. - . - "'-'", . 1 .-, -r t - -i - t- t - -: ;- " - t ' 4, . 'v. X V 4 - ; jKlison County Jonrnaii ' f D'ANr , TOMPKINS, Editor - fivE; E. BROWN.TIaR.' - v - - : . - a r - f. I II - V JJ Publisned weeklv"by; JACKSON, COUNTY JOURNAL COHPAJiY .,;;-; " . '- r " -' r "".- .;j:fc"wi as setmclass mail matter- a 7- Pooffice at Svlra T C. vi, i : . All Checks; Motiev Orders etc. ' . must be mad pavable tothe Jackson . County ;JoTiraaV..Company;' p: i . v . : Correspondents should sret alFcopy in bv; Monday's mail to , insure insertion a divertisinjBC rates furnished on appli cation. - V -. -. ' " ' .' . Subscript! - t.oq per year, in dvance.. s FRIDAY .AUGUST 15 191 3 : HOOKWOfeM CAMPAIGN. v : A vast ambufit of; ill health! is due to impaired digeonWheni the stomach fails to perform its fun-- ctions properly the whole .system The proposition of the; railways doing business in Re state' was . re jected by Governor Craigr as a re sult of a conference bald in Raleigh August 12 in which the - Governor, becomes deranged. : A few doses of the legislative freight rate commis: . Chamberlain's Tablets : Is; all ; you: ! aiuu, uie nurm vai uuutt vaji yuiauuu uecu.' i ney will sltcuiuci r ( digestion, invigorate your liver, ana regulate your bowels, entirely, do- hi awry' with that . misserable ifeeUng due to faulty' digestion Try it Many others : have been permai;ently cured why not you? For sale by ALL DEALERS. and the Council of State participat ed. -The matter will have to be ad justed by the General ' Assembly when- it meets ! in extraordinary session' September: 4: v. z -Chief Justice Walter - Clark says that the proposition of jthe Railroads in regard to freight rate, ' is "An in sult to the intellegenceof North Carolina. r; ' . Some weeks ago the Commission ers of Jackson County saw fit to appropriate the sum of $200 to de fray the expenses of conducting the camp ai n JookiDg to the era dication of the Hookworm in this County. v ' ; , Thanks to the generous. assistance of Mr. Rockerfeller. this ; campaign has waged with excellent results m different sections of .the State and Country. v v The examination will- cost no th' ing and when the examination shows that one is affected the medi Cine eor the treatment vith the dir ections for , taking will be given absolutely free. Every one in the county who has not been examined should takeN advantage of this opportunity. Tf you hayn got the hookworm, you want to know it and if you have you want to be cured. The lectur es and dispensaries will be opened in Jackson County at the following m33 and places. Qualla Tuesday August 12-16-2B and September 9. Wilmot Tuesday August 19 and September 2. Sylva August 13 Thursday Aug ust 21-2? and'Sept. 10. : . Webster Thursday August 14 Wednesday August 20 a d Sspt. 3 Savannah Thursday August 28 September 4 and 11. ; Cullowhee Friday August 15-29 and Sept. 12.' Tuckaseigee Friday August 22 and September 5., . : Gleaville August . 16-30 and Sept. Cashiers Valley Saturday 23 and Sept a Be sure to attend the lectures at one of these places none of us know enough about the laws of sanitition. ; That Sylva and Jackson County are just beginning to be known as health and pleasure resorts is at tested by the crowds that have" vis ited us this summer and jwe, may look for increased numbers next year. It is up to us to provide some waysto accomodate the people next summer. Of course all who have been here this summer have been well cared for but we-have had all we could conveniently take care of. We have the natural advantages and are going to build good roads. Sylva needs a good hotel. Let's build it. - The fairs in Western Carolina this year will be held as follows: Jackson County Fair, Sylva, Sept. 23-26. . ' Haywood. County Fair, Waynes ville. Sept 30-Oct 3. Western' North Carolina . Fair, Asheville Oct. 7-10. McDowell County Fait, Clarion 'Oct. 1548. Blue Ridge Township Fair, Dana, Nov. 5-7. ' esal e Lumber "7 "I NOTICE OF SALE. i - Ceiling FlooHn SWin andlDqot" Ivrames, Balusters P-VG and PorcK Rails, Stair Woocls BracHets and StOre FrOnt Sash THE WORLD WANTS THIS MAN. We seek him everywhere Amid the throng. We've sought him here and there And sought him long Hoping among the mob Hell chance to dwell- The man who knows his job -And does it well! " . - - i , . . - v We know of labor's woes; .NorTiold them light ' - . But ah, the man who knows His business right! ; - - 7 Workman, or cop, or clerk -. , He makes a hit ; ' . The. man wKo kjiows ,his work : And tends to it v - ;The world:has; constant ass " " For men; Me thisl V,.- 1 ; Whose's work's not fast and loose And hit nr miss ; V -It seeks with ;hean; athrob,; y 1 Where he m ay vvell ; r l arm and G BOOKSHELF FOR MOTHER. Any Boy Handy at Carpentering Can Do It-and Wait For Christmas. Id almoRt every honsebold rhere i: fidme one who is baud' witb tools says the American Agriculturist. To prove its assertion it pnnis rli followinjr story by .lames B. Iuuc:'. and a picture thai shows the result oi painstaking effort A bookcase. lar?:e enousb to hold IOC books is an adornment to any house hold, and the-youngster who is rievei enough to gather in some nice Wits of pine wood and then tackle tbe tool box in the barn will be sure to have something extra from mother in in. Christmas stocking. Here are the ruies to follow: N In the use of all edge tools, if yo would avoid cracks and splitting, be patient and do not attempt to remove wood too rapidly, although the toot should be always kept with perfectly sharp edges. Jhere is much marking out to do, and as this, must be accu rately done a good sharp pencil shoulJ alwaysbe at hand, in saudpaperiug itvIs bpst to wrap the paper around a bloctr&s the result Is more uuiforu. than when the paper is supported bj the hand alone. The three shelves, which are'identi cal in every particular, should be smoothly finished, glvtng particular attention to. tbe' ends, as these are visible- through the side strips. In or der to fit arouud tLj four corners of the uprights, the tour corners of thesj must be notched out. Theseuprights, after 'having, been . cut- -to . length smoothly ' finished and the ' corners rubbed, dowrj verj ; lightly with sand paper, 'should. have'ythe loatiou of the shelves marked on them-'aiid then Have. th9 boles bored for the, sci-w From'balf inch wood cut out foiiV bracket ,ro:'-nc2j:'..a '"lensth aV- to tit closely .(svvtvu the two uprights ot each VadJ Six Jittle side 'strips, meas bring one-fourth by one. Juch, ar re quired, hie b should be .. flat on top; Alia pointea ai inejr ends. , L-In- assembling ni"ake,";a hole In rb.' By virtue of the power and au thority 'conferred upod the under signed, Geo. W. Sutton, by a certain deed of trust, executd by Cole Thompson an-1 wife, Rebecca "Tho mpson, and M. M. Wilson, dat ed the 21st day of March, 1913; said deed of trust being recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds of Jackson Coumv, N. C, in Bool No. 60 atpage 357 et seq., reference to which is hereby had; default hav ing been made in the payment of the debt secured by sail deed of trust, the same bein now past due and request having bee" made by the owner and holder of said debts that the undersigned do execute the powers of sale contained in said deed of trust: I, Geo. W. Sutton, trustee, will on Saturday, September the 6th, 1913 ?t 1 o'clock P. M. in front of the Court house do- r, in the town of 1 - Webster, ty. C, offer for ?ale at Public Auction, for cash to the highest bidder, the fo!!ov;ing clerr.' bed piece or parcel of land, sitUa e in Webster Township, Jackson County, N. C, and more particular ly bounded and described as follows viz:- "Adjoining the land of Tom Deitz, R. M. Parris and others. . Beginning on a Post Oak on a ridge at Rufus Pris's line near a mine and runs thence a South West course a conditional line to a stake in Doll Addington's line; thence with his line a North West course to a Spanish oak corner of Rufns Parris; thence down said ridge with said line van East course to the Beginning. Containing three acres more or less. Geo. W.Sutton, Trustee. Estimates Given Upon Application ." - Sylva Lumber Mf. Co. 5ood' d s s B N Ppupiar Prices 4 ' " A LI SO Dillsboro, N. C. . New building lower end of Main St. A. J. DILL' INSURANCE. AGENT.- N. C. FIKE Sylva, man who knows hie i oh " mMmbnA doe it well. cr,or icb blf ;aud caref uHy r, ii:StiBejton. Bradley in News & Observer- 'X:ij. I -: 7 y-; . !:i -hi v'rinn14TlnL-ii'' 'bjj'V:SV '-'--i-J -:V rviDo!!ar a1 Bushel or' Word? ' r , ; v Hce Poe, Editor of the Pro: Mot farmers, are ..-ontem itnV,. . gressiye Farmer in n statement an-i j tinK K .busihei" butthere are a'few: nouat he is not n-the-race wwba would rather wrhe abut bow t false; two ears; where one 'grew baTor at a Vwd: v ,- J0U TOUR Subscription TO THE RNAL MM 4 0 0 ON SAVINGS AGCOlNTS A DOLLAR 1st DOLLAR EARNED V C. J. HARRIS, President MUCHANAN, Cashier. .) .- V, 1 - ''r . - : e i. .4. 1 V-. , . ' , . V , ;. 1 ."v - -ir V