your produce to Bryson Jand Hooper. Potatoes 65cts.t nice okirig apples 50cts7 onions 65cts. S. E. Varnerv of Whittier spent :r Sunday in Sylva. , . , , f ; -; Mont Hyatt- of Way nes ville . was inthe ;ity the test of the week. 'J. -Miss Molly' Walters is visiting her sister Mrs: a!s. Allison. eJHYf 'pulawas 'm thfe lky -Satuay y . ' 0 : " Mr andTMrs of hIMsborb were in the city Sunday. , ;Rey. Geo. 'N. Cowan, of Green-; - Avood S. C. while in attendance upon . the Bible Conference , is stopping vith his. brother, M. D. Cowan.; ' ; S. W. Cooper of Qualla is in th e city this week attending the Bible Conference. -a Mrs. Butler and children of Chat tanooga are stopping for sometime in Sylva with F, A. Luck. ' v F. A. Luc Jr. has returned to his home in Augusta Ga. after spend ing several days with his people in Sylva. ;; v Misses Lillian Allen, of Waynes ville and Olive King of Raleigh ar irived Monday and will spend sev- ral days in Sylva. Mrs.-Alden Howell of Waynes ville and daughter, Mrs. -Johnson of Los Angeles are spending some time in Sylva at the home of F. A. .Luck. . . r :V Rev. A. H. Simms formerly pas tor xf:the Baptist Church here and vell known throughout this section is spending several (days with his Iriends here. . ev. Caleb A. Ridley D. D. of At tafaccr)anied by his son, Leo. y ,,ahd are stopping ; with friends during the Western Carolina Bible Conference. r. for the makiD g of real m eit real women. Electric lights. Good worm rooms. Strong facul- ' FAIX TERM BEGINS AUGUST 27 1913. The enrollment for the vear 1912-13 lacked only two; stutants of beirtg double the enrollment for the year 1911-12. , . . . . . - r For Catalogue address J. C. INGRAM, Principal Sylva, N. C. Wliy? tie 1 arket Prof. W. H. Woodall is attending the Bible Conference. Prof:0. S. Dean is in the city this week from Ciillowhee. ; Mrs - Joseph Mallohee of Addie spent untjay with Mrs. J. B. Sher- xill and Mr3..Th33. Buchanan ' Joe Self was in. ihe city this week from. Webster. -'-GafhefCnsp of Savannah was in the city the first of the week.- JndM:!Qui eh was in the city the jSrst of the week, the guest of jus sister, Mrs. J. B. Ensley. -k j RevWm.,Potts, of Highlands is attenng; the; Western V Carolina . iibl,Gonference here. y Mrs, :W. 1 .Diyelbiss and children -of Asheyiile "are visiting Mrs, Divel t)iss' sister. Mrs. Buchanan. ; : 4H W. jWard .was in ' the city: Mon ;fay f rom5- Wilmot and paid "the - . 6uif$ $ ?nd renewed hi sub- "scrjpuQn.;..4tt ;!r1y?WJfptf0!th of Wilmbt was in . r 1 -the city rMonday r : -: - C. Buchanan formerly of Sylva : : l)ut now of "Florence Ore. is sp en d- " i Jng tdm-tmie i with his friends ;and VES - Burjkeward of, Webster was -. m Stlva Sunday. ' . . tFAIIIooper ,and i J. Bi Keener ' -went toAstie ville Saturday. - : : TIk5 Jamison of Glenville .; spent5 veM days" this week' in Sylva. ; y 7 ReVTOed; B Davis of Caery Avas in uie cu v oamraav ana aeuver- . . d an address at the Bible Confer- I carry a line of fancy groceries and vegetables. Something good to eat the time. Fresh Bakers bread, and meats three times a week. FISH EVERY FRIDAY. Bring your Chickens and Eggs to me, 1 will -pay you cash for them. THE CITY MARKET. iL ENSItT, Prop, Shindies TKe roofing that lasU as long as tne Duiiding and never needs repairi. . They won t burn, .crack, curl nr r e wood shingles, nor have thv tk. ! great weight or brittleness of stone slate bedes they are inexpensive and look' better than either. . For Sale by va Co. CROE? r RAKERS f " ' Reversible Disc Plows, Roderick Lean Steel Frame Disc Harrow. Empire Junior Grain and Fertilizer Drill. Sold on easy terms, Wrie for circular prices. Earnest L. Withers & Companj; Insurance tbat Insures V "Waynesville, N. C. THE NEW PRESSINGCLUB Is now open just above the 5 Commercial' Ho teln I am now rendy to do your prassinsal cUdti- ing at reasonable prices, Ladies if Its a skirt or coat suit I can clean and presp it to look like new, Cientlemeu bring your suits to me and have them made to look as new, L. D. DORSE Y, Sylva, N C. T. S. MORRISON & COMPANY U . AbHEVILLE - ' ,,.. , ; ' .' . Dills -went to K B. McDade went to Asneville Sunday to visit his brother Clark McDade. D. Robt Davis has rnoved his bTarber shop from the Allen building on the corner of Main and Keerer st, to the rear of the Hooper Drug Store building. p -. - Mrs. Samuel Eaton, of Newbern was in the city Satuiday visiting relatives. Mrs. Eaton is stopping with-Mrs: J. L. Broyles atVebster. J.' Louis Broyles of Webster was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Etta Morton, of Salisbury is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.XvCrisp. Robt V. Grindstaff of - Andrews is in the city. - t r W: W; Rhine hardt of, Webster was in the city Tuesday,: WadeCHiU.went, to -Asheville Friday returning Saturday. 'Webster . on ing? several ,davs with . his son D i irEpbC DavisWhile: here h'b'visited I -:E McKe ade a - business sister at East La porte. : Henry C. Moss was in the : -city cebner Saturday. ; trip to Webster Monday. : - - . . ... v . v Martin Deitz was in the city Tiies dav. ; ; 0' r- Graham W. Grindstaff of Andrews spent Saturday and Sunday in Syl va. Rev. L. B.Abernathey' of Cullo wlee has been in the city for sev eral days. The. Ladies of th Bryson -Cityj Chapter of Eastern Star will be in? Syl va the second or thir 1 week in September for the purpose of instal-; ling the Chapter of that order here.:; Prof. Frank Brown of the Cullo whee Normal and Industrial School was in the city Tuesday. F. G. Ho'fman of the Eaton town N. J. Plant of the Beta Fertilizer Company arrived Monday and willAj spend a fortnight here and at Beta. - -Prof. W. H.:Rhodes returned from Chapel Hill the last of vthVweek, we' are glad to state, brought his family with him this time and will make Sylva his permanent home. FOR SALE -Seven .room cottage arid: four Jots, located on the-corner of Allen and Rose Sts. . 5 V. v -Apply to :;'.'-t::"-," - L C. Griab.e Sylv vN: C. - , . , ..t ,. -. ' ...; -i '"' , , :. - V--' ' ' -':. -'i;;.':--.. r Bad Spells 5 .1 suffered, during girlhood, from womanly weakness, writes Mrs.: Mollie NaVy, of Walnut, N. C "At last, I was ft almost bed-ridden, and had to give up. We had three doctors. All the time, I was getting worse, I had bad spells, that lasted from 7 to 23 days. In one week,, after 'I gave Cardui a trial,' I could eat, sleep, and joke, as well as anybody. In 8 weeks, I was well. I had been an invalid for 5 weary, years 1 Gardui relieved me, when everything else failed." 3 TAKE fir M tR S 0 III - WPW y II wonians some "3 If you are weak and ailing, think what it would meart, E to you, to recover as Quickly as Mrs. Navy did. For more m than 50 years, this purely vegetable, tonic remedy, for womeii, m has' been used, by thousands of weak and ailing iSunerers. si They found it of real-value in relieving their caches and Dains. Why suiter longer ? A remeay that nas relieved m ;d.helpe4 -,sp..many, isr;r iof ;4i3:'t;.'oncej- by :ypu.-:Try UAQd&y., . . I . . iWritt tori .Ladiel Advisory Deofj ttwoq?i Medlfcine Cft-i Chattanooga. Teoo.. r ;: cf. fipepftl.. wfrpctwnj., andpee book; ; ilPjljW.ft iW J; , i iiji- '! ' nWJii iiij.w' in.) I .''''iiii SV-t."! 1 ' I . x-.""..!" t 7 acres of larid aiid a 4 room house at a bargain, near town, also a good black smith shop and all kinds of tools and machifierv- in a ilood stand. For i iuther? infbrmn call on or writ th JouirnLAfeDepartment. .1 ; 'V