7- ft 7 - 'I-'- ... 5 1 '.. - .-if.- -i-N . - r - ! -- - - . M.TQchester called in and sub- ; V- scribedjfor the Journal this week. Moving Pictures Saturday V night. . g '-Mrs. Sherrill will return this week i withlherllirie of jLadies Misses Sand x ) Childrens hats. Come in and Isee : them at3ryson ScMcDades oh 13 the corner. V Jackson County Fair Sylva Sept. 23th, 24th?25f 26th; 1913. N ' V . . See the pge ad. of the " J. C. F. this week on another page. ' Holmes Bryson was in the city this week. V . - - The brick ' masons began laying - - brick of the new Court House Tues day at 1 o'clock. Something doing at the big J. C. F. Sept 23 to 26. ' V David H. Brown of Webster was in the city this week. A lull line of fresh Groceries at the : BEST ERICESi Loaf Bread, Beef; Vegetables and in fact everything good to eat. - ' - . . - - We will deliyer all orders in town on time. - ' We will pay the best cash price chickens arid eggs; The City Market, Sylva, N. C. Colfans S flshe, Props. far Mrs. Harrison Knight and sor. Band m.isiv anri ni.ht .TRv. Newton Garland, were the&ueste O i Coaaty Fair Sstft 23-24-25-23. , the first of the week of Mrs. Knignfs sisies, ivirs. Kj. l. anaier. , .Southern Railway gives reduced rates to Jacksan County Fair. Plenty of nausic at the big' Fair. F. P. Presley of Speedwell was in the city Tuesday. A complete line of trunks and suit cases just received lat Brsoh & McDades. , Will you Be at the big Fair? I ! Will. ''. UNCLE EZRA SAYS" "It don't take more'n a-ill uv effort to git folks into a peck of trouble" and a little neglect of con stipation, biliousae33,initgS3tioa or other liver derangement Will do the snmp Tf nilinrJ tnlcp Tir Kind's Miss Sadie Luck of Sylva was the 'NewUfe pms 'fm quick What could be better for town or country bu3dinffs tkan a r that won't burn -won't leakthat is lightning proof lasts as 1 J3as the building itself; and never needs repairs ? on? Cortrigjit Metal Shingles meet every one of these requirements Beware of imitations -None genuine without--the words ' Cortri&Kt Reg. U. S. Pat Off. stamped on each shingle. For Sale by OP 'MAKERS eversible. Disc Plows, Roderick Lean Steel Frame ;i8c Harrow, Miss Janette Patton of Hayes ille is the guest of Robt. Davis and wife of this place. ' Jackson County Fair; are you ready? Dan Tompkins,. made a business np. to AshsyUle iuesaay. Miss Mary Alice F ' - ' ' -t . - . . ... Fr se entrance fee for all ! articles mSs relatives in Andreiv tnis .or ani:ri3ls foj exhibit at the Jack- weeK i ... - Mrs. Ralph Kelley of Dillsboro guest of Miss Hattie Siler yesterday. -rWaynesville Courier. William and Leland Rhodes have returned to the University ofjNorth Carolina. Easy, safe, sure, and only 25 cents ; ttl DlT J XlfllOV liraill Stl .The Sylva Pharmacy. una; Old soldiers marchjin parade - witfi school children Jackson County! Fair. v E. K Brown visited home folks at Forest City Sunday. IT- son Co. Fair;.' Mont Hyatt of Waynesville is spent the day with Miss Effie Mc- fri the city getting ; everything in shape to oegf work on , the new roadsY ; v See bur, line of Ladies rain costs at Dryson & McDades. Hal McKee left Monday for Trini ty Park School. Durham. Three big ball: games, Jackson County Fair Sylva September 22-24:25-26. Ben H. Cathey Jr., went to Ashe ville Saturday. Prof. Jo fin. H. Wilson of Cullo whee Normal and Industrial School was a business visitor in Sylva Monday; J. J. Wild of Webster was in town Konday on business. Geo. Candler of Murphy wasJhe guest of' his brother, Dr. C. Z. Cand ler, Sunday; x 'Jackson County Fair ppened by grnd - Educational Parade Sept. 23-24-25-26. , See the ad. of TomkinsSc Luck in this issue .. V-. ' Hon. Wal ter E. . Moore of Web stdjr.fis inH Brevard - this week at tehdlhgcburt Mr. Moore says he is going t leaVe Jackson county, ' but sfiait lirriot probable . that he ;will!mpwt6iQ had beeri' tTeitortei-Sylvan Valley : : Plenty of nice, cleanlamusements Ji&ln; County tair September 23 i -Mr. ja. Mi Collins and iojx, RotJJoIJU Sunday to attend th (uneral bf Mrs . Collins' brbthe.r; Mr. JiW. McKee.r : . " i r R. mS41f bf Webster, was here t - Dade last Friday. .( Prof. Frank H. Brown of Cullc whee Was in the city Monday. . John Tathem was in town this week. Make an exhibit and attend the Jackson County Fair. W. J. Miller passed through this ' city enroute for Canton. Jackson County Fair Sept 23-23. v Hye3 Leatherwood spent Satur- j day night with his home" folks at j Murphy. C. C. Buchanan left Saturday for Marshall to attend court. Sunday;--! . .vr 7- : - , Henry, C. Moss of , Webster was in the eity EHday. fisabaenn and Hattie Bryson - of: AsnsviUej were here Sunday Wood's Kih-Grde Seeds. Crimson Clover The Klnlof Soil Improvers, also makus feplenaid fall, winter and spring grazing, the earliest preen feed, or - r"- ) , f CRIMSO CLCV will increase the productiveness of I he land more than twenty times ao much as the same amount spent in, commercial fertilizers. Can be sown by its-lf or at the last working of cor?., co'.lon or other cultiva ted crops. We are headquarters for Crimson Clover Alfalfa, Winter Vct-h, and all farm Seeds, Write for prices and Descriptive Fall Cald'J0, giving information about all seeds .for fa.ll sowing. T. W. WOOD & SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Fertilizer Drill. Sold on easy term Wrie for circular prices. 1 T. S. MORRISON CO. 15?: . A VV A rr 53 9 JL a ionic CORRECTION. In premium list 1913.' Department B continued Mules and Jacks - Under Entry Numbers 116-117 Southern Railway will sell tickets 118-119 and 120 Premium should on Faiu grounds and stop trains read. First $3,t)0 second $2,00, for discharge and pick up passengers Tnird $1 00 at the entrance to Jackson County . ' Fair J" WHAT WE NEVER FORGET Misses Overstreet and Shelton according to science, are the thing? who are spending the .summer at associated with our early home life the Commercial went to Asheville such as Bucklen's Arnica Salve, V 1 Saturday returning Sunday. that mother or grandmother used Miss Margaret Hastings spent the t0 cure our burns, boils scalds, sores night .in Asheville Saturday. skin eruptions, cuts, sprains or bruises. Forty years of cures prove MrP.' W. Kincaid of Dillsboro its merit Unrivaled for piles, corns went to Asheville Saturday return- ocold-sores. Only 25 cents at The ing; Sunday. , SvlvanPharmacv. . . ..- T Notice. .Owing to death of the manager of thb' firm it is necessary that all business handled by him be closed up immediately and we will ask parties indebted to this company to arge their Recounts at onc. We will greatly appredatthtf prpmp t attention our customers' will' give this request. : . :r : " SYLVA SUPPLYm The implicit confidence that many people have in Chamberlain's CMicChblera and Diarrhoea Rerae- v - " . . dy is founded on their . experience I in the. use of tHat remedy and their knowledge of the many remarkable ofeS 83 m SyWa 016 lastjtethdt it has 'effected For sale of the week. I by ALL DEALERS. Aid You a IVomon ? Tate uim I lo WomanVTonio fn siiE at til ; cn:5sTS LOU T!:ere are times in every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps- build ihem back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can't make a mistake fn taking The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. .f Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything." Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Thousands. I ) ( ) i ) () IM j ) j ) ( Ml inrnesf." JL; withers insurance l: Watties Cotnp -4 any tbat n$urea ville. N. C. tHE;EWRESSlNaCLUB fOIEY lODNEYtaS rOKKHCUUAllSli KIONCTa AMD OLAOQtM Is ow open just above the . Commercial Hotel'1 I am no w rend y to do V mr prssin ani cle Ing m reasonable prices, Ladies Kits a skirt or coat suit I can clean aflj press it to look like new, Qeiitlemeu bring yoflT suits to me and have them made to look as ne L. D. DORSfeY, Sylva N & II V. :-;V4. j' :