- ... ,1V 5 , Gil . I. '! ; !:" LOCALS I' .. t ' 1 . . v : Miss Margaret 'Hastings; of Dills f boro,"visited fneds ; in;f Asheyille VW: C. Allen brought an irsh pota- isses Mollie Walters, Inez Cat-; hey; Wielmina PolUtz,:: Margurite Smathers.nd Messrs. -Rhodes, Sims J Leo Ridley, ahd; Ben Cathey went up ori Fisher Creek Wednesday: on acampIng'tng-Vy '.! 15 :- ;...: ' trr, j r v ;" R; Hsher'aprbmirientiA 2 - - a - 4un rJjuA rant of Addie was m the city v Wed to to town last week that weighed- v , v ;v p i -4 v o - t. ; -,v .' ' nesday. . .- if '.s .;;. v:-c v -.'t;. v;"wv"-.:-" .;-- -"r. ' --l-.4 ! r ;r. : v ,V'"-a';.-; ' 1 ; -r.; -, ;.;v Miss Daisy Keller ; of Cullqwhee this week. : 7.-.; v Mrs. Meir Street of 1 Newbern is visiting relatives in:Ais cityand Webster: - O: f . ; ' v . -r 4--,:i-)..-:v s Moving pictures - oaiuraay mut 1 Mrs. Ellen Pjckelsimer who has been visiting in Cashiers nasi re? turned home. ' - . ,r Haywood York, who "has been with the. L., and . N. for the, past eight or. ten years is in the city and will have charge of the work on the court house. : 7.J-'. We change the address of W: Bradley on the Journal's ' mailing list from Rockey Mount, to Lyman Wash: -'i'-'-: Mn and Mrs, Marian Bfadham have returned to Charlotte after having spent several days with Mrs Bradham's grandmother, Mrs. D. J. Allen. : ;'" '" Lawrence Cowan" of Webster spent Sunday Nin Sylva. ' -! A. D Cowan was;in the city Sun day," ' V..' v. -; - '..h;'-- . ' " : Rev. B. Q. Painter andvMiss Mat tie Bennett left Sunday for Barkers Creek, where they will have charge of the school this session."" We understand that Rev. . J. M. Bennett 'has accepted the call to the Franklin-church. V . Mrs. M. D. Cowan left Thursday ifoy Asheville, where she will visit 'hjersisters ;;l: ; ; R'RPotts and family have Te turaedjtb; Asheville, after a visit, in Sylva and Webster. . , ; , i ' 'i ;B6rntb "Mr; J; andMrs. James Price a girL : : , " . v- o;".: ; ' l.e campaign for Women , Suf I frage in North Carolina was launch ed at Morgantori the other day- Joe Price and : faimly; '?6fi Miss have been visiting relatives in r this place "arid WhsterV.; ' h iV -v -,v.-.,- f'.v; --..-i r'-V-a i ,-?! .: v.-' , . - .. II 1 Misses Saral Bell and Sara Owen was in'tVe. city tfisSveek; visiting relatives.. l:? :r;',v.v Mrs. vJ. u. onerrin nas-acceptea a positiori withrysori iiand - McDade As they ' have bought out the ; Milli nery line, of Brysori aridHqoper; Mre. Sherrill will leave in avery few days ior the Market to J buy her fall line ofcMilliriery: ;Read Holmes Brysori ad arid do not forget td go down .Tuesday an 1 Wednesday for those specials. ANNOUNCEMENT: I take this opportunity to announ ce to my friends hat I will here after be perminaritly located at Cullowhee, N. C. where I will -de-vote my entire time to the practice of medicine and surgery.; Edmund. J. JBryson. v -Were all 'medicines ' as me trb- rious as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy the world would be much better off and the percentage of suffering greatly de creased," writes Lindsay - Scott, of Temple Ind. For sale by ALL DEALERS. ,V."- ' - --v.-r:' ; ll;-f- - ........ t . ,t::'...';:-7-' i : V;.v-v .'.'. 's ' f- - ' : !- -v-'" Ilaying receiitljhougl of Hard- wareandpajnt carried "Sylva C and lilies? 6fFurriitiire aid Paint carried 'S yl d pupply Co c ; ' r. I vish to arindurice to the public that, I am starting a new busiii that here after I expect: to" carry a f iill line 6f up-to-date CI fuFiliture Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury wiljl surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system "when, entering it througrh .the mucous surfaces.' Such articles should -never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, "a. the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can : possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by. F. Z. Cheney Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken Internally,, acting directly upon the blood and .mucous sur faces of the system. In buying. Hall's Catarrh. Cure be sure you get the genu ine." It is taken Internally and made. in Toledo; Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes timonials free. Soldby. Druggists. Price Toe per bottle Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. including Farminglltensils, Mining Suplies, Cook ing and Heating Stoyes, all kinds of Furniture and House-Hold Furnishing Goods, Paints Oils, etc. . ' ' 4 " , ' ' ' '- ' I- " " ' " )Am Located in Same Building That tlie Post Office is in. My IMotto will he, "Courteous freatmet and Fair Dealing" " '. . V ' .... And will try to build up the business by endevorihg in every way to best serve the interests of my customers. Come to see me. YourS Very Respectfully j IM. J BUCHANAN I v . .. - 5 'i ' ' - ' : ' - ' - - ' i 11 - - - ' " ""mmH"!ml. I I "... . SPECldllL NOTICE. ' jeseir , Antractor s employers Lia bility, Druggists Liability, Piiy sicians Liability and almost all other kinds of Inability: Insurance.. ; Occident, Hialh and Lifejnsurance A specialty, l lCQQPER '5 HENSON, Dilisboro, N. C. ; (U F A M ... Ifow IS ;'- t V-.'". COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS FREE! ASSOCIATION HSfi the leading colleges of the State will S0j3e by the - . - V; y can be secured by selling season tickets to the Falf and Suringte - f r VS S points gives afa contestants equal opportunity ' pl .f ynanmgi 01 resiaence. . j r Mel to oMef youir DON'T ATTEMPT TO PUT IN WHEAT UNLESS YOU f 01. JLW t 1 . COMTEK OPENS AUGUST 18th CLOSESSEPT 20TH '; '; ':Your choice of a scholarship in the following colleges: "Asheville - School for Girls, unnsi ocuuui ui Araen, UuUowhee Normal : and. Indus- ' trial: School. Davidson CoUege. Elon Conege.lars HiirColIege."; Normal . : nnd Collegiate. Institute at AshevUle. Saint Genevieve's College at AsheP : ' Stntp. College 6f Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.-State Normal nnrt I '-mM. Umversity; Trinity CoUege. ! Weaver CoUege 1 . . : :oo rn1lfi!?e and Emanuel Tincinoco nwt : . I i ' - For rules of the contest, ffair . Catalog and program, address: : ' ; , . It will pay you to do so, if you fertilize its' the 'best lin- nent you can make. Order your' fertilizer nov front your 'agent ibr For widt e direct to the factory. A 0. IT ' "7 t ':. .'N"'. i" - . , '- , ' . 1 1" :; -t--. na-rair Asso. :.!u:-:;i;:.:-.v.::;. ASHEVILLE Western