I s ! if If I ii 5 11 If 2 I " mill il l . l mmmmmmmlmm)mm ,. i ,,, f ; . I . ,, V , . , - ' . ?'' ,.,. ....;...". '.-"f tfmm,m ?S 1 1 rui m I d!Jb el Q) 1 SYLVA, N. C S ir A. 2(5 to il if 41 A ,NIH 4 Grand Educational Parade opened by 1000 school children and old soldiers on Tuesday 23rd. BaSSodB Ascensions Each Bay 3 3 24-25-2 AND V: 3 V VA Ail Trains Ston a Fair Clroiind o BRASS BAND WILL FURNISH MUSIC DAY & NIGHT Plenty of amusements, but 'nothing-to offend or demoralize Tickets on siale at the following places: i Sylva Pharmacy and Hooper Drug Co,, Sylva. Snyder Bros., Beta. R. R. Fisher, Addie. Buchanan & Leatherwood, Dillsboro. Zachary & Bryson, Cullowhee. For information write, A. J. DILLS, Sylva, N. C.