigdons corner and runs with his line to Amos Cabesf' thence with Amos Cabest line to Ri T. Crib bles' line, thence wivh ' Gribbles line to Jerome Sutton's line to the Leginning.and. running so as to in clude all vacant land in that vicini ty. M FnforaH Tnhr 99nH 1Q1Q Seaiy i: KAJNK'TA'lllAM E-Of f icic iLntry laKer lor jacKson U)umy, We have Just Received a H L .1;0!H-T"S Also Batteries for same. (. U. guaraiteedior life. I? if these razxxrfl t? don't vgiv-perfect it'back tojmeiandlget a new razor. nanaaJicuggisis fliiiuodiertJ F3I! f g UNION MEETING :: ,The next Union Meeting willbe j iiciu wiui uie iasi i uixv avmuiou BaptistJDh iirchL Beginning onTri day Aug. 29, 19ia . (1; Introductory sermon Dyj,bld er A. C. Bryson it' 1 1 t)'clock -Frif idayi v - . . j (2) 1 12.. M. adjourned one hour for dinner. -t "Viji- 1 P. -M. Do we Baptists contend for the faith as we should? Open ed by J. M. Bennett 2 P4 M. Orga: nization. v 11 i r a t r t a.: l 4 oaiuraay iua. jyi. uevoiioucu . exerciseX 10:30 A. - M. What ; should we as a demonation advocate j .as Education. Opened by ;Thad i Bryson. : . U 11 A. M. Preaching. ' ; -j 1 F. M. Devotional exercise.; 1:30 P. M. Are we as . Baptist ! strictly temperate as we stoula be? j Opened by K. N. Deitz. .SUNDAY 10 o'clock Devotional exercise. 10:30 Sunday Lecture by Rev. Law- j rence H. Crawford. 11 A. M. Preaching. Alter preaching collect- j ion lor (Jounty Missions. A. C. 1 Queen, W. F. Cook, J. L. Owen Committee. T. E NORTH CAROLINA COLLLG OF ARG1CULTUBE AND Mtl'UANIC ARTS THE STATEINDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Equips men for successful lives - in Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock Raising; Dairying, Poultry Vork, Veterinary Medicine; in Civil, Elec trical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Cotton Manufacturing. Four year courses. Two and One year courses. 'f53 teachers; 669 students; 23 buildings Modern Equipments. County Sup erintendents hold entrance exami nations at all County, seats July 10. Write for a complete Catalogue to ! E- B. Owen, Registrar, West Raleigh, N. C. "Were all medicines as me tro rious as Chamberlain's Colic, Chplera and Diarrhoea Remedy.. the world would., be much better pff - and; the percentage of suffering , greatly de creased' writes Lindsajr. Scott, of - Temple Ind. For sale by ALL .DEALERS. : - i line of . i.. zor satisfaction at any ui it he world nnanes. t4Ui3 i.ia"a fitly' M nnnrn i Ka that .Beware of Ointajen CatarrrxThat Contain Mennv I a mereurv trill miraW . 1 ,v . , j vicotroy tiin. of smeU 1 and ; completely derar.' the mucous surfaces. Such ?tiLthu?l - never be used except n . 1 82? - 5SB?dto PteSs iSST 1 uatarrn cure, manufactured hV t Cheney & Co.. Toledo O,. - contai-vs A P9fanh Pnro mv i "& "4" Ine. It. Is taken internally and tnado i Toledo. Ohio, by P. J. Cheney & fif t tlmonlals fre-. - Sold by Drussists. Price tSc ter bottle. Take Hall's Paxnily Pills for constipation. Wood's ffigh-Grade SeedjL Grimson Clover The Kins off Soil Improvers also makes splendid fall, winter and spring grazing, "the earliest green feed, or yi-,.fipqd; hay crop. CRIMSON CLOVER wilHticreasa the productiveneiss of the land mora than twenty-times as much as the same amount spent in commercial fertilizers. LCan be sown by itself or at the last working of com, cotton or other cultiva ted crops. We are headquarters fdf Criittspit Cloyerj Alfalfa, Winter Vetch, and all Farm Seeds, Write for prices and Descriptive Fall Catalog, giving information about all seeds for fall sowing. 14 T, W. WOOD fir SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five reg ular Coueses leading to degrees Pree tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September i7tti, 1913 For catalogue and other information address. Julius I. Fouste, Pres. Greensboro, N. C CHURCH mm. Services at Syl va Baptist Church second: and fourth Sundays, at 11 and 7:30 p. m.' J. M; Ben pett, pastor; Sunday school at 10 L m-, every Sunday; T. C. Bryson superintendent. ; : Church Conference Thursday be fpre tne "fourth Sunday In each month-at 7SbTp. ml ' ' i Union Prayer Seryice every Wed' nesday?nfght at the Methodist and Baptist churches alternately. .11 SOU. RY. -S6HEDULE I ? East Bound Train. Nb. 20 Lv. Murphi6":30 a. m. Ar. Syl' ya 10:43 a. m. tArr AsEeville V:55 p. m, !S'b i8I.v..JkIurDhY.110 a. in.. Arrive IJiylva 3.47 P. Mt, Ashevilje 6:55 p. m- No 17 Lv AsheThle8;30 a. m. Ar. ISyl 2l; 11-13 a. m. Ar. Murphy 10:55 p. in , lft. 19 LAshviUpAr Syl- va 6;11 p. m. Ar Murphy JifoSo p. ro , c W'. V; Dorse V. ' . ,Locu4 passenger. Agent. Hi For Fewest Changes ot Cars, n pesi dcneguiea , anq; tne y ery Lowest Rates.toJA 11 Points in the jjprth, quth, as t an.d SOUTHERN ij feorurtirofoonationAnd' f - I 4IrecUyiippn-th67blOQd:aa .jStou,! 1 aces ; 01 xno system, in t

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