x V rr ri V I I I V I I I 1 I i I I I I'lUJLI ------ - - - -,' I Westerii rr r 1 1 1 1 1 irm Kroinptea rnd BlyelQfr ed ' ' 1 ? We invite correspondence for the promotion arid dvdopment kgitimate W. N. C. enterprises: Agriculture Farm Architecture and ' Demonstration work Estate Country Real Estate Bought Sold and Exchsnged Good Roads Flans. Specifications and Expert Advisers fM.i giu. u 1( -csm in .ctj3(r; M,m, jilctttrfield fn their nun limit V. cUtm Keith Carolina. Wtite s fuitfaer about iLintials, larmirg aDd timber irvestments. No uty Keai ru. "cuu.cu. . ; . References G-en H WILLIAM B. TROY COMPANY ASHEVlf LE. N. C. jL y v gTvrrnnTTrpTnfvr priori' i v stttttttttv rvrrrTnrerr 23 bqundans of which, ia shown in a Vleed 1 nnd treated for hook woirh :3( be' ftrom-W. H. T.DiUard to Iioeir W&id. 1 11L L. f j I j i--.-tl' the third tract of which is known as the W H. Conner tract, granted to W. Conner, containing. 75 acres, the bound aries of which are : shwn by old tant No. 755, the fourth tract of wiich Was Krantlt6M. O. Ward, conta'ninpr 39 acre8,boundaries of "which are showii by grantNo. 9713, the fifth tract of which known as the tract granted to U: C will avail themselves of the oppor tunity. " This should be: a matter of first importance to every fpat in Jackson" county. .The ,geAtlemeri who are conducting tfieireel exam inations and free treatments arei Well "up on their job, and take great Ward, containing 54 acres boundaries I pleasure in helping the people in shown by suid grant No. 0712 the ix'.b this fiht against the ravages o, Hook worm disease. Mr and Mrs. Victor Brown and Miss Fay Rogers were welcome tract of "which is a dted of couvey.inr from w. T. Gibson to M. O. Wanl, cuu- tainiag ' 30 acres, lines of winch are shown in saia deed of convevance. 'the seventh tract of which consists of a vtcoa j visitors at Speedwell Sunday. CULLOWHEE N & I. SCHOOL CULLOWHEE, N. C. A STATE CO-EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE DRAINING OF TEACHERS. In the heart of Jackson County, an institute dear to the hearts of Jack son County People, educating Jackson County Boys and Girls Brings the advantages of a first class training school to our door. v Let us unite our efforts to make it the GREATEST SCHOOL IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. Fall session opens August 19, 1913 Ask for Catalogue 0. S. DEAN, Secretary, TA.:C. REYNOLDS, Principal, . -r- ( Cullowhee, N. C. CD iate Sylva : Collei Institute for the making of real men and real women. Electric lights. Good worm rooms. Strong facul ty, Total cost $80 to $95 per year FALLJTERM BEGINS AUGUST 27 1913. The enrollment for the ?ear 1912,-13 lacked only two stutants of being double the enrollment for the year 1911-12. . . . ForiCatalogue address jJ yST f J-c- INGRAM, Principal 12-Gauge erlets Pump " Guns W ePeating shotgun. Jklodel 2a. is a tinp-flnniri nr hMiitifnllv. Houeh nr out an? objectionabl humps or bnops; no boles on top for gas to- Wovr out Icot i .Jin Cr Jet mJ. can't freeze up with rain, snow,, or sleet; it's solid steel brcecli . 4CU 01 wood) Dermits a th nt"u?e".1 V " nimmriu with C 1 n 1 :.,:.. M. ..T1 O 1! J f e?J. WuT--7t Barrel (which costs $4.00 tra on othe guns) Press, Button Cartridge I. i . ' VO remove ii4nMnui .'t1 (rW uitVinit nmrl nor t Vi rnn trli arlinnl JflKI. p - CAAVAJUKa VJ J A 1 Pill 111 " """"O j stamps postage for big catalog describing' No. Tff 7ZcZlln irearmS Co. SZip D. T and Trap Special and all other SJf SSTSZ J r&ar77lS Mt Seating rifles and shotguns. Do it now I - 42 Willow Street, New Uaren, Conn. yOUsKonfr a rifle pistol, orshotgun you shonld' hare-;a opy of thcMdeal Hfnd rrJer. " L .Book160 page of useful? ihforrflatioii- for shooters. It tells, alh abcut Munition V'imers ana reloading tools tor au stanaara nuc, Fiui anu in';.u vVe m 1 taret measure nn'arHdrtt acrimMv! shows vou now io.cul your, ammuniunn , naif and do more and better1 shotting.'- This book'?'free, to ary shelter, who '-vj.. tamos postage to The Marlin fireannsCo., 42 WfTlow SU New Haven. CouJr COOPER & HEN SON D1IXSBORO, N. C. You cat beat it for JI$URANCE Kina of We solicite your inv&tigation of the reliability and saftey of all the Companies we represent. Yours for Goxirteous breatment NOTICE. North Carolina, In the Superior Cotirt . Jackson County. Geo W. Revis VS. Geo. W.'Shular NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXE CUTION. By irtue of an execution directed to the uudersigned from the Superior Court of Jackson County in tha above entitled action, I will, on Monday the 6th clay of October, 1913, at 12 o'clock, M , (Itbjjing the first day of the Octo ber Terna 1913. of the Superior Court of Jockson C.unty) at the Courthouse door in the town of Webster, in said county and state, sell to the highest bid der for cash to satisfy said execution, all the rigbt, title and interest which the said George W Shular, the defend ant, has in the following described real estate, to -wit: FIRST TRACT. One town lot in th$. town of Dillsboro in the county and state aforesaid, and more particularly described as fbllpws, o-wit: jiowq as the Cunningham Livery btable property on the north ccrner of Depot Square and Haywood Street, fronting 50 feet on Depot square and running a west direction 100 feet with Haywood street and bounded on the south by S . P. Davis' lot and Dr . H. M. Wells' lot, the fence of which was about 10 feet from the stable, and bounded on the west by the old Cun ningham livery stable line, being a lot conveyed by S. P. Davis and wife to W. J. Zachary May 12th, 1903 and a. ter wards conveyed to G. W. Shu lar. SECOND TRACT. Being in the town of Dillsboro and beginning at a stance on tbe south bank of Scotts Creek, F. M. Cathey's second corner, and runs down said creek S. 60 west 70 feet to a stak e on the bank of said creek, thence S- 31 E. 314 feet to a stake, thence N. 60 E. 58 feet to a stake, thence N, 21 VV. 314 feet to the beginning. THIRD TRACT. Being in the town of Dillsboro, begin ning at a stake S. E. corner of No, I, and runs S. 60 W. with said line of lot No, 1 9 poles to a stake in W. A. Dills' line, thence 8 26 E. with Dills' line 14 poles tp aSpanish oak on top of the ridge: tnence S. 53 E. with the height of said ridge in the line of H. R. Sn er 16 poles to a slake in said line, thence N. 31 W, 26 poles to the be ginning, containing 2 acres more or lees. v FOURTH TRACT. Being in the town of Dillsboro, the lot on which Geo, W Shular now lives, and beginning at a s take on the north side of Haywood street at the Widow Rhea's S. W. corner, and running with her 1 ne N. 10 W. 50 ft. to a stake, W. A. Dills' corner, thence 10 E. with Dills, line to a stake on the North side of Haywood street, thence N. 80 E. 50 feet to the beginning. FIFTH TRACT. Lying andb eing irj Burkers Creek Tp;in the county and state aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows: Being the severaV tracts, pieces or parcels of land embraced ,in a deed from M. C. Ward and wif e. F T. Ward, to G. W. Shular, dated the 6th day of May, 1893, and recorded in Book ? 18" at page 129 et seq. in the Register's office for Jack son county, wnich said lands are more particularly describedas follows, to-wit-Adjoining the lands of W. H.:, Thomas, Jnbv Gibson and others, the first tract of which is known as the Millsaps tract, granted to Jno. a. Millsaps, Jind con- aining 100 acres, boundary shown" iy! oia grant; tne seoona tract oz wmcn is kno as c lands conveyed by w. H. ;!f.:i)iluir;'Ix$':;WA containing three dillerent tracts of 180 acres: the made from S. W. Gibson to M. C. ard containing 30 acres, the lines of which are shown in said deed from Gibson to Ward, the eighth tract of which consols of a deed made by the heirs, of Loau Ward to M. C. Ward for their intCicoL, in said lands, which said boundaries in clude several of the foregoing tracts thp eight tracts la3t above dtbcribed .cou taining 400 acres more or less. This the 20th day of August 1013. J. W. BUCHANAN, Sheriff of Jackson Couuty. STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT. CIRCULATION, ETC. Mrs. Fora Watkins and son Tal raage. called at Speedwell for a short while Friday. Mrs. Geo. M. Cole called at Speed- -well Sunday. Jack Wike and his son Qaude were buying calves in Speedwell one day last week. Born to Mr, and Mrs. Riley- Mor rison a girl. X. Y. Z. HEALTH AND HYGIENE, of Jackson County Journal, publish- Crying is the complaint language common to all babies. It is alaib ed weekly at Sylva, N. C, reoired j 0f limited vocabulary, but by Act of August 24, 1912. j withal is one seldom properly inter- Note.-This statement is to be . preted. Most mothers interpret the made in duplicate, both copies to j baby's every cry as a call for food, be delivered by the publisher to the , and they immediately proceed to rm it up bv stuffing the child with food that it doesn't want and shouldn't have. When the baby crie?, look for cause besides hunger. Don't stuff postmaster, who will send one copy to the Third Assistant Postmaster General (Division of Classification), Washington, D. C. and retain the other in the files of the post office. a nipple in its mouth and let it go Name of Postofflce address. Editor, Dan Tompkins, Sylva, N. C. Business Managers, E. E Brown, Sylva, N. C. Publisher, Jackson County Journal Company. Owners: M. Buchanan Sylva, N. C. Jno. B. Ensley Sylva, N. C. Coleman C. Cowan Webster, N. C. at that. Perhaps the baby is tired of lying in one position so long. Turn it over. Quite likely it is thirsty. Give it a drink of cooled, boiled water no ice in it. Maybe its garments are wet or soiled and therefore uncomfortable. If so remove them at once, wash the parts carefully, apply some un scented talcum powder, and put on E. B. McDade Sylva, N. C. clean, thoroughly dry garments. Known bondholders, mortagees, j Perhaps its clothes are uncomfor and other security holders, holding . tably tight or a pin may be sticking 1 per cent or more of total amount it Correct this. of bonds, mortgages, or other securi ties: None. DAN TOMPKINS. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of August, 1913. E. B. McDADE. Notary Public. Seal. (My commission expires Sept. 14 1914.) he country than all other diseases put .ogrether, and until the last few years .vas supposed to be incurable. For a great nany years doctors pronounced, it a local ji3ca.ee and prescribed' local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure rith local treatment, pronounced it incurr.blo. Sci ence lies proven Catarrh to be a consti tutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the only Constitu tional cure on the marl:ct. It is taken In ternally in loccs from 10 drcps to a tea spoonful. It acts directly on the -blood end mucous surfaces cf the system. They n'Ter one hundred dollars for any dase It f-'ils to cure.. Send for circulars and tes timonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold bv Drarrists, 7Te. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation- It may be complaining about be ing too warm or asking relief from "prickly heat." Make it comfort able by removing all unnecessary clothing a thin gauze shirt and a diaper is all that most babies should wear in hot, weather. Light dressing and two sponge baths daily will prevent "prickly heat" Maybe it is objecting to the quali ty, of the air of the room, close, hnt smpllv air will mpikp anv hahv There is more Catarrh In this section ot J -nAvicri Hivp it 1nti of frh air let it sleep out doors as much as possible, pretected from dust, sun, and flies. When in ,the house keep the windows open. - . . Learn to do sometlng. to stop a baby's cry besides stuffing a nipple in its mouth. Put yourself in the helpless baby's place and figure out what would happen to you if every time you asked for a drink of water you were given food; every time you grew tired of lying in one posi-, tion and wanted to be turned over food were pushed into your mouth;. every time you wished to be let alone that you , might sleep, . food . were forced on you; every time you complained about your clothes 'be ing too tight or uncomfortable, a nipple were stuffed into your mouth every time you complained about being too warm and wanted- relief from "prickly heat" you got fodd instead of relief. Wouldn't it make have, dyspeptic, and what- hot? Then have thought for the Vjpoor, helpless baby. 7 SPEEDWELL The people of Speedwell are build ing a new School house, also the people of Fall Cliff are building them a new. School house. The Board of Education is aiding .both places. Cullowhee with five church es and five school5 houses, ouf-side of the State builamgs at CuUowhee, compares favorably with any com munity in Western North Carolina! Now with a good road from Cullo whee to Sylva, CuUowhee -will l)e in the front ran)t of the townships of Jackson County. Cullowhee" High School is full of students and more coming eVedayT j , - Every lioylshould tat? 5 advant age of itfefree exarnlnatioh and free treatment for hook -worm, now being conducted In this county. AU who have-not been examined ' UNCLE EZRA SAYS - "It dont takemore'n a: giU uv efforf to t folks ; into l a peck of trouble and a Uttlerieglect;of con- .r , stipatibn, biUousns,'indigestioS ftzX ,: other livr derangement wIdo the i -same- If ailing,tate"v:I)rKing LNew life. Pills, for , quick results. Easy, saie, sure, gna oniy cents -The Sylva Pharmacy. ' - '.-.. . If;: :r. ,1 ! ! 1 r. i I'1 1 I'll i'.t' tj i' I. ; ;. 4 f : I rft j 1 1i v 7 i " r'. : ... M..