V ; : .I 4 : ,1' . i so- a. a. i k . J . . -.-. ? - . ss::- ; Mv - V -1 i -V i : - 3 v i J 1 r - 1 -? I - 1: - J' i '.V 4 'J KOTICE OEEXECOTION OF SAIE Jn The Superior -Court , ; ", ;f - B;North?C ' : ; Jackson; County. C. F. Rhinehart ;and I. H., Powell, Trading under tke firm ' name and Style of Rhinehart-Powell Company - ....''Vs. ': -'. , . U CWilson V By virtue of an execucution dir ected to the uniersigned from , the Superior Coi;rt of Jackson County, North Carolina, in the above en titled action, bearing 'date of . July 29, 1912, 1 have levied the said exe cution upon iand will, on the .first day of September 1913, the first Monday in the' month, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door in the Town of Webster in said County and State, expose ' for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said Judgement and exe cution, all the right, title and inter est which the said L. 0. Wilson, the defendant, has in the following described tracts of land, to-wit: FIRST TRACT. Beginning on a bead-wood bush in branch, R. A. Nicholson's corner, and runs thence fcibuth to a lynn in Bill Wood's line thence East tc Ham Brown's corner, thenceforth with L. O. Wilson's line to G. T. Nicholson's line to the beginning, containing 10 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT. Adjoining the lands of G. T. Nich olson, J. M. Nicholson, J. B.. Price and others: Beginning on a black-oak . in G. PROGRAM FOR : UNION MEETING The next Union Meeting : will be held With the East Fok Savannah Baptist Church. Beginning on "Fri day Aug. 29, 19ia (1) introductory sermon by Eld er ATCrBryson at 11 o'clock Fri- aay. : - - -V- ') 12.; M. adjourned one hour for ainner. , I P. M. Do we Baptists contend for the faith as we snoula? Onen ea by J. M. Bennett. 2 P. M. Orga: nization. " V'-- Saturday 1 0 A. M. Devotional exercfte. 1U:3D A. M. What should we as a demonation advocate as Lducation. Opened by Thad C bfyson. II A. M. Pre'aching. 1 P. M. Devotional exercise. 1:30 P., M. vAre we as baptist strictly temperate as we sioula bet Opened by K. N. Deitz. . SUNDAY 10 o'clock Devotional exercise. 10:30 Sunday Lecture by Rev. Law rence ri. Crawford. 11 A. M. Preaching. Aiter preaching collect ion ior County Missions. A. C. gueen, W. t Cook. J. L. Owen Committee. EXPLOSION KILLS TV0: T. and J. M. Nicholson's line ntar the pig pen branch, and runs South with Nicholson's line 68 poles to a service tree in a brynch in said line, thence S. 56 degrees E. and up the branch 19 poles to a stake; thence S degrees E. 4 poles to a spotted-oak; tJe9e ?j W degrees W. 28 poles, to j a locust in John Price's line, and ! 91-2 poles East of his maple corner of old grant; thence East with said old line 37 poles to a stake ;n said line; thence North 51 poles to a black-oak; thence N. 44 degrees W. 24 poles to a sourwood; thence N. 32 degrees W. 40 poles to the begin ning, containing 141-2 acres. THIRD TRACT. Beginning on a stake in the line of Ji B. Price and R. A Nicholson on the South bank of John's Creek road, and runs 10 degress N. 121-2 oles to atake and pointers; thence N. 51 degrees E. 13 poles to-a stake and pointers; thence N. 16 degrees "W. with said old line 12 2-8 poles to the beginning, containing one acre. This the 1st. day o August, 1913 J. W. Buchanan, ' Sheriff of Jackson County. DRUGGISTS ENDORSE "S LIVER . TONE ODSON THE NORTHfcCAROLINA i . State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five reg ular Coueses leading to degrees. Free tuition to those who agree to become: teachersin ithe State. Fall Session begins September 17th, 1913. For catalogue and other information address. Julius I. Fouste, Pres. Greensboro, N. C ENTRY NO. 6044. State of North Carolina, County of Jackson. I, K. S. Bryson do hereby enter and claim 20 acres More or less land in Jackson County, State afore said on the head waters of Tucka seigee River, adjoinii g thejands of K. S. Bryson, Fred Bryson. A. S. Bryson, Chapman and others. Beginning on a stake corner of K S. Bryson and runs with his lint to Fred Brysons' line, thence with his with his line to A. S. Bry son's line, thence with his line to Chapman's line, thence with his ' line to the beginning corner and running so as to incltfae all the vacant J and in that vicinity. Entered on the 22nd day of July 1913. K-.-S. Brson Approved: John R. Jones Ex-Oflicic Lntery l aker lor Jackson County, N. C. - George Franklin and Jim Gaddy were both instantlv killed air Sun-' i burst Tuesday evening just after six o'clock by the untimely- explc sion of a charge of dynamite which the two men had planted or blasts ing. There were n6 eye witnesses of the accident but it is supposed hat a charge was delayed and that the men. went, to investigate just as it went off Wheir other workmen arrived there were only scattered remnants of what had been the two men, scarcely enough to identify them. The accident occurred on the Middle Prong operation where the Pigeon River railroad is being con structed by a series of heavy in clines. All the workmen had gone tosupper except Franklin and Gad dy who stayed behind to shoot the blasts. At the supper table it was I noted that the blasts did not go off together and whence je two men failed to show up some of the men went to investigate. The scene that met their gaze in the dusk of early night beggars de scription. Covering the earth for many hundred teet around, and caught in the branches of trees were fragments of the Ilesh ana clothing ol what so shortly before haa been live men. Will t ranklin identified his lather by a bit ol skull and hair while it was Wednesday morning belore enough of Gaddy was found to be recognized, and this a portion of his belt with a piece of fuse at tached that was tourid in a tree. Franklin was about 42 years of age an 4 leaves a wile and several children. Gaddy was almost the same age and also married. Way- nesville Couriers . Lb - - - . '-v.'; - . 4. ..V, I "I was cured of diai rhoea by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Chole ra and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes M. E. Gebhardt, Oriole, Pa. There is nothing better. For sale by ALL DEALERS. IT IS GDARANTED HARMLESS VEGE TABLE HEMtUK THAT REGULATES THE LIVES WITHOUT STOPPING YUUU ; ttUHKUtt PLAY- A dose of caiomel may knock you completely but for a day some times two or thre day s. 7 Dodson's liver Tone i elieves attacks of con stipation, biliousness and lazy liver headaches; arid you stay, on your ' ;Sylva-pharmac5r sells Dodson's UyTone it to V4Trfect;satisfaction. If you buy a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone : annWfindit the safest, most dy .yoii everjvtookj this. store, will ve you back the - 50 cents .you paid for it without a question. : . ' jhis guarantee that a trustwor- thydrugt gl togive'on Dod son'a liver Ton is as .saiVand1 re ';rUHble9 the medicine; land thatis pyingalot" y ; . - - ENTRY NO 6045 State of North Carolina, County , of Jackson. I, Frank Tatham, do hereby enter and claim live (5) acres of land more or less in Jackson County, State aforesaid! on the waters of Savannah Creek, aajoining the lands of C. C. Higdon, Jerome Sut tod, R. F. Gribble Amos Cabe kand others: Beginmng on" an Ash C. C. Higdons corner and runs with his line .to Amos Cabes' . thence with Amos Cabes line to R.VT. Grib bes line, v thence with Gribbles' line to Jerome Sutton's line tor the Beginning and rmanrng so as to include-all vacant land in that vicini ty. ' , "; . :' ' ;V.v' " - Entered July 22nd 1913. V (Seal) t KAMK TATriAM ' 1 v-: Approved: JOHN R. JUNES Ex-Officic Entry Taker iorJackson .TnE NORTH CAROLINA COLLhG. OF ARG1CULTURE AMI MtLHAMC ARTS THE STATE'lNDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Equips men for successful lives in Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock Raising, Dairying, Poultry Work, Veterinary Medicine; in Civil, Elec trical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Cotton Manufacturing. Four year courses. Two and One 'year courses. 53 teachers; 66tf students; 23 buildings Modern Equipments. County Sup erintendents hold entrance exami nations at all County seats July 10. Write for a" complete Catalogue to E. B. Owen, Registrar, West Raleigh, N. C. For Fewest Changes ot Cars, Best Schedules aud the Very Lowest Rates to All Points in ,the North, South, East and W est, Travel via . SOUTHERN .R fl I LVflY. Premier Carrier of the , South. For Further Information And, Particmars ChII On or Write J. H. WOOD, D. P. A., sheville N. C. SOU. in. SCHEDULE East Bound Train. ? ; No. 20 Lv. Murphy 6:30a. in. Ar. Syl va 10:43 a. m. Ar. Afiheville 1:55 p. m. No. 18 IvV. Murphy 11:30 a. m, Arrive Svlva 3.47 P. M. Ar. Asheville 6:55 p. m. ' WestBound Train. No 17 Lv. Asheville 8;30 a. m. Ar.Syl va 11:13 a. m. Arl Murphy 10;55 pr m. No. 19 Lvl Ashville 3:20 p. m. Ar.' Syl va 6 ;11 p. m. "Ar. Murphy 10: 55 p. m, i'-'- '-y. W. V.DoRSEy, v; '--;-ijr IiOcal;Passenger Agent, . U Guarantees every bottle of Dodson'rS Liver Tone to take the place of Calomel and if you are not satisfied with the results come to me and get your money back. Watches and Jewelry Silverware, Eastman Kodaks, School Books AND SUPPLIES. Everything in Drugs and Medicines Sylva THEO. SYLVfl, Pharmacy BUCHANAN, Prop. N. C QL oi IO EI- nzioi IO dlarkaon Olautttij iffatr Assoriaitntt SYLVA, N. G. Sept. 23-24-25-26, 1913 0 A. J. DILLS, Secretary, Sylva, N. C. Dear Sir: Please enter the following Exhibits in ac cardance with Regulations in premium List lor 1913. Signature. . Post Office Dept. No. in Pre mium List Description of Exhibits Fill dut and return u hi u n o 1 r v