ti I. !"4 .- ? - r 1 -v' - i?-v:;; ... v X i yjL ii- w iiJ HE NottEnlBQ toetter made on WKeells. GIVES YOU ALL THE TIME YOU NEED TO PAY FOR ONE. Bapgains! B A KG AIMS I BAROAIN S ! 50 cent dress goods at 35c per yd. Ratines, French Cord, French Otto man, Ratine Crape 22 l-2c. Ginghams 5c and up. Good sheeting 5c Cotton Checks by the bolt 4 5-8 $1.00 Shirts 75 cents. Latest styles in ladies an dchildrens cotsi all colors from $1.00 to siaoo "-'V 10 pounds of Soda for 25 cents 4 stran Brooms for 19c. We have a full line of ready made skirts, men's and boys clothing at a bargain. jnf act anything in our house at much lower prices than can be obtained elsewhere. v -J i : -- v - Our Geo. D. Wite shoes must satisfy or money back; LA? rjuson ooper, SuIqcl Withers (A i 0 A o o Mow is .the TAME to oMef youir -1 .t dont Attempt to put in wheat unLess you wBnoalt FER I LI Z It will pay you to do so, if you fertilize its the best in- vestment you can make. Order your fertilizer now from your agent or write direct to the factory. B efe Fertilizer fflpany BETA, . N. C. F. G. HOFFMAN, General Manager CITY LOCALS Insurance tbat If neuree r1 -at '.- -. THE MEW RKESSIMQGLUB Is now ppehy Ust above 'i the GQmmercial Hotel n I am now rgaclyto do y our p rssing and clean- Ladies II its a skirt or uoat suit I can clean and press it toiopK like nev. aentlemeu bring your suitisi to me and have them made to look as new, A. D. Jones of Barker's Creek left Tuesday for Knoxville to' attend the National ConServatien Exposl-tion. Chat Crawford was in the city Wednesday., Mr. and Mrs Walter E. Moore and Mrs. Lela Moore of Webster went to Asheville .Tuesday. , Lewis J. Henson of the Beta Fer tilizer Company wasm the jxlity Wednesday on business. . ; up at Tuckaseigee for the past two weeks and will be in the city for a few days before returning to Flora da. Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Watson, of Speedwell were in Sylva Sunday. C W. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Miller of Waynesvillelwere iri Sylya , Sunday to attend the funeral of Mr. McKee. ; Base ball at the J. C F. : Miss Edith aarJtandyLtoWil matli Noland of AshevilleV are the Grover C. Coopfef of DillsbOro Vaa a business yisitbr in Sylva Tuesday . T T , B - ; - fv J. J.Jiooker ofDillsboro . Boys suits at Carmon Brothers1 the city Monday. J. : ; Cannon Brothers have sdme exi tra values. in Boys Norfolk 'suits at their place m Dillsboro.. ,r - ' - .;.;. -V" Mr. T. C. Hooper dfernily foif guests of Miss Betsie .B. .; Barker : of business trip to Asheville Tuesday. this city. was : in Honl W. D. Wike was a business visitor in Sylva Friday; ' : Mrs. G. Taylor Hampton ? returns J today from Cullowhee where she Grover Wilkes has gone to Atlan ta where he will spend several days- ' Miss Juanita Patton of Cherokee County is visiting her sister Mrs. Robt Davis. Miss Mary Candler of Murphy i the guest of her uncle, Dr. C. Z, Candler. Burke Coward of Webster was in the city Wednesday. - William Wilson of Hamburg wa here Wednesday. m RjGi Hunt of Balsam made a Running up and down stairs, sweeping andbehding over making beds will not -make a woman heal thy or beautiful. She must get out of doore, walk a mite or two every day d take Chamberlain's Tablets to improve her digestion and regu- DORSEY has been the, guest of 'Mrs;v W ipJ late hjpr bowels. For sale by ALL High Springs Fla. haue bee visiting Wike. : DEALERS; 'r- . ' ' it-:''' :i ..-.:.- . x-.v..-.-- fc.-.-V-.!sA..