.A - - ,: ' V . m f 1: ti -: CITY LOCALS " ; i Geo. Snyder Beta's enterprising . merchant was in the city 'Tuesday on business. The -i-1.. - ' ' t - " - . ' - . - . Miss Sadie Luck - returned today from Knoxville. Mrs. J. B. Sherrill left Sunday for Atlanta to purchase the fall' line of Millinery for Bryson and McDade: Miss'Gracia Bryson was- in Syl va Monday returning to pullowhee Normal and Industrial School after having spent Sunday with her par ents at Beta. V. WHooper went to Tuckaseigee Saturday. - Louis J. Henson manager of t ie Beta Fertilizer Co. was a business visitor in Sylva Tuesday. - MARRIAGE LICENSE. L. B. Cabe 31 to Ethel Belle Cabe 28, Sam Cunningham 21 to Sallie Gibbs21f Oscar Robinson 20 to Eva Brooks 17, Andy Vinson 22 of Macon County to Florence Oxner 21 of Jackson County. Misses Sara and Josephine Thom as who are spending the summer at Whittier at the Thomas Farm, are havinla house party this week. Those invited from Waynesville, are Misses Florence and Bess Ray, El sie Katherine Allen, Laura Mae Noland and Ruth Abel. Waynes ville Courier. J. B. Queen of Addie was in the city Saturday. F. A Luck Jr. of Augusta Ga. arrived Monday and will spend a fortnight h Sylva. Miss Inez Weaver of Weaverville returne ' to Sylva Sunday to resume herduties at the Sylva High School Prof. Brothers the new principal of the Sylva Hig School arrived Friday. Rev. Mr. Utley, principal of the Webster High School, with his fam ily passed through Sylva, this week enroute for Webster. Robert Han is has returned to Sylva, after a weeks stay in Ashe- ville. Mr. and . Mrs. John Geisler and family have returned after having spent several days with relatives in Asheville. Rev. J. M. Benson and wife of Kenlee, N. C. are spending some days with Prof, and Mrs. Rhodes and Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Davis. St John Cox left Saturday for Raleigh where he will finish his course this year at A. and M. Col lege. G. H. Grindstaff left Saturda ' for Wake Forest College. , Robert Grindstaff has gone to Raleigh to go to A. and M. College. Ramsey Buchanan returned to A and M. College, at Raleigh Monday. Miss Marv Alice Fisher was the city Wednesday shopping. Jas. Candler of Dillsboro was Sylva Wednesday. We are in receipt of the subscrip tion of E. V.. Fowler to be address ed to Darlington S. C. - - ' . , Ephrim Stillwell of Webster who, has been a student at Wake Forest College for several years was one of those who - passed the Supreme Court examination' at Raleigh last week and he is nowan Attorney at Law. . X0 v';H : " i We are sorry to note the illness 4Df Jas, . W, McKee at his home but hope that he will be able'to be at his post of mity in a short wliilo. A full line, of fresh Groceries at the 1 BEST PRICED. : :: - - Loaf Bread, Beef; Vegetables and in fact everything good to eat. We will deliver all orders in town on time. - We will pay the best cash price for chickens and eggs. The City Mket, Sylva, N. C. Collans 5 flshe, Props. TO CHARLSTON, S. C. AND RETURN THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY Premier Carrier of the South will operate the annual outing for all the people in Western North Carolina on Wednesday September 10 th. 1913. FARES prom Bryson to Emma, $5.50 Passengers from Sylva use train No 18 or 2o to Asheville, SPECIAL TRAIN CONSISTING OF SLEEPING CARS AND DAY COACH. ES THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE ON FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: Lv. Asheville t.10 P. M. Ar. Charlston 7.00 A. M. Tickets 2ood returning on all r.?iriar trnins except Carolina Specip. Train No; 27. For further information apply to your local Agent, or see large flyers giving full detail. Make pullman arrangements promptly. Rates $2.00 for Lowers. $1.60 for Uppers, J. H. WOOD, DIV. PASS. AGT. W. V. DORLEY, AGENT, Asheville. N. C, Sylva. N. C DILLSBORO. Hastings. James Jarrett, of Savannah, Ga. once a citizen of Sylva, spent ten Hqvq 7ioif irr! frionHo Vi oro Killv mviQ nf Wphstpr was nprp J miss uauiieii ouyuer nas gone to in in this week. Misses Kate and Dora Kruger and Misa Hilda Holmes after spend ing se veral weeks at Jarrett Springs Hotel returned to their home in Charlotte Monday. Holmes Bryson and family after spending 10 days in Cashiers Val ley have returned home. Baxter Jones of Gay, who has been clerk in Holmes Bryson store has has gone home preparatory to enter Cullowhee Noimal and Indus trial Institute. Mr. Alfaugh fhe contractor on the dam made a trip to New Jersey this week. Mr. Law, one of the engineers at the Harris dam went to his home in South Carolina this week. B. E. Gray, t fter spending ten days at Dillsboro returned to Zwalle La. where he is conducting a large lumber business. A party of 27 consisting, of J. J. Hooker and" family S. W. Enloe and family C.' H. Daniels family and friends went fishing down to Deep Creek and they report a fine time and tell some wonderful fish stories. N y Robert Sutton and wife went to Knoxville Tenn. to attend school. J. J. Mason our enterprising lum ber manufacturer has been running his plant day and ni ht for some time in order to fill his many push ing orders. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Leatherwood A. .1 ... . . pem weeK visiting inenas m Waynesville and Clyde. TJ T P k 1 ii nurace orown oi Asnevnie was here last week on business. Prof. Okerland and wife of Tam pa Fla., after spending some weeks in Dillsboro, went to Tallula Lodge Ga. Prof. W. L. Henson of Cullowh ee opened the graded school here with Mrs. Thos Leatherwood Miss Mag gie Moore and Miss Profitt as assist ants. R. R. Carter of Asheville is spen ding a few days in our midst, fish ing for Bass. The Critic. SYLVA WINS AT CANTON ; .Mr land: Mr8ToiTJ Tatharr ' , ".ri Harare attending the Zacha- - ZD n M "iry reunion at Cashiers. miuer iu wyuo, v-auion visit ors yesterday, Observei The Sylva Base Ball Team went tq Canton, Monday, labor diy and took a fall out of the Cantonites t ) Asheville'for a few days this week. the tune of 7 to 6. The game was Billy Sunday 'of Altoonce, Ga. j wel1 PIaved on both sides and was who once inspected pins' here, is 1 close 311 the way through.. now spending his ten days vacation at this place visiting-frienas. WHAT WE NEVER FORGET M. Y. Jarrett our efficient Post- according to science, are the things master went to Ashevule last week associated with our early home Hfe on a business trip. . v such as Bucklen's Arnica Salve, S. W.Cooper and wife of Whittier that mother or grandmother used are visiting their son G. C. Coop er. to cure our.burns, boils scalds, sores " i aUVllla dllvl lyllKS An- SKm eninhnnQ onto . 'mn- - VyULkJ. Liinill. Ill ty years of cures prove ltS merit. TJnri vnlH far nilbo Mrs. R. O. Kelley has been visit- I of cold-sores! Only 25 cents at The her parents Mr. ; and Mrs. TV H. Sylva Pharmacy. - It is not only lightnings proof , but fire-proof and-stprm-proof, too.- ;.' CORTRIGHT METAL SHINGLFQ last as long as the building and never neA rW. Just the thing for town or cbuntry buildings, because thev meet everv condition of comfnrf i J. ouu iccuniy. IEEE Ji For Sale by ta.ppl Co. CROP MAKERS Reversible Disc Plows, Roderick Lean Steel Frame Disc Harrow. Empire Junior Grain Fertilizer Drill. Sold on easy terms, Wrie for circular prices. and 1 T. S. ISON cc COMPANY ASHEV1LU: hp si m I i: pens "I suffered, during girlhood, from womanly weakness," writes Mrs. Mollie Navy, of Walnut, N. C "At last, I was almost bed-ridden, and had to give up. We had three doctors. All the time, I was getting worse. I had bad spells, that lasted from 7 to 28 days. In one week, after I gave Cardui a trial, I could eat, sleep, and joke, as well as anybody. In 8 weeks, I was well. I had been an invalid for 5 weary years 1 Cardui relieved me, whsn everything else failed." TAKE m t he I WomaifsTonie If you are weak and ailing, think what it would mean, to you, to recover as quickly as Mrs. Navy did. For more than 50 years, this purely vegetable, tonic remedy, for women, has been used by thousands of weak 'and ailing sufferers. They found it of real value in relieving their aches and pains. Why suiter longer ? A remedy tnat nas relieved and helped so many, is ready, at the nearest drug store, for use, at once, by you. Try it, today. i4 ww i lie wlj - 1 1 : i b ii v i :i w ri rii it. i m ti rwwt tww km wm rr f ... wwt wm . unii -iam. wr- . for Special Instructions, and 64-paga book. Home Treatment for Women." sent free. J 5f Wk treatment for Women." sent free. J KM hi mi ii r Ernest Lo .Withers wiW V omp any Tudutahce tbat ITnsuree - Waynesville. N. C. THE NEW PRESSINGCLL'B Is now open just above the Gonxmercial Hotel i I am now reid tp do y mr p rs siiu aril cUriti- mg at reasonable prices, 1 Ladies if Us a siktrt oreoat suit I can clean and press.it to look like hew Qmiemeu bring your suits to me and ha them made to look as new, iL DvDORSEY; SvlvaN C. 7 .V -

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