OF EXECUTION OF SALE K yi auc' ouper ior u)urc. . ' ' v:' North flnrnlinn i ;x'v V v Jackson County: C. F. Rhinehart and't H. Powell. Ttading underthe firm name and.' Stvlft nf Phinprinrt-Pnwpn fWrrVxr ; ,-. 'V.-Mr ".' 4 . - - :' " - - - v Vs. :' L C Wilson ------ .---..- Kirzl 1FT11I1 AT.V VVJ"... am U IUO Ul Oil JCACUUUUUUU Uir- ..- a. - - - - - - m t . i n w w-" Uuea action, Dearing date of; July x wt ivi&t i naveieviea tne saia exe cution upon and will, - on the first - 4iay ui ccptciuuciv iuiot- uie iirst . wonaay in tne montn, at iz o clock AlMiat.uie U)urt;louse door m the . jiown oi weDsier. in saia uunty " 1 ' i - - iiiiu oicilc, . , cauusc : ior , sale ana : ell to:the highest bidder for cash : to satisfy said Judgement and exe- ' cution, all the nght, utle andimter- est .wnicu . uie -saia i. u. w nson. tne.aeiendant, nas in .tne lollowmg Beinnih on a bead-wood bush in branch, R. A. Nicholson's corner. ana runs uienue ouuui .10 Us lynn In Bill Wood's line : thence East tc nam Brown s cornethence North ' with H 0. Wilsons line to G. T. Nicholson's line to the beginning, containing 10 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT. Adjoining the lands of G T. Nich olson, J. M. JNichoisoni J. B. Pnce ecu omers: - . - Beginning on a black-oak in G. . T. and J.M. Nicholson's line ntar the pig pen branch, and runs South with Nicholson's line 68 poles to a service tree in a branch in said line. thpnrft S: 56 decrees E. and nn rrm branch 19 poles to a stake; thence S 2degrees E. 4 poles to a spojted-oak; ; thence S-19 decrees W. 28 Doles tn a locust in John Price's line and . 91:2 poles a$t of his maple corner ofold grant; tnence Last. with f said ol5,Jh?e .37 v'poles,tp a stake :n said line; thence North 51 poles to a black-oak; thence N. 44 degrees W. 24 poles to a ' sourwood; thence Ni' ' 32 degrees W: 40 poles to the begin ning, containing 141-2 acres. , l :THIRD TRACT. ; : Beginning on a. 'stake in the line 1 of J, B. Price and R. A. Nicholson on lue cuuui uaimpi aonns vreeK road, and runs 10 degress N. 121-2 Doles to a stake.and Domters: thenp ana pointers; tnence jn. lb.degrees w: with Raid old Hnft ; 1 2 rvrvloa -. This tne 1st day of Augusts 1913 , v 5 J. W- Rnnhannn Sheriff of .Tar.ksnn f!nnntv DRUIililSTii ENDORSE LIVER TONE IT 18 QDABANTED , HAHMLESS VE0E-- PBLt UtMtUHHAr KtlillLAltS THE wunnuit mi. ; - . - 3--.' S V - m m I w www w times two or three da vs. "DnHsnn'ft- - v'jn . - - i j-jver lone 1 eueves aciacKS ot p.nn. stipatiou, biliousness and : lazy liver heahsLGhes.5 and vou stav on - vnur u bvlva rnarmacv. .sells innHsnnV kivc, ucxiect jsausiacuon. it vou aiiii do not finbit tsafeSt.-mbst " - - " ! i' . : . , . . ,iiyryouef"ix)ok,itiiis:;st tf.vvN LnnT. -A.L " I ' Tiaid for it without n rmpctinn ?v : i , w , : M uukii ua 6n taver Tone is as. safe and i& Jiabie tis the ipedicmV and - that is :' DOOM'S 1 . ' ':: .-Good Roads 'In Durham. ; . ; DurhamThe county road force hai completed - that part of ; the central highway In Durham . county .-and when Orange oountynnects with this road -leading out of West Durham there iu be a good road, from,: this -city: ta Greensboro.-One.gang of the'.convict .; force Is now working on the Durham end; of. the Quebec nd ' Miami .road, which Is' known ; as the Oxford : road. 1 Itwill ; take - something . like three months . to - get a four-mile gap In this road put into the proper condition for traTel.---v.. v-V:;':-: 'A.:-. ,;: . , : ; "j H eld On Serious Charge.' j , v" V Greensboro-W., C.vTisc; a Winston Salem tuslneai man, and his itenog rapher, ' Miss Lillie - Tess, ; are tinder bono of $0-toaeari in- court and answer ttf charges of im- moraUtr. - Some tlm aeo the woman came to Greensboro and took apart ments and to her Ja child was born. After -the birth; man, woman and child left, in an automobile. - The child was left witfi ' a woman In Jthe snburba of Winston-Salem, .where, it died. Inves tigation when a burial; certificate was requested furnished the clue.. ; ; To . Start Drainage Work. 1 . FayetteTille.--The Breatt Engineer ing & ; Construction C5. of Wilson has been awarded1 the contract to - do the excavating work.; In, connection wlth the drainage of the ' swamp . lands of Flea H1U township, v The ork will be beguVas soon as the commission- ert of the drainage district sell the', 'bonds. -The property win be assessed .according tot the claisification of the lATlni wnln 'Will Tk marlo hAfnra f a sale of the bonds. The Brett. Com pany, was' given 'the contract at 6.37 cents the cubic yard. SILAGE FOR ONE ACRE, A yiejd of 12 tons of -silage may easily be obtained from one acre of corn. "Allowing 30 pounds of silage as a daily ration, one . acre xt corn will furnish four cows with gil age for 200 days. SHED FOR SUNNY DAYS. ' A good covered shed well bedde with straw, will make a fine place f6r the cows to lie inon days when they can not go out in the fields, it will also help you to get a nice lot of ma nure. FEEDING JUST ENOUGH. ' In; feeding cows do not give thera TtoreVthan theycan user'readily. Any ced that is left. in the mangers after ,ue cows are through will naturally present a certain amount of waste . - ' re states Great Progress. Referring to the dependence of pro duction upon highways to 'market, Mr. Finley said it was not a mere accident that-the . progress of North Carolina in recent years had been co-incideni with the development of more effi cient transportatJca' agencies.- F F Have you bought our Shumate is This is no fake, : ' time in the future bring IS you , are li 5-U jViV .;;',' .-Y- : hvervtmnff W l. - ... i - - '- . .-,:- ' . 1 I -iii 5 yy . : the Shumate Razor Stroo. th ENTRY NO. 6044. State of North Carolina; ; 1 County of Jackson , - v U,-K. S. Bryson do hereby enter ana claim 20 acres More or less land in Jackson (uhtyStateafore said on the head waters of ;iiucka; seigee River, adjoinu g rtne pianos 01 K. S. bryson, Fred Bryson. . A. b. Bryson, Chapman and, others.; :. ijeginningln a 8talieorner of K S. bryson arid ruus with his line to Fred Bry sons' line, thncetwith his with his line tD A bryson s line, fof e we c snouiQ? : 0pen thpfipR with -his line to Char)man8 iwi hv v m; Kpnnpttv :t p m iirda- hne; thence with i: his inline to x tne . v " . ; , . 1 tO inciUUt? UU Uie vactuit Ja"v xix that vicinity. V ' -j : Entered on the 22nd day of July 191a ,;" ' ( ' '. . . . - K. S. Brsbn Approved: : - J John R. Jones" . Ex-Oflicic Enteryvi:aker lor Jackson County, N:C. ' " ENTRY NO 6045 gtat f CoUna . County Ot Jackson, 1, r rank Tatham, do hereby enter claim live b) acres ol land murcur us iu jaciibuu vuniy, 1 -1 1 1 r btate'aioresaid, on. the wateis .of',ADUiy cnamberlain's Uniment. bavannan Creek, aajoining the lanas 01 C. (J. iiigdon, Jerome Sut toa, K. t bribble, Amos Cabe and otners: beginning on an Ash C. U. Higdons corner and runs with his line to Amos Cabes thence with Amos Cabes line to R. T. Grib bies' line, thence with Gribbles' Jihe to Jerome button's line to the beginning and running so as to in clude all vacant land in that vicini ty. Entered July 22nd 191& isoall h K- A IM k TA'I K AM - ppiovea: "blS ItJONES Ex-OlUcic iintry 'iaKer ior Jackson Uuuty, N.Xi.: i v . . Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, a farmer liv ing near Fleming, ta., says he has used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ramedy in his family fnr frtnrtppn. VPflffi' UTiH thnt Tip haQ 1V1 1UU1VVVU JXUAU, UUU hMUV V UUW , . u ' n 4. j found it to be an excellent remedy,. and takes pleasure in recommend- ing it For sale bj. ALL DEALERS j We -have Just Received a 1 G same. guaranteed for life. ' if these razors don't give perfect it back to me and get a new razor. . tii e to get a good protected Don't fail? to buy, a e- best in s ana ru2isis . - . . ww - I " - uru 1 . - ... . , -. -. .- . ; f- - . j.. . . . ; - . . ... . ' . . - - 1 -.. -- v. , ...... ;. , ? " - . . v- 2 PRBGBAH pR ; ; v j The next Union Meeting will be held with the East Fork Savannah Baptist ChurcE" ; Beginning on Fn- ? day Aug.:29,:1913.: y : V , . (i) introductory sermon by Eld- er A: C Bryson at 1 1 o'clock Fri- aay.-..- -.-.i. -r... ,-'; v z) 12. i Mt adjourned- one hour for mnner. 7 i : - ; . 1 P. m.;nDo,W6 Baptists contend ed by J. M: Bennett 2 P. liL Urga: nization. r. y vU , rv',-' V. baturday 10 A.M. S Devotional exercise. 1; :lU'aoA;,M.;Vyiiat should we as a demonatioh advocate as rucau6n.l:y bryson. .V ''f'kX yX-' r. i 1 ATMfiPreachinjg. . g C, ;v. 1 P. AL v Devouohal ? exercise. 15U P. M. Are we ras : baptist strictly temperate as we sioula be? Opened by icN. JDeitz. V ' : : ' ; ' :: ; SUNDAY, ' ' I ' MO. .o'clock i)evotionalv exercise. 10U5U bunaay: Lecture bv Rev. Law rence n. : Crawlord. r 11 A. M. Preaching. Alter preaching collect ion ior ;u)uiityv-;Mission&-:.vA.-:':'.:C. Queen, W; 7 1 Cook, J. LT. Owen oommitteei ' :y- ' ' ' " One of the most ' common ail ments that hard v working people are aillicted with is lame "DaclL , iwwl. a rtav nn mcodp thA mrN ' thoroughlyat each application, and you wnl get quick renef. ior sale Dy ALL DLALLKS. 1 ' Ti.l: NOKTH CAROLINA COLLLU U AKG1CULTUSE y. AMU t THE STATE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE . " Equips men for successful lives in Agriculture, Horticulture, btocK Raising, drying, romty- WorK veteruiary Meuicine; in ,avu, raec tncai, anu iviecnanicai rjigineenng Man'ulacturmg. Four year courses Two and One year courses, t3 teachers; bbtt stuuents; 2:6 ouudings Modern rjquipmenis. County Sup erintendents nold entrance exam nations at all Countyf seats July IU ... , , 1 A I V Write lor a complete Catalogue 10 xt . . west Raleigh N. C. line of ELS -7 Razor that satisfaction at any razor swhile in the world ; wUnanes. r, . IV4 t r r.i s as mercury will Birely 'tlesirrv . ' of smell and- whole system - whenrnterlnirTf. the mlKroua surtces. Such 1 1L! iru never be usedSxcept oa fet;?til v from reputable physicians, aa Lhfc-" V they,, will , do is ten fold ; td tki"? ' can - possibly , derive from them? iih'J Catarrh ,. Cure, rraanufactuf JS b r ,l ' :.Cheney &.;Co., ; Toledo, O.-;, contM- mercury, and is taken Wrhili directly unon the biwt ts T,V ?ct?"1 Sold by Druggists. rice fee W iottU, : .Take nall Palally tllld Ui eonsfiktioft. Woods HighGrade Sted Gririison ' ' Th I(lnv r1 C If f ..also makes splendid tall, winter and spring grail ng the earliest ere en f ead, or ;i y . ":a fiood hay crop . : CRIMSON CLOVER will lfiftg9 tKe; productiveness of ;. ihe land rnor. than twenty times as much as the satne amount spent in Commercial fertilizers. :Can be Isown by. itself or at the last working of corn, cotton or other tiiltiva. ted crops. . ' 1 We are headquarters tot : Crimson Clover, Alfdfa, Winter Vetch, and dl - Farm Seeds, Write for prices and Descriptive Fall Ootalpg, giving information about aUseedsfor fall sowing. : ' . ' ' ' T. vTW0pD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. EH THE IKGRIH CAECL1NA State I Nor nial and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina Five reg Lular Coueses leading to degrees- Free tuition to those who agree tcr become, teach ersiin the State. Fatf Session begins September 17th, 1913 For catalogue and other information address. Julius 'I. Fouste," Pres. Greensboro, N. C CHURCH DIRECTORY. Services at Sylva Baptist Churctf second and fourth Sundays, at 11 sl m., and 70 p. m. J. M. Ben nett, pastor, Sunday school at 10 a. m., every Sunday; T. C. Brysonr surinjtendent . ' Church Conference Thursday be fore the fourth Sunday in each month at 7:30 iJ. m. ' Union Prayer Seryice every Wed'' nesday aight at the .Methodist and Baptist churches alternately. SOU. KY. SCHEDULE ."East Bound Train. ' No. 20 . Lv. Murphyfc6 :30 a. in . Ar. Syl va 10:43 a. m. Arv AshevUle 1 :55 p. mi No. 18 hr. Mnrphy.' 11:30 a.- m. Arm Svlya 3.47 P. M. Ar. AsheyUle 6:55 p. m WestlBound Train. No 17 Lv. Asheville 8;30 a. m. Ar.lSyl va 11 13 a. m. Ar. -Mnrphy 10 :55 p. m Kol ia;tv; AshrUle 3:20 p. m. Ar. Syl va 6; li p. m. Ar. Murphy 10:55 p. v -l-. V, Dorse y 'A-J'j Locaiwieiigwr Agent, t For Fewest Changes ot Cars, Best Schedules : and; the Very '"'Lowest Rates to All Points in - the North, South, East and Wcst.-Trav.a-S- . ft . . - 1.' .- - Jacea of the- system. fiTS S Catarrh) Cure ;be sure you get the triS ine. , It is- taken Intently1 Tnd maS K Toledo. Ohio, by, F. J. Ch6&e? & gf Glover SOD I ER N - Premier'' Carrier of the v:: . vSoutlt. - -For Further To formation And Particulars. CalLOn or Write 'jH. woob,i). PA., v.r-; -p vBhevi lie; ,N. C. ayma a. lot?

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