L S :t ' IS i 1 : j - i - I - i :; ' i i 4 t "v i . i - K 1 f r. I J i . A l 4 ; ; - Mrs. Will Stillwell her son1 and 4 daughter, . Miss Georgia, were in In the city, on business Wednesday. Groyer C.; Cooper was a business " visitor heie Wednesday. f : Prof,, Simms who has been in our, town since theicommehcenient " of the Bible Conference leftftVednes day for his work in Alabama. . G. Taylor Hampton and his wife are visiting his ;j m other at Cullo wbee." -'. See our winter shoes for women 60 cents and up. Ham coats, new dress -goods just in and others this week. Buy your potatoes before the market falls 65 cents. Brysbn and Hooper. Mrs. Donaldson Cowan is visiting friends in Abingdon, Va for some time. Edgar Early of DHlsboro. has been in the city several days this week doing wiring and other electrical work. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wike spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Tay lor Hampton. Miss Bertha Rhinehardt is teach ing school at Green's Creek this ses- sion. Wolf Allen has charge of the pub lic School at Kilgofe. Dr. Williams of Cullowhee was in the city Tuesday. Quite a large number of Cullo whee students were in Sylva Mon day enroute for Cullowhee. Hilary Crawford of Svaynesville was in the city Monday. Lon Hehson was in the city from Sunburst the first of the week. V .- . -. . . - ' . - , ., : The Jackon County Bank, in this issue of the JOURNAL has an ad vertisement that is quite interest ing as it shows the prosperous con dition and healthy growth of busi nss in Jackson County for the past five years. 1 Thomas 0. Wilson has sold his residence on Allen Street to W V. Dorsey and he ; and his family will ; board for the present with W; 0 VBuch inan. Mr. Dorsey has moveofrfcm the Commercial to his new home. Curtis Cloptin of Atlanta arrived Wednesday and will spend some time in Sylva. Mrs. Lee Hooper returned Tues day from the hospital where s she has been, bemgtreated for injuries to her nose sustained by the tailing of a window glass. Lloyd Bryson of Macon County li Sylva Ph rmacy. , Hayes Hooper of Big Riege was in town on ousiness yesterday. One of the most common ail ments that hard working' people are afflicted with wis lame back. Apply Chamberlain's Liniment twice a day and missage the parts thoroughly at each application, and you will get quick relief. For sale by ALL DEALERS. uWere all medicines as me tro rious as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera an& Diarrhoea Remedy the world would be much better off and the percentage of suffering greatly de creased," writes Lindsay Scott, of Temple Ind. For sale by ALL DEALERS. - 7 3 : Having recently bought out. the lines of Hard ware and paint carried by "Sylva Cash Store" and the lines of Furniture and Paint carried by -Sylva Supply'Co." I wish to announce to tjne public that, I am starting a new business in Sylva, and that here after I expect to carry a f uU line of up-to-date mi m m XTRA! Hardware & Furniture including Farming Utensils, Mining Suplies, Cook ing and Heating Stoves, all kinds d Furniture ,and House-Hold FurnishingJGoods; Paints Oils, etc. Am Located in Same Building That the Post Office is in. My Motto will be, "Courteous Treatmet and Fair Dealing" And will try to build up the business by endevorincf in every way 10 best serve the interests of my customers. Come to see me. Tours Very Respectfully Mo BUCHANAN tl We have just received one of the best lines of pants that can be had for the money-S2.75 to $4.00 Tinware Assortment. : A nice assortment of tinware 5-10-15c 10 x 14 in seamless roast pans, 15c. 4 qt covered buckets (with Wire ears) 15c 2qt covered buckets (with wire ears) 10c. 4qt deep pudding pan 10c. lqt utility measurers (with fuunel attachment) 10c Also lOqt, Qalvanized buckets, worth 2 5c 19c while they last. A FaU Line o f Frait jars and jelly glasses 1-2 gaL jars 85c. per doz. lqt jara65c, per doz. Jelley glasses 25c. DRY GOODS We have: just received a nice assortment of Dress Goods in French J l'mv HAmilnA A T if (D) E 0 F A M i o o Cords, pnces. A nice ri:nHKomo ' frnm 7 1-9. tn 19. 1.9 Anmn f2irt4lr.m ftm 5 to 7 l-2c Cotton Checks Sheeting 5c. Extra good Calico - Rood tjeu"! Wto uuu v w wuuigijaun uuiu pi IU rtment of Hose Lisle, 25c.. SQk Lisle 50c. SUk $1.00 w r . . - We ore still selling "Pinnacle" Flour at 65 c. Sugar 18 lbs. to the dollar every day in the week. Coffee 18 to 35c per lb Eyfery thing new and up-to-date. -Call and look over our line. .B?(Q)So Now is tine 1IIME to Fder your DONT ATTEMPT TO PUT IN WHEAT UNLESS YOO . FERTILIZE. It will pay you to do so, if you fertilize its the best ifl' vestment you can make. Order your fertilizer now from your agent or write direct to the factory. leta; ..re OtlO On the Corner NOR. CAR BETA, m m a Go i r nip ny V i f N. C -1 I !